Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 420 If you want

Chapter 420 If you want

Looking at the sweaty Lei Sen who hurried over, his dirty hands, and the black marks on his arm, Murphy laughed: "Lei Sen, what are you doing?"

"Hey, the mechanical team checked the mech. I happened to be fine and went to drill the mech. I didn't expect to get covered." Lei Sen replied with some embarrassment. In fact, he just wanted to clean it before coming back, but Xiao Guo said that Murphy came to look for it. He seemed to be in a hurry, so he ran out like this.

"Wipe it for you." Murphy handed Lei Sen a handkerchief.

Lei Sen wiped the sweat from his forehead, and wiped his hands again. Seeing that the handkerchief was already dark, he was embarrassed to return it to Mo Fei, and he just held it in his hand. At this moment, he remembered to ask Mo Fei: "By the way, what do you want from me?"

"Oh, I'm going out to find 27 kinds of rare plants. I want to ask if you have time, do you want to go with me?" Murphy finally said what he came for.

"Why are there so many? It's a bit difficult!" Lei Sen really wanted to go with Murphy. It's not like the two of them had never looked for plants when they were at the sea base, so he knew very well that some places were very dangerous, especially alone. when.

"Many? This is after selection. There were originally more than 100 species, but it's true. This time, many of them are plants that were said to be extinct before the end of the world." Murphy shrugged and replied.

"It's all extinct, where are you going to find it?" Lei Sen thought it would be difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult, so it doesn't mean that he doesn't even have a general direction.

"That's okay. After all, this is the formula proposed by my father. There will always be clues in his pile of materials, not to mention that you forgot the place we went to last time that seemed to have never been polluted?" Murphy suggested.

"Oh, remember, maybe there really are." Lei Sen's eyes lit up, and it shouldn't be too long if he went there.

"The research institute decided to prepare for three days. After three days, everyone will set out to search. I am responsible for these 27 types, which are the most difficult to find. The other parts have been allocated. It is estimated that members of your mecha team may be needed to go." Mo Mo Fei told the general situation again, and at the same time told Leisen the time.

"Well...then I'll make arrangements and leave in three days." Lei Sen agreed after thinking about it for a while, but he was still a little worried about Murphy's safety. Rather than worrying at the base, he might as well go with him. Fortunately, there has been nothing too serious recently. many things.

The three days passed quickly, but Mo Fei was not idle during these three days, digging into the pile of books every day, and finally found the shapes of some extinct plants based on some information, and even got some pictures, which made it easier to identify.

On the third day, all the people assigned to this mission set off, and Murphy and Leisen also set off and flew in the direction of Lantian City.

Flying from the star base to Lantian City is about the same distance as going to the sea base, so it took only four hours to fly there.It was just that Silver Wing flew by itself, and Murphy just flew out of the base with him, and then changed to Leisen Silverwing's carrying cabin to eat, drink, enjoy the scenery, and chat with Leisen occasionally. The journey was not hard at all.

When they arrived in Lantian City, the people there still remembered Leisen and Murphy, and Murphy moved many boxes of food that were no longer common in Lantian City.

"Little Mo, are you still looking for plants this time?" Mayor Lantian asked Murphy. He had a good foundation last time, so he quickly guessed the purpose of Murphy's trip.

"Well, there are a lot of things to find this time, so it may take a while." Murphy replied that it would take a lot of time to find even the other surrounding mountains this time.

"It's all right, but what are we looking for this time? Let's see if our local people can help." The mayor of Lantian City welcomes these two people very much. After all, the last time two people helped Lantian City get rid of a big hidden danger, Afterwards, I also helped build many things, and this time I even brought a lot of food that I couldn't usually touch.

"That's great, thank you mayor first." Murphy was not polite, and simply took out his list.

The mayor of Lantian City looked at it for a while, and finally pointed to three of them and nodded towards Murphy: "I know these three, but I don't know if there are others. After dinner at night, I called some people who used to go up the mountain every day to ask ask."

Hearing that three of them had been finalized, Murphy quickly thanked them again.

After dinner, I invited three people who were familiar with the mountains before to identify them, and they recognized two more. There were still some because there were no pictures and only introductions. Those few people were not sure, saying that they would bring them back to Mo Mo tomorrow. Fei identified.

Calculating in this way, there are almost ten types missing after excluding the uncertain ones. This situation makes Mo Fei happy: "Great, it looks like we can collect them all soon."

Saying goodbye to the mayor, Murphy and Leisen returned to the place where they were arranged to live.

Because it was still early, Lei Sen asked Murphy about Murphy's father, and later about Dr. Wan Qiang and Lin Yixun.

Murphy didn't intend to hide Lei Sen's secrets at first, but because he was called away by Liao Hui, the commander of the star base, and then went to the research institute last time, the two of them didn't have time to meet and chat.

After telling the whole story, Murphy felt a little emotional: "If so many things hadn't happened, I never would have known that the friendship established after the end of the world is so unreliable."

"Actually, think about it, the two of them didn't intend to harm you, but they were selfish in front of Li."

"Yeah, so I didn't hate them or kill them, but I won't trust them as before."

While Murphy and Lei Sen were chatting, in the villa of Xiao Minyu's family in the jurisdiction area of ​​the Star Base, Meng Zhibo was holding Xiao Minyu's arm tightly, while Fang Xingping looked at Xiao Minyu with blood on his face, and Man Chengbin was looking at Xiao Minyu. Holding cotton wool to disinfect Fang Xingping.

"Fifth, are you crazy? I'm the fourth!" Fang Xingping was a little angry, but seeing Xiao Minyu's strange eyes, he only said one sentence and didn't go on, letting Man Chengbin bandage him.

"Lao San, take Lao Wu upstairs and tie him up first, I'll go to Bai Sirui's place." Man Cheng Bin said after bandaging Fang Xingping.

The youngest Meng Zhibo took Xiao Minyu upstairs who was still struggling, while Man Chengbin walked to Bai Sirui's villa.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I want to know something." Man Cheng Bin said after seeing Bai Sirui.

"What's the matter? If it's about Murphy, I have nothing to say. You can wait for her to come back and ask her." Bai Sirui replied directly.

"No, it's about the glowing white jade."

"Speak." Hearing Man Chengbin mention the moonlight white jade handed down by his family, Bai Sirui signaled Man Chengbin to speak.

"That's right. Will there be any side effects after using that white jade?"

"Side effects? Impossible. In the final analysis, that is just a piece of jade with a relatively strong ability to calm the nerves. Even if it may not be effective, it will definitely not have side effects." Bai Sirui replied decisively, and then he seemed to understand something and asked back: " What happened to Xiao Minyu?"

When Man Chengbin heard Bai Sirui's question, he was impressed by Bai Sirui's quick thinking, so he nodded: "There is indeed a problem. In fact, although the fifth child has recovered during this time, his mood seems to be not right. We thought it was because Bai Yu was He was handed over to Murphy by the third child, and it made him feel uncomfortable not to see him, but now it seems that this is not the case."

"Can you tell me about the symptoms?" Bai Sirui became interested and approached Man Chengbin.

"That's right." Man Chengbin began to talk about Xiao Minyu's performance during this period.

Xiao Minyu has been getting better day by day since Murphy sent the moonlight white jade there last time, so when Xiao Minyu can get out of bed and walk around and his level has improved, Man Chengbin thinks that Xiao Minyu should have passed that level.

After Mo Fei heard that Xiao Minyu could work, he asked Meng Zhibo to bring back the moonlight white jade.But in fact, what Mo Fei didn't know was that although Xiao Minyu had recovered, he had lost his previous calm, and he always felt irritable.

Man Chengbin, a member of the special operations team who is usually aggressive, can still use it. Xiao Minyu wanted the team members to be more vigilant as an excuse, but today Xiao Minyu injured Fang Xingping just because a pair of chopsticks fell to the ground.

The more Man Chengbin thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, so he came to ask Bai Sirui.

"The Moonlight White Jade is recovering now, but there is absolutely nothing to say about its calming effect. You can try it to see if there are any side effects, but I can only borrow it from you for three days, because it will continue to recover, and Murphy will need it when he comes back." After hearing this, Bai Sirui felt that the matter was not that simple, but his own moonlight white jade was indeed fine, so he planned to let Man Chengbin experience it.

"No need for Minister Bai, I believe what you say, and I don't think Feifei will harm the fifth child. I just came to confirm that if it's not a side effect, it means that the fifth child still has a serious problem with his body." Man Chengbin lowered his head, his entire brow furrowed.

"It's a pity that I really can't help with these, but I think you should ask the research institute for help, because Xiao Minyu's illness is not simple." Bai Sirui stopped talking.

"Do you know anything? We have been at a loss about the fifth child's illness." Man Chengbin saw that Bai Sirui only nodded himself but did not explain clearly, so he couldn't help asking.

"I don't know the truth, but according to my feeling, there must be some other problem. You'd better take Xiao Minyu to the research institute, maybe you will gain something." Bai Sirui stood up without wanting to say more.

Seeing that Bai Sirui didn't want to talk anymore, Man Chengbin couldn't do anything about it, but Bai Sirui had already pointed out the way out for himself, thanked Bai Sirui, and Man Chengbin returned to the villa full of thoughts.

Early the next morning, under Meng Zhibo's shoulders, Man Chengbin and Xiao Minyu really came to the research institute for inspection.

It's just that when Man Chengbin came to the research institute, he learned a piece of news that made him feel chilling and terrifying. These days, because the special operations team itself is relatively busy, and Xiao Minyu's abnormal situation, Man Chengbin has completely forgotten what was mentioned in the last meeting. That theme, and after hearing Lin Yixun's words, Man Chengbin can only hope that Murphy will come back soon.

(End of this chapter)

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