Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 415 The words are amazing

Chapter 415 The words are amazing
After sending Yulin away, Bai Sirui recalled what Yulin said just now, this time it really wasn't that he was desperate for help, who knew Xiao Minyu needed that piece of jade by coincidence, so he could only wait for Mo Fei to come back. up.

Thinking of this, Bai Sirui immersed himself in the work in his hands.

Yulin came out of Bai Sirui's villa with red eyes, and when she passed by Xiao Minyu's villa, Yulin stopped and stared blankly at the window of Xiao Minyu's room: "Yu, I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you, you must Hang in there, our baby hasn't seen the best of Daddy yet."

After chanting for a while, until the light in Xiao Minyu's room dimmed, Yulin left the jurisdiction a little bit in a daze.

At this time, in the research institute of the Star Base Star Soul Circle, Lin Yixun looked at the data in his hand and trembled uncontrollably.

"Impossible, how is it possible, what are these?" He bit his lips fiercely, and uttered in horror at the data in front of him.

"Dr. Lin, how could this be the result? What should we do? Should we notify the base executives?" The researchers working with Lin Yixun also asked in panic.

"Wait a minute, maybe our data is wrong, let's verify it again." Lin Yixun clenched his fists now, if this matter is true, then they are not miserable.

Hearing Lin Yixun's words, all the members of the research institute did not dare to slow down and became busy.To extract new samples, to analyze, to reformulate, and to re-document content...

Lin Yixun slapped the terrifying data on the table, and then got busy.

At this moment, Murphy, Lei Sen and the members of the mecha team are on their way to the sea base. During this time, they received a request for help from the sea base. Murphy was also a little worried about Shao Qing, so this time Lei Sen invited Murphy to join him. Go, Murphy didn't refuse at all.

"Are you tired? Hold on for a while and you'll arrive at the sea base." Since there are other things to do during the day, and they have to go to the cliff base to load a batch of new weapons to the sea base, and because the star base needs to rebuild the city wall, we still have to Some materials need to be provided by the sea base.

"It's okay, I don't need to move it anyway." Murphy and Leisen flew side by side, chatting leisurely.

Soon they arrived at the star base. After the star base confirmed the landing position, Lei Sen, the members of the mecha team, and Murphy landed on the tarmac, and Murphy saw Shao standing below him in the distance. green.

Murphy didn't need so many straps to untie, as long as he opened the stripping charm, he got out of the cabin, and then waved to Shao Qing with a smile.

Shao Qing was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that it would be Murphy who came out of that peculiar mech.But the astonishment lasted only a moment, and Shao Qing quickly came up and slapped Mo Fei on the shoulder: "Okay, Feifei, it turns out that this mecha belongs to you, I have worked hard enough to hide it."

"Hey, it's okay!" Murphy knew that when he encountered the rat king after encountering a flood last time, Murphy accidentally exposed it. He was fooled at that time, and now he smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's not talk about you. I have to do business today. If you and Lei Sen come to my house for dinner tonight, my parents will miss you." Shao Qing smiled at Mo Fei, and then turned to Lei Sen walk over.

Of course, Lei Sen, the captain of the mecha team, was in charge of talking about the matter, and the rest of the handling work was handed over to other members of the mecha team and members of the sea base.

In the evening, Murphy and Lei Sen were invited to Shao Qing's house to chat about the current situation and other things.

Because there were a lot of things to do at the sea base this time, Murphy, Lei Sen, and members of the mecha team stayed at the sea base for five days.

Although these things couldn't be done even if they stayed for another five days, on the fifth day, the star base sent an urgent summons requesting that all members of the mecha team, including Murphy, return to the star base.

Because the matter seemed to be very urgent, after the sea base installed some materials needed by the star base, Murphy and Lei Sen bid farewell to Shao Qing, and everyone left the sea base.

The star base was extremely nervous after receiving the news from the research institute, anxiously waiting for the return of the mecha team members, and Yulin was also waiting anxiously.

Yulin came to Bai Sirui's house every day, one thing was to visit Xiao Minyu secretly, and the other thing was to ask about whether Murphy had returned.

But Mo Fei hasn't come back for so many days, but Yulin also heard that the members of the mecha team have indeed gone out and haven't come back yet. Although she is extremely anxious, she can only continue to wait.

On the fifth day, the members of the mecha team returned to the star base overnight, but Yulin didn't know it, because they were summoned to the command center as soon as they came back.

When Murphy followed Lei Sen and the others to the major meeting room of the command center, there were already many people sitting in it, and it was Lin Yixun who was standing in the middle and was fiddling with some instruments.

Murphy glanced at Lin Yixun and didn't say anything. He went straight to the corner seat, but Meng Zhibo then found out and dragged him to the seat on the first floor.

When people were almost here, Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, and Hao Jingqi, the deputy commander-in-chief, came to take their seats. After the two sat down, the rest of the management staff also fell silent.

Lin Yixun glanced at everyone present, and was surprised to find that Murphy was also sitting among them, but Lin Yixun didn't say anything else, and under such circumstances, she was not allowed to have other questions.

"Everyone, I have a very serious matter to announce to everyone this time." Lin Yixun's expression turned serious instantly.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Lin Yixun said directly: "Humanity is really facing the most serious thing this time."

"I said the same thing when the zombies accelerated their evolution last time. Could it be that the evolution speed of the zombies has accelerated again?" A person sitting at Lin Yixun's starting position asked.

Lin Yixun glanced at Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base directly opposite, Liao Hui nodded towards Lin Yixun, and Lin Yixun continued: "This time is more serious than last time. It's really about us as humans."

Murphy was originally curious about what Lin Yixun was going to say, but then not only Murphy was surprised, everyone was surprised.

Because what Lin Yixun said is: human supernatural beings are actually another kind of mutation, and the samples in human high-level supernatural beings tend to match with C5 zombies. The energy in the C5 zombie body is more consistent.

In other words, the ultimate evolution of the supernatural being is the C5 zombie. That is to say, when the supernatural being evolves to a certain level, C5 zombies will be everywhere, and then the zombies can self-seed.Massive.have reproduced, there is no need to increase the number through human infection.

I have been worried about the evolution from zombies to C5 zombies before, because C5 zombies will breed zombies, but there are too few zombies that can become C5 zombies, so this concern is temporarily ignored.

But now Lin Yixun put forward the theory after research that human supernatural beings will become C5 zombies after the final evolution is completed. Then wouldn't human beings really be wiped out by zombies in the future, and the new species on the earth will only be zombies.

Everyone here is full of gloom. If this thing is true, can human beings still be saved?
Murphy blinked, why did this assumption look so familiar to her?The more I think about it, the more I feel like I've seen it somewhere.

correct!After carefully recalling it for a long time, Murphy finally remembered where he seemed to have seen it before.In my father's book, there are also notes I found from Dr. Wan Qiang before, which should have been guessed by Dr. Wan Qiang based on his father's notes, so when Lin Yixun was studying zombies, Dr. Wan Qiang was still there. Continue working on atmospheric issues.

While Mo Fei looked at Lin Yixun, Lin Yixun was flipping through his notes, and now he raised his head and continued to speak to the people discussing: "But Dr. Wan Qiang seems to have left a little clue before, it seems that this The research is not unsolvable, but many ingredients are hard to find, so I hope everyone can cooperate with me, especially the members of the mecha team, there are many places that only flying mechas can reach."

Hearing what Lin Yixun said, everyone's eyes turned to Lei Sen.

"Of course I will try my best to cooperate with the work of the research institute. This is not only for our star base, but also for all mankind." Lei Sen stood up and replied.

"Xiao Lin, if you need anything, just ask. We will send people to search for it. You just need to be responsible for doing research and making a list of what you need." Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, was very supportive towards Lin Yixun Said.

"Thank you, Commander Liao, but I am young and have limited abilities. I hope that I can search some of the things left by Dr. Wan Qiang. Maybe there is something that can be used." Lin Yixun continued.


"Commander Liao, no need, Dr. Wan Qiang's stuff is not very useful." Murphy suddenly interrupted Liao Hui at this moment, and stood up from the chair all at once.

Meng Zhibo was taken aback by Murphy's reaction, and quickly stretched out his hand to pull Murphy to sit down.Lei Sen also looked at Murphy, and gave Murphy a wink, motioning for Murphy to sit down.

It's just that Murphy didn't seem to see it, still standing, his eyes just glanced at Lin Yixun, and then looked at Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base.

Being interrupted made Liao Hui a little annoyed, but looking at Mo Fei, Liao Hui still asked Mo Fei with a pleasant face: "Xiao Mo, I know your ability is unusual, and I need your help to find materials, but why? Do you say that Dr. Wan Qiang's things are not of high value? Do you know Dr. Wan Qiang?"

This sounds like a question, but it is actually a question to Mo Fei: You come to disrupt the order of our meeting because you don't understand anything. I'm afraid it won't be good if you don't say you're ugly.

Mo Fei smiled slightly, and looked around for a week: "That's because Dr. Wan Qiang is a liar!"

 There is a new Qianli Transsion, it seems that if you recharge more than 100 at a time, you will get a free sending opportunity

(End of this chapter)

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