Chapter 47
Seeing that the mutated zombie rat was about to come out, Mo Fei hurriedly stabbed out the plain spear in his hand.

The tip of the gun pierced into the mutated zombie rat's body, but the mutated zombie rat continued to drill forward as if nothing happened.

Murphy saw that this didn't work. It seemed that this mutated zombie rat was not only many times larger in size, but also had a much stronger body defense ability.

She didn't dare to think too much and hastily stabbed the plain spear in her hand again.

As a result, the body of the mutated zombie rat got stuck in the hole it bit out.

Mo Fei accurately stabbed the Suying spear into the head of the mutant zombie mouse, and pushed the Suying spear inward with all his strength, and the mutant zombie mouse finally stopped crawling forward.

Murphy just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but before the breath in Murphy's mouth calmed down, an ordinary zombie rat reappeared from the rat hole.

But because the entrance of the cave has become bigger, not one came out this time, but several came out in succession.

The Suying spear stabbed out again, and Murphy put one down on the ground and then hurriedly stabbed at the other one again.But zombie rats kept crawling out of the rat hole in front of him, and gradually Mo Fei's hand holding the plain gun began to tremble.

Murphy tried his best to lift his sore arm, looked at the mouse hole, and stabbed the Suying spear out again, but this time, the speed was obviously slower than before.

As Murphy's movements slowed down, more zombie rats came out of the rat holes.

One of the zombie mice jumped up from a tricky angle and bit Murphy's wrist.

Mo Fei shook it violently in fright, and then shook off the zombie mouse. Looking at the wrist again, there was only a shallow tooth mark that was not broken.

Fortunately, I threw it in time, and the defensive talisman I put on myself before also played a certain role.Fortunately, this is just an ordinary zombie mouse. If it is a mutant zombie mouse, it may not be so lucky.

Murphy didn't dare to pause for too long, and the increasing number of zombie rats forced Murphy to keep retreating.

When Murphy was cornered, her face was covered with sweat, and her palms were also covered with sweat, but Murphy was holding the Suying gun tightly in his hand and kept stabbing out.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to hide in the secret room again, and even if you can hide, you can only hide for a while, and then you still have to find a way to get out of here.

And here is the second floor, and I can't summon the mecha, otherwise, if the floor is hit and collapsed, I may be buried alive.

My golden armor has not been equipped with defensive charms, if it is completely damaged, I will really lose a final protection.

The distance between the zombie rats was getting closer and closer to Murphy, and Murphy's hands could not lift a little bit of strength. Watching them approaching a little bit, the breath of being close to death permeated Murphy's mind.

At this moment, Murphy closed his mouth tightly because of nervousness, and cold sweat was already covering his face.

Murphy was thinking quickly about how to get out, she didn't want to be bitten to death by these zombies.

Just when Murphy was at a loss, another mutant zombie mouse came out of the hole.

The huge body of the mutated zombie rat slammed into Murphy, and in order to stop it, Murphy quickly threw it out with anything within reach.

Just as the mutated zombie rat was getting close to Murphy, a fireball flew straight towards it, and the flames stuck to the head of the mutated zombie rat that Murphy hit.

Murphy only felt a burst of scalding heat, and then the smelly and viscous liquid was splashed on his body and face, making Murphy's breathing stagnate.

Immediately accompanied by the sound of "whoosh", only the "squeak" of the zombie rat and the smell of burning were heard.

"Murphy, are you not injured?" Anxiety was evident in the originally gentle and clear voice.

Hearing the sound and not feeling being attacked, Murphy knew that he was rescued.

Murphy's tense body slid down the wall. The physical exertion and high tension of the morning were vented at this moment, and he suddenly lost the strength to support him.

Although the rancid smell on his body made Mo Fei feel sick for a while, but the feeling of breaking free from the brink of death was still very gratifying.

Opening his eyes, a handsome and charming man came into view.

"Murphy, are you okay?" Xiao Minyu saw that Murphy fell to the ground all of a sudden, thought he was injured, and hurried over to check.

There was a smile on Murphy's face: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired and can't stand."

While talking, another mutated zombie mouse jumped out of the cave.

"Be careful behind..." As soon as Mo Fei finished speaking, a ball of flames from Xiao Minyu flew towards the mutant zombie rat.

As if a pair of eyes grew behind him, Xiao Minyu easily dealt with the mutant zombie rat.

It was only at this time that Mo Fei noticed that Xiao Minyu was an aggressive fire-type power user. No wonder he said that it was no problem to protect himself. At the same time, looking at the scorched mutated zombie rat, Mo Fei couldn't help but click his tongue. It's still a power user. !

Just as he was thinking, another figure appeared through the broken window, it was that burly man.

"Fifth, come here quickly, you must preserve your abilities."

Xiao Minyu nodded and looked at Mo Fei: "Can you stand up?"

Mo Fei nodded, picked up the Suying gun that had just fallen to his side, and stood up with the Suying gun supporting his body.

At this moment, the "click" sound at the entrance of the hole expanded a little bit, and the zombie rats mixed with mutant zombie rats kept rushing out.

The burly man quickly jumped down from the broken window, brandishing a hammer and smashing all the zombie rats in front of Murphy and Xiao Minyu into a pulp.

"Fifth, go ahead first, I'll block you here." Seeing that Murphy was not moving fast, the burly man hurriedly said.

Xiao Minyu didn't say anything, and stretched out his arms to hug Mo Fei.

"You..." Although Mo Fei was unwilling in his heart, he really didn't have much energy now, so he just exclaimed, and then didn't say anything more.

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't resist, Xiao Minyu unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth, and then walked to the window in a few steps.

"Boss, help me pick it up." Xiao Minyu reached the window and pulled it up with one hand, hanging his whole body out of the window, and then shouted to the next door.

The "Brother Black" next door quickly stretched out half of his body and took Murphy over.

Then Xiao Minyu stepped over from the edge.

When he got to the next door, Murphy struggled to get down, and then sat down on the carpet.There was a stench on his body and face, but he was too tired.

"Wipe your face." Xiao Minyu, who had come over, took a wet towel and put it in front of Mo Fei.

"Thank you, fortunately you were in time." Mo Fei said to Xiao Minyu after wiping off the smelly and sticky liquid on his face with a wet towel.

"It's also thanks to you throwing the bottle later that we didn't know you were there. It happened last night, but we didn't see you in the past. We thought you... where did you go?" Xiao Minyu asked quickly.

Only then did Murphy tell the story of how he entered a secret room by mistake after meeting the mutated spider last night, and then came out in the morning.

"No wonder we didn't find you when we looked for it in the past, so that's the case." Xiao Minyu nodded, as if he didn't know anything.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of mutated things here, how do we escape?" Murphy asked after a break.

While talking, the burly man next door also came back from the window.

"It's strange. After Murphy came over, the zombie rats appeared in the rat hole again, and they seemed to have never appeared before. There was only an empty hole left. No matter how I poked it in, nothing came out." The burly man said inexplicably.

"How could this be?" Xiao Minyu thoughtfully and then shouted to the ugly man: "Fourth, go and see what's going on outside."

At this moment, everyone noticed that when Murphy was dragged to the suite where Xiao Minyu and the others were staying, the sound of those zombie rat paws scratching the door suddenly disappeared, and everything seemed to return to the quietness when they first arrived.

And according to what the burly man said just now, those zombie rats next door also disappeared.

The ugly man twisted open the door carefully, and looked out through the crack of the door. It was so quiet outside, as if nothing had ever happened. Only the corpses of some dead zombie rats on the ground showed that there was something here before. .

The fourth-ranked ugly man hurriedly closed the door again, then shook his head towards the people inside: "There is nothing outside."

No one made a sound in the room for a while, and the silence was a bit unaccustomed.

Xiao Minyu changed from his previous enchanting appearance, with a sullen face, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mo Fei suddenly felt that he couldn't see through this charming man.

I thought this handsome man was beautiful before, but I felt that he was thick-skinned along the way, and then I felt a little kind when I learned that he was the one who told me that Zhu Zhu and the others had left, but I felt that he was very kind when he asked to live with me yesterday. frivolous.

But today, Murphy felt that this man was not simple, at least not as he appeared on the surface, and even faintly dangerous.

Xiao Minyu didn't pay attention to Mo Fei's thoughts at the moment, because he was thinking about the current situation.Judging from the situation outside the door and the words of the burly man who was the third child just now, this group of zombie rats are almost becoming fine.

Similarly, the gentle man in glasses also connected all these in series with frowning.

The two paced irregularly in the room.

Suddenly, Xiao Minyu and the gentleman with glasses raised their heads and looked at the gate of the villa area together.

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Could it be..."

Xiao Minyu nodded: "We should think of going together, I think it's very possible."

Murphy looked at the two with a confused face, not knowing what charade they were playing.

At the same time, the burly man, the ugly man, and Brother Hei also showed some puzzled expressions.

Only then did Xiao Minyu raise his hand at the gentleman with glasses: "Second brother, please explain to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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