Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 419 Potion Comparison

Chapter 419 Potion Comparison
Yulin left Bai Sirui's house, but Murphy didn't let her stop appearing in front of his eyes in the future, but the relationship between the two of them would never get better again.

After Yulin left, Mo Fei told Bai Sirui what Yulin had said after eating.

"I suspect that's the one for the Sunday box, but the box is so dark that it doesn't quite fit the name." Murphy took out the dark box that didn't even find the opening and put it on the table.

"Anyway, I'll put these two here with you. We'll start researching after Xiao Minyu's condition stabilizes and bring the Moonlight White Jade back." Bai Sirui was kind enough to not ask Mo Fei to take it back right away.But even if he said it, Murphy probably wouldn't agree.

"I have the same intention, so it's settled. I'll go back to rest first. I'm going to have fun with Lin Yixun tomorrow." Murphy hooked his lips.

"I used to wonder why Xiao Minyu and Yulin had a sudden falling out. We haven't acted yet. It turns out that it's Lin Yixun's problem again. This person is really not too messy."

"If she likes to be lively, let her be as lively as possible. I'm such a good person." Murphy waved to Bai Sirui: "Good night."

Seeing the back of Mo Fei returning to the room, Bai Sirui couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, just as he was smiling, the outer door opened, and Bai Youyou came in just in time to see his brother's weird smirk.

"Brother, are you crazy? What are you laughing at?"

As a result, Bai Youyou's careless questioning caused his brother Bai Sirui to roll his eyes, and he went back to the room seriously, making Bai Youyou bewildered for a while.

Early the next morning, Murphy got up early, had breakfast, and followed the Bai family brothers and sisters to the command center by car.

After getting off the car, Murphy walked directly towards the research institute.

In the room last night, Murphy had sorted out a rough list, but many things here needed a more sophisticated school team, and Murphy couldn't handle it by himself, so he could only roughly record it.

"Phi...Murphy, you're here." Seeing Murphy's arrival, Lin Yixun's eyes lit up with excitement. He had been thinking about the research last night, and now he finally looked forward to Murphy's arrival, and finally started to proceed.

"Have you decided on the members?" Murphy asked after he came and glanced at Lin Yixun.

"Okay, I'll let them gather right away, let's go to the meeting room! Let me introduce the people today, and then you tell us where to start." Lin Yixun was very professional and capable when faced with professional problems.

"Well, let's do it like this!" Murphy nodded, and the two went straight to the meeting room of the research institute.

The conference room of the research institute is not big, but there are many utensils for various demonstrations.It's just that Murphy is the keynote speaker today, so none of this is needed.

"I've sorted out some materials, help me bring over the explanation and demonstration equipment!" Murphy ordered Lin Yixun naturally.

Lin Yixun was very cooperative, and kept cooperating with things. After a while, all the members gathered in the conference room. Lin Yixun called them one by one to introduce their names, responsibilities, and responsible expertise to Murphy.

Murphy roughly memorized it. After all, it would be better for Lin Yixun to do the specific arrangements, so there is no need for everyone to remember.

The introduction was almost done, and Murphy took out the data card in the data reader that he had sorted out, and then connected the demonstration equipment to tell everyone.

Because it was the first day, Murphy talked a lot, and basically spent the morning in the conference room.

"The content is roughly the same. Of course, there are many subdivisions in it. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly, but I can't answer all the questions." Murphy looked at the speeches organized last night. It's almost time, he glanced at the time again and said.

"Mr. Mo, we understand, but there are still some people who don't understand. We need to digest it before asking you questions." One of the old people who seemed to be over fifty stood up and said to Murphy.

Such a shout made Mo Fei a little embarrassed: "You don't need to call Teacher Mo, just call Xiao Mo. I just used my father's things to teach the subject according to the script, but my father's research was not fully completed at the beginning, and I figured out later. The solution to the original problem is up to you.”

After having lunch, Murphy was sitting in an office assigned to her. Of course, she couldn't be idle, because many questions had already been sent in through Lin Yixun.

But Murphy had already thought about it, and she threw Dr. Wan Qiang's notebook directly to Lin Yixun: "Dr. Lin, this is Dr. Wan Qiang's record. He should write down the changes. Some formulas You have to study it yourself, I will write down my father's original formula, and then you can compare it."

"Give me this notebook?" Lin Yixun looked at Murphy ecstatically.

"Yes." Murphy was a little stunned. Originally, Murphy wanted to make Lin Yixun more busy, but he didn't expect that this workaholic would be happy if he had something to do. This made Murphy dumbfounded.

But think about it, since I'm really too busy anyway, it's not bad to give her more tasks in the future so that she doesn't have time to think about other things.

After Mo Fei handed over the notebook to Lin Yixun, he began to transcribe his father's formula. The formula covered such a wide range that Murphy had to move some books to make notes.

Fortunately, she already understands runes, so she can also decipher many secret things, but her father used half-wrong runes to mark them, and some professional Murphy can only look through the information for comparison.

Such days passed quickly, and a week passed quickly, and Xiao Minyu, who was originally sick, finally recovered, and his rank was further improved.

Murphy took back the Moonlight White Jade but did not go to see Xiao Minyu in person, and only asked Meng Zhibo to bring it to Bai Sirui.

Bai Sirui, who took back the Moonlight White Jade, soaked the Moonlight White Jade into the original preservation solution, and said that it would take time to take it out again, so Murphy still hasn't tried to open the black lacquered box that might be a sun box.

"Xiao Mo, I've never seen this plant before. Is this also in the recipe?" A researcher came in looking for Mo Fei with a recipe.

Murphy glanced at it, and the flowers marked on it were the flowers representing his parents and his family of three.At the beginning, Murphy also relied on this to confirm that it was his father's personal notes.

During this period of time, Mo Fei discovered through research that these three things in his father's formula are the main ingredients, and the formula Dr. Wan Qiang researched should be because he didn't understand the connotation of the picture, and didn't understand what the runes represent. The meaning, so the formula can be said to be different from Murphy's father's medicine except for the excipients.

During this period of time, the staff of the research institute have been researching day and night, and they have indeed formulated Dr. Wan Qiang's medicine, but it will take some time to extract the factors that cause the mutation from it.

What needs to be prepared now is the medicine developed by Murphy's father, because I don't know which researcher made a bold guess, because the auxiliary materials are the same but the main materials are different, it may have the opposite effect, and it may be able to suppress it.

"This is the Albizia julibrissin, the flower of the Albizia julibrissin tree, and that is the whispering flower and the silence grass." Murphy replied.

"I've heard of the whispering flower and the silence grass. It turns out that this umbrella-shaped filamentous flower is Albizia julibrissin, but this plant has been missing for a long time." The staff member muttered after understanding.

Mo Fei suddenly thought of the seed of the acacia tree that she had spent all the money on her body to buy at the time. The seed was planted by her on the opposite bank of the river from the villa where she originally lived, and quickly replied to the researcher: " I can help you find this."

"Great, then please." After finishing speaking, the research member left Murphy's office.

But within a few minutes, several groups of people came one after another, all of them came to ask Mo Fei for help in finding some strange plants. Only then did Mo Fei understand why his father hadn't completed the configuration at the beginning. Many plants here are very, very rare. , even became extinct a long, long time ago before the end of the world.

"How do I find plants that are all extinct? Is it really hopeless?" When another group of people came to find Murphy with a list of plants, the members of the previous group that hadn't left couldn't help but see the plants on the list. blurted out.

"No, since my father listed this plant, it means there must be some places." The reason why Mo Fei said this was because Mo Fei saw the name of lilac on it.

This was what she saw under the cliff when she and Lei Sen went to Lantian City before.

"Let's list the things you need!" After all, Murphy was only responsible for distributing the materials to everyone before. Murphy just translated the key things marked with runes, so he didn't care what was in it, because after reading Mo Fei basically copied and pasted the plain text in it, and only Mo Fei who recorded it in the notebook would read it carefully.

If you don’t write it, you don’t know. It takes more than 100 kinds of plants to write it out, and more than half of them are plants that were not common before the end of the world.

"You don't need Mo Fei to look for these things. These are quite common. We can ask our people to collect them with a member of the Special Operations Team or the Mech Team. There is no way for these special ones. We can only ask Mo Fei to collect them." Fei is gone." Lin Yixun was still relatively calm at this time, and he was asking Murphy to find so many of them all by himself, and he didn't know how many years had passed.

"Let me have a look again." Murphy took the list, and then pointed to a dozen of them: "This, this and this, and this and..."

Murphy tapped one, and Lin Yixun next to him recorded one, and then raised his head to look at Murphy: "Is there any problem with these?"

"I know that some of these can be found in general locations, and I will send someone to look for them directly. The rest..." Murphy counted: "I will look for these 27 kinds."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Lin Yixun recorded some approximate locations with Mo Fei, and then dispatched the search for these more than 100 kinds of plants.

Mo Fei watched the remaining 27 kinds of plants leave the research institute, and went straight to the team lounge in the command center.

"Excuse me, is Captain Lei there?" Murphy entered the team lounge door and asked the people inside.

"It's Murphy, Murphy is here, I'm going to notify Team Thunder." Xiao Guo shouted first, and then rushed inside without waiting for anyone's reaction.

Not long after, the sweaty Lei Sen ran out with his hands propped up: "Feifei, look for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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