Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 45 Midnight Crisis

Chapter 45 Midnight Crisis
Xiao Minyu keenly noticed the abnormality of "Brother Hei", raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid we are still careless. There seems to be something outside." The black man who ranked first spoke in a low voice.

"What?" Xiao Minyu stood up from the large sofa, and quickly walked to the window, but facing the dark night outside the window, Xiao Minyu couldn't see too far.

"Boss, hurry up and tell us about the situation outside." Although Xiao Minyu stared outside, he could only ask "Brother Hei" beside him.

"Outside..." Before Brother Hei could finish answering Xiao Minyu's words, suddenly, the closed gate of the courtyard rang without warning.

This kind of movement was small but surprisingly harsh in this silent night, which made Xiao Minyu and the others tense up immediately.

When they came up before, because it was too quiet and no one noticed, there were holes in most of the rooms on the second floor, because it was very hidden and difficult to be found, and maybe it was because of the darkness, so When several people checked before, they didn't find it.

At this time, in Murphy's room, pairs of blood-red eyes appeared in a black hole in a corner of the wall. The mutant spider in .

And Murphy was lying in the secret room, unaware of what happened later, and fell asleep peacefully in the secret room.

The same thing happened in Xiao Minyu's room.

The difference is that the five men here are all in the room, and they are alert and ready to fight because of the sharp voice outside.

This suite also has several holes in hidden places, and at the same time as the sharp and piercing sound of metal being scratched outside the door, some blood-red-eyed mice suddenly jumped out of the holes in the corner of the suite.

"Be careful, everyone, it's a zombie mouse." After seeing the enemy clearly, Xiao Minyu flew a ball of fire in his hand towards the mouse that rushed in the front.

And behind Xiao Minyu, the third-ranked burly man also smashed him with a hammer with the weapon beside him.

The rest of the people, not to be outdone, took action one after another, and in an instant, all the zombie rats that had just come out turned into corpses.

Especially the zombie rats that were hit by the burly man's hammer, all turned into meat paste. The rotten meat paste and the stench made Xiao Minyu wrinkle his nose.

"Third brother, can't you be more civilized when you do it?" Xiao Minyu pointed to the puddles of minced meat on the ground. It was obvious that these were the masterpieces of a burly man.

The burly man chuckled, seeing that his hammer was still covered with bits of meat and the sticky, smelly liquid, and scraped the weapon back and forth against the wall.

At this time, after cleaning up the zombie rats in the house, the eldest brother Hei stood in front of the window again, staring at the gate of the villa outside through the window on the second floor, his whole body full of nervous vigilance.

"Boss, what else is there outside?" Seeing that Big Brother Hei didn't relax because of this, it means that he saw something else, because the black man who ranks the boss has a vision enhancement besides being a water-type power user, which can See.

This is also the reason why Xiao Minyu asked him to be on guard before.

"I saw a black shadow before, but I haven't seen what it is yet, but the feeling outside is very unusual, completely different from when we came in just now." Brother Hei answered with a serious expression on his face, which made Xiao Minyu realize I realized that those few zombie mice were just a dangerous prelude.

Thinking of this, Xiao Minyu seemed to think of something, shouted badly, took a step forward and was about to rush out of the house.

"Old five, where are you going?" The fair man wearing glasses grabbed Xiao Minyu and asked.

"The fourth brother released so many spiders just now, and there was no movement at all from Murphy's side. Could something have happened." Xiao Minyu shook off the hand of the fair man wearing glasses.

"Now we are all in danger, so we don't care about it anymore, not to mention that she is not the person we should be responsible for." The fair and clean man with glasses persuaded Xiao Minyu.

"Who says we're not responsible, after all, we brought her here, I'll go over and see the situation." Xiao Minyu refuted what the man with glasses said, and was about to go out again.

Seeing that Xiao Minyu couldn't be persuaded, the man with glasses had no choice but to follow behind Xiao Minyu, as if he would definitely take action if there was any danger.

Xiao Minyu opened the door and was about to rush to the next room where Murphy was, but the moment the door opened, the man with glasses who followed Xiao Minyu dragged Xiao Minyu back, and at the same time hurriedly closed the door, his body firmly against the door.

Except for "Brother Hei" who was still guarding the door outside, the other two people surrounded the room.

"Second, what's going on?" The burly man looked at the man wearing glasses with a serious face. Among them, he was the calmest one, but now he was so restless.

"This is troublesome. There are too many zombie rats outside. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to rush out by ourselves." The man wearing glasses frowned and replied, and then stopped talking, as if he was thinking about the next step.

"Cough, isn't it just some zombie rats? You can solve it." The burly man seemed relieved to hear that there were only zombie rats outside, and said nonchalantly.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, otherwise the second child wouldn't be so serious." The man with glasses didn't make a sound, and the ugly fourth man interrupted the burly man.

"That's right, otherwise the second child wouldn't have closed the door quickly. Although the second child's attack ability is relatively weak, ordinary zombie rats can be killed with just a flick of a finger." The burly man picked it up again. He continued to analyze rationally.

The man in glasses who calmed down a little bit locked the door, and instead of answering the words of the burly man and the ugly man, he turned to look at Xiao Minyu.

"Fifth, you have seen the situation outside. Now is not the time to talk about being responsible or not. Let's find a way to get out of here."

At this time, Xiao Minyu was also in a difficult situation. He also saw the situation outside just now. It is true that such a situation cannot be escaped by being careful.

"Oh, you're like a bitch. You guys are like zombies. Let's go out and kill them." Seeing the stalemate between the gentle glasses man and Xiao Minyu, the burly man couldn't see it roared.

Probably the burly man's voice was a bit loud, and the door next to the man with glasses was scratched by the claws of the zombie rats outside, making everyone very upset.

"Third, please keep your voice down." The gentleman with glasses stopped him, and then said, "You didn't see the situation outside. When I opened the door just now, I found that the entire second floor of the villa was occupied by zombie rats, and These zombie rats are a little different from what we usually encounter, they are four times bigger than ordinary ones."

As soon as this remark came out, the burly man was also a little dumbfounded. It's not that he didn't know the horror of a large number of zombie rats. You must know that they also participated in the incident of the Cang base command center last time. Because there are too many zombie rats, the annex building will not be abandoned at all, and the entire annex building is blown up.

You must know that there are many high-end precision instruments in the auxiliary building of the Cang base, which is a very large loss.

Seeing that the burly man seemed to understand, the gentleman with glasses continued to say: "And the sound of these claws is enough to prove that their attack power is stronger than those ordinary zombie rats."

"It would be bad if this is the case. These zombie rats should be mutated." The ugly man who can stimulate the mutation of insects understands the re-mutation of species better than others.

Take the spiders that were just put into Murphy's room as an example, because it was not intended to kill Murphy, but Xiao Minyu wanted to use these spiders to intimidate Murphy, so as to achieve his goal, so the spiders simply crawled on Murphy and used damage. Big spider silk.

But once these mutated spiders are applied to the enemy, they are actually enough to kill a person, so the mutation is not as simple as 1+1=2.

The burly man looked at the gentle man and then at Xiao Minyu: "I'm not allowed to rush out to fight, so what should I do now?"

Everyone looked at the burly man, with a hint of helplessness on their faces, they couldn't discuss issues with people of this type of strength.He only has the ability to execute, but his ability to judge really needs to be strengthened, but fortunately now he finally understands that the situation is serious.

"If it were ordinary zombie rats, we would be able to deal with them easily, but now these are mutated zombie rats, and they are all over the second floor of the villa. We can't finish killing them just by rushing out." The man with gentle glasses looked at them. Everyone said.

"Second brother, I'll leave it to you to discuss the solution here. I'll go over to see what's going on with Mo Fei through the window." Xiao Minyu was silent for a long time, and finally decided to go over and take a look.

"Well, take a look from the window. If she is still safe, there is no need to call her over. After all, our side is not safe, and it will depend on the situation later. If..." The gentleman with glasses didn't finish, but everyone see what he means.

"You don't need to teach me." Xiao Minyu said, his beautiful face was as cold as ice.

With a leap, Xiao Minyu leaned his body along the edge of the window.

The room was pitch-black, but at this moment, Xiao Minyu pressed a button hanging by his ear, and instantly a ray of light entered the room.

The room was quiet, the bedding was messy on the bed, but there was no one there.

Xiao Minyu looked around, but there was no one inside, could it be that Murphy hid in the bathroom?Xiao Minyu thought about adjusting the direction of the light.

When the light shined on the ground, Xiao Minyu found that there were broken bodies of mutant spiders lying all over the ground, and next to them were zombie mice with scarlet eyes eating the mutant spiders.

Taking photos in the direction of the bathroom, Xiao Minyu's heart became half cold in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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