Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 418 The Secrets of the Three Lineages

Chapter 418 The Secret of the Three Lineages

"Hey, Feifei, you're here. I was talking about you with my second child."

Hearing the knock on the door, the one who opened it was none other than the big man running wild, the youngest, Meng Zhibo.

Because Murphy was called away by Commander Liao before, Meng Zhibo followed Lei Sen out of the command center without asking any questions, but on the way back, he told Lei Sen about Dr. Wan Qiang, and he knew something about Dr. Wan Qiang and Murphy. parental grievances.

So after he came back, Meng Zhibo told Man Chengbin and others what he knew before, and they were analyzing the matter of Murphy and Lin Yixun.

However, Man Chengbin, who is known as the team's think tank, is also worthy of his guess. Based on what happened in the conference room before and what Meng Zhibo told later, he guessed eight or nine.

While chatting, there was a knock on the door suddenly, Meng Zhibo went to open the door, and unexpectedly saw Murphy standing at the door.

"What did Brother Meng say about me? Did you say something bad about me secretly? No wonder I felt my nose itchy just now." Mo Fei and Meng Zhibo were food friends before, so they were familiar with each other, so they came in jokingly.

"I didn't say anything bad about you. Since I'm here, I'll leave later. I have a lot of questions to ask you." Meng Zhibo said hastily.

"That's no good, Brother Meng, I'm not here to play. In fact, I'm here to see Xiao Minyu. He's not in a good condition. I want to try my way." Mo Fei wanted to say it directly, but thought of Yulin left After reminding you not to disclose her information, Murphy had no choice but to change the term.

"But..." Man Chengbin hesitated slightly.

"Second Brother Man, what time is it? It's not the time to avoid medical treatment." Seeing Man Chengbin's distressed face, Mo Fei hurriedly continued to speak. Although Murphy didn't know the specific situation of Xiao Minyu, seeing Yulin's anxious appearance, it should be serious of.

After thinking about Xiao Minyu who had been haggard day by day, Man Chengbin finally agreed with Murphy to check on Xiao Minyu's situation.

Following everyone upstairs, Murphy saw a thin and haggard Xiao Minyu in Xiao Minyu's room.

Although he was mentally prepared, when Mo Fei saw Xiao Minyu who was already out of shape, Mo Fei still couldn't help frowning: "How could this happen? Didn't you eat anything?"

"It's not that he hasn't eaten, it's that he can't eat much, but although he doesn't move, he seems to have consumed a lot." Man Chengbin who followed behind replied to Murphy.

"So that's how it is." Mo Fei said, reaching into his pocket, and actually took out the piece of moonlight white jade inherited from Bai Sirui's family from the storage amulet, and then hung the jade on Xiao Minyu's body.

When the moonlight white jade hung on Xiao Minyu's body, the light faintly enveloped Xiao Minyu's whole body.

"This..." Meng Zhibo looked at Murphy in a daze, but was stopped by Man Chengbin when he was about to ask.

Man Chengbin shook his head at Meng Zhibo. Meng Zhibo quickly shut his mouth, but his eyes were still watching the movements of Murphy's hands.

Murphy reached into his pocket again, and took out a recovery talisman as usual.This talisman is effective for wound recovery. Although I don't know if it will help Xiao Minyu's current situation, I still posted one for him.

The talisman disappeared without a trace the moment it was attached to Xiao Minyu's body, which made several people on the side stare at the movement in Murphy's hand even more in surprise.

After everything was done, Mo Fei took a look at Xiao Minyu's condition, and it was indeed better than before, at least his breathing was much more stable now.It seems that Yulin understands this quite well, so it must be some kind of oral inheritance, right?
Mo Fei thought so, and his body also left the bed: "Second Brother Man, Xiao Minyu has calmed down a bit for the time being, I don't know if this will be useful, and I can't help with other things."

"Feifei, I would like to thank you very much. I should have let you see the fifth child earlier if I knew this. It's all my fault." Seeing that Xiao Minyu looked at him, Man Chengbin regretted that he didn't let Murphy visit him before.

"Second Brother Man, don't say that. I can't help you with what I said before. This is something I got later." Mo Fei pointed to the moonlight white jade hanging on Xiao Minyu's chest.

"Thank you anyway."

"It's really not necessary. I've troubled you here for so long before. I really want to thank you. Ask Brother Meng to bring me some more ice cream!" Murphy replied with a smile to Meng Zhibo.

"No problem, take care of me." Meng Zhibo assured, patting his chest, the atmosphere eased a lot because Xiao Minyu improved slightly.

"Let's go downstairs first. There are too many people and the air is not good. Let Xiao Minyu take a good rest. By the way, it's better to open the windows for some ventilation. Just being stuffy in the room is not conducive to recovery." Murphy glanced at the window and spoke again Said.

Man Chengbin nodded. Fang Xingping had already gone to open the window, and the others went downstairs. After a while, Meng Zhibo asked the housekeeper to bring ice cream to Mo Fei, and they chatted while eating.

And at this time in Xiao Minyu's room, Yulin stood in front of Xiao Minyu's window and stared at Xiao Minyu affectionately: "Yu, I'm sorry I came to see you at this time and caused you to be like this. You need to get better soon, maybe in a long time When you are willing to forgive me in a long time, we will be able to reunite as a family of three."

Yulin's voice was very soft and soft, and Xiao Minyu, who had fallen asleep on the bed because of the discomfort, didn't notice it.

After staying there for a while, Yulin left, silently thanking Mo Fei in her heart.

In fact, Mo Fei found Yulin just now when he was in the house, but Man Cheng Bin and the others didn't notice it. Apart from the fact that their eyesight and hearing were not as good as Murphy's, Man Cheng Bin and the others were all focused on Mo Fei. Fei and Xiao Minyu's body, so I ignored the outside.

Mo Fei found out that it was Yulin who deliberately left the window out, so that it was convenient for Yulin to come in and see Xiao Minyu, not to mention that Xiao Minyu finally fell asleep after wearing the moonlight white jade, and no one else would bother him right now. It happened to give Yulin the opportunity to come in and visit.

After leaving Xiao Minyu's house, Yulin took a deep breath and returned to Bai Sirui's house.

"Didn't you go back?" Bai Sirui was a little surprised to see Yulin. Yulin went out just after Mo Fei left. Bai Sirui guessed that Yulin didn't follow Fangxin, but Bai Sirui didn't understand why she came back now.

"I still have something to say to Feifei, let me wait a little longer!" Yulin returned Bai Sirui lightly.

Bai Sirui didn't refuse, because he already had a rough guess of what Yulin was going to say: "Then you sit in the living room, and I'll get someone to bring you water later." After finishing speaking, Bai Sirui went to the public study on the first floor.

After a while, Murphy also came back, and Bai Sirui asked Murphy a few words before going upstairs.

"Feifei, I have something to ask you." Yulin waited for Murphy and Bai Sirui to finish speaking and stood up.

"Then... go to my room!" Mo Fei glanced at Yulin and motioned for Yulin to go upstairs with her.

After going upstairs, Mo Fei let Yulin sit down, and Yulin took a look inside the room: "I lived in this room before, but I didn't expect you to change the interior style specially when you came to live here."

"What's the matter?" Murphy didn't beat around the bush. It's not the past. After so many things, even though Murphy can understand Yulin, he can't treat her as well as before.

Yulin pushed back her slightly sticky long hair: "Feifei, I just realized now that since Bai Sirui will hand things over to you, are you a descendant of that Mo family?"

Mo Fei had already heard about Yu Lin being from the Yu family, so there was no need to hide it now. Mo Fei nodded, "Yes, I am a direct descendant of the Mo family."

"Then why don't you know how to use Moonlight White Jade?" Yulin seemed to be a little suspicious. After all, these three masters have been passed down since ancient times, and every inheritor who knows this secret will know more or less about the others. Some things about the two.

"You know that my parents had accidents when I was very young, right?" Murphy asked without answering.

Yulin nodded: "I know, you mentioned it before."

"Actually, it wasn't an accident. My parents were killed by someone. Do you know who killed them?" Murphy stared at Yulin.

Yulin was frightened by Murphy's seriousness: "Could it be our Yu family?"

Seeing Yulin's appearance, Mo Fei knew she didn't know, so he replied, "It's Dr. Wan Qiang."

"Ah! It's him, no wonder he would..." Yulin didn't say anything in the second half, but it also exposed her previous collusion with Dr. Wan Qiang.

Although Mo Fei knew about it a long time ago, he was still a little disappointed to see Yulin like this: "You also know that the heirs who have passed the age of 16 will know the news, right? So I don't know what my family's oral inheritance is. "

"That's right, I'm sorry I don't know anything, am I really selfish?" Yulin lowered her eyes with some self-blame.

"Stop talking, what exactly are you going to tell me?" Mo Fei couldn't help asking seeing that Yulin didn't get to the point after talking for a long time.

"Feifei, since you are from the Mo family, and since Bai Sirui gave you the talisman and the moonlight white jade, it means that you are different from us. I don't know if you are a half-blood heir, but I also decided to give you the glass key and the talisman. I leave it to you, and the usage of my colored glaze key, and one last thing, I know that the Mo family actually has an inheritance called the sun box, the glazed key of our Yu family and the moonlight white jade of the Bai family are used to open this sun box of."

"Sunday box? What's it like?" Murphy's heart moved. Among the large and small boxes that he took out before, there was a box inside a box, but the box was very strong and couldn't be opened no matter what. Open, didn't even smash the mech, Murphy kept it in the storage talisman.

"I don't know about that, that's all I know. You can only figure out the rest. Feifei, take good care of Yu for me, and I will disappear in front of you in the future." Yulin seemed a little sad when she said this , but he was reluctant to leave.

"Actually, I've always been wondering. You were not doing well before, why did you suddenly become like this?" This matter was originally not related to Murphy, not to mention that Xiao Minyu was in a coma and Yulin was gone, so there was nowhere to go Asked, now that it was mentioned, Murphy asked.

"It's my fault. I knew you were not dead after I saw you before, but I didn't tell Yu, but he didn't know who he knew that you were still alive, so..."

"Oh, you don't know, but I know who it is." Mo Fei nodded and thought to himself: Since you like playing so much, let's have fun together starting tomorrow!
 Lover is young and flamboyant, exuding a youthful atmosphere; Yuanxiao is mature and steady, with a pair of big hands full of warmth.Mr. Lover leaned against the wall, raised his chin slightly, and looked at Mr. Yuanxiao provocatively: "Hey, do you think there are more people who like me, or more people like you?" "I don't know, is it important? "Mr. Yuan Xiao propped up the wall with both hands to hold her lover inside, bowed her head and kissed, "Anyway, we are already together." Happy Double Festival

(End of this chapter)

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