Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 46 Confronting Mutant Zombie Rats

Chapter 46 Confronting Mutant Zombie Rats

Seeing the past from here, the door of the bathroom was not closed, and it was dark inside.

This meant that Murphy was either not inside, or even if he was inside, he would be doomed.

For some reason, Xiao Minyu felt a dull feeling in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Minyu stepped back.

"Third brother, go and break open the opposite window." Xiao Minyu shouted at the burly man with a serious face.

"Old five, don't shout so loudly." The gentleman with glasses didn't care about maintaining his gentle image at the moment, so he anxiously stopped Xiao Minyu.

Brother Hei stood by the window all the time, Xiao Minyu's expression fell into his eyes, he reached out and patted Xiao Minyu without saying a word.

The burly man, regardless of his height and strength, was not slow at all. He turned over neatly and smashed open the window next door with the hammer in his hand.

The window shattered, and the zombie rat inside jumped up like crazy.

The burly man landed the hammer precisely on the huge zombie rat that was flying towards him, and then withdrew his body.

"Fifth, the window was smashed open, no one was inside, maybe he was bitten to death!" the burly man said to Xiao Minyu after withdrawing with a straight temper.

"I'm going to confirm it." Xiao Minyu turned back again, seemingly unwillingly.

The corpse of the zombie mouse that was beaten to pieces by the burly man was still hanging by the window, Xiao Minyu didn't care about cleaning it up, and jumped into the house stepping on the corpse of the zombie mouse.

"Murphy?" Xiao Minyu shouted hopefully, hoping that she was hiding.

However, after shouting for a long time, two more zombie mice were drawn out, but there was still no sign of Murphy.

After killing the two zombie mice with casual fireballs, Xiao Minyu checked again, but still did not get a response.

Xiao Minyu had to accept this reality, and returned to the suite through the window with regret.

Seeing Xiao Minyu returning alone, everyone stopped talking and began to discuss how several people would leave.

"It seems that the window is safe. We are only on the second floor now, so it should be easy to go down. What do you think, fifth?" The gentleman with glasses looked up at Xiao Minyu, who was a little distracted.

"Well, yes." Xiao Minyu raised his head, with a calm look on his face again.

"Then the fourth child will use the spider to explore the way first, and if there is no abnormality, the boss will go down first." At this time, the man with glasses showed his deployment expertise.

As soon as the man with glasses finished speaking, "Brother Hei" who didn't relax in the dark, signaled everyone not to speak.

"It's not the time yet, and it's not so peaceful outside."

"When I first came outside, there was nothing. No matter how restless it is, can it compare to this pile of mutated zombie rats?" The burly man who was the third child had endured it for a long time. shouted.

As soon as the burly man's voice fell, he heard a huge noise from the gate of the villa area. If it was not at night, the cement blocks falling from the gate of the villa would have surprised everyone even more. The "Brother Black" with night vision can see it.

"Boss, what's the sound outside?" Xiao Minyu who had calmed down quickly asked "Brother Hei" who had night vision.

"A large piece of cement fell off the edge of the gate outside. I don't know what hit it. Now I can only see a black shadow, but it is blocked by a pillar, so I have no way of knowing what it is." The man replied truthfully.

"Rushing out directly can't guarantee safety now, second child, use your metallization ability to strengthen this room first, and make plans after finding out what's outside."

Xiao Minyu quickly dealt with the things that could not be judged in front of him, and asked the second-ranked man with gentle glasses to come and focus on defense first.

The gentleman with glasses nodded, and then walked towards the creaking door that was still scratched.

In addition to his role as a think tank among them, the specialty of the gentleman with glasses is that he can metalize matter with some abilities, just like before he just used a wooden stick to open the door lock, and it is also because he can The wooden branches are metallized to fit into the simple door lock core.

After a while, the gate was reinforced, and the mutated zombie rats outside didn't know whether it was because they never came in, or they were looking for other entrances. In short, they stopped scratching the door, and the gate outside the villa area was still being hit, but they still couldn't. See what it is.

During the stalemate, Xiao Minyu rested in shifts to maintain his strength for rushing out after dawn.

It was Xiao Minyu's turn to rest, lying on the bed, but Mo Fei's mind was like that, I really shouldn't deliberately provoke her to live by herself today.At that time, he just wanted to use the fourth child's mutated spider to scare her, so that a hero could save the beauty and win Murphy's trust, but he didn't expect it to hurt her.

Xiao Minyu turned over, he knew he couldn't think too much, because there was still a tough battle to fight tomorrow morning.

But at this moment, Murphy was completely unaware of what was happening outside, and was peacefully dreaming in the secret room.

In the dream, she had practiced her talismans to perfection, and there was a faint smile on her face in her sleep.

When it was daylight, the outside returned to its original state again, and the shaking villa gate also stopped.Standing by the window watching is the fourth oldest, the ugly man who can promote the mutation of insects.

Several other people also got up one after another, and the gentleman with glasses shouted at the ugly man who was still by the window: "Fourth, what's going on outside?"

"It's been quiet for a long time, and I haven't seen what it is that hits the door outside, but maybe these things don't appear during the day, so let's leave now. Fifth, what do you think?"

"Well, get ready to go." As soon as Xiao Minyu's words fell, there was a "bang bang bang bang" sound from the next door.

"Is there any movement? I'll take a look." The fourth child who happened to be by the window, that ugly man volunteered to climb over the window.

At this time, Murphy was using the Suying gun in her hand to keep picking up the tide of zombie mice, and she regretted how she came out.

But after coming out, for some unknown reason, the secret room closed automatically, and it would no longer open when the surrounding area was pressed.

Murphy had no choice but to bite the bullet and drive the zombie mice away from him, and at the same time use the tip of the plain tassel gun to pick the zombie mice that flew up.

Murphy, who was sleeping soundly, came out early in the morning and found that all the mutated spiders on the ground were dead, and saw a big hole in the window. He probably heard the movement from the neighbor and came to save him. He didn't expect to find him.

Seeing that the bed was still in a mess, Murphy came out to pack his backpack and went to find them next door.

Unexpectedly, when Murphy, who was still a little bit sleepy, was walking towards the bed, the zombie mouse suddenly jumped out of the black hole in the corner, and Murphy immediately woke up.

She has also lived alone in the apocalypse for several months. It is not uncommon to experience this kind of wandering on the edge of life and death. Although she is still a little confused, the sense of vigilance will not decrease at all.

So the moment the lost mouse came out, Murphy stabbed out with a plain spear, accurately knocking the jumping zombie mouse to the ground.

Looking at the stinky liquid flowing all over the floor, Murphy frowned slightly.

It's just that there was no time to do anything else, the red-eyed zombie rats jumped out one by one as if the gate had been opened in the black hole, and Murphy waved his plain gun to fight back without thinking.

But a zombie mouse fell to the ground, and another one appeared in an instant.

Murphy knew that if he kept doing this, sooner or later his physical strength would be exhausted.But the Suying spear in his hand didn't dare to stop stabbing for a moment.

After a while, the ground was covered with pools of foul-smelling liquid, which made Mo Fei's scalp tingle.

Murphy looked at the zombie mice that kept appearing in the black hole, but he couldn't help thinking: This time it's over.In this way, even if I am exhausted, I can't finish these zombie rats, their number seems to be endless.

"No, I have to find a way to get out of here."

Murphy quickly backed towards the door while stabbing the zombie mouse with the Suying gun, but when she arrived at the door and was about to open it, she heard the door being scratched by something sharp, making that harsh sound .

Gently putting his hand on the doorknob, Mo Fei carefully twisted the doorknob.There was only a gap in the door, and a huge thrust was transmitted from the door to Murphy's hand.

Murphy hastily closed the door and leaned his back against the door, his chest heaving violently.

Although there was only a small gap, she could see clearly through the crack of the door that there were zombie rats outside, and they were bigger than ordinary zombie rats.A sense of powerlessness suddenly rose in Murphy's heart.

She understood that she was trapped here. There were mutated zombie rats all over the ground outside, and zombie rat holes that kept running out inside.But compared to the swarming situation outside and the size of those mutated zombie rats, because of the limitation of the hole inside, I can handle it somewhat.

Murphy didn't know what to do next, so he could only repeat the actions just now, stabbing, destroying, and retracting the gun.

The rat hole was finally quiet, and the disgusting zombie rats no longer appeared in it.Mo Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his body. Mo Fei put the Suying gun away in front of him, but looked at the hole with wary eyes.

After staring at nothing for a while, Murphy quickly pushed the cabinet next to it to block it.

After everything was ready, Mo Fei quickly rolled up the quilt and stuffed it into his backpack.

Just as he was thinking about how to leave, suddenly, there was an abnormality in the hole where the zombie rat came out before, and there was a "bang bang" sound inside, and Murphy put all his energy on the blocked mouse hole.

Although blocking the table, Murphy was still very uneasy, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

The cement blocks around the mouse hole began to fall down, and a hole was quickly gnawed into the blocked cabinet, and a mutated zombie mouse as big as the outside slowly squeezed out from the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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