Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 411 Perfect Match

Chapter 411 Perfect Match
When Lei Sen arrived with the Silver Wing, the battle on the ground had already started for nearly an hour.

Looking down at the star base below from the sky, there are densely packed human heads at the city gate of the star base, while the ordinary people in the base are watching eagerly, and some people are even praying with their hands folded.

Some capable users all used the things provided by the base or built by themselves to climb up the wall.

Because of the huge number of giant zombies this time, it is not only a problem that the main gate of the star base will be attacked, so capable and responsible people have found a place where they can stand and attack the giant zombies, even if the attack is very serious. negligible.

And right in front of the star base, the most conspicuous thing is the golden streamer armor in the center of a giant zombie corpse.

Lei Sen hurriedly flew towards the golden mecha with the silver wings, stopped steadily, and quickly stood beside the golden mecha and began to assist in the attack.

"You're here." Murphy's voice came through the mecha.

"I'm late." Lei Sen replied slightly apologetically.

The two mechas were side by side, and the huge meteor hammer in Murphy's hand was put away, and it instantly switched to a battle axe.

Just now she was alone in the front, so naturally she could only use the meteor hammer for range attack. Although it was blocked, the lethality was much weaker than that of the battle axe. She could only temporarily prevent the giant zombies from approaching the bodies of other mechas, and then let the other mechas The mecha picked up the giant zombies that passed by.

It's just that the mecha team has no problem attacking C2 zombies, but it's hard to attack C3 zombies, and attacking C4 zombies can't even break the armor defense of C4 zombies. This rhythm is really too slow.

So at this moment, someone finally helped to bear the burden, and Murphy's fighting spirit was also aroused. He retracted the meteor hammer in his hand and replaced the battle axe.

The head-on giant C3 zombie just ran into it. Murphy walked around from the left side of Leisen's Silver Wing, and then dropped the ax from the right. The huge battle ax hit the head of the C3 zombie, and the huge force made the C3 zombie suddenly Dazed, a big wound was opened on an important part of the head.

Mo Fei controlled the mech to kick the giant C3 zombie and then kicked it to Lei Sen who was beside him. Lei Sen quickly attacked the vital parts with his weapon, and the giant C3 zombie died instantly.

The two of them cooperated as smoothly as if they had cooperated hundreds or thousands of times. The members of the other Mech Teams were stunned, and then they came to their senses.

"Wow, Team Lei, that's awesome, amazing!"

"Team Lei, you cooperate perfectly with this golden mech."

"Team Thunder..."

"Shut up, hurry up and attack, don't wander off." Lei Sen quickly stopped the team members from continuing their discussion.

The members of the mecha team now have a little more confidence because of the cooperation of the golden mecha and Lei Sen, so each one of them is becoming more and more brave.

"Commander Liao, the battle situation has just been reported. The members of the mecha team are now resisting very well, especially the golden mecha that came out suddenly, and the silver wing that came back later. It seems that our star base may not been wiped out, the situation can be controlled for the time being.”

The former deputy director of the Earth Alliance Security Department who was promoted because of Li He's death is now the chief of the department, reporting the previous situation to Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base.

"That's good. Luckily, all the weapons research institutes have not been moved out for the time being. Another batch of newly developed ammunition will be provided. You can ask the special operations team to send it to the front later." Liao Hui heard that the front The situation is not bad, and my heart is a little more at ease.

So, why is Murphy fighting?This starts with the previous battle.

Originally, the giant zombies came very suddenly, so the weapons of the members of the mecha team were not equipped with heavy equipment, which made it more difficult to fight.

At first, Murphy was only observing the battle situation. When several giant zombies rushed out, and some supernatural beings suddenly appeared on the surrounding walls and started attacking those giant zombies that were too difficult for them, Murphy's innermost feelings Was shocked by this situation.

Thinking that I have been hiding the mecha for so long, just to survive.When I am too weak, I can't protect myself. I hide so that I won't be peeped and I won't be hurt.

But now, Murphy feels that he has the ability to save himself, and even more people. Those who are so much weaker than him are standing on the city wall to defend their base and buy themselves more time to survive. Why can't he stand up? What about fighting?

Murphy, who was overwhelmed by this atmosphere, jumped down the city wall, then summoned his mecha and flew in front of the main entrance.

Of course, Murphy's appearance effectively relieved the pressure on the members of the mecha team, and this was not the first time they saw the golden mecha, so everyone cooperated with Murphy to attack until Lei Sen came over, which made Murphy also Start attacking instead of simply resisting.

The two mechas, one gold and one silver, cooperated with each other and gradually opened up an open space.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter and brighter, the rain that had been raining for several days stopped, and the dark clouds dispersed, revealing the long-lost sunshine.The sun shone on the bodies of the two mechas, and the bright gold and silver reflections merged together, dazzling the supernatural beings who continued to attack without a target on the distant city.

"These two mechas are simply our patron saints. It seems that our star base has hope." The battle commander standing on the city wall couldn't help but say.

This battle lasted for three full days and it still didn't end. During these three days, everyone could take turns to rest, except that all mecha personnel could not rest.

Murphy took advantage of Lei Sen's cover to eat and drink, and then went into battle again, while the members of the mech team and Lei Sen could only eat something while returning to the base for supplies.

"Feifei, you are too tired, go to my house to rest, and come back later." Seeing the golden mech shaking a little after being hit by a giant zombie, Lei Sen rushed over and shouted at Murphy.

"There are so many more, you can't handle it alone." Murphy was really tired at the moment, and his voice was obviously much weaker.

"Go, it's much less now, and me and the members of Mecha Team will take turns to resist."

Murphy thought for a while, and he was indeed too tired, so he didn't make any excuses, nodded to Leisen, and then flew towards Leisen's villa.

Landing from the backyard, Murphy didn't even open the door, and directly used the flying talisman to fly into the room she lived in through the window.

After going to the bathroom to take a shower, Murphy fell asleep on the bed before his hair dried.

Everything outside seemed to have nothing to do with her, and Murphy probably slept the most deeply since the end of the world.

Murphy was resting, but Lei Sen and the members of Mecha Team were not relaxed.

The defense of Murphy's golden mecha is many times that of theirs. It is very easy to resist zombies below C4 zombies. Even if they are C4 zombies, the golden mecha that has been completed now can definitely resist them.

But it was not so easy to switch to Leisen's Silver Wing and the mechas of other members of the Mecha Team. After only three hours of rotation, one of the mechas was accidentally killed by the skeleton of a C3 zombie. A hole was poked in the tail, and it was where the energy was launched. This mecha could only be dragged back to the base by another half-flying mecha for maintenance.

Mo Fei, who was sleeping soundly at this moment, didn't know that from her talisman, a layer of faint light softly enveloped Mo Fei's body, just like the scene that Bai Sirui accidentally saw when he was in Bai's house.

In fact, this was because the mind-training stage that Mo Fei had broken through reached the god-training stage. At this time, the body would be in sync with the talisman in a state of natural stretching, and the halo would be produced.

However, the halo was indeed miraculous, allowing Murphy to recover his strength quickly. When he woke up, the sky was already slightly bright outside, and Murphy only felt that he was in good spirits.

After eating something in a hurry, Mo Fei summoned the mecha and flew out from the backyard of Lei Sen's house.

Seeing that Murphy was back, Lei Sen and the members of the mecha team breathed a sigh of relief. During the time when the golden mecha was away, two mechas had already been sent back for repairs, while the other mechas had not yet been repaired. They reached the point where they couldn't move, but they all suffered more or less injuries.

Murphy quickly changed his weapon and came down. The number of zombies at this moment has been reduced by more than half compared to the beginning, but after looking at it, it seems that the number is about the same as when he went to sleep. It seems that the members of the mecha team have not been wiped out during this period. How many.

After getting close to Lei Sen, Murphy shouted to Lei Sen: "Lei Sen, you should also take a break! You will feel much better after taking a break. I will watch over here. After that, you will also let your team members take turns to rest. Now There are far fewer giant zombies."

Lei Sen didn't refute, he was indeed very tired, and this was the time when Murphy was at his best, without his help, Murphy would be fine, just take a rest by himself and wait for Murphy to be a little tired before he would make up for it.

Thinking of this, Lei Sen was not polite, and flew directly back to the command center of the star base.This just happened to allow someone to repair the minor damage to his Silver Wing and provide supplies, while he lay down in the lounge of the command center and fell asleep on the bed.

Everyone knows that the mecha team has worked hard these days, so even though they know that the sound insulation in this lounge is very good, no matter who walks here, they will be careful and try not to make too much noise.

Lei Sen woke up after a nap, listened to the staff report that everything in front was fine, he took a casual gulp and rushed out, seeing that Murphy was still resisting with the meteor hammer from the beginning, and let the members behind attack.

In this way, although the death rate of the giant zombies is relatively low, it is also the safest. His team members did not return one more that needed major repairs.

"I'm back, thank you for your hard work." Lei Sen stood up and directly gave a heavy blow to a C3 zombie next to Murphy. It was Murphy who had just been hit by the meteor hammer, and fell to the ground immediately after being attacked.

"It will be much easier when you come back, let your people take turns to rest! We should cooperate with each other and there should be very few zombies rushing over." Murphy was also relieved when he saw Lei Sen coming. Although it was not difficult for her to carry it, the chance Team A's attack was not as accurate or strong as Lei Sen's, so it was still a bit difficult for Murphy to deal with it alone.

Leisen announced to the team members that they would take turns to go back to eat and sleep. The team members refused at first, but seeing that there were fewer and fewer giant zombies, and that Murphy and Leisen were cooperating properly, they began to return one by one in turn. .

Afterwards, this happened again, the giant zombies became less and less, the mechas sent for maintenance also came back to join the battle, and a new batch of heavy weapons were sent to the city wall, and the people on the city wall cooperated with the mechas to attack. On the eighth day of the giant zombie attack, the group of giant zombies was finally wiped out.

There were a large number of giant zombie corpses lying on the ground, and Mo Fei took the opportunity to dig up a few black crystals of giant armored C4 zombies, and casually dug up a few C3 zombies, and followed Leisen back to the command center of the star base.

Because this time Leisen received a notice that he must keep the golden mecha, Leisen asked for Murphy's opinion.

Thinking of her current situation, Murphy decided that she would finally stop hiding it.

(End of this chapter)

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