Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 413 Xiao Minyu's Illness

Chapter 413 Xiao Minyu's Illness

Hearing what Man Chengbin said, Murphy became a little curious.

At this time, it is very difficult to want to get sick, especially for supernatural beings.

And Xiao Minyu is one of the best among supernatural beings, so it is a bit unreasonable for him to be sick.

But seeing the awkwardness on Man Cheng Bin's face, and Meng Zhibo's sudden realization as if he had just woken up from a dream, Murphy guessed that something must have happened to Xiao Minyu.

"Then he's okay?" After all, Xiao Minyu was really kind to him before, so Murphy still asked with concern.

"Well, he's fine, but he just has a headache. The doctor said it must be... Ouch!" Meng Zhibo blurted out, but was kicked by Man Chengbin.

"Old Five is fine. He has been thinking about you before. He must be very happy to know that you are still fine. Let Feifei do this! After a few days, Old Five will be fine. You can move back if you want to live. If you don't, we will I'll treat you to dinner, do you think it's okay?"

Man Chengbin ignored Meng Zhibo who was kicked by him, and asked Murphy.

"Okay, that's it, see you later." Murphy didn't hesitate, waved to a few people and walked downstairs.

Man Chengbin heard Murphy's footsteps getting farther and farther away until he couldn't hear them anymore, and then he looked at Meng Zhibo: "Third brother, why didn't you speak up?"

Meng Zhibo retorted dissatisfiedly: "It's not that I don't know, but you kicked me. I've already thought about it just now. I was going to say that the doctor said that he might have to advance again, but his health is a bit weak. This is also true."

"Okay, don't let Mo Fei know about this, or the fifth child will hate you to death." Man Chengbin patted Meng Zhibo, and several people went downstairs.

Murphy didn't go back, but used the invisibility talisman to hide and then flew back with the flying talisman. After hearing what Man Chengbin and Meng Zhibo said, he was a little puzzled.Isn't it just that you are stuck there if you want to advance and haven't succeeded? This is a common problem for people with supernatural powers. Why can't you tell yourself?

But since he didn't speak ill of himself, Murphy didn't bother. He directly closed the invisibility charm and flying charm in the corner, and then walked towards Bai Sirui's office.

Man Chengbin and his group returned to Xiao Minyu's villa, and then several people came to Xiao Minyu's room.

Right now, Xiao Minyu is not well at all, his face is pale and his body is weak, as if he had a serious illness.

After being drugged by Yulin that night, Xiao Minyu indulged.After thinking about it all night, it wasn't until dawn that Yulin used another neutralizing medicine to stop Xiao Minyu.

It stands to reason that such high-intensity exercise is nothing to high-level supernatural beings. Even a woman like Yulin, because she is a supernatural being, still has the strength to escape.

What's more, it was Xiao Minyu who was so much higher than Yulin, so Yulin didn't worry about Xiao Minyu's physical problems before doing this.

It's just that Yulin missed a point, Xiao Minyu himself is a high-level supernatural being, and what Yulin injected into Xiao Minyu was not an ordinary reminder.It is not a potion of love, but it is improved from a potion that enhances the ability of supernatural beings.

In this way, Xiao Minyu, a high-level supernatural being on the verge of evolution, showed signs of breakthrough with the addition of his own potion and the full diffusion overnight.

It's just that when this supernatural person breaks through, it's not all smooth sailing, and many conditions are required. If Xiao Minyu is full of energy, I'm afraid this promotion will be a bigger leap, but this promotion is when Xiao Minyu's health is in decline. As a result, Xiao Minyu was stuck at the breakthrough barrier.

This is not the worst thing, the worst thing is: Although Xiao Minyu woke up later than Man Chengbin and the others that morning, the loud cannons outside and the housekeeper's door calling woke Xiao Minyu up from his deep sleep.

After waking up, Xiao Minyu only felt that there was not a single piece of clothing left on his body, and the sticky feeling in the quilt and the smell of the room full of beauty made Xiao Minyu instantly understand what happened last night.

Getting up angrily, Xiao Minyu saw Yulin's message.Yulin escaped, and Xiao Minyu, who was already aggrieved by what happened last night, was instantly ignited by this incident.

Originally, the body was abnormal, and after the madness last night, and the anger attacking the heart, Xiao Minyu, a high-level supernatural being, fell ill. The illness was so serious that he couldn't handle the wars these days. Somewhat muddled.

After entering the room, several people glanced at Xiao Minyu who was lying on the bed, and Man Chengbin coughed: "Old Five, are you feeling better today?"

It's a pity that Xiao Minyu didn't respond at all, just lying on the bed blankly, his eyes opened without focus.

If Xiao Minyu hadn't opened his eyes, and several people knew that Xiao Minyu didn't have the habit of sleeping with his eyes open, they might have thought he was asleep.

Seeing that Xiao Minyu didn't respond, Man Chengbin tried again: "Old Five, Feifei is still alive, we saw her today."

When the word Feifei was mentioned, Xiao Minyu's eyelids twitched, his eyes seemed to light up, but then they darkened again.

But seeing Xiao Minyu's reaction, Man Chengbin glanced at Meng Zhibo, and then the two of them told something about Murphy's battle.

Although the two of them didn't watch the whole scene, they watched a lot and heard a lot from others when they were transporting the ammunition. The only thing they didn't expect was that the manipulator of that powerful mecha was actually Murphy.

Man Chengbin explained to Xiao Minyu in detail, but Xiao Minyu's reaction was not great, except that his eyelids twitched a little at the beginning when he heard the word Feifei, and then he maintained that groggy look.

When it was time to eat, Man Chengbin glanced at Xiao Minyu and shook his head, got up and took Meng Zhibo out of Xiao Minyu's room, but he wondered whether he should let Mo Fei come in person, maybe it could stimulate Xiao Minyu.

But thinking that if Xiao Minyu knew that Mo Fei saw his appearance, it might hurt his self-esteem in the future, so he gave up this idea for the time being, not to mention that he still didn't know where Murphy lived.

When Murphy returned to Bai Sirui's house, Bai Sirui naturally knew about Murphy being taken to the command center today, and asked Murphy about the mecha very curiously.

As for the brothers and sisters of the Bai family, probably because they are also in the line of inheritors of talismans, Mo Fei said relatively more.

"You also know what my grandfather does?" Murphy asked instead of answering directly.

Bai Sirui nodded. He had already found out when he was investigating whether Murphy was from the Mo family, so Bai Sirui knew this very well.

"The principle of the attack talisman you are using now is the same. My mecha also uses talismans as the basis, but it can be regarded as a relatively advanced talisman. It is also left over from the ancestors, but the one left by your family is the talisman. People in my family I used those talismans for research, so what remains are real objects." Murphy found a more understandable metaphor.

"Oh, so this mecha is one of the weapon seal symbols recorded on the talisman you mentioned earlier." Bai Sirui quickly got in touch with the talisman.

Regarding Bai Sirui's understanding, Murphy nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, that's what happened."

"Then I understand, but your mecha is now being detained in the research institute, is it okay? If not, I will help you steal it." Bai Sirui frowned, because this is not stealing anything else, such a huge mecha wants to steal It's really not easy to come out.

"Don't worry, I've pasted a high-level defensive talisman on the outside of the mecha, just help me to pay attention that they won't use destructive weapons against my precious mecha." Murphy gave Bai Sirui a reply and said that he himself Tired, I went back to my room to take a shower and rest.

After that, Mo Fei had a very easy life. It took so many days to eliminate such a large number of giant zombies. Although the star base was not seriously damaged, there was still a large area of ​​damage to the city wall. In addition to cleaning up the corpses of those giant zombies , Building the city wall is also a top priority.

A month passed in such a flash, and within this month, because of the Murphy's mecha, the base really researched half of the Mophy's mecha, so they had no choice but to ask Murphy to help with the task.

Murphy was worrying about his well-being, so he often went out with members of the Mech Team. Lei Sen naturally knew that Murphy was staying at Bai Sirui's house.

"Feifei, are you sure you don't want to move to my place? It's more convenient to do missions like this." Lei Sen has been asking Murphy since he found out, but Murphy directly refused.

"What's the point of me going to live with you? I won't go!" The two of them often go out on missions, and even the members of the Mecha Team are not so restrained when they see Murphy, so they booed when they had nothing to do, just like Murphy and Lei Sen Something like that.

After repeatedly mentioning it several times, Murphy didn't agree, and Lei Sen had to give up, but every time he went out on a mission, Murphy would take her out together, which seemed a bit inseparable.

On the contrary, Mo Fei has been looking for an opportunity to see Xiao Minyu during this time, and Xiao Minyu has been ill for a month and a half. I heard from Bai Sirui and Lei Sen that Xiao Minyu's illness is a bit strange, and he still hasn't recovered.

Xiao Minyu used to live at Xiao Minyu's house, and Xiao Minyu really took care of himself, so Mo Fei wanted to go and see Xiao Minyu's situation, but for some reason, Man Chengbin always stopped Murphy from going.

However, since he was not allowed to go, and Murphy was not a shameless person, the matter was shelved.

It has been a month and a half since Yulin came out of Xiao Minyu's house that time and followed that car into the command center.

She fell asleep unknowingly because of exhaustion, and when Yulin woke up again, the car had already driven to the city gate.

Under the cover of the sound of gunfire, Yulin finally got away and found a house to live in.

At this time, Yulin was in a dilapidated house in Xingmin Circle.Going out to do a mission today, Yulin turned to a pharmacy, and after a long time digging through the pharmacy, she found a handful of things she needed in a pile of broken boxes.

He went into the bathroom with his things, and after a few minutes, Yulin's crying and laughing voice came from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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