Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 429 Finale: The Long Road to Struggle

Chapter 429 Finale: The Long Road to Struggle

The return time of Murphy and Leisen was not much faster than when they went there before. It’s not that they need to have a good rest this time. After all, this time they are returning to the star base, not going to a strange place. If they can go faster, they will definitely travel more .

But because of the strong wind on the road, Lei Sen had no choice but to find an island to stay and wait for the strong wind to pass before heading back.As a result, the wind blew for two days at once, and it was only a little weaker on the third day, so that Lei Sen and Murphy could continue to rush back.

During this period, the star base had already been in contact with Lei Sen, but the distance was probably relatively far away, and because of the strong wind, the contact was not made.

Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, is very anxious now, because the impact of this incident is really too great.There are three C5 zombies and a murderer who doesn't know if he has turned into a zombie in the base, but they haven't been found after searching for so long, so people in the star base are panicking now.

And that day, according to the description of the patrolling old Wang after waking up, he met a strange-looking person that day, and he even molested him.

It's just that he didn't see the face clearly, and he didn't know if it was a human face. The body looked human, but the weird tongue stretched like a snake, so Lao Wang couldn't be sure it was human.

In addition, the dead man who patrolled together before also made Lao Wang tremble with fear.

Just one day after this incident ended, another person was killed in the base, and this time the person who was killed was directly eaten, just like those who disappeared before.

When the base was at a loss, Lei Sen and Murphy finally flew back from North America. They took Echinacea with them and returned to the base. He was called to the command center.

Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, told the two people what happened during this period, and hoped that Lei Sen could temporarily act as the command of the special operations team, so that the members of the mecha team and the special operations team could work together to find the missing Xiao Minyu and Three C5 zombies.

When Murphy heard that C5 Gu Huaiyuan's zombie had escaped and Xiao Minyu was missing, he naturally joined the search. But before that, Murphy had to go to the research institute to see the progress.

Lin Yixun has already extracted the potion, as long as the potion is made this time, the first test can be carried out.

"How is it?" Murphy went to the research institute and went straight to Lin Yixun's group laboratory.

"I have already extracted the ingredients of the echinacea you brought back, and they are indeed consistent, but this time I can only try it first, and it is still uncertain whether it will be successful or not."

"Well, as soon as possible! I still need to help with the search work." Seeing that Lin Yixun's step-by-step progress did not require her to check, Mo Fei handed everything over to Lin Yixun, and went back to lie down for a while. Join the search in one click.

The search didn't stop for a moment, and there were still no shadows of C5 zombies and Xiao Minyu, but at this time the base had narrowed down the scope a lot.

"The personnel who came out in the morning go back to rest, and the replacement will continue." The personnel of this search operation shouted at their subordinates.

In the process of exchanging personnel, suddenly, a team member shouted: "Fa...I found it, please help."

Hearing this, all the staff, no matter they were on duty or not, moved closer to the calling team member, and after a while, they found the C5 zombie in a very hidden corner house, and at the same time found Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu's expression was still the same as that of ordinary people at this time, but he was not attacked when he shuttled among the three C5 zombies.

"All parties are prepared, try to capture them alive, and only allow them to be killed if they are found to be a threat to safety." The commander shouted at the team members.

After receiving the news, Murphy, Lei Sen and others also rushed to the scene. Originally, Murphy couldn't squeeze in, but Lei Sen and her arrived at about the same time, so Murphy followed Lei Sen and arrived at the first scene.

At this moment, the two sides basically stood there without moving, but the two little C5 zombies seemed to be unable to hold back because of the increasingly dangerous atmosphere around them.

"Captain Lei, what do you think we should do now? They don't come out at all, and our people can't rush in." The command staff quickly asked as if they were relieved when they saw Lei Sen approaching.

Lei Sen signaled to the commander of the search to be calm, and then contacted Man Chengbin.

"Old Five, do you still know me?" When Man Chengbin arrived, he saw Xiao Minyu standing behind the three C5 zombies, his eyes were very calm.

Facing Man Chengbin's question, Xiao Minyu didn't answer at all, just glanced at Man Chengbin when he spoke out, and then acted like he had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that Xiao Minyu didn't respond to him at all, Man Chengbin had no choice but to ask Mo Fei at the side for help: "Feifei, otherwise, try it and see if he will respond to your words."

Mo Fei shrugged and said that there was nothing she could do to help. It was not that she had never done it before, but Xiao Minyu ignored her at all.If it wasn't for Xiao Minyu's human appearance, Murphy would have suspected that Xiao Minyu had turned into a zombie, otherwise why would no one know him?
Just as the few people were talking, the two little C5 zombies finally couldn't take it anymore. They were suppressed by the C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie before, and the two small eyes kept scanning the people in front of them without stopping. Seeing so many "food" in front of them ", the two little zombies who have been suppressed for so long finally couldn't help moving.

Because the confrontation had been very calm before, the people in front didn't expect the two little zombies to move first, so the two people in the front row were bitten by the necks of the little zombies, and blood spurted out.

The people in front were startled by the scene in front of them, and the energy gun in their hand missed the aim, and hit the C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie with one shot.

After being attacked, the C5 Gu Huaiyuan zombie couldn't just let it be beaten, so it also rushed out now.

"Attack." Seeing that the situation was wrong, Lei Sen shouted quickly, and the surrounding personnel all attacked the three C5 zombies.

The attack power of C5 zombies is not strong. Although they have the speed and wisdom of human beings, in fact, they mainly survived by commanding low-level zombies to protect themselves. was shot dead.

The three C5 zombies were killed, leaving only Xiao Minyu who mutated into a zombie.

All the team members didn't dare to be careless, and all the energy guns were aimed at Xiao Minyu.

Man Chengbin was anxious, but Xiao Minyu ignored him, and even he was not sure whether Xiao Minyu had changed.

After another hour of stalemate, Xiao Minyu was still inside the house, neither moving nor attacking, so that everyone didn't know what he wanted to do.

From the periphery of the human wall, a figure suddenly squeezed in, came straight to Murphy's side, and whispered something in Murphy's ear.

"So? I see, I'll go right away." Murphy nodded, and the figure returned.

"Lei Sen, Brother Man, please keep an eye on this place. There is something wrong with the translation at the research institute. I have to rush over to have a look." Mo Fei glanced at the two of them. Looking at the current situation, Xiao Minyu didn't seem to be attacking for the time being. Sex, maybe it's still too late.

"Okay." Lei Sen replied, and moved forward again.

Murphy quickly left the crowd. After Murphy left, a person appeared in the corner, looked in, and squeezed in quietly while no one was paying attention.

Murphy hurried back to the institute, and Lin Yixun was waiting for her.

"What's going on?" Murphy asked as soon as he entered.

"You're back. The words don't seem right. No matter how we matched just now, we couldn't match." Lin Yixun said, pointing to the place Murphy had marked.

Mo Fei took a look. The note on this position was written by his father before, but the standard and correct runes were not used, so Mo Fei could only make a rough guess. Now that he heard that it was wrong, Mo Fei frowned: "You put this Read all of Duan's potions to me."

When Lin Yixun and Mo Fei were discussing the formula of the medicine, Xiao Minyu on the other side stood up as if he had just woken up, and then glanced at all the people on the opposite side, and finally fell on Man Chengbin's face.

Man Chengbin's face brightened, does this mean that Xiao Minyu recognized him?Surprised, Man Chengbin took two steps forward, and Xiao Minyu walked over to meet Man Chengbin.

However, Xiao Minyu's face suddenly changed, and he grabbed Man Chengbin's neck with one hand.

Seeing that something was wrong, Lei Sen quickly ordered everyone to prepare to attack.

When the gun was pointed at Xiao Minyu again, another person rushed in from the crowd and stood in front of Xiao Minyu: "No, don't hurt him."

Lei Sen and Meng Zhibo, who was anxious at the side, realized that it was a woman who rushed out, and this woman was none other than Yulin.

Man Chengbin was pinched so hard that he couldn't breathe, struggling with his hands.

"Yu Lin, get out of the way, or the second child will be strangled to death by the fifth child." Seeing that Man Cheng Bin's waving hands were getting weaker and weaker, Meng Zhibo hurriedly shouted.

Yulin refused to give way, but turned around and ran towards Xiao Minyu.Yulin hugged Xiao Minyu's body: "Yu, it's me, I'm sorry, I hurt you, I'm sorry, let him go and pinch me! I want to be with you, even if I die."

While crying, Yulin went to break Xiao Minyu's hand, and at the same time put Xiao Minyu's other hand on her neck.

"Crazy woman, what's the trouble?" Meng Zhibo couldn't help muttering when he saw this situation.

Xiao Minyu didn't know what he was thinking at the moment, although he didn't let go of Man Cheng Bin, but he also let go of the strength in his hand, and Man Cheng Bin quickly took a big mouthful of breath, which relieved his already suppressed purple face a little.

Because Yulin rushed over, she was now at an impasse again.Xiao Minyu was looking at Yulin hard, his eyes seemed strange but curious.

Time passed by every minute and every second, just when Yulin was about to faint from crying, a crisp voice rushed over with excitement.

"Rang Rang, hurry up and let Rang, I want to save people!"

Looking back along the sound, I saw a person wearing a heavy costume from head to toe, like wearing a spacesuit, but moving quickly and the sound was clearly conveyed.

This person was holding a jar in his hand, shouting all the way and running all the way here.

The crowd didn't know what was going on, but they automatically moved away from both sides, and then the armed man approached.

As soon as the jar in his hand was placed on the ground, the fully armed man pressed a button, and a stream of liquid sprayed out from the front of the suit, and rushed towards Xiao Minyu's body.

The liquid turned into mist when it rushed to the front, and the thick mist surrounded Xiao Minyu, Yulin and Man Chengbin.

"Three, two, one!" The man counted down to three times, and saw the three people on the opposite side all fall to the ground.

The fully armed man didn't stop, rushed over quickly, closed the spraying nozzle, then found a small bottle from nowhere, opened the bottle cap, poured the liquid into Xiao Minyu's mouth, and then alone He took Xiao Minyu out.

"Where's the nurse who came over? Give him an injection."

A few more medical staff ran out from behind the crowd, and then a nurse gave Xiao Minyu a liquid of a strange color, and then carried Xiao Minyu to the ambulance on a stretcher.

Because of this change, everyone looked at this strangely dressed person in a daze.

After the ambulance even carried Yulin and Man Chengbin up, this strangely dressed man began to take off his outer clothes.

After the costume was taken off, everyone realized that it was Murphy.

"Feifei? Why are you? What's going on?" Lei Sen asked first.

Meng Zhibo was in a hurry to follow to the hospital, but he stopped when he realized it was Murphy, waiting for Murphy's answer.

"Let's go to the hospital and see how Xiao Minyu is doing. On the way, let's say, Lei Sen, let the staff leave!" Murphy said, looking at Lei Sen and Meng Zhibo who looked suspicious.

Lei Sen asked the inspectors to report back to their respective dispatch units to report the end of the mission, and then took Murphy to the hospital.

On the way, Murphy told Lei Sen and Meng Zhibo what happened this time.

It turned out that after Murphy went to the research institute, he cooperated with Lin Yixun to correct the name of the medicine that was formulated this time.At first, he couldn't find the corresponding one, but then Mo Fei suddenly remembered that this symbol had appeared in a certain note of his father before.So I took out the paragraph with this character and read it to Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun is worthy of being an expert in this field, he just deduced this character from the meaning of the context.

The characters were deciphered, and the formula test was carried out immediately. Because the preliminary work was particularly sufficient, the preparation time was not too long, and the sample reagent was prepared very quickly.

But at this moment, the previous situation was also communicated. Hearing that the previous situation was not optimistic, and now all the C5 zombies had been let go, so Murphy took the potion directly after Lin Yixun confirmed the general possibility of the medicinal property. the scene.

First use the spray mixed with medicine to stun Xiao Minyu. Of course, this must be mixed with the antidote. If the medicine is pure, it may not be possible to stun Xiao Minyu by breathing, otherwise the stun bomb used in the base before will not be able to stun Xiao Minyu. doesn't work.

After Xiao Minyu fell into a coma, Murphy poured the antidote into Xiao Minyu, but Xiao Minyu had already shown some zombie characteristics. Murphy was afraid that the dose of medicine would not be enough, so he brought a nurse in advance to inject Xiao Minyu with the antidote.

"Now I can't guarantee that Xiao Minyu will be cured, after all, the first time this medicine was used on Xiao Minyu." Murphy briefly explained the whole story.

"So that's the case. I hope it will work. After all, we have been searching for the formula for this antidote for a long time before we can find everything." Lei Sen nodded after listening.

Meng Zhibo put his palms together directly: "Bless the fifth child to recover."

While speaking, they had rushed to the hospital in the Star Soul Circle, not only the hospital personnel, but also some personnel from the research institute were here.

Man Chengbin, who was in a coma before, has woken up, but Yulin has not yet woken up.

"Dr. Lin, how is Xiao Minyu's data now?" As soon as Murphy came in, he saw Lin Yixun just copying the data on the recorder.

"There is no change for the time being, so I also moved the single-layer transport plane in the sample room. If it doesn't work, I'm afraid Xiao Minyu will be locked up." Lin Yixun pointed to the sample single-layer transport plane like a crystal coffin and said.

Lin Yixun was recording, when suddenly, the instrument that recorded Xiao Minyu's blood pressure and heartbeat sounded an alarm.

"Dr. Lin, it's not good. The blood pressure of the observer continues to drop, and the heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker."

"How could this happen?" Lin Yixun was startled, and quickly signaled the medical staff to rescue him.

But when the medical staff were in place, the heartbeat recorder could not detect the heartbeat.The medical staff hurriedly searched for a cardiac resuscitator.Following the shock, Xiao Minyu's body kept jumping on the bed, but there was still no response.

The medical staff rescued the patient for a long time, but finally they could only announce that the rescued person was invalid.

Man Chengbin, Meng Zhibo, Geng Yunwei, Fang Xingping and Xiao Minyu's brothers who were born and died couldn't help crying. Even Lei Sen looked downcastly in the face of such a result, and only Murphy looked at the hospital bed blankly.

Seeing Xiao Minyu lying quietly on the hospital bed, Mo Fei felt a strange feeling in her heart. She always felt that there seemed to be something on Xiao Minyu's body, and something in the storage talisman was about to move.

Mo Fei turned his back and took out the storage talisman while no one was paying attention. It turned out to be the super huge black crystal that he dug out from the grave last time he went treasure hunting with the Spark team.

The super huge smoky crystal that was taken out was now glowing faintly, as if jumping like an excited child.Mo Fei felt a kind of suction pulling her towards Xiao Minyu's "corpse".

Just like this, Mo Fei walked to Xiao Minyu's side with the huge ink crystal, and the huge ink crystal suddenly flew away from Murphy's hand and stuck to Xiao Minyu's heart.

A streak of black air that Mo Fei's eyes could not catch up to, floated out from Xiao Minyu's heart, and was sucked into the interior by the huge black crystal one by one.

Immediately, Mo Jing flew back into Mo Fei's hand again, and the heartbeat recorder that recorded Xiao Minyu actually started to make "didi" beating sounds again.

Originally, everyone around was in deep pain, and even died suddenly because the staff of the research institute were checking Xiao Minyu's body records for any abnormalities, so the medical staff hadn't moved these instruments, but now they found that the records were displayed on the instruments.

Mo Fei looked at the giant smoky crystal in his hand in surprise, and then shouted to the medical staff who were staring blankly, "Come check it out."

After Murphy yelled, the attention of the people around them all focused here.

"It's great that the fifth child is still alive." Meng Zhibo shouted first.

"The patient is still alive, but his physical fitness is poor for the time being. Everyone go out first, and we will try our best to treat him." The doctor announced after checking Xiao Minyu.

Everyone left the ward one after another, but Lin Yixun ran after Mo Fei: "Murphy, what happened just now?" Because Lin Yixun was recording the distance, others only saw Murphy walking away. He approached Xiao Minyu, but only Lin Yixun noticed it. Murphy seemed to bring something to Xiao Minyu, and then Xiao Minyu's heartbeat resumed.

"It's this." Mo Fei took out the giant ink crystal: "This thing absorbed some kind of substance in Xiao Minyu's body, and then Xiao Minyu came back to life."

Murphy didn't hide anything, and told what he saw.

"So, this is the key to detoxification?" Lin Yixun reached out to grab the giant black crystal in Mo Fei's hand, but when his finger touched it, it was bounced back. Lin Yixun looked surprised: "This A smoky crystal refuses me to touch it?"

"I don't know about this, but I think our medicine should be successful, but it drives the virus in the body to a certain place but cannot be discharged. This should help detoxification!"

"It also makes sense, otherwise Xiao Minyu wouldn't be stunned at first."

For a period of time after that, Lin Yixun came to check Xiao Minyu's physical records every day. Of course, Lin Yixun also found other supernatural beings to conduct experiments, but ordinary supernatural beings can recover as long as they are injected with antidote. Only those with high abilities needed the giant smoky crystal in Murphy's hand to help remove residual toxins.

Xiao Minyu woke up on the third day, and the first thing she saw when she woke up was Yulin who had been staying by the bed since she woke up. Only after fainting did Xiao Minyu know that Yulin was pregnant.

Probably really moved by Yulin's deep emotion, and Man Chengbin and the others were also spiritually infected because Yulin was desperately trying to save Xiao Minyu, so Xiao Minyu formally accepted Yulin.

However, Lin Yixun has proved through repeated tests that this formula is really effective. He only needs to distribute the potion to the whole world, and at the same time, spray the correct formula of "sunny potion" to the skies all over the world to completely end this apocalypse.

The moonlight white jade regained its vitality under the care of Bai Sirui, and Mo Fei used the moonlight white jade and the glass key to open the sun box.

What is hidden in this sunday box is a traditional Chinese medicine bag.Mo Fei took this Chinese medicine bag to Lin Yixun for testing, and it was surprising to find that the ingredients contained in this Chinese medicine bag were the ones that could strengthen their preparation of medicines. There is actually a preparation that is needed now, but the super-large smoky crystal can remove the toxin that the supernatural being transforms into a zombie. It is not surprising that the ancestors had a premonition and left such a medicine.

The medicine capable of clearing large areas was finally prepared. Of course, this task was completed by Lei Sen's flying mech "Silver Wing", and of course Murphy's golden armor, which officially became a member of the mecha team.

Soon the world returned to its original state. Although there were still many zombies that needed to be removed, there was no longer the threat of an increase in the number of zombies, and the original giant zombies were restored to ordinary C zombies due to the spraying of the medicine. Work more smoothly.

A year later, Xiao Minyu and Yulin's children held a full moon wine. Lei Sen, who participated in the little guy's full moon celebration, looked enviously at Xiao Minyu, who was full of joy, and couldn't help but move closer to Mo Fei: "Feifei, you see, Xiao Minyu has children." , when are you going to promise me?"

"Didn't I tell you to wait a few years? Let me tell you, don't affect my self-motivation. By the way, I'll let you know that I'm going to a special training camp the day after tomorrow, and I'll be back in half a year."

"What? Why didn't you tell me about this?" Lei Sen asked quickly.

"I don't want to talk about it now. Tomorrow is just a public holiday. Come and practice my diving skills with me."

After listening to Murphy's words, Lei Sen's face suddenly became bitter. After half a year of special training camp, Lei Sen couldn't be more clear about the subsequent assessment. There are only three times in the standard assessment. If Murphy wants to pass the test at his own level, even if Murphy is Genius also has at least two years left.

Glancing at Murphy's back, Lei Sen quickened his pace and chased after Murphy. His journey seemed a bit long!

...End of the full text...

 The story is over, thank you for your support for so long, I hope to see you in the next book!
(End of this chapter)

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