Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 417 Talking about Saving People

Chapter 417 Talking about Saving People

Lin Yixun never thought that one day it would become like this.

It was impossible for Murphy to find out that what he had done for Dr. Wan Qiang before was flawless. Even if he found out, he might have come to her long ago. It won't take so long, which means that Murphy only found out later.

But no matter how Lin Yixun thought about it, he couldn't think of who would know about it, so when Murphy said this, Lin Yixun suddenly understood why Murphy didn't take care of himself since he came in Asking questions, but also not agreeing to participate.

"Feifei, we may have misunderstood, please count on me this time, I want to participate in this project, I promise I will never let you have any harm, I really promise!" Lin Yixun pleaded to Murphy, how could there be Just explain the demeanor.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Liao Hui signaled for everyone to disperse. Only the staff of the research institute, Lei Sen who cared about Murphy, and Meng Zhibo who had a lot to ask about Murphy were still there.

Mo Fei thought for a moment when he heard Lin Yixun's words: "Okay, I agree to let you join, but I have conditions."

Hearing that Murphy agreed to participate in this project, Lin Yixun agreed without asking any conditions: "No problem, I will agree to any conditions."

Seeing Lin Yixun's performance, something flashed in Murphy's eyes: From this, it can be seen that Lin Yixun is a real person, that is to say, as long as there are projects involved, he will not be affected by Lin Yixun again. Xun's harassment, because Lin Yixun is actually nothing more than a scientific madman.

This kind of people can work together but can't talk to each other. Mo Fei didn't notice it before because he didn't have any conflicts with Lin Yixun. In normal times, Lin Yixun is actually a simple girl, but when he encounters this kind of scientific research Sometimes, Lin Yixun can betray the people around him for something he needs.

But thinking about it, it was Lin Yixun who had been insisting on researching this period of time, and she was probably the one who knew this matter best at this time, so Mo Fei agreed after a moment of thought.

"Call me Mo Fei from now on, if you have anything to ask directly, I will try my best to tell you, but don't command me, I don't need to say anything else, I guarantee the temporary confidentiality of the information and my safety in the base " After a slight pause, Murphy spoke to Lin Yixun.

"It's no problem. I can do it. All the people in the research institute can do it." Lin Yixun immediately responded when he heard Murphy's words, but then he realized that Murphy had actually drawn a clear line with her. , I'm afraid there will only be a working relationship in the future, and they will no longer be friends.

However, Lin Yixun also knew that what he did before was really not worthy of forgiveness, so he glanced at Murphy again, and finally lowered his head.

After Murphy finished speaking to Lin Yixun, he turned to Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base: "Commander Liao, I will leave this matter to Dr. Lin, and she will also be responsible for selecting members. I will tell her what I know at that time. The follow-up research can only rely on the research institute. After all, the "Sunny Project" potion originally prepared by my father has been adjusted by Dr. Wan Qiang. The original potion has problems, but the effect is only to induce some diseases in the body. Mutations."

"I understand this. I believe that with the help of your father's original formula, we should be able to find a solution." Liao Hui nodded towards Mo Fei approvingly. From the handling of this matter, Liao Hui felt that Mo Fei still knew how to arrange it reasonably. , so there will be less worry about things afterwards.

At the moment, the eyes of other members of the research institute are also full of hope. I hope everything goes well and let this damn world return to normal soon!
"Dr. Lin, you go back first today. You can arrange the personnel by the way. I have to sort out the information a little bit. I will arrive at the research institute at seven o'clock tomorrow morning." Murphy lived in the research institute for a while before , knowing that they were all earlier, so they chose an earlier time, and these scientists in the province were in a hurry.

Lin Yixun originally thought that he could start now, but he calmed down after hearing what Mo Fei said: Indeed, their research institute still needs to allocate departments and personnel.

"Okay Fei...Murphy, let's go back and get ready, see you tomorrow morning." Lin Yixun was used to shouting at first, but now he blurted out suddenly remembering what Murphy said just now and quickly changed his words.

"That's it for now, Commander Liao, I'll go back first." Murphy nodded to Liao Hui, and then left the conference room.

Seeing that Mo Fei came out of the conference room, Lei Sen and Meng Zhibo had been waiting outside for a while to greet him quickly.

"What's going on?" Lei Sen asked curiously. He knew about Dr. Wan Qiang, but what happened to Lin Yixun?

Meng Zhibo didn't even know about Dr. Wan Qiang's affairs, so he was even more confused, so Man Chengbin and the others rushed back just now, but he didn't leave without saying anything, and insisted on listening before going back.

"Actually, it's nothing. This is not a place to talk. Leisen, you go back first! I want to go back to rest, and Brother Meng also wants to go back, right? Just take me along the way." Murphy said to Leisen and Meng Zhibo.

Seeing that Murphy's expression was normal, Lei Sen thought about coming to the command center just after returning from the mission, so he decided to ask later, but Meng Zhibo only realized that he didn't have a car and looked at Lei Sen again: "Lei Sen, how about you Take the two of us back, let the second child drive the car back."

"Alright, then I'll take you back! Talk to me on the way if you have anything to say." Lei Sen hurriedly replied.

Murphy, Lei Sen, and Meng Zhibo were about to leave when a small guard ran over: "I'm sorry Miss Murphy, Commander Liao is here."

Murphy glanced at Lei Sen and Meng Zhibo: "It seems that Commander Liao also wants to know more, you go back first! I will tell you the specific situation later."

Because he was called away by Commander Liao alone and didn't know how long it would take, Lei Sen nodded and agreed to leave.Then Lei Sen and Meng Zhibo went downstairs and left the command center.

Murphy was called to Liao Hui's office. Liao Hui motioned for Murphy to sit down, and asked someone to bring water and some snacks: "The task is hard, drink some water first."

"Thank you Commander Liao, but Commander Liao didn't invite me to drink water, did he?" Murphy smiled at Liao Hui.

"You should know that what you said just now is not very clear, especially about Dr. Kobayashi, so I want to know the general situation."

"Commander Liao, in fact, this matter was mainly caused by Dr. Wan Qiang. As for Dr. Lin, it was also because of a research project. Anyway, I am fine now, and I will work with Dr. Lin in the future, so forget about it." Not really Murphy is really so generous and doesn't pursue it, but this pursuit can only wait for the completion of the project, and the completion of the real project is Lin Yixun's great contribution, and he will definitely make up for it by then, so it's better not to talk about it.

Liao Hui is not mediocre to be able to sit in the position of the commander-in-chief of the base. Naturally, he immediately understood what Murphy was thinking. Since Murphy did not pursue him, there is no need to say it out loud, but he also felt that Murphy was sensible, so he ordered him to go on. Someone prepared a batch of rewards for Mo Fei to take away, and arranged for a car to send Mo Fei.

Murphy finally returned to Bai Sirui's house. Bai Sirui, who already knew about it, came back early to wait for Murphy, but Yulin had already arrived before Murphy arrived, so after Murphy came back, he saw Yulin standing next to Bai Sirui .

Just now seeing Lin Yixun, who can only work together now, and now seeing Yulin again, thinking of the time when the three of them were getting along well before, Murphy felt a little sad in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Mo Fei didn't say anything, but Yu Lin knelt down at Mo Fei's feet: "Fei Fei, I know I'm sorry for you, but because of the love between my sisters and Yu's intentions for you, I beg you Please save him!"

Being kneeled by Yulin, Mo Fei was a little puzzled: "What are you talking about? What do you mean by saving him? I know Xiao Minyu is sick, but Man Chengbin doesn't let me see him at all, not to mention seeing a doctor for treatment. It won't cure."

"Feifei, please save Yu... I was the one who was sorry for you..." Yulin kept crying, and she couldn't understand what she said.

Bai Sirui on the side couldn't see it, so he told the previous thing again.

"That's it, Xiao Minyu is like this because of that medicine, not simply sick." Bai Sirui explained what he heard from Yulin.

"Oh, so the piece of jade you gave me can relieve Xiao Minyu." After speaking, Murphy turned to Yulin again: "I made it clear earlier! Here you are." Murphy directly took it out and handed it to Yulin.

As soon as Yulin raised her head, she saw the moonlight white jade hanging in front of her eyes, and looked at Mo Fei in disbelief: "Give it to me really?"

"Didn't you want to save Xiao Minyu, hurry up!" Mo Fei added after seeing Yulin in a daze.

"Feifei, you really don't blame me? Are you really willing to give it to me?"

"No, I blame you, but it has nothing to do with saving lives, take it away quickly, and the deal between you and Bai Sirui, you two do what you said before."

"Well, no problem." Yulin took the moonlight white jade and quickly wiped away her tears, then handed over the Liuli key and the Yu family's talisman to Bai Sirui.

Yulin turned around and took the moonlight white jade and bowed deeply to Mo Fei, then turned and ran out.It just ran back within a minute, and stuffed the moonlight white jade back into Murphy's hand.

"What? Did you regret not saving Xiao Minyu?" Mo Fei looked at Yulin strangely. He cried and cried just now, knelt and knelt, and gave the things to Bai Sirui. Why didn't they want them?

Yulin was not as relaxed as Mo Fei: "Feifei, may I ask you to go? Yu must not want to see me, can I ask you to save him?" Yulin looked at Mo Fei with pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay, I see, I'll go." Mo Fei couldn't bear Yulin's begging eyes to stare at him, not to mention Xiao Minyu was still waiting for help, so Murphy didn't struggle with it anymore. Under the moonlight, Baiyu left Bai Sirui's house and walked towards Xiao Minyu's house.

 Happy Valentine's Day + Lantern Festival everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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