Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 424 1 in 1 day

Chapter 424

Murphy and Leisen walked a few steps curiously when they heard the shout, and then saw a researcher wearing a research institute uniform running towards him with a face full of panic.

"Researcher Liu? It's you! What happened so you panicked?" Because Murphy had been in the research institute before, many of them could be called by name.

"Ah, Mr. Mo, you are back." Researcher Liu, who was held back, saw that it was Murphy, so he stopped: "Mr. Mo, you came back just in time. You should go to the research institute to have a look! Something happened over there."

After saying this to Murphy, that researcher Liu ran in hastily, probably to inform someone.

Murphy and Leisen looked at each other and decided to go to the research institute unanimously.

The two quickly ran towards the research institute, and only halfway through, Murphy was hit several times by people running over from the research institute, so he also figured out what happened.

It turned out that Lin Yixun was not there when the medicine was prepared today. The doctor in charge seemed to have doubts about the previous experiment, so he added some ingredients privately when preparing the medicine today. Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating, and the doctor was choked by the smell of the medicine all the time. cough.

At first, I thought it would be good to just take a rest after being choked, but I didn't expect that the doctor suddenly mutated, and the personnel of the research institute were caught off guard, and several people had already mutated.

The doctor needed to breathe after choking, so he happened to be placed in the communication room, where all the communication equipment was located, so he had to send someone to run errands to notify him.

"Lei Sen, don't go in, you're not a supernatural being, it's too dangerous to get close." After knowing the situation, Murphy stopped Lei Sen, and rushed in by himself.

Although Lei Sen was not a supernatural being, how could he hide behind the woman at this time, and followed in with his defensive energy gun.

The facilities inside are already in a mess, but there are not many people. Those who can escape have all escaped, and those who cannot escape have found a place to close the door to hide. Only the zombies who have not come and dodged before have been mutated and are still wandering. .

Seeing that there were few zombies, Murphy ignored Lei Sen who was following him, looked around by himself, and took out the fire ax from the side.

"Lei Sen, you are in charge of the distant ones, and I'm in charge of the nearby ones." Murphy glanced at the general location of the zombies and said.

"Okay." Lei Sen replied, and the two of them moved forward a long way.

Those zombies were ordinary C zombies that had just mutated, so Mo Fei didn't care at all, and wiped out all the zombies inside in a short while.

"There's no danger outside, everyone, come out and clean it up!" Murphy yelled a few times towards the inside, and all the researchers who heard it ran out with their heads out.

"How is it? Are you all right?" At this time, Xiao Minyu brought Man Chengbin and other members of the special operations team to the research institute. Researcher Liu just went to inform the special operations team. Unexpectedly, Murphy and Lei Sen solved.

"It's okay, there are not many zombies that have just mutated, but now we need personnel to clean them up." Murphy's voice came through the crowd.

"Feifei? You're back? I thought before, why haven't you come back when Lei Sen is back?" Meng Zhibo shouted in surprise when he saw Murphy.

"Well, I came back this morning, just happened to encounter this matter and solved it by the way." Mo Fei smiled at Meng Zhibo, and now Mo Fei who came over saw Xiao Minyu: "Xiao Minyu, how are you?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Minyu glanced at Murphy, and replied coldly: "Yes." Then he turned his head and ordered other staff to start tidying up.

Man Chengbin and Meng Zhibo looked at Xiao Minyu's attitude towards Mo Fei with some curiosity, but this was not the time to ask questions. Meng Zhibo waved his hand at Mo Fei: "He just came back yesterday and seems to have recovered. He has been in a daze for a while. I guess my brain is still unclear..."

"Clean up quickly."

Before Meng Zhibo finished speaking with Mo Fei, Xiao Minyu's voice came over coldly.

Meng Zhibo scratched his head: "I'm going to help."

Mo Fei didn't mind, anyway, she didn't plan to have anything to do with Xiao Minyu in the future, so Mo Fei waved to Meng Zhibo, and then walked to Lei Sen's side: "It seems that there is no way to work here today, our Captain Lei is free ?"

"Yes, yes, it's very empty recently, where do you want to go?" Lei Sen replied hastily.

"I just want to go home and rest, give me a ride."

Hearing that Murphy said that he just wanted to go home and rest, Lei Sen could only nod: "Okay! Then I'll take you home."

Sending Mo Fei back to the villa, Lei Sen asked Mo Fei to have dinner tomorrow night, but Mo Fei did not refuse, and Lei Sen left Bai Sirui's villa happily.

Murphy turned around and went into the villa, unexpectedly, Bai Sirui was at home.

Bai Sirui looked at Mo Fei narrowly: "I didn't expect that Captain Lei, who is known as the Ice Cube Mecha, would have such an expression. Feifei, I really admire you."

"Come on, it's just that the moonlight white jade is not ready yet, I still need to check the information to find out where the remaining two plants are, and call me when I'm eating!" After finishing speaking, Mo Fei went upstairs to study her plants.

After the incident of the research institute came out, it took two full days for the research institute to recover, and Mo Fei spent the past two days studying her botany at home.

It’s just that nothing has been researched in two days. Recently, Murphy basically stayed at home or occasionally went to the research institute and stayed in the office. Because the last two plants were lost, Lin Yixun simply asked people to search together. These days, the research institute As long as people who don't do experiments are checking these.

However, the star base has not been peaceful at all these days, because in the past few days, a person has been missing inexplicably almost every day in the star base, and then some dismembered corpses will be accidentally found, causing panic.

"It's really a change. There's actually one perverted murderer a day, but this guy is pretty good, and the base has been strengthened and can continue." Murphy was eating dinner when he heard Bai Sirui talking about it. While discussing with Bai Sirui, it's just that Bai Youyou has no appetite at all.

"Please! Brother, Feifei, can you two talk about something to increase your appetite while eating?" Bai Youyou looked at the braised pork in front of her and couldn't swallow a mouthful. It was all because of her brother and Feifei. They said something about corpses when they were eating. Ah, dismembered... Bai Youyou complained dissatisfied.

"Aren't we all eating? There's nothing wrong with it." Bai Sirui glanced at his sister, although he said so, he didn't mention the corpse again.

"Miss Mo Fei, Captain Lei is here again, asking if you have time to watch the night scene." Bai Sirui's servant came in at a good time and asked.

"Lei Sen is here again? He is quite diligent!" Bai Sirui said after putting the chopsticks in his hand on the stand.

Since Leisen invited Murphy to dinner last time, Leisen often used excuses to take Murphy out. Today is the night scene again, so it is really hard to spend so much thought on this mecha man.

But Murphy doesn't seem to bother Lei Sen, so basically every time Lei Sen invites Murphy, he is very happy to go to the appointment.

"Let him come in and wait! I haven't finished eating yet." Mo Fei has become less and less conscious of being a guest at Bai's house recently, and directed to the servant.

"Good Miss Murphy."

Mo Fei ate for a while and put down the chopsticks in his hand: "I'm full, so I'm going to change clothes and go out."

Bai Sirui didn't speak, and Murphy went directly upstairs and changed into a light casual clothes, and then ran to the living room.Not long after, the sound of a car starting outside was heard, and the two of them seemed to be heading towards Lei Sen's house.

Bai Sirui looked at the rice in the bowl and suddenly didn't want to eat it, so he also put down his chopsticks, stood up and walked to the study.

Bai Youyou looked at the gate, then at the brother who stood up, and suddenly laughed: "Brother, if you like it, go after it, why are you sulking?"

It's okay not to say, Bai Sirui turned around suddenly: "I'm not sulking."

"Oh, that means I like it!" Bai Youyou caught on to her brother's speech problems and continued.

"No." Bai Sirui was a little annoyed, and then ran upstairs as if fleeing, causing Bai Youyou at the dinner table to laugh out loud.

Once in a good mood, Bai Youyou shouted outside: "Qing Ling, help me add another bowl of rice."

Mo Fei was sitting in the carrying compartment at the moment, and Lei Sen was flying not too high in the Silver Wing, and the two felt the tranquility of the night.

Although they didn't say anything, Murphy felt that it would be more artistic if he didn't speak at this time.

Before they knew it, the two of them flew to the mountainous area. Lei Sen chose a mountain and landed on it. The two found a big rock and sat side by side.

"Do you remember over there?" Lei Sen asked, pointing to a mountain in the distance.

"That's the valley where the giant zombies used to gather." Murphy replied with a smile.

"Eh? Is it that valley? That should be..." Lei Sen was speechless for a while, looking around.

Seeing Lei Sen's appearance, Mo Fei pointed in another direction: "Is that what you're looking for? That cave?"

Seeing that Murphy found it easily, Lei Sen was a little embarrassed: "Well, it's that cave, the cave where you saved me."

"In the end I exposed the secret, but fortunately you helped me keep the secret."

"Actually, it's nothing at all, but you saved me many times." Lei Sen seemed to be recalling.

"You have saved me many times!" Murphy recounted the time when he met Lei Sen: "At that time, I wanted to avoid you when I saw you, because you always wanted to find out who I am , I am really worried about being dragged to the laboratory to make specimens."

"Maybe this is our fate." Lei Sen looked sideways at Murphy beside him. At night, Murphy's eyes were very bright, like stars in the night sky.

"Maybe!" Murphy felt a hot gaze, and she didn't feel disgusted in her heart, but it seemed like something was about to jump out, but she couldn't express that feeling, and could only falter in response.

"How about we go around again?" Seeing that Murphy was a little unnatural, Lei Sen proposed again.

"Okay, I want to go there." Murphy pointed in another direction, Lei Sen nodded in response, and the two re-entered the mecha and flew in another direction.

While Murphy and Lei Sen were admiring the night scene, a figure flashed quickly in the star base, and followed a woman to a dark corner.

The woman noticed that something was wrong behind her and turned around, but she was taken aback for a moment, but then her body was pierced by a sharp object, and she fell into a pool of blood without even exclaiming.

(End of this chapter)

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