Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 44 Looking for trouble

Chapter 44 Looking for trouble

Fearing that Xiao Minyu would follow, Murphy hurried into the next room.After closing the door gently, and confirming that Xiao Minyu did not follow, Mo Fei felt more at ease.

I took out the light source flashlight and looked around. The facilities in this room are fairly complete, but there is thick dust everywhere.

After a little dusting, Mo Fei didn't change his clothes because he slept in a tent before, and his clothes are not too clean now, so he just sat on the bed after dusting off the dust casually.

"Well, the bed is still soft. It's no problem to spread the quilt for a night." While Mo Fei was talking to himself, he was already making preparations.

The outermost bed cover was removed, and the cushion inside was still clean, so Mo Fei directly spread the rolled quilt in the backpack on it.

There was a knock on the door, and Xiao Minyu's voice sounded outside: "Feifei, open the door."

"What's the matter?" Murphy asked vigilantly, she was really afraid that this cheeky and beautiful man would insist on sharing a room with her.

"My elder brother is a water-type supernatural being. See if there is a bathtub in your room, and put some water for you to wash." Xiao Minyu's clear voice sounded again.

I looked at my body, and it was indeed dirty enough. I didn't wash it when I lived in the tent yesterday, and I have been tossing until now, so the girl's love for cleanliness has gained the upper hand.

After checking that there was indeed a bathtub in the bathroom, Murphy immediately opened the door for people outside.

Xiao Minyu didn't say much, and walked straight into the bathroom with the dark-skinned and tallest man who could never see if he closed his mouth without showing his teeth and closed his eyes without showing his eyes in the dark.

Hearing the sound of splashing water, Mo Fei felt a little elated. He didn't expect that "Brother Black" was also a water-type supernatural being, so he didn't have to worry about water.

After the water was put away, Xiao Minyu and the "Brother Black" came out together, gave Mo Fei a few words and left the room.

Murphy locked the door, then pulled out a set of clean clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

While taking a bath, Mo Fei thought carefully about the day when he went to find Zhu Zhu.If Xiao Minyu hadn't told himself that Zhu Zhu and the others had left the base that day, I'd probably have to ask around for Zhu Zhu and the others' whereabouts.

And along the way, apart from talking a lot, Xiao Minyu really didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Maybe he was alone all the time, and he was a little too sensitive.

After taking a bath, Mo Fei felt much more comfortable physically and mentally. After changing his clothes, he lay down on the place he had laid before.

"Phew, lying on the bed is the most comfortable." Yesterday I slept in a tent. Although Mo Fei had a sleeping bag, it still didn't feel good to sleep on the ground.

Just laying down, a dark cloud floated outside to cover the moonlight, the night became darker, and at the same time, the silence was a little scary.

Lying on the bed, Mo Fei felt the sudden darkness in the room, and couldn't help thinking about the next door: why is it so quiet over there? Could it be that they are all asleep?
Thinking of this made Mo Fei a little tired, and his eyes began to blur. Finally, the uncontrollable drowsiness made Mo Fei fall asleep.

At night, it was still so quiet.

However, in the suite next to Murphy's room, Xiao Minyu was sitting comfortably on the sofa in the suite with his legs crossed, smiling all over his face, as if waiting for something.

"Old five, my babies are all ready, when will they be used?" The extremely ugly man with swollen eyes, turned nostrils, buck teeth, thick lips, and pimples asked Xiao Minyu.

"Wait a little longer, when she just fell asleep." Xiao Minyu took a sip of the rich and mellow red wine, and replied with a slightly excited voice.

"It's almost there, already fell asleep over there." At this time, a dark figure came out of the dark place. If the person hadn't spoken suddenly, he might not have noticed that there was still a person standing in the dark place.

The person standing in the dark is the "Brother Black" who followed Xiao Minyu to Murphy's room just now.

"Boss did a good job, fourth brother, it's your turn to play, let your little ones have a good time." Xiao Minyu seemed to be organizing a fun game with excitement in his eyes.

The extremely ugly man nodded towards Xiao Minyu, and then climbed towards the window where "Brother Hei" came from before. With a movement of his hand, some round bodies and slender feet crawled into the next door along the window. s room.

Murphy was sleeping soundly, when he suddenly felt something touching the tip of his nose, and his nose itched, he subconsciously reached out and rubbed it under his nose, but accidentally touched the fluffy ball.

In the darkness, Mo Fei opened his eyes suddenly, but because of the darkness around him, his senses were infinitely magnified many times.

Mo Fei only felt that some hairy things were crawling on his face, hands, and other places where the skin was exposed.

With a jolt, Murphy quickly sat up from the bed.

His hands and feet kept shaking, trying to shake off the inexplicable things on his body, and at the same time, he had already reached for the light source flashlight and Suying gun with one hand.

With the swishing sound, something on his body seemed to shake off a little.

Murphy turned on the light source torch and shone on the ground. There were huge spiders on the ground.

From the looks of it, this kind of spider doesn't look much different from ordinary spiders, but it's quite big.Not counting the feet, the bare body is the size of a fist, and even the fluff on the originally slender feet can be clearly seen.

Mo Fei held back his exclamation, and used the plain gun to pick these huge spiders away one by one.

These spiders are obviously mutated spiders. Although it was introduced in the previous information that insects do not seem to be zombies, it did not say that these species will not mutate.

After all, they were mutated spiders, and Murphy didn't know whether these spiders were poisonous or not.

Picking the spider away as much as possible, Mo Fei quickly backed away, and the plain spear in his hand rained down on the mutated spider.

The mutated spider that got stuck struggled a few times and then stopped moving, while the remaining mutated spiders hurriedly ran towards the window.

They just climbed to the window, but they seemed to have repented collectively, and crawled towards Murphy again.

Although the behavior of these mutated spiders was a bit weird, now was not the time for Mo Fei to think about it. While waving the plain gun to stop the mutated spiders, he leaned against the bed.

I rummaged through the backpack, and when I took it out, there was another thing in my hand.

At this time, the spider spit out spider silk from its mouth and entangled Mo Fei's plain spear, as if it wanted to take away this thing that could stop them.

Mo Fei's hand held the Suying gun tightly. If he lost the weapon, he really had no room to pull it back.

The more and more spider threads became entangled, so Mo Fei simply turned the Suying Spear with both hands to stir together the entangled threads of spider threads.

Not to be outdone, the mutated spider on the opposite side pulled back with the force of the spider's silk, and Murphy also pulled back with all his strength.

Taking advantage of the surrounding conditions, Murphy freed up one hand to pull the furniture in the room, and kept moving back.

Suddenly, Mo Fei didn't know what he was holding onto, and heard a "creak" around him, as if something had been opened.

With the light of the light source flashlight, Mo Fei saw a crack behind where he was, which seemed to be a secret door.

Murphy moved over little by little, and found that it was indeed a separate room. Facing the mutated spiders in front of him, Murphy took out the igniter he found in his bag just now.

When the switch was pressed, sparks were fired from the igniter, and the sparks spread along the spider webs, causing the mutated spiders to scatter in all directions.

Taking the opportunity, Mo Fei grabbed the light source torch that had been placed on the high platform before, and slid into the gap. At the same time, he hooked the pull ring on the back of the door with a tassel gun, and entered the secret room.

When the secret room was completely closed, Mo Fei found that there was still a mutated spider dragging on his plain spear, but at this moment, the spider seemed to have lost its vitality just now, and just lay on the ground blankly.

Even though the spider was very quiet, Murphy still couldn't get along with it, so he picked up the plain gun and shot the mutant spider to death.

After eliminating the danger in front of him, Mo Fei took the light source flashlight and looked around, wanting to see what was going on here in front of him.

After looking around, Mo Fei was disappointed to find that this was just a secret collection room with some art paintings and sculptures in it. It seems that the previous owner should be an art lover.

Although Mo Fei couldn't see their value in these collections, they should have been worth a lot before the end of the world, but now, they are really not as valuable as a piece of vegetarian bread.

Look around, although it's not very good here, it's safer than the outside anyway, who knows what will happen if it's a mutated spider this time, so Mo Fei put the two sofas in the storage room together, and lay down in it. down.

On the other side, the fourth-eldest ugly man who flashed back after releasing the mutated spiders was originally waiting to hear the screams from the next room as Xiao Minyu planned.

But after waiting for a long time, none of the people had the expected exclamation.

Xiao Minyu glanced at the ugly man impatiently: "Fourth, have you released your spider?"

The ugly man is also a little puzzled. It stands to reason that there will definitely be something discovered at this moment. No matter whether it is a girl who is afraid of spiders before, this spider has mutated and crawled on her body suddenly while sleeping. Nothing happened.

It turned out that this ugly fourth-ranked man also had his specialty, that is, he could activate his own abilities to stimulate insects to mutate.

And this man used to like raising spiders very much and knew spiders best, so this time the spiders were mutated, and controlling spiders became the housekeeping skill of this ugly man.

This time, when Xiao Minyu brought "Brother Black" over to give Murphy bath water, he added a little bit of a smell that spiders especially like to the water. Of course, it was also prepared by the ugly man himself.

This smell will make spiders think that this is a place suitable for them to live in and crawl all over the body of the person to whom this smell has been added.

It's just been such a long time, could it be that he slept too deeply and found out?
Thinking about it, Xiao Minyu gestured towards "Brother Hei": "Boss, go over and check the situation."

Just when "Brother Hei" was about to climb over again, he froze all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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