Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 427 Echinacea

Chapter 427 Echinacea

The next thing is to prepare a pair of the same enhancement potion according to Dr. Wan Qiang's potion formula, and then use the instrument to extract samples from Xiao Minyu's body for testing.

After these two things were done, Lin Yixun turned around and went to the big laboratory because he still had to wait for Xiao Minyu's test results.

At this time, those researchers have prepared all the required materials according to Lin Yixun's previous requirements, and are only waiting for the completion of this main task.

It didn't take long for Murphy to be called to the big research room by Lin Yixun: "Come here, Feifei, we don't understand here, what are you going to add?" Lin Yixun asked, pointing to the scanned notebook of Murphy's father.

"This is lilac, the rare plant I brought back earlier, and the other is white lotus with red tip. It wasn't the one that you boasted about being fresh and refined when I gave it to you."

"Oh, those two kinds, but you seem to be the only one who knows these characters. Is it a special sign of your family?" Lin Yixun asked unconsciously.

Murphy didn't explain much, and nodded towards Lin Yixun: "That's right!"

When the two were researching, a researcher ran in from outside and shouted at Lin Yixun: "Dr. Lin, the sample and the medicine you sent just now have been tested, and they are the same kind."

Murphy and Lin Yixun looked at each other, and there was a look in their eyes: It really is so.

When looking through the records of Dr. Wan Qiang just now, Lin Yixun suddenly discovered a medicine that can stimulate the body's emotions in some reformed enhancement medicines. To put it bluntly, it is a reminder.Potion of love.

Reminiscent of the special enhancement potion that Yulin would give Xiao Minyu, the two of them thought this was the most likely. Fortunately, this potion was not difficult to prepare, so they hurriedly made a copy for analysis, but they were right.

"Then I understand. Xiao Minyu must have been physically exhausted at the time, and then he lost his strength when he promoted again. As a result, he was dragged to death, but it's a bit strange how he broke through again later."

"It was I who gave him a calming jade pendant, and he recovered a little later." Murphy quickly replied.

"Then it's not difficult to explain. Xiao Minyu must have recovered a little vitality and then improved, but he has high supernatural powers, and he belongs to people who are very close to mutating into zombies. Later, he improved again, but his body was in a bad state before. The mutation factor that came down did not disappear, but was suppressed by the energy of your calming jade pendant, so although there is a tendency to become zombies, it has not completely mutated."

After all, Lin Yixun is an expert in the study of zombies, so he quickly analyzed the general idea.

Murphy nodded. She agrees with Lin Yixun's analysis result, and this result is also in line with the current situation.

"Then now that the matter is clear, how can we save Xiao Minyu?"

Hearing Mo Fei's question, Lin Yixun lowered his head and pondered: "This... I think about it, and I can't think of any solution for the time being. Dr. Wan Qiang doesn't have a so-called antidote here. It will take time to study, but I It's a bold assumption."

"What is it?" Murphy asked quickly.

"It's the potion in my hand now! If this potion is successfully developed, then maybe we can be exposed to the crisis of the end times, and the bad factors remaining in Xiao Minyu's body will definitely be eliminated, so I think our primary goal is still the same. It's this potion." Lin Yixun pointed to the booklet of Murphy's father.

"Okay! There is no other way now, but to hurry up and study. I hope Xiao Minyu can last for a while, but do you have any way to control the situation from getting worse?" Although Murphy agrees with the current results, he still hopes Lin Yixun could think of other ways.

"Not for the time being, but it shouldn't get worse if you don't let him continue to upgrade. You see, if the supernatural person doesn't absorb Mojing, it won't automatically upgrade at all." Lin Yixun is an expert in this field, she said it's no problem and Mo Fei also slightly Take it easy.

"Okay then, let's study this potion carefully!"

In the following days, Murphy lived very quickly, because he was very busy every day, and the first potion was officially prepared, but this potion was the original potion with a slight defect. Although it could purify the atmosphere, it could At the same time, it will reduce the immunity of some people.

"Here I think some anti-immune things should be added. Maybe this will not only purify but also strengthen the body."

"But these materials are all plants, we think we should add plants, but what plants can enhance immunity?"

Due to this shortcoming, scientists have been discussing this issue recently. Even when Mo Fei goes home every day, he will hold a super thick plant book and flip through it after dinner.

"I found it. This echinacea has the effect of enhancing immunity. It contains a variety of active ingredients, which can stimulate the vitality of immune cells such as white blood cells in the human body, and can also improve the body's own immunity." Murphy sat by the window and flipped through the book. Suddenly he stood up holding the book.

Glancing at the time, Murphy ran downstairs with the book in his hand.

"Feifei, it's already ten o'clock, where are you going?" Bai Sirui asked curiously when he saw that Murphy was running out with a book in his arms at such a late hour.

"I found a plant that improves immunity. I'll go to the research institute." Murphy replied without looking back, and rushed to the door after speaking.

"Wait a minute, I'll drive you there, do you want to use the speed symbol to run in the base?" Bai Sirui said with a smile as he stood up.

"That's right, then hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"Okay." Bai Sirui responded and walked upstairs, and after a while, he took the car keys and followed Murphy out.

He drove the car directly to the research institute, and Murphy got off the car and went straight to the research institute.

"Lin Yixun, come out soon, I found a plant that can enhance immunity." Murphy shouted as soon as he entered.

"Really? That's great, call everyone and work overtime tonight!" Lin Yixun felt as if he had been beaten when he heard that Murphy had found him.

"Don't wait, I just said I found it. Do you have any plants?" Murphy hurriedly stopped Lin Yixun, a workaholic, from making the next move.

"Oh, show me quickly." Lin Yixun felt that he was really a little rash, reached out and touched his nose, and then ran over to take the book from Murphy's hand.

"Look, this echinacea is also called echinacea..." Murphy said as he opened the page he had sandwiched together.

"Really, I heard that this kind of plant is not extinct before the end of the world, but we don't have this kind of plant in Longguo. This kind of plant grows in North America." Lin Yixun muttered while watching.

"That's not a problem, I'll fly with Lei Sen!" Murphy was not worried at all.

"Well, Feifei, take a good rest tonight and leave early tomorrow morning. Let's check if there are any other plants that can be used." Lin Yixun thought it over and made two preparations.

"That's it. I'm going back first. Put the books here first. Give me some thermostat boxes. I won't be here tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Murphy went straight to Lin Yixun for some necessary things.

Lin Yixun naturally asked someone to help Murphy pick out some other things that he needed, and then Murphy left, while Bai Sirui was still waiting for Murphy in the car outside.

"Come back?" Bai Sirui thought it would take a long time for Murphy to go in, but he didn't expect to come out so soon.

"Well, tomorrow I'm going to North America to collect a plant." Murphy replied.

"To go so far? By yourself?" Bai Sirui's face was obviously taken aback, and he asked anxiously, if it was only Murphy himself, he was a little worried.

"No, I'll go with Leisen."

"Oh, so we were together with him." Bai Sirui's expression darkened: "Then go home early and rest, you have to leave early tomorrow morning?"

"You can't go home yet, let's go to Lei Sen's house first!" Murphy thought of saying hello to Lei Sen first, so as to save him from being unprepared tomorrow morning.

In fact, as soon as Murphy left, Lin Yixun had already reported the matter to the command center, so the command center had already contacted Lei Sen through the communicator.

When Murphy arrived, Lei Sen had already arranged some chores for the mecha team.

"Feifei, are you here for tomorrow's trip to North America?" Lei Sen asked with a smile when he saw Murphy at the door.

"Huh? You already know? If I knew I wasn't coming, then I'm leaving!" Murphy didn't even enter the door, turned around and was about to leave.

With sharp eyesight, Lei Sen quickly grabbed Mo Fei, with a wry smile on his face: This Mo Fei, can't she come and see me except for business?

"Don't go, come in and sit for a while." Lei Sen asked softly.

"No, Bai Sirui is still waiting for me in the car outside." Murphy refused without thinking.

"Bai Sirui? He sent you here?"

"Well, he sent me to the research institute first, and then I want to inform you first, so that you don't have time to deploy tomorrow morning. I didn't expect you to know, so I'll go first! Go to bed early." Murphy turned his head after speaking Just went down the stairs.

Lei Sen looked at Murphy's back and shook his head with a smile: Forget it, anyway, the time to go to North America will definitely not be short, so let's continue to work hard when the time comes!
After leaving Leisen's house, Mo Fei got into the car directly. Seeing that Murphy stayed at Lei Sen's place for a shorter time, Bai Sirui felt much better, and drove Mo Fei straight to his villa.

Early the next morning, Murphy and Leisen left the star base and flew towards North America.Of course, not far from the star base, Leisen's Silver Wing was flying by himself, while Mo Fei sat comfortably in the carrying compartment of the Silver Wing eating snacks.

It is indeed a long way to fly from here. The destination they chose was Maple Leaf Country. The two of them did not fly all the time, but flew for a while and rested for a while. If it is before the end of the world, it will take about [-] hours to fly from Longguojing City Left and right, but it was hard to fly for so long, and they didn't know what they would face in the past, so the two of them didn't keep rushing, but they finally reached their destination on the third day.

It was the first time for Murphy to come to such a far place since he was a child. After Leisen chose a place to land, Murphy jumped off the mech.

"I didn't expect that the first time I went abroad was after the end of the world." Mo Fei stretched his sore body from being nestled in the mecha.

Lei Sen poked his head out of the cabin with a smile, and was about to speak, but unexpectedly, a light bullet flew past Murphy's ear.

Murphy quickly looked at the direction of the light bullet with caution: "Who is it?"

 Thanks for Xiaoyang's support, becoming Xiaoxiao's first deacon

(End of this chapter)

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