Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 428 Exchange Conditions of the Castle Base

Chapter 428 Exchange Conditions of the Castle Base

Murphy and Leisen flew for more than two days before reaching Maple Leaf Country. Of course, it was mainly Leisen who was flying with Silver Wings.

But he didn't expect to be attacked as soon as he landed. Murphy's good mood because of going abroad for the first time was completely destroyed at this moment.

After quickly looking around, he didn't find anyone suspicious. Murphy couldn't help being a little surprised.

Just as the two were looking for the enemy, another light bullet flew over from another direction, this time the light bullet went straight to Murphy.

Because Lei Sen could see clearly from the high position, he quickly reminded Murphy to be careful.

But Mo Fei had already noticed something was wrong, and now he had activated the Speed ​​Talisman to dodge.

Although Murphy still didn't see it this time, Lei Sen saw it very clearly, and at the same time, he couldn't help being surprised.Because it is not people who attack them, but zombies.

"The zombies here are all spirits? They can even use weapons." After learning about this situation, Murphy also became careful, and after Murphy cleaned up the two strange zombies, he muttered in confusion.

"I don't know. It always feels weird here. We'd better be careful." When Lei Sen spoke, he didn't forget to look around. Seeing some zombies that seemed to be equally strange not far away, Lei Sen quickly Shouted to Mo Fei: "It's too dangerous down here, you'd better get into the mecha."

But it was rejected by Mo Fei: "No, I'll take a look outside, don't stand on the mecha platform and go in first, in case you encounter a giant zombie, you can still help."

Mo Fei walked forward involuntarily, Lei Sen had no choice but to quickly get into the mecha, and then followed behind Mo Fei, looking around all the time.

Although not every zombie will use weapons on the road afterwards, the frequency of encountering zombies using weapons is quite high.

"It's strange, how come there are zombies that can use weapons." The two walked around for a long time. Although they hadn't found the plant they were looking for, these weird zombies made them even more suspicious.

Could it be that there is something special here?Can it improve the intelligence of zombies?

"Feifei, enter the mecha, there is a base ahead." Lei Sen said and stretched out his hand in front of Murphy.

Murphy didn't ask much, and stepped on it, and then the two went straight to the base.

After receiving the information from the two people, the personnel at the base made some investigations, and then allowed the two people to enter the base, but the mechs had to stay outside the base temporarily.

With Mo Fei, a mecha that could be summoned at any time, the two of them were not worried about their lives, so they readily agreed.

Lei Sen parked the mecha outside the base, and the two of them brought a translator and entered this luxurious base that looked like a huge castle.

With the translator, the dialogue between the two parties was of course unimpeded. After a while, the other party understood the purpose of the two people's trip, and Murphy and Leisen also understood how the zombies who could use weapons came from outside.

"It turns out that the two are messengers of hope. On behalf of the Maple Leaf Country of the Earth Alliance, I express my willingness to support the work of the two. We will be responsible for finding this echinacea, but I hope that the two can help us eliminate some of the zombies around." The base said The person in charge quickly agreed to help with the search, but Murphy and Leisen would not let them idle.

It's not difficult to just kill zombies without looking for plants, and this kind of exchange is also very reasonable, so Murphy readily agreed.

"Take a break, both of you, and help us clean up the zombies after lunch."

Murphy and Leisen nodded, and followed the person in charge of the base to the dining place.

After eating, Murphy and Leisen left the base directly, and then continued to clean up the zombies that could be seen around. It was really not difficult to operate mechs, so Murphy simply slacked off and stayed in Leisen In the carrying compartment of the mecha.

"Lei Sen, these zombies are actually mutated by supernatural beings, so our supernatural beings should also use some weapons after mutation, right?" Murphy asked while sitting in the carrying compartment.

That's right, the reason why these zombies use weapons is not that the zombies here are smart, but because these zombies are formed by the evolution of supernatural beings.

So the zombies here are very difficult to fight, because there is no telling when a certain zombie will attack you from a distance.

"In the early days of the end of the world, because the people of Maple Leaf Country and many European and American countries can have weapons, zombies are killed very quickly, and the black crystals are obtained quickly, so the supernatural beings here must absorb the black crystals faster than us. The reason why they level up quickly." Lei Sen explained while chopping down another zombie in his hand.

"That's why there are so many mutated zombies here. When they absorb Mo Jing, they must not have imagined that there will be such consequences one day." When Mo Fei spoke, he thought of Xiao Minyu again.

Sensing that Murphy's mood seemed a bit depressed, Lei Sen quickly changed the subject: "Okay, don't think about it so much, as long as the echinacea is found, no one with supernatural powers will mutate into a zombie again in the future."

Murphy nodded after listening to Leiser's words, but then realized that she was in the carrying compartment, and Leisen could not see her with a bald head, so she quickly replied: "I see, I will come out to help! Clean up the surroundings as soon as possible, and say They may have found them all when they went back.”

Leisen pressed the button of the carrying compartment, and Murphy's golden mecha instantly appeared beside Leisen. The two quickly killed the zombies, and quickly cleared a road.

In the evening, Murphy put away the mecha and went back to the carrying compartment of Leisen Silver Wing, and then the two of them flew back to the castle base.

"The two warriors are back. This is the echinacea we found today. Although there are only seven plants, we will try our best to continue searching." The person in charge of the castle base handed the seven echinacea plants to Murphy and said.

"It's great to find seven plants so quickly." After taking the echinacea, Murphy put them into the incubator.Because it needs to be cultivated and refined, at least dozens of echinacea plants are enough.

"I hope we can find some more tomorrow. You two have worked hard today. Please come with us for dinner." The person in charge of the castle base led Murphy and Leisen to the restaurant for dinner.

In the evening, I don't know what the person in charge of the castle base thought, but they allocated a room for Murphy and Leisen.After thinking about it, Murphy was outside, and there was a care for two people in one room, not to mention that there were two beds inside, so he walked in without saying much.

On the contrary, it was Lei Sen who thought that Murphy would think too much, but it turned out that Murphy entered the room first, and Lei Sen quickly followed happily.

"I like to sleep on the bed by the window." After Murphy finished speaking, he put the backpack on the table by the window.

"Okay, I'll sleep here." Although they can't share the same bed, they can talk a lot in such a room, and Lei Sen thinks this is a breakthrough.

After taking a shower, Murphy came out wearing a cartoon cotton pajamas. Although it wasn't sexy, her steamed skin was slightly flushed, making her look supple and lovely.

Lei Sen was a little reluctant to look away, but Mo Fei slapped his head warningly and shouted: "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"Let's go..." Lei Sen replied, and then he took his clothes and got into the bathroom as if he was fleeing.

Just as the sound of water was rushing, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside, and then Mo Fei heard a person talking in a low voice.

Mo Fei couldn't understand what was said. She could hear it with her hearing, but the translator couldn't hear it, so she couldn't translate it.

Murphy carefully paid attention to the pronunciation, and then roughly jotted down what the two said.

When the people outside left so hard that Mo Fei could not hear them, Mo Fei hurriedly took out the translator.

Facing the translator, I said the words just now. The words translated in it were sporadic, but they were enough for Mo Fei to connect the words completely.

"He really knows how to make up his mind." Mo Fei squinted his eyes and snorted, then fell down on the bed.

When Lei Sen came out wiping the water drops, he saw Murphy lying on his back and looking at the ceiling, but his face was obviously unhappy.

"What's wrong with you, Feifei?" Lei Sen asked cautiously, did he make her angry by staring at Murphy just now?

"Lei Sen, you are finished washing, sit down." Mo Fei sat up from the bed, patted his bedside and said.

With a flattered expression, Lei Sen sat down by the bed according to Murphy's instructions in a daze: "Did I do something wrong? Or something happened?"

Lei Sen sat down to observe now, and found that Murphy didn't seem to be angry at himself, so he asked.

"That's right." Murphy told Leisen what he had just heard and how he remembered the translation of the words later, and Leisen couldn't help frowning.

"That's it. They actually know there's a large field of echinacea around, but they want us to do free coolies so they're going to take it out a little bit. It's disgusting."

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Lei Sen thought for a while: "How about this, tomorrow I will kill zombies, you fly out to find Echinacea, then tell us that the amount we need has decreased, and just leave."

Murphy rolled his eyes: "Tomorrow, if you go out by yourself, I'll tell you that I won't be of much help, and then I'll follow to see where the echinacea is. It's much more convenient than going out by myself."

"No, what if someone finds out? Then you won't be very dangerous." Lei Sen said disapprovingly when he heard that Murphy was going to follow those people.

"If you can't beat them, just run. My speed is top-notch, and I still have mechas. If I can't do it then, I'll run. Anyway, according to them, it's impossible to disappear all at once, right?"

Thinking about it, it was the same reason. In the end, Lei Sen didn't argue with Murphy and agreed with Murphy's decision.

Originally, Lei Sen wanted to chat with Mo Fei after finishing the business, but Mo Fei said: "There are still difficult tasks waiting for us tomorrow, and he refused."

Murphy fell asleep quickly, but Lei Sen, who listened to Murphy's steady breathing, couldn't fall asleep anyway, and finally fell asleep in a daze after tossing around in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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