Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 423 Murder Case

Chapter 423 Murder Case
Before Man Chengbin and the others searched from room to room upstairs, Geng Yunwei heard some noises coming from Xiao Minyu's room.

Man Chengbin winked at Meng Zhibo, and Meng Zhibo slammed down on Xiao Minyu's room door.

Meng Zhibo definitely belonged to the tank level among the power mutants. With this kick, the door was directly kicked, and the door frame almost fell off.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Minyu inside had water dripping from his head, and only a bath towel was around his body, looking at several people with displeasure.

"Old five? Are you alright?" Man Chengbin looked surprised, he never thought that it was Xiao Minyu himself who was in Xiao Minyu's room. .

"What do you call me? I'm already fine, but why are you kicking my door? Also, why did you send me to the research institute while I was sleeping?" Xiao Minyu said to Man Chengbin articulately.

"'s a long story. Now that you've recovered, we'll explain it to you later." Man Chengbin said quickly, he didn't want Xiao Minyu to misunderstand anything, and now it doesn't seem like a good time to explain.

"Well, you go out first! But what about my door?" Xiao Minyu asked coldly after glancing at the broken door.

"I'll call someone to fix it right away." Meng Zhibo touched his nose and replied hastily.

"Okay, let's all go out! I want to change." Xiao Minyu said, took the clean clothes and turned into the bathroom to change.

The remaining few people looked at each other in blank dismay, but Xiao Minyu was finally healed, which made them all heave a sigh of relief.

After leaving the room, Man Chengbin made arrangements with several people, and then called someone to repair the door, and the door frame was replaced with a new one before dinner.

"Old man, eat first, the door frame is installed, and the door should be finished soon."

"Yeah." Xiao Minyu responded and went downstairs, but after sitting at the dinner table, Xiao Minyu frowned: "I don't want to eat these, is there any steak? I want medium rare."

"Three points? What's the difference between that and no roast?" Meng Zhibo glanced at Xiao Minyu and shouted in surprise. You must know that Xiao Minyu didn't eat seven points before.

"I just want to eat what I want?" Xiao Minyu seemed very dissatisfied with Meng Zhibo's questioning.

"There are steaks, but they are not fresh. It is really difficult to get three points." Man Chengbin hurried over to smooth things over.

"It's okay, just let me fix it."

Seeing Xiao Minyu's insistence, Man Chengbin hastily ordered to go down and grill a steak of medium rare for Xiao Minyu.Unexpectedly, Xiao Minyu seemed to be very satisfied with this food, and actually ate four servings.

"I'm done eating, you guys continue." Xiao Minyu wiped his mouth and stood up, only four plates still left with blood in front of him.

"Is the fifth child still not ready? Why has his taste changed?" Meng Zhibo asked in a low voice when he saw Xiao Minyu went upstairs.

"I don't know, but it's rare that he has an appetite. He didn't eat much before, and now he can eat it with difficulty. It's okay, let's eat quickly!" Man Chengbin asked Old Wu to remove the plate, Several people continued to eat again.

Xiao Minyu returned to the room but was not sleepy at all. He stood at the window and looked at the sky. It was not until late that he realized that a golden light flashed across the sky in the distance, and then fell not far from the villa.

But from this angle, I couldn't see what it was, so Xiao Minyu opened the door and walked out with some curiosity.Going out along the stairs, Xiao Minyu went straight out of the villa, but when he came out, there was nothing.

He was hesitating to go back, but at this moment he smelled a fishy and sweet smell, twitched his nose, and his stomach, which was already very full, started growling again.

Following the taste, Xiao Minyu walked all the way to a somewhat dark road.

When Murphy returned to the star base, he found that the outside of the star base was very calm. He didn't see any giant zombies on the road because it was relatively dark. It seemed that those giant zombies were not moving specifically for the star base.

Taking a look at the time, it was already midnight, so Murphy flew directly downstairs to Bai Sirui's house, and put away the mecha by the way.

After knocking on the door, a servant named Qingling opened the door. When she saw Murphy standing outside the door, Qingling yelled out in surprise.Of course, the sound in the middle of the night naturally woke up Bai Sirui, who was relatively light sleeper.

Realizing that it was Murphy who came back, instead of blaming Qingling for waking him up, Bai Sirui praised her for yelling well, which made Qingling a little flattered and hurried down.

"I'm back, where have you been all this time?" Bai Sirui asked after seeing that Murphy was intact.

But Murphy was tired and sleepy at the moment, and yawned: "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." You must know that I didn't sleep well underground during this time.

After taking a fragrant bath, Murphy threw himself on the big soft bed. He seemed to hear something before going to bed, but Murphy didn't think much about it. He was really tired during this period, so he fell asleep after a while. .

Early the next morning, Mo Fei got up to eat breakfast, which aroused Bai Youyou's concern, but Bai Sirui was indeed a good partner, so he directly blocked Bai Youyou's mouth.

After Bai Youyou went out, Bai Sirui asked about Mo Fei's situation during this time.

"I fell into a strange place, and I couldn't get out no matter how I walked. Later, I got out by relying on the black box I showed you before, but it also allowed me to find the real sun box." Murphy said The Sunday box was taken out of the storage amulet.

"Oh? This is the Sunday box, the one before that?"

"That should be the key to the Sunday box!" Mo Fei pouted, almost dying at the bottom of the lake because of this box.

Unexpectedly, this storage room is at the bottom of the lake behind her villa, so so much water rushed in after the passage broke last time.

"I'll give you the Liuli key, and the moonlight white jade will take a few more days to fully recover. You rest for a while, I'm going to work." Bai Sirui said and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you, I still have quest items to hand in, but you have to take me outside the base so I can get the mecha out."

"it is good."

Bai Sirui knew that Murphy's mecha was just a mecha in the eyes of others, so he took Murphy out without saying a word.

However, before the car left the jurisdiction, a group of people were found around the gate of the jurisdiction talking about something.

The gate was blocked, Bai Sirui motioned for Murphy to wait in the car, and went around to ask about the situation: "What happened?"

"It's Minister Bai. There was a homicide last night. A resident in the jurisdiction worked overtime yesterday and returned home at night. Unexpectedly, he was killed and dismembered. Only half of his body was left. He was discovered this morning."

A guard hurriedly replied.

"What? Such a thing happened in the jurisdiction? Has the monitoring been adjusted?" Bai Sirui asked quickly.

"We are going to investigate, but no suspicious person has been found, and the road where the victim walked was not monitored, and the monitoring of the main entrance and exit has not been adjusted to anyone entering or exiting." A trace of guilt appeared on the guard's face. Such a strange death, but there is no clue at all.

"How did this happen? Have you reported it to the Security Section?"

"Yes, Minister Bai, it has been reported."

"The irrelevant people should leave, but the people who come in and out should check more carefully." Bai Sirui got into the car without explaining to Mo Fei, who must have heard it.

After leaving the star base, Bai Sirui asked Mo Fei, "What do you think?"

"I don't know, I didn't see anything, neither surveillance nor corpses, so I can't say anything." Murphy shrugged.

While the two were talking, they arrived outside the star base. After driving for a certain distance, Murphy called out the mecha: "I'm flying back first, please drive carefully." After finishing speaking, Murphy jumped, and the whole person was in the air , flew in towards the star base.

When Murphy parked the mech in the command center, Lei Sen, who had already received the news, had already run over.

"Murphy, where the hell have you been?" Seeing that Murphy was fine, Lei Sen was so excited, but was watched teasingly by the surrounding members of the mecha team, with an expression that wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh out loud.

Mo Fei directly ignored the teasing eyes of the mecha players and looked at Lei Sen: "It's a long story, this time I found two more plants, and only the last two plants are left."

"Thanks for your hard work. I'll have someone help you move to the research institute in a while. Go back and rest!" Lei Sen glanced at Murphy. Stop talking a few words.

Murphy actually had a rest last night, but just now Bai Sirui told Murphy that there happened to be a murder case when she came back last night, so it's better not to mention such a sensitive matter, just say that she came back in the morning, so Murphy didn't explain much.

"Other things are fine this time, but the military tent you gave is broken, please give me a new one later!" Murphy smiled at Leisen.

"It's all small things, as long as you can come back safely."

The members of the mecha team probably have never seen their captain do this before, and they couldn't hold back in the end, and ran back one by one covering their mouths.

Lei Sen didn't mind, he had already made up his mind to chase Murphy, and he couldn't stand such a small scene, so how could it go on in the future, so he just glared at the group of players, and still asked Murphy something enthusiastically.

The two walked all the way down, and Murphy refused Lei Sen to send her: "I slept well last night, I'll go to the research institute to have a look, after all, there are only the last two plants left, and I still need to study where I can get them." Found it, by the way, nothing happened during this time, right?"

"Something happened. It's true that some supernatural beings have mutated. However, the level of supernatural beings has not been improved for the time being, so we can still control the situation."

"It's good to have nothing to do, how about you? You must be busy with the mission recently, right? When I came back, I didn't see a giant zombie on the way close to the star base. It seems that I must have changed the route halfway!" Murphy asked Lei Sen's recent situation.

The two were chatting, and Lei Sen had just answered Murphy: the situation has been fairly stable recently and nothing serious happened, when suddenly someone shouted outside: "It's not good, something serious happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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