Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 410 The Early Morning Alarm

Chapter 410 The Early Morning Alarm

Early in the morning, when the sky was slightly bright, Murphy heard the shrill siren from outside.

I don't know what happened, but it is quite serious to be able to reach the level where the base sounded the alarm, so Murphy jumped out of bed immediately.

Wrapped in pajamas, Murphy ran to the window to look out, and found that the area under jurisdiction was already lively. Many people were running out with phones while putting on clothes, and those who didn't have phones were also stopped by the siren. people asking about the situation.

Then Murphy looked down from the window and saw Bai Sirui who was also running out.But compared to the others, Bai Sirui was quite calm, at least he was fully dressed and was running to the garage.

"It seems that something big has happened!" Murphy frowned, but she still didn't know what happened at this moment.

Just as Mo Fei was thinking, Bai Youyou came to pat on Mo Fei's door: "Feifei, Feifei, are you awake? Open the door for me quickly."

"The door is unlocked." Mo Fei responded, and at the same time adjusted his clothes, and saw Bai Youyou quickly twist the door lock and rush in.

"What happened?" "The giant zombies are attacking."

Murphy's question and Bai Youyou's words came out at the same time.

"The giant zombies are attacking? Didn't you mean that they were blocked in the outskirts of the suburb before? How come so fast?" Murphy remembered that Bai Sirui had mentioned to her last time that there seemed to be a lot of giant zombies this time.If it is really a giant zombie attacking, it is indeed a tricky thing.

"Feifei, my brother asked me to take you to the command center first, where it's relatively safe." Bai Youyou said to pull Mofei.

"I'll be fine, Yoyo, go to the command center first, I changed my clothes and went outside to have a look." After teaching Bai Sirui, Bai Sirui knew some of Murphy's simple symbols, such as the speed symbol for acceleration and the storage symbol for storing things. Nafu and these, but Mo Fei hasn't told Bai Sirui about the complex talisman. After all, with Bai Sirui's half-blood aptitude, he can't learn it at all, so don't use it to greedy him.

However, Bai Sirui and Bai Youyou admired Mo Fei even if it was just the simplest talisman, so seeing Murphy's unhurried look at this moment, Bai Youyou felt a little calmer.

"Feifei, are you really going to the front? It's dangerous over there!"

"Don't worry, pack up your things and go to the command center, don't worry about anything else, I will look for you later." Murphy replied with certainty.

Seeing that Murphy insisted on going to the front to see the situation, Bai Youyou had to tell Murphy to be careful again, and then went to the command center by himself.

After changing his clothes, Mo Fei stuffed some items into the storage amulet before turning around and going downstairs.

After leaving Bai Sirui's house, Murphy headed directly towards the outer city gate.However, the outer city gate is not easy to reach, because all the personnel who have received the order at this moment are all rushing towards the city gate, trying to arrive at the first time.

In addition to the personnel responsible for the security of the base, there are also many command personnel who rushed to the front to understand the situation after receiving the notice, so although it is still early at this time, and ordinary personnel rarely run out at this time, But it wasn't that easy for Murphy to go out.

"Old five, old five." Outside the door of Xiao Minyu's villa, Man Chengbin slapped the door and called Xiao Minyu, but he didn't get a response for a long time: "Why is it at this time..." Man Chengbin and the others went upstairs last night. When I heard those voices, I naturally thought of something.

"Second brother, it's been a long time, why don't we go first, or we will run out of time, let Lao Wu come up and call the door." At this time, the boss Geng Yunwei said.

"Alright, if the special operations team doesn't go at this time, it will be messed up. Then, boss, tell Lao Wu that we are ready to go." Man Chengbin glanced at the time. They also heard the alarm and received a call just now, so this time After a while, he rushed out, but he didn't wake up Xiao Minyu when he reached the door of Xiao Minyu's room.

The few people had no choice but to ask the housekeeper to wake Xiao Minyu up, and they drove towards the command center at high speed.

The members of the mecha team were also notified, but last night Lei Sen flew to the Ya base with the Silver Wing. Because it was too late and he was tired all day, he was worried about Lei Sen's flight safety, so he rested at the Ya base. did not return.

At this time, although Lei Sen had been notified by the communicator, there was still no way for Lei Sen to come back quickly.

However, the mecha team is the only one that can resist giant zombies at close range, so even if Lei Sen is not there now, the members of the mecha team all set off to the command center, ready to get on the mecha for the battle.

At this time, Yulin had already left the jurisdiction, and had also arrived in front of the command center of the Star Soul Circle.

She was really too weak at this moment, and fortunately, the staff was so chaotic at this time that no one noticed that she was in a certain car, otherwise she would not even have the slightest chance of escaping at this time.

Just after leaving Xiao Minyu's room, Yulin heard the siren, but the person who received the notification didn't notice Yulin behind him while answering the phone while getting dressed.

The man was about to leave just after getting dressed, but because he was in a hurry, the garage had been opened just now, and Yulin took this opportunity to slip into the garage and get into the man's car by using the ice power.

That person rushed to the command center in a hurry, and naturally he didn't notice anything unusual behind him, so he drove the car directly behind the command center of the Star Soul Circle, and left in a hurry.

It's not that Yulin has never been here before. Yulin came here when she followed Murphy to find Lin Yixun, and later when she came to see Dr. Wan Qiang. What's more, she has no strength at all now, she just wants to sleep well.

She just put on the clothes on her body, but the remaining liquid and breath from last night are still there. Yulin only feels that her body is sticky under the clothes, but there is no place to change and wash at this time, so she can only lie motionless in the back row under the seat.

There were people coming and going outside, but the car was not noticed, Yulin gradually felt relieved, a burst of tiredness hit her, and she just lay down and fell asleep.

Murphy managed to get to the star people's circle, and was stopped before leaving the star people's circle, because at this moment, no ordinary base members were allowed to go with him except for the preparation personnel.

Murphy had no choice but to rely on the old method, fly over the wall from a corner, and find a place to nest to watch the situation outside.

At this moment, the giant zombies have not yet reached the place too close to the star base, and they cannot be seen with the naked eye, not to mention that there are some obstacles in front of the star base, so although Murphy has reached the outermost city wall , but still no trace of giant zombies was found.

However, no sign of the giant zombie was found, but Murphy could already feel the tense atmosphere of the preparation staff below.

Those people quickly transported weapons, and some of them were preparing for the reinforcement of the city wall.

However, there is no danger for the time being, and at this time the members of the mecha team who came out from the special passage for mechas from the outside of the base have almost arrived in front of the main entrance, but Mo Fei looked back and forth among this group of mechas several times but did not find it. The figure of Silver Wing.

"Did you already fly forward to check the situation?" Murphy was thinking that a mecha flew over from a distance and landed in front of the main entrance of the star base, but it was not Leisen's Silver Wing, but the semi-car driven by Xiao Guo. Flying mecha.

I saw that half-flying mecha hurriedly said something to several mechas, and then took off into the air, but those few mechas were quickly ready for battle.

"It seems that the battle is about to start. It's strange. Where is Leisen going at this time?" Murphy kept making judgments while looking at the situation in front of him.

At this time, Lei Sen had already received the information. He was on his way from the Ya base to the star base. It just so happened that he encountered a group of mutated birds on the way. The mecha is regarded as a companion, or as an enemy.

He kept flying around the mecha, making Lei Sen keep dodging, and finally got rid of these mutated birds after making a big circle.

Glancing at the time, Lei Sen hurriedly rushed to the star base.

"Ho Ho Ho..." The deafening voice reached the ears of the people in the star base before those huge figures.

With so many roars, even the ground could feel a slight tremor. It seemed that the giant zombie was getting very close.

At this moment, the semi-flying mechas flew back from a distance one after another, and it seemed that they had already attacked from a distance just now, blocking the attack of those giant zombies.

After the semi-flying mecha fell, they ran back, and they had to resupply heavy shells. These giant zombies couldn't be dealt with with ordinary energy guns alone.

Without the harassment from the half-flying mechs, those giant zombies accelerated their pace more and more towards the direction of the star base. Although the star base is almost ready now, everyone's face is very serious and no confidence can be seen .

Although Murphy had heard from Bai Sirui that these giant zombies were unusual, and even the commander-in-chief of the star base and even the members of the research institute had asked to move to the Ya base, but Murphy only had a general idea.

When the giant zombies really rushed over, Mo Fei understood why Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, made such a decision.There are really too many giant zombies this time, more than the combined number of giant zombies that came to attack the previous few times.

Since the high temperature, these giant zombies have grown rapidly like fermented mold, so now the number of giant zombies has increased several times compared to before.

Murphy couldn't help sighing secretly when he saw the giant zombies from far to near in front of him: No wonder the high-level management would abandon the idea of ​​the base. The number of these giant zombies is really unusual. With so many giant zombies, how many can the star base resist? What about the collision?

The answer to this question is unknown, and no one knows whether the star base can survive this time safely, but with the first resupply of the mecha team's semi-flying mechas, the battle finally begins.

(End of this chapter)

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