Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 421 Lost

Chapter 421 Lost
Murphy and Leisen had a good night's rest, and went up the mountain early the next morning, along with dozens of citizens from Lantian City.

These citizens naturally went to help Murphy find the plants they knew, while Leisen and Murphy went to the place where Murphy found the lilac last time.

Last time Mo Fei picked a Lilac Lilac and moved a small Lilac Lilac, and now Murphy went to see the growth of that Lilac Lilac.

Sure enough, the lilac plant grew very well, and Mo Fei even found a very small seedling next to it.

Mo Fei moved the seedling to the opposite cliff, then cut off a section from the original plant and put it away.

Because it needs to be very careful, Murphy has to hang upside down again. After all this is done, it is no less than an operation.

Mo Fei was resting on the grass, and Lei Sen sat down after winding up the rope: "Do you still remember the group of mutant wolves I met here last time?"

"I remember, but now I'm not afraid of them." Murphy smiled, and now her attack charms are definitely powerful.

"Feifei, I..." Lei Sen supported his body with one hand and looked down. The sun was shining on Murphy's face, and there was a circle of soft light around his face, which was really beautiful.It's rare that the surrounding environment is good and fresh, and the most important thing is that there are only him and Murphy.

"I'm going to fall asleep under the sun." Murphy blurted out, his eyes half-closed like a cat during the day: "By the way, what do you want to say?" Murphy interrupted the second half of Lei Sen's sentence because of his voice , and now I think about it and ask again.

At this time, Lei Sen's back was facing the sun, and against the light, Mo Fei couldn't see Lei Sen's expression clearly. He only heard Lei Sen pause for a long time before saying: "If the end of the world is over, will you be my girlfriend?"

Mo Fei sat up all of a sudden, but then laughed again: "Then what if the end times don't end?"

"If the apocalypse doesn't end, as long as you agree, I want to be your boyfriend." Lei Sen replied quickly.

"Then I have no choice?"

Murphy smiled so that Lei Sen didn't know whether he agreed or not, and looked at Murphy nervously.It's just that Murphy lay down on the grass again as if he suddenly forgot.

Seeing that Mo Fei just smiled but didn't answer, and just looked up at the blue sky, Lei Sen had no choice but to answer by himself: "Why don't you think about it?"

Murphy nodded: "Let's do it! I've thought about it for a few years, what do you think?"

"Huh? How many years?"

"Then..." Before Murphy finished speaking, a gust of wind blew suddenly, and Murphy sat up in a jerk: "Something is coming."

Warm.The ambiguous atmosphere disappeared in an instant, leaving only a tense atmosphere.

However, after discovering what came over, both of them couldn't help laughing.It turned out that a citizen of Lantian City climbed to another hill not far away and passed below.

Murphy waved to the citizens of Lantian City below to say hello, then turned to look at Lei Sen: "Let's go, don't be lazy, those who don't see help are looking carefully."

"Then I..."

"Wait a few years!" Murphy only left a smile, and then the figure quickly got into the trees on the nearby hillside.

Lei Sen sighed, and finally found a clean and good environment to confess, but he went back to work before he got an answer.

But Lei Sen thought about it again, anyway, Murphy didn't refuse, so let's wait!Maybe someday Murphy will agree.It's just that Lei Sen didn't expect that this wait would really last for a few years.

In the following days, Murphy and Leisen searched the mountains next to Lantian City, and found 27 of the 22 kinds of plants, plus the glazed grass beads that Murphy found in Guangdeng City, and the rare There are now [-] kinds of Mengxuan flowers, as well as the red-tipped white lotus found in Mo's flower and plant cultivation factory.

"There are only five types left, and there is another Albizia julibrissin to be found on the other side of the river from my former home. Unfortunately, I don't know where the other four are, so we can only look for them little by little." Murphy glanced at them. With the information in his hand, he moved his fingers down.

"Huh? Cold Night Grass, I have this thing, and this can be ruled out." Mo Fei originally forgot that he had collected this kind of plant when he rescued the little flower snake before, but it was too long and he almost forgot .

"Then there are three left." Lei Sen's eyes lit up, which meant that the items were almost assembled.

"Well, there are still three types. It's just that the introductions of these three types are too simple, and there is no direction. I'm afraid it will take a lot of trouble."

"Why don't we go back first, and then look for the remaining three after a short rest. After all, it takes us a lot of time to find these things." Lei Sen looked at the date, and they were only here for twelve days. It's really fast to find these exotic flowers and plants like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Alright, but come home with me first." Confessing to the mayor and citizens of Lantian City, Murphy put all the plants in the storage box into Leisen's carrying compartment, and then climbed into it himself The carrying compartment on the other side: "We are flying in the direction of Cang Base."

The two flew directly in the direction of the Cang base, but unexpectedly encountered a large number of giant zombies on the way.Looking at the direction in which those giant zombies are moving, it is the direction of the star base.

Although there is still a long distance in the middle, who can guarantee that these giant zombies will not go to the star base?Seeing this situation, Lei Sen became a little anxious.

"Hurry up and notify the base, Feifei, let's go back first, how about looking for the remaining plants another day?" Lei Sen asked Murphy through the communicator inside the mecha.

"I think this is a waste of time, how about this! You go back and inform the base, and I will fly home by myself. It's not far anyway, and it's just across the river from my former villa. There used to be no one and no zombies there. I won't If there is any danger, I'll take the Albizia julibrissin and go back." Thinking about it, Mo Fei didn't need to go to the mountains anymore, so it's not a big deal to go to a forest on the other side of the river like his back garden.

Lei Sen thought about it for a while and thought it was right, so he nodded: "Alright then! You go there, I'll go back to the base first, see you at the base."

After responding, Murphy got out of Lei Sen's mecha and summoned his own golden mecha, and then flew directly in the direction of Cang Base, and Lei Sen also accelerated to fly in the direction of Star Base when he saw Murphy flying far away.

Although this is just a general direction, the speed of the giant zombies is not slow. If these giant zombies are really heading towards the star base, then it is estimated that it will take less than half a month from here to the star base, and if it is discovered earlier during this period There may be many effective precautions that can be taken.

This kind of thing would rather be wrong than let it go, that's why Lei Sen hurried back.

Murphy flew all the way back to the villa he used to live in, which was almost in ruins now, and Murphy's house was not spared, but Uncle Gao's house diagonally opposite was intact.

This made Mo Fei think of Gao Qing who had mutated into zombies before, probably because Gao Qing's family still had Gao Qing's original aura, so those zombies were not destroyed!
However, this allowed Murphy to have a place to live, because Gao Qing gave Murphy a spare key here a long time ago, saying that in case there was anything that could be used in the future, he would come and get it by himself. It's really going to come in handy.

Open Gao Qing's house with a key, except for some dust, it is very tidy, nothing has been touched, and it is a bit out of place compared with the chaos outside.

Mo Fei went into the house and found a room, and he will make do with it tonight. He will go to the opposite side to dig the acacia tree he planted by himself tomorrow morning. If it doesn't bloom, he will dig the tree and go back to cultivate it.

Thinking of this, Murphy rested after eating something.

And Leisen was about to fly to the star base at this moment. Seeing that the star base was about to arrive, Leisen slowed down the deceleration and found a docking place to land after a while.

After getting off the mech, Lei Sen strided towards the inside, and the people passing by made way for Lei Sen from time to time, because Lei Sen seemed to be in a hurry.

Lei Sen went straight to the command center and reported to Liao Hui what he saw on the way. Liao Hui didn't dare to delay. The defensive clay brought back from the sea base had already been used, and now the front city wall has been reinforced, but The ones on both sides still need to be reinforced, so I quickly ordered to go down and speed up.

When the notification arrived, Lei Sen went home with peace of mind, but because Murphy hadn't come back yet, he was not at ease for the time being.

However, Murphy still didn't come back until the third day, and after waiting for another two days, Murphy still didn't come back. When Lei Sen realized something was wrong, he couldn't leave the star base.

At this time, Murphy was wandering around in strange places.

Five days ago, Murphy got up early in the morning to look for the acacia flowers across the river, but found that the acacia flowers hadn't bloomed, so he took a whole acacia tree into the storage talisman, but he didn't expect that the whole ground collapsed during the excavation, and Murphy fell down there.

When they got to the bottom, the acacia tree and Mo Fei fell to the bottom together. After collecting the acacia tree, Mo Fei was about to fly up, but a fragrance in the air attracted Murphy's attention.

Because this kind of fragrance is exactly what Murphy is looking for this time, one of the plants that are said to be extinct: mist, dust and floating flowers.

The reason why this kind of flower is different is because of its shape, which looks very plain, but you can’t pinch it directly, because you can only pinch a cloud of water mist and dust. This kind of thing can only be collected with air, which is very bad. easy to see.

The reason why Mo Fei recognized it by its fragrance was because the smell of fog, wind, dust and floating flowers was very special, but the light fragrance could spread far, and there was a freshness of dust in it.

"Albizia julibrissin and mist, wind and dust floating flowers are all there, and only the last two are left. One has records, and the other doesn't even have a picture. It only has the simplest appearance description. How can I find it!" Mo Fei nodded his hands The list of electronic checklists muttered.

While Murphy was talking to himself, unexpectedly, a stinging wind like ice blew over, causing Murphy to shiver all of a sudden, and when he looked back to go back, he found that the road was gone!

(End of this chapter)

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