Chapter 422
Murphy spent half a month wandering around in this unknown cave, and every time he seemed to be able to get out, he found that he was still in the same place.

If it wasn't for Murphy's storage talisman, which contained a lot of things, then Murphy would have died of starvation, thirst or freezing to death here.

"What the hell kind of place is this? Why can't I get out?" No matter how hard Murphy looked for the exit, he couldn't find it.

"My body is so cold." Murphy jumped with her arms around her shoulders. She was already wearing thick clothes, almost in the shape of a ball, but the cold didn't seem to come from the outside, but seemed to come from the inside of her body. It was cold.

It's not that Murphy hasn't practiced Qi during this time, but it seems that he can't concentrate his breath.

"No, I can't go on like this, I'm really going to die." Murphy uttered a few words tremblingly, and she felt that her whole body was about to freeze.

The fire couldn't be turned on, the qi couldn't be practiced, and adding clothes still didn't work. Murphy was really desperate. Could it be that there was really no way this time?
Fortunately, Murphy now has a storage amulet, and all daily necessities and food are complete, except that it is difficult to take a bath.Therefore, Murphy, who is still quite nervous, simply pretended that he was on vacation.

But staying here all the time is not an option, Murphy hesitated for a while and decided to think about a solution carefully.

Turning out the talisman from the storage talisman, Mo Fei flipped through the pages with a light tube.

"No, I can't learn this azimuth talisman..." After searching for a long time, Murphy finally found an azimuth talisman. This talisman is similar to space transfer, but the requirements are too high for Murphy to meet.

Murphy is now in the early stages of the training period, and this azimuth can only be learned in the middle of the training period, and the location of the azimuths learned at the beginning is not very good, and it is impossible to tell where it will be teleported.

After eating something, Mo Fei glanced at the time on his watch, it was already night.Climbing in along the tent, he couldn't even practice breathing here, so Mo Fei simply wrapped up several layers of quilts and turned out all the books in the storage amulet.

As the books were dug out, Murphy thought of the dark box he dug out from home before, and took out the box as well.

"I don't know if this is a Sunday box. I knew I wouldn't be in a hurry to come here. This is good. I don't know when I can go out." Mo Fei looked at the box over and over again, and his fingers accidentally touched a point , The box sparked in the dark, setting Mo Fei's hand on fire.

"Is there any static electricity?" Murphy couldn't hold it steady, and the box rolled out of his hand.Because the box itself was also pitch black, it couldn't be seen if it fell out, so Mo Fei hurriedly used a light tube to look for it.

When I found Mo Fei, I was startled, because there was no box in the tent at this time, but in the direction the box rolled down, a hole was broken in Mo Fei's tent, and the edge of the hole was slightly charred, as if it had been burned.

Mo Fei hurriedly got out with the light tube, and then saw the dark box outside, which was continuing to roll forward.

As soon as he put the tent away, Murphy followed the box and walked forward. As he walked, he found that the surrounding scenery changed slightly, and the box stopped suddenly.

Murphy adjusted the light source of the light tube to the maximum, and only then could he see the surrounding situation.This is a cave, to be exact, it looks like a man-made cave.

However, no matter where it is, Murphy finally got out of the previous vicious circle, maybe he can go out from here.

Murphy picked up the box, looked around and walked forward.After a while, she entered a long passage.

Murphy who entered this passage felt a little strange, because she seemed to hear the sound of water flowing.Murphy patted the wall of the passage, and the wall was taut.

Suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Murphy continued to walk forward, and after exiting this passage, he came to a wall.The black box rolled out of Murphy's hand, and moved forward little by little like a piece of iron attracted by a magnet.

Murphy continued to follow the black box. The box was stuck to the wall, and then a groove was exposed.

Looking left and right, Murphy always felt that the shape of this groove was very familiar.Reminiscent of the origin of the black box, Murphy quickly dug out all the things he dug out from home from the storage amulet.

"This..." Mo Fei picked it out, took out the thing that matched the groove, and then embedded the flashing body similar to the gem absorbed by Murphy before into the groove.

The groove closed again, and a strange door appeared in front of Murphy's eyes.

Reaching out and pushing lightly, the door opened quickly. To Murphy's surprise, behind the door was a very modern storage room.

Just when Murphy was hesitating whether to go in, there was a shake around, and Murphy heard the sound of something breaking, and then a stream of water rushed over along the passage behind.

Murphy didn't have time to think about anything else, so he hurried into the door, and then closed the door.I wanted to find something to seal the door, but I didn't expect it to disappear after closing. What Murphy was facing was a wall.

This series of events made Murphy's mind a little confused, but after experiencing so many miraculous things, Murphy is still calm at this time.

Looking around, the place is empty, but there seems to be something not far away.

Mo Fei leaned forward with the light tube in his hand, and soon discovered that there was a table in front of it, and there was an exquisite box on top of the table.The characters engraved with several runes on the edge of the box are exactly: Sun Box, three characters.

Mo Fei suddenly realized that this was the Sunday Box, and the one at home was just the key to the warehouse where the Sunday Box was stored.

He quickly reached out to grab the sunday box, but the moment he touched it, Mo Fei felt that the sunday box seemed to emit a little energy.Lifting it up, the sun box did not move at all, but the fluctuation of energy was very familiar to Murphy.

Murphy tried to mobilize the breath in his body, and found that he could finally use the breath here. He quickly moved the breath to his fingers, and then touched the sunday box. The sunday box was easily picked up by Murphy this time.

The moment the sunday box was picked up, there was a sudden rubbing sound above the sunday box, and then a burst of dust fell, revealing a square hole above it, just enough for a person to pass through.

Murphy directly activated the flying talisman and flew up. After he came up, Murphy was a little dumbfounded.

Because this is not any other place, it is her original home, and it is the place where the cold weapon and the car that was not transformed into a mech were placed under the Murphy's villa.

But since it was here, Murphy had nothing to fear, and opened the door directly to go out.

It was already dark outside, but Murphy didn't stay long, and directly summoned his mech to fly to the star base.

If I calculated correctly, she seemed to have been underground for more than half a month. How was the star base during this time?If the giant zombies found last time went straight to the star base, then according to the time calculation, when they arrived at the star base at this time, they had to rush back to help.

Also, Lei Sen and the others must have been worried that he had disappeared for so long, so Mo Fei didn't rest after he came out, and directly summoned the mecha and flew away from his former home to the direction of the star base.

As for the star base at this moment, although the giant zombies did not attack, it was already in chaos.

The last report has not been finalized yet. The Star Base just issued an announcement telling the supernatural beings not to upgrade their levels for the time being. People with supernatural powers are promoted very quickly.

So after the release of this announcement, some supernatural beings have changed.He hadn't been bitten by a zombie, hadn't eaten food stained with zombie liquid by mistake, and hadn't gotten sick. It just mutated so suddenly.

Because the announcement did not mention the reason in detail, many supernatural beings ignored it, and the enhancement potions sold before were not fully recovered.

What's more, the supernatural beings who don't know the inside story only know that the base does not allow supernatural beings to continue to upgrade, and they think that the base is worried that they will not be able to control it in the future, so many people even try their best to upgrade, which led to the later things.

Seeing that this was not an option, the senior managers of the star base had to tell everyone about the danger, but the supernatural being who was once attracted by everyone has now become the object of everyone's fear overnight.

The internal turmoil in the star base can be imagined, but the people in the research institute have nothing to do now, because they are all waiting for Murphy to come back, but it has been half a month, and many people think that Murphy may not come back.

During this period of time, Lei Sen drove the Silver Wing to investigate the progress of the giant zombies, and found that the giant zombies were not blindly heading towards the star base. He was a little relieved, so he searched all the big and small locations around the Cang base, but there was no sign of it. Found Murphy's trail.

Because he couldn't find Murphy, Lei Sen blamed himself very much. If he followed him back then, it wouldn't take too long, but now that Murphy didn't even have any news, he couldn't help worrying about Murphy.

At this time of internal and external troubles, in a certain sample room of the Star Base Star Soul Circle Research Institute, a man broke through the restraints and left the laboratory.

After changing into a set of research institute attire, the man left the research institute with a sullen face, and ran towards the villa in the jurisdiction area of ​​the star circle.

Along the way, the man ran very fast, but the base was very busy recently, so no one noticed the strangeness of this man.

The man ran back to the villa in the jurisdiction in one breath. After entering the door, the man ran upstairs at a fast speed.The servants saw a figure running upstairs at the sound of the door, and thought it was some master who came back to look for information, so they didn't care.

The man rushed into his room and went straight to the bathroom. After a while, there was the sound of running water in the bathroom.

When Man Chengbin and his group came back from get off work, the housekeeper was a little surprised to see a few people coming back: "Mr. Man, didn't any of you come back early today?"

"No? What's the matter?"

Upon hearing this, the housekeeper hurriedly recounted what happened in the afternoon: "I thought it was one of you who came back to get something..."

"Is that person still there?" Man Chengbin asked quickly.

The housekeeper pointed to the upstairs: "It seems that I didn't come out after I went in."

Man Chengbin squinted his eyes and looked at Meng Zhibo: "The third child is ready to attack."

Meng Zhibo nodded, and several people walked up the stairs lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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