Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 414 Yulin's Exchange

Chapter 414 Yulin's Exchange

On the toilet in the bathroom, Yulin was holding the pregnancy test stick with slightly trembling hands, with tears in her eyes.

Yulin's heart was filled with joy and bitterness: she won, she was right, she finally had Xiao Minyu for real.

Gently caressing her abdomen with her hand, Yulin laughed.

She had it, she had Xiao Minyu's child, the reason why she was so crazy that day, she did not hesitate to risk the consequences of being captured alive was to hope that the hit rate would be higher, but she did not expect that God would really help, and she actually had it.

Yulin was happy because she had the flesh and blood of her beloved, but when she thought that the baby might not have a father after it was born, Yulin's eyes darkened again.

But it was only for a while, because Yulin didn't want to admit defeat, she just wanted Xiao Minyu's baby to be with her in the future.

After tidying up her emotions, Yulin stood up, she would not be alone in the future, she had to be stronger.

In Xiao Minyu's villa within the jurisdiction of the Xingxin Circle of the Star Base, Man Chengbin and several other people had sad expressions on their faces.

"Will it be dangerous for the fifth child to drag on like this? We have to find a way!" The boss Geng Yunwei looked at Man Chengbin, Xiao Minyu's situation has become more and more difficult recently.

"I'm also worried, but we have invited all the doctors from the Star Base, none of them can cure me, and I can't do anything now." Man Chengbin spread his hands, and his heart was burning like a fire.

"If it doesn't work, let's use poison to fight poison, and then let the fifth child absorb some black crystals or potions for improvement, and see if it works?" Old Sifang Xingping raised his head and suggested.

"That's the only way to go. I'll go to the research institute tomorrow morning, and I'll ask them for some enhancement potions." Man Chengbin nodded.

In the evening, Yulin, who had been feeling uneasy at home all day, finally decided to visit Xiao Minyu.

Although it may not be possible to tell Xiao Minyu about their baby, Yulin hasn't seen Xiao Minyu for so long, and now knowing that the two of them have crystallized, she couldn't let it go, and finally decided to take a risk to see it.

Because I lived in the jurisdiction for a long time before, and later Bai Sirui withdrew Yulin's authority, but because of Xiao Minyu's direct coma, Man Chengbin and the others didn't expect to take back Yulin's authority, so Yulin can still be free access.

Picking a time to rest, Yulin entered the jurisdiction with her ID card, and then walked to the door of Xiao Minyu's villa.

Going around to the room where Xiao Minyu lived, Yulin's heart was beating wildly, and her nervous palms were sweating a little.

"Now that you're here, let's take a good look!" Yulin said as she touched her flat belly, which was still flat and invisible: "Baby, mom will bring you to see dad, you have to be good and remember dad Oh!" Yulin whispered a few words, and then the ice system in her hand flew up to build an ice bridge, and the whole person walked along the ice bridge to the window of Xiao Minyu's room.

From the window, Yulin tightly grasped the edge of the window and looked in, but Yulin was shocked by the scene in front of her with only one glance.

Xiao Minyu sat on the bed with a haggard appearance. A servant was feeding something into his mouth, but half of the sip flowed out after one mouthful. After finally feeding the last bit, the servant helped Xiao Minyu to lie down.

When the servant went out, Yulin's tears continued to flow, and she couldn't help shouting softly into the window: "Yu, what's wrong with you?"

The people inside didn't respond at all. Instead, there was a sudden knock outside the door, and then the door was pushed open, and Man Chengbin walked in.

Yulin hurriedly hid, Man Chengbin looked around and looked at Xiao Minyu slightly strangely: "Old five, are you awake?" But seeing Xiao Minyu didn't respond, Man Chengbin shook his head to himself: "Strange , clearly heard a voice."

At this moment, Meng Zhibo came in behind Man Chengbin: "Second brother, is fifth brother awake?"

"No, but I did hear the sound, it's too weird, third child, are you okay now? You can watch the fifth child in the room for a while."

Hearing Man Chengbin's order, Meng Zhibo nodded, and then sat beside Xiao Minyu's bed.

When Man Chengbin went out, the talkative Meng Zhibo began to mutter to himself: "Old Wu, what do you think happened to you? What happened that night? Why didn't you wake up all of a sudden? I don’t know where that Yulin is? The doctor can’t see anything wrong, alas, I’m really worried about you going on like this..."

Meng Zhibo didn't say anything later, but muttered about his recent work.

Yulin twitched violently when she heard this: After that night, her Yu didn't wake up?Could it be that Dr. Wan Qiang lied to her that the medicine had side effects?
Yulin has a series of questions in her mind, but now that even Dr. Wan Qiang is dead, who can she ask?
Suddenly, Yulin thought of something, and without caring to continue looking at Xiao Minyu, Yulin slid down again, then turned and ran back.

Turning the corner was Bai Sirui's house, Yulin ran very fast, and in a short while stood at the door of Bai Sirui's house and rang the doorbell.

Hearing that Yulin was looking for him, Bai Sirui's face was filled with curiosity, but he still asked the servant to take Yulin to his study.

"I don't know what Miss Yulin wants from me?" Bai Sirui asked politely. Although this woman has hurt Mo Fei, Mo Fei said that Yu Lin is also a poor woman. As long as she doesn't do too much in the future, don't ignore her.

I don't understand why Yulin is still looking for him now?It was not him who told Xiao Minyu about this.

"Bai Sirui, I know you are from the Bai family. I am indeed from the Yu family, and I am a direct descendant." Yulin said suddenly.

"Well, so what?" After judging, Bai Sirui knew that even if Yulin belonged to the Yu family, she was not an heir. There was only one heir and that was Murphy, and Yulin didn't even have a half-blood inheritance.

If Yulin had inherited half blood, I am afraid that he would not be in such a miserable situation now, just like Bai Sirui, although he could not learn talisman at the beginning, but he was rescued by talisman when he was dying.

"Don't you need the talisman of the Bai family and the glazed key guarded by the Bai family? That thing is indeed with me." Yulin replied.

"Then what do you want?" Yulin lived with him for so long and didn't reveal a word, but now she suddenly came to tell herself that she was a direct descendant of the Yu family, and she also had the glass key, so she must ask him for something, so Bai Sirui asked in no hurry.

"Lend me your family's ancestral moonlight white jade, as long as you lend me a period of time, I can deposit both the talisman and the glass key with you, and even me, as long as you lend me a period of time." Yulin He spoke almost pleadingly.

"What do you want my Moonlight White Jade for?" Bai Sirui is finally a little curious now, he knows that Yulin is not doing well these days, she ran away from Xiao Minyu's house for some reason, and then lived in Xingmin Circle, but Murphy said to let Yulin go, so Bai Sirui didn't do anything but just watched.

"You just need to lend it to me, and I promise I will return it to you after a while." Yulin seemed unwilling to say, but she was really useful for this thing, so she could only plead.

"It's fine if you don't say it, anyway..." Bai Sirui was about to finish speaking but was interrupted by Yulin.

"I want to save Xiao Minyu."

Bai Sirui also forgot what he was going to say, and asked in surprise: "Save Xiao Minyu? What happened to him?"

Only then did Yulin talk about her injection of medicine to Xiao Minyu, but she didn't mention that it was a reminder.The love potion, only said that it was a new experimental potion for promotion, which was given by Dr. Wan Qiang before, but it seemed that something went wrong unexpectedly.

It was only then that Bai Sirui understood what Yulin was doing with the moonlight white jade passed down from his family. This moonlight white jade has the ability to clear the mind and stabilize the mind.

You know, now Xiao Minyu may be due to the stagnation reaction caused by the too strong effect of the enhancement potion, as long as there is a little help, he may break through.

Seeing Bai Sirui nodded understandingly, Yulin seemed to see a glimmer of hope: "So you agreed to lend it to me?"

It was only then that Bai Sirui realized that he hadn't finished talking just now: "You interrupted me before I finished speaking, it's not that I don't want to lend you, since you are willing to send over your glazed key and your Yu family's talisman as collateral, I believe Your sincerity is just that the moonlight white jade is not in my hands now."

"Bai Sirui, I beg you. I know that you are a direct descendant of the Bai family. I don't believe that the moonlight white jade is not with you. You can take revenge on me in any way you want, but I beg you to lend me the moonlight white jade. Otherwise, I will give you the glass key first." You." Yulin continued to beg.

But Bai Sirui still shook his head: "I really didn't lie to you, the moonlight white jade is really not in my hands."

Yulin's eyes gradually turned cold. She felt that Bai Sirui wanted to take revenge on her use of him before: "Bai Sirui, do you dare to swear in the name of the talisman?"

"Then use your talisman, I have sent out all the talismans now, not to mention the moonlight white jade." Seeing that Yulin didn't believe it, Bai Sirui said, "It's with a friend of mine, but my friend is out to do a task now, and I also I don't know when she will come back, but as long as she comes back, how about I notify you immediately?"

"How come? Where would you put such an important thing? I have already begged you, can't you help me? Just look at the face of the three families, I really beg you."

Bai Sirui looked at Yulin who was half kneeling in front of him, and couldn't help but think of what Mo Fei said before: This is really a poor woman, she did this for Xiao Minyu.

"Yu Lin, let me tell you the truth! That thing is in Mo Fei's place. If she knows, she will definitely save Xiao Minyu. Don't worry. It's just that she's going on a mission with the members of the Mech Team right now. I don't know when I'll be back."

"At her place?" Yulin didn't expect to be at Mophy's place, but if it was at Mophy's place, Mophy knew she would definitely borrow it, but she still asked in disbelief, "Is it really at Murphy's place?"

Bai Sirui gave Yulin a look of complete affirmation: "I gave her to her before, but unfortunately we don't know the cause and effect of Xiao Minyu's illness, otherwise I'm afraid I would have gone without you."

Hearing what Bai Sirui said, Yulin became dubious, because she knew that Murphy had indeed lived with Bai Sirui for so long.

"If you're worried, take back your glass key and I'll notify you when Feifei comes back."

Seeing that Bai Sirui had reached this point, Yulin had no choice but to leave Bai Sirui's house with a heavy body. For the first time, she was looking forward to Murphy's return.

(End of this chapter)

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