Chapter 425
Strange things still happen every day, and the Star Base has deployed additional police force, but the murderer is still not caught, and one person still dies every day.

It's just that these people have no connection. It seems that the murderer killed people randomly without purpose. The base has to remind people not to go out at night, especially not to go out alone.

Murphy was finally about to set off again, and this time Leisen specially prepared some emergency response measures and set off with Murphy.

The two plants we were looking for this time, after so many people in the research institute and so many days of unremitting efforts, finally found a clue. Murphy planned to follow this clue to find it.

The two of them headed straight to the western desert, the farthest region in the northwest. These two kinds of plants seemed to have grown here, but it was a long time ago.

Although it is not certain, this is better than a random search across the country, so Murphy and Leisen left the star base after preparing sufficient food, water and some emergency items.

At this time, there is not much time to hesitate, because in addition to the star base, the sea base and some foreign countries have also heard about the transformation of the supernatural being into a zombie, which further verifies the inference of Lin Yixun's previous research .

After the two of them left, they went straight to the western desert area, which was very dry, and the former oasis was extremely rare.

Fortunately, Murphy and Leisen were flying in mechas, but it took almost half a day to fly from the star base to this western desert area.

There are basically no people here, so there are no zombies, but there are also no houses that can inhabit.At night, Murphy and Leisen could only sleep in the mecha, because the Western Desert was extremely cold at night.

"I found it, I found it, Leisen."

The two of them searched for a long time before they found a large oasis in the vast western desert. After nearly three days of searching, Mo Fei finally found one of the remaining two plants: moxie flower.

"Great, there's the last one." Lei Sen wiped the sweat off his head. The sun here is really not covered. A straw hat, otherwise he would have been tanned black.

"The last one, I've almost found it here, I wonder if I can find it in this oasis." Murphy looked at the oasis that he hadn't found yet, holding his last hope.

"I hope we can find it, and we can go back sooner."

After searching hard, Murphy was still slightly disappointed. It seemed that there was no other kind of hair coil here.

"Shusha, huh huh..." A slight voice stopped Murphy who had reached the edge of the oasis.

"Did you hear something?"

Lei Sen calmed down and listened and shook his head: "No." He knew that Murphy's hearing and vision seemed to be better than ordinary people, so it's not surprising that he didn't hear it sometimes.

"There seems to be something, let's go and have a look." Turning over from the edge of the oasis, there is hot sand outside.

The two continued to walk forward, and the sand in front of them actually formed sand nests one by one.

"Huh? How did these sand nests form?" Murphy walked over curiously.

"Be careful." Lei Sen hurried to pull Mofei, but he didn't expect that it was too late, the sand suddenly leaked down in a swirling shape, and after Murphy and Lei Sen fell into the sand nest, their bodies began to sink.

"What the hell is this?" Murphy fiddled with the sand below curiously, but the more he moved, the more he sank.

"Don't move, the more you move, the faster you sink. There should be some kind of sandworm under here. I remember hearing that there are similar traps in these desert areas. Although I haven't seen it, it's probably like this." Lei Lei When Sen spoke, he also took out the energy gun in his hand.

"Hey, why bother, look at me." Murphy summoned the mecha, and then the mecha's hand picked up Leisen and flew straight up, but after flying, Leisen suddenly found that there was a desert on the desert not far away. There is a black one.

"Murphy, look over there." Lei Sen shouted vigorously.

Following the shout, Murphy also paid attention to the front, and sure enough, he saw a black thing in the desert in the distance.

"Fly over and have a look."

Mo Fei directly carried Lei Sen and flew there. Before landing, Lei Sen was pleasantly surprised: "It looks like hair, growing in the desert, and it's hair coiled grass."

"Really." Murphy also exclaimed in surprise. This is the last thing. Finding this means...

Well, the two of them were overwhelmed with surprise, and they didn't see the danger hidden beside the black ball at all.

So after finding it, it doesn't mean that you can return to the base, but it means that a war is about to start.

Fortunately, Leisen's years of combat experience made him sense the danger early in the morning, so he stopped Murphy before he landed.

Murphy took Leisen back to the Silver Wing, and only then did the two mechas both return.

"I'll attack the front, and you attack the back." In front of him was a very, very weird zombie beast. Murphy didn't know what it was, and Lei Sen didn't guess it either, but there was no doubt that it was going to be hit.

The two cooperated very well, but the mutant beast didn't know what to eat, and the outer shell was extremely hard. The two of them fought for a full day and a half before killing the mutant beast.

After putting away the hair and grass, Murphy and Leisen returned to the star base with these two plants.

However, when Murphy and Leisen returned to the star base, they encountered such a scene.

The two of them returned after taking the coil of hair, and when they arrived at the base, they changed to two mechas, so they were delayed for some time. By the time the star base was above the sky, it was already late at night, and even the sky was slightly brighter.

The two descended to a height, but saw a scene above them that surprised them from ear to ear.

I saw a fast figure of a man below following another person walking alone. The man's fast speed should be a speed mutator, and he is of a high level. After a while, he saw the man in front of him. Press down.

Then the man's hand poked down violently, and the people below stopped moving.The man tore the man apart, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

That kind of strength and movement is undoubtedly possessed by zombies, but the man doesn't seem to act like a zombie, and he is also fully clothed.

The two immediately thought that this should be the murderer who committed crimes recently, but when the two landed to catch the beast, Murphy had already seen the man's face sharply.

"No, it won't be!" Murphy exclaimed again and again, and his neat movements stopped for a while.

The man below has already noticed the huge monster above, tore off an arm and ran away into the distance.

Lei Sen hurriedly drove the mecha to chase, but it was difficult for such a huge mecha to catch people in the base full of houses.

"Lei Sen, stop chasing and follow me." Murphy chased and stopped Lei Sen.

"What's wrong?" Lei Sen didn't understand, since the murderer was found, why didn't he let him chase after him.However, Murphy was always calm, and Lei Sen stopped accordingly.

"I saw the murderer's face." When Murphy said this, his tone was a little weird, but Lei Sen thought it was a problem with the transmission of the mecha.

"It's easy to handle when you see it, and it's easy to identify it later, but you have to catch it."

"Follow me." Murphy's mech moved and flew Leisen towards the jurisdiction.

Before the two of them reached the jurisdiction, they saw a man and a woman pulled together below.

Murphy's mecha and Lei Sen's mecha landed together, the man turned his head and ran forward, while the woman shouted heart-piercingly: "Yu!"

"Lei Sen, go and catch Xiao Minyu!" Murphy whispered next to Lei Sen.

"What? Xiao Minyu? You said that man just now was Xiao Minyu?" Lei Sen asked Murphy in surprise.

"Well, I just don't know why he became like this!" Murphy said, looking at a man and a woman below.

The mechas of Lei Sen and Murphy slowly landed, and then the two got off from their respective mechas.At this moment, Xiao Minyu has already run far away relying on his ability to change speed.

"Feifei? You..." The woman was obviously taken aback, she didn't expect that the scene just now would be seen by Murphy.

"Sister Yulin, did you say the moonlight white jade is really useful last time?" Murphy suddenly thought of something else.

"Yes, didn't you see that Yu is already healed, but he doesn't seem to know me anymore, is there any sequelae?" Hearing Mo Fei's question, Yulin thought of the way Xiao Minyu looked at her just now.

If it was because of what happened last time, Xiao Minyu should hate himself, but when he looked at him just now, his eyes were obviously strange.Yulin was also taken aback by her own thoughts.

Seeing that Yulin's expression didn't look like she was pretending, Mo Fei sighed: "It seems that you don't know, but he is not him anymore, you should go home quickly! Don't come to Xiao Minyu in the future." Murphy finished speaking He turned around and nodded to Lei Sen, and the two ran to the jurisdiction.

The more Murphy said that, the more Yulin felt that something must have happened.Taking advantage of the fact that both Murphy and Lei Sen were focusing on the front, Yulin also followed secretly.

Mo Fei and Lei Sen came to Xiao Minyu's villa. It was almost dawn at this time, but this matter should not be delayed, so the two simply rang the doorbell of Xiao Minyu's house.

After a long time, the butler came to open the door sleepily. Seeing Murphy standing outside the door, he hurriedly asked, "Miss Murphy, you are here." Although it was a little too early, but thinking of who Murphy was, the butler Murphy was let in without further questioning.

"Sorry to bother you, but can you let Second Brother Man come down?"

"This..." The housekeeper glanced at the time, it was only five o'clock, although it was already a little dark outside.

"Did something happen?" Before the housekeeper went upstairs, Man Chengbin came down in his pajamas, and heard the doorbell from above. Man Chengbin didn't know who it was so early, so he got up and took a look. Murphy, and Murphy was still following Lei Sen, so he felt that there must be something important.

"Second Brother Man, Xiao Minyu may have a problem." When Mo Fei saw Man Cheng Bin coming down, he didn't bother to greet him, and said directly to Man Cheng Bin.

"What? Tell me, what's wrong with the fifth brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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