Chapter 416
In addition to the senior management personnel of the star base, most of the people here are researchers of the research institute, so Murphy's words are a little angry.

Who is Dr. Wan Qiang?Everyone in the research institute knows everyone, who doesn't know the name of Dr. Wan Qiang, who doesn't know the authority of Dr. Wan Qiang, but at this moment, a little girl who can't even reach her stands up and says that this authoritative Dr. Wan Qiang is fraud.

Although some people were dissatisfied with Dr. Wan Qiang's command in the past, no one questioned Dr. Wan Qiang's research project, not to mention that Dr. Wan Qiang died not long ago. With the belief that the dead are the greatest, some people began to stand up and criticize Mo Qiang. Fei.

Some people even didn't know about Murphy's mecha, and those who didn't know about Murphy's contribution these days began to abuse Murphy.

Meng Zhibo didn't know what was wrong with Murphy. How could Murphy, who had always been generous and decent and never been so radical, suddenly say such an abrupt thing today, and quickly stretched out his hand to pull Murphy.

Lei Sen, who was sitting on the other side, frowned and looked at Murphy. Lei Sen had decided that once Murphy showed a hurt expression or flinched, he would take Murphy out of the conference room, but Lei Sen looked at Murphy. At that time, I found that Murphy's eyes were firm, and it seemed that Murphy knew what to do.

Therefore, Lei Sen, who observed Murphy's expression, sat there quietly without speaking, but his eyes still did not leave Murphy.

After a while of commotion, Murphy didn't reply or explain, and let those people talk, but he didn't bow his head, just looked at Liao Hui who was sitting in the main seat.

As the commander-in-chief of the star base, Liao Hui has never seen any scenes, but even himself, in the face of so many doubts, would occasionally judge whether he was right or wrong, but on the other hand, Murphy was calm and calm, just watching For myself, it seems that the way out later has already been thought of.

While the people around cursed around, Murphy didn't even reply, and didn't even look at them. It felt like punching cotton candy, and his voice gradually dropped after a while.

Feeling the surrounding voices subside, Liao Hui, the commander of the star base, shouted: "Everyone is quiet, I want to hear what Murphy has to say."

Mo Fei sneered secretly in his heart, the people under his command couldn't scold him more harshly, Liao Hui only spoke now, he was really picky.But Murphy was going to settle this matter today, so no matter when Liao Hui picked it or not, or what the person who just scolded him said, Murphy took a deep breath.

"Commander Liao, since you asked, I will answer truthfully."

Liao Hui couldn't help but frowned again when he heard Murphy's opening. Didn't she mean to say that just now?Why did you ask yourself?But he couldn't correct it now, so he raised his hand to motion for Murphy to continue.

Murphy nodded at Liao Hui's signal: "Everything Dr. Wan Qiang has plagiarized, but unfortunately he didn't fully research it, so it was wrong from the beginning of the sunny plan. The world was actually ruined by his ignorance."

"Project Sunny was wrong from the beginning? Dr. Wan Qiang plagiarized everything?" Everyone was stunned by Murphy's words.

"Murphy, do you have any evidence?" Although Liao Hui was convinced when he saw Murphy's expression, this kind of thing was not just empty talk.

"Of course there is. Anyone who has investigated me a little should know that my parents had a car accident when I was very young. I grew up by myself, right?" Murphy asked rhetorically.

"Murphy, I asked you to get the evidence. Why are you crying here? We won't sympathize with you as an orphan." Seeing that Murphy didn't get the evidence and asked other questions instead, a high-level executive said, pointing at Murphy.

Mo Fei ignored the man, and continued to say: "And my parents were killed by Wan Qiang. You may not admit the evidence I presented, but you people in the research institute should know my father's notes."

As he spoke, Mo Fei took off the small bag from behind and pretended to look inside, but actually found Mo Zhengqing's personal notes from the storage amulet.

"Who knows the members of this research institute?" Murphy put his father's personal notes on the conference table.

"I've seen it. It's Dr. Wan Qiang's never-to-be-leaved notes. It's said that he researched and recorded it when he was in college." One of them said hastily.

"I've seen it too. We borrowed it for experiments before, and the records are very detailed."

At this time, Lin Yixun looked at Murphy with incredulous eyes. Isn't that the notebook that Murphy had seen in her room, and it belonged to Murphy's father?

Murphy nodded: "Since you all know each other, it's easy."

"Murphy, even if you can prove that this notebook was used by Dr. Wan Qiang, how can you prove that it belongs to your father?" the leader of a research team at a research institute accused.

"Yes, yes, you must have stolen it from Dr. Wan Qiang, otherwise why would it be in your place?" Another echoed.

"Then I want to ask you a question. If Dr. Wan Qiang really understands the content, why didn't he find many loopholes?"

After finishing speaking, Murphy took out a notebook from his bag, and more people recognized it as soon as he took it out: "That's Dr. Wan Qiang's private record book. When Dr. Wan Qiang passed away, we went to find it but didn't find it. , why are you there?"

A smile appeared on Murphy's face: "Why do you think? Let's take a look at the notes in the two notebooks now! Maybe Commander Liao can help testify." Murphy raised the two notebooks to Liao Hui, not much After a while, a guard came over and took the two notebooks.

"If one or two words can be faked, the whole book might not be faked! What's more, you can also check my notes. My handwriting is definitely different, but it is the same as my father's notebook. I can still provide one or two."

At this time, the notebook was in the hands of Liao Hui, and Liao Hui circulated it to the people around him, and it was really different.

There are many things in Dr. Wan Qiang’s notebook. Murphy said that her father’s notebook has them, but there are many strange symbols in Murphy’s father’s notebook that are not in Wan Qiang’s notebook. Occasionally, there are question marks or other colors. The pen is circled, which obviously means that you don't know what it means.

"Murphy, if what you said is true, then was it your father who originally researched the Qingliang Project?" After reading the two notebooks, Liao Hui combined what Murphy said. He is the manager of a base. I couldn't think of this at all, so I asked immediately.

"Commander Liao is wise, indeed, it's just that I didn't understand it when I was young, and now I understand it because my house was destroyed by zombies. I found a lot of information from the ruins, and only after reading through these information did I understand." Murphy cleverly A lot of information is hidden, but these are enough to prove.

"Is that so? Feifei, tell me quickly, how to prepare the antidote?" Lin Yixun, who had been listening for a long time, asked impatiently before the senior management of the star base asked.

At this moment, Lin Yixun was very anxious. There was such an important person beside her who knew so much about that important research result, but she didn't know it.

It's just that Murphy still ignored Lin Yixun, but continued to look at Liao Hui.

Liao Hui had a headache. It seemed that he would not answer unless he asked Mo Fei, so he asked Lin Yixun's question again: "Murphy, so you know how to prepare the antidote?"

Only then did Murphy speak, and shook his head simply: "No, I won't."

"Then what's the point of bringing this up now?" Liao Hui heard that Murphy wouldn't be a little angry. Isn't this just playing with himself?

"Commander Liao, although I don't know how to do it, I can invite people from the research institute to study together. Their specialists should understand what I don't understand, and I can help interpret what they don't understand." Murphy quickly replied .

"Oh, so that's how it is." Commander-in-chief Liao Hui heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he had been tricked by Murphy: "That's good, it's not too late, this matter should be left to Xiao Lin." He breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly arranged it .

When Lin Yixun heard that he was going to arrange this for himself, he was about to thank Liao Hui and take Mo Fei back to the research institute, but Mo Fei suddenly refused: "Commander Liao, I hope to arrange for another doctor to do it for me. Is this okay?"

"Feifei, what are you doing? Are we cooperating well?" Lin Yixun became anxious when he heard that Mo Fei wouldn't let her participate, and quickly shouted at Mo Fei, and then said to Liao Hui: "President Liao Commander, don't listen to her nonsense, she used to help me analyze the data and organize it, we are very familiar, I will definitely be able to complete this task."

It's just that Murphy still didn't look at Lin Yixun, but just stared at Liao Hui. At this time, Murphy had put the two books into the storage talisman, then looked at Liao Hui and said, "Commander Liao, I hope you can arrange for me other researchers."

"Feifei, what are you doing?" Lin Yixun saw that Liao Hui seemed to agree. After all, there are too many people in this research institute, and it's not because of Lin Yixun. Xun also has the support of Dr. Wan Qiang, she is the daughter of Vice President Lin, and Lin Yixun also performed well, so many researches were assigned to Lin Yixun.

But Lin Yixun didn't expect that today he was rejected to participate in a research that was so important that it was important to the survival of all human beings, and the person who rejected him was Murphy.

She looked at Mo Fei puzzled, but Mo Fei didn't look at her at all, so Lin Yixun could only cast her eyes on Liao Hui.

Liao Hui was also very curious. He had heard that Murphy and Lin Yixun had a good relationship before, so he asked curiously, "Murphy, can you tell me why you don't work with Dr. Xiaolin?"

Murphy smiled very softly at Liao Hui: "Of course Commander Liao can, that's because I can't let someone who threatens my life appear in this research."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was startled, and at the same time, Lin Yixun was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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