Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 48 Finding Clues

Chapter 48 Finding Clues

Xiao Minyu and the gentleman with glasses thought about the matter before and after, and then thought of something at the same time.

But except for two people, the others don't seem to understand what it means.

Xiao Minyu signaled the gentleman with glasses to explain to everyone, and then the gentleman with glasses spoke.

"Have you noticed that both zombie rats and mutant zombie rats seem to be very intelligent. In the beginning, they attacked us while we were sleeping, but at the beginning there were only ordinary zombie rats, just like a temptation."

Except for Mo Fei, who didn't know because he hid in the secret room, the other three couldn't help but nod.

Seeing that everyone agrees with this point, the gentleman with glasses continued to say: "When the mutant zombie rats outside wanted to attack, if the fifth brother hadn't asked me to reinforce the surroundings into metal, I'm afraid those mutant zombie rats would have rushed in. "

Everyone agreed on this point. If the second brother, the gentleman with glasses, hadn't reinforced this suite, I'm afraid they would be like Murphy's room. The hole would get bigger and bigger until it was breached.

"Second boy, keep talking." Seeing the gentleman with glasses stop, Xiao Minyu gestured.

"The reason why a large number of zombie rats and mutated zombie rats did not rush into Murphy's room last night was because Murphy hid in the secret room, and they did not find Murphy. But this morning, Murphy was attacked as soon as he appeared, which means that these zombies Rats know how to attack people who are alone."

"And when we rescued Murphy in the past, those zombie rats seemed to have disappeared, and even the rat holes were quiet."

"You mean type C2-A?" Brother Hei, who finally came to his senses at this moment, looked at the gentleman with glasses.

"Yes, the attacks of these zombie rats seem to be very regular, not as messy as we usually see. They seem to follow some kind of command. After the attack failed to achieve their goal, they disappeared very decisively." Sven The man with glasses nodded.

After hearing the gentle glasses man's words, the rest of the people couldn't help but gasp. This kind of thing can happen to them. I really don't know if it's luck or misfortune.

After listening to the words of several people, the burly man who ranked third touched his head and suddenly realized: "Oh, no wonder when I was there just now, I felt that those zombie rats seemed to be deliberately wasting my energy. Murphy and the fifth child left Since then, none of those large mutant zombie mice have appeared, and it turned out to be a C2-A type, we are really far behind."

Looking at the serious expressions of several people, Murphy couldn't help asking, "What is Type C2-A?"

"It's a controlling zombie." The third-ranked burly man replied bluntly.

"Controlling zombie? Why haven't I heard of it? What kind of zombie is this?" Murphy was still wondering.

The seriousness on Xiao Minyu's face eased, and then he gently replied to Mo Fei: "It's a new type of zombie, you may not have heard of it, because it's a 2 in [-] chance that it will come from a C[-] or first-level zombie beast." One of them came out, so it wasn't hyped."

Murphy thought about it. There were not many C2 and first-level zombies, and the chance of one in ten thousand was even smaller, so it was normal that there was no reminder, but how did they know?
As if seeing Murphy's doubts, Xiao Minyu smiled and continued: "Our team is also one of the best in the base, and there will be special treatment."

Then you will still live in Area C where ordinary teams live in Cangji?The doubts in Murphy's heart not only did not decrease, but intensified, she always felt that this team was too strange.

However, now is not the time to question, the problem they face now is how to get out.

"It's so quiet now, why don't we try to go down here?" Murphy pointed to the window and asked.

"It's not that we haven't thought about getting out of the window before, but it's more complicated according to the current situation. I'm afraid those zombie rats will attack before we leave." Regarding Murphy's thoughts, Xiao Minyu patiently explained.

The room fell into silence again, and Murphy felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart. She felt that the matter was just the beginning.

The sound of "squeak creak" slamming the door sounded again. This piercing sound broke the silence and alerted several people in the room instantly.

"Clatter, clatter..." The gate of the villa outside also rang. Unlike last night, the impact this time was not violent, but the frequency was very fast.

"I'm afraid a general attack has been launched." Xiao Minyu next to Murphy said flatly, because of the angle problem, his hair covered his eyes, so that Murphy couldn't see Xiao Minyu's expression at this time.

A rustling sound came from the window, and Xiao Minyu looked up at Brother Hei who was still by the window: "Boss, close the window next door."

Brother Hei quickly reached out to close the window, but at the same time, two huge mutated zombie rats flew over from the next door.

Big brother Hei turned around to dodge, Xiao Minyu and the burly man stepped forward quickly, one by one quickly dealt with the two mutant zombie rats.

"Catch the thief and capture the king. Last night when the large-scale attack was launched, there was also the banging sound from the gate of the villa. It appeared again today. I don't think it's a coincidence. I'm afraid the thing outside is the controller C2-A zombie. You should try your best inside." Delay, don't let these mutated zombie rats support, I will find a way to eliminate the C2-A type."

Xiao Minyu took a look at the current momentum, and I'm afraid no matter how strong the place is, it won't be able to protect them all the time, let alone they won't be able to spend their entire lives here.

"Old fifth, you have to be careful." The others thought about the surrounding situation, but there was really no other way, so they had to tell Xiao Minyu.

"You just let him go alone?" Murphy was a little unbelievable. How could they let one person destroy some controller, after all, it was a C2-level zombie beast!

Hearing Mo Fei's question, Xiao Minyu's mood suddenly improved a lot: "Feifei, are you caring about me? Hehe, don't worry, I will come back safely."

Mo Fei was indeed a little worried at first, but when he heard such a narcissistic sentence, he couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Then I wish you success immediately, it's really not going well, and remember to lure the controller away."

Xiao Minyu looked at Murphy with a sad expression, and Murphy looked away as if he didn't see it.

Xiao Minyu smiled, then turned around and jumped onto the open window in the middle, pressed a button from his waist, and a buckle was stuck on the edge of the window, and then he jumped back, and the whole person reached the ground in an instant.

At this time, the mutated zombie rats that were still jumping on the window here jumped down one by one.

"Xiao Minyu, be careful up here." Murphy blurted out hastily.

Xiao Minyu once again accurately fired the fireball, which directly hit the mutated zombie mouse on the head.Then with a smile on his face, he waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

However, more mutant zombie rats also jumped down one after another.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly asked Big Brother Hei to reopen the window at the edge. The burly man stepped up to the window and attacked the next window fiercely. A few mutated zombie rats that just came out hit his hammer, It was smashed into a meat paste.

The scratching sound on the suite door became louder, and Murphy always felt that the door was about to be scratched.Holding the Suying gun in his hand, Murphy moved towards the door.

Probably after killing a batch, the burly man scratched the wall with a hammer covered in a stinky viscous liquid, and then continued to guard the window.

Immediately afterwards, several mutated zombie rats appeared there again, and these mutant zombie rats were obviously bigger than the ones just now.

Although Murphy was by the door, he could clearly see these mutated zombie rats from this angle.

No wonder the paddling sound outside became more and more powerful. It turns out that there are such elite mutant troops!

But the burly man didn't care so much at this time, he swung the hammer again and smashed the mutant zombie rats, although this time it took more effort to kill one.

The bursting sound of "bang" was very beautiful to his ears, because it meant that another mutant zombie mouse had been dealt with in this way.

But at this moment, a loud noise outside caused the expressions of everyone in the house to tremble again.

The side of the door was temporarily reinforced by metallization by the second-ranked male with gentle glasses, so it was still safe for the time being. Hearing this sound, Murphy hurried to the window.

The gate outside the villa was lying on the ground, but nothing came in, and Xiao Minyu was not seen either.

"Where's the fifth old man? Nothing really happened, right?" The third-ranked burly man looked around nervously while hitting the zombie rats that still appeared from time to time. Accidentally, a zombie rat escaped. .

Mo Fei's plain tassel spear pierced the Zombie Mouse's head neatly, and pressed it down hard, and the Zombie Mouse fell silent.

"Why is it so quiet? If there is a fight, there should be a sound!" Murphy also muttered. He had knocked down the door just now, so why is it so quiet now.

Probably the door was broken, and as the sound stopped, the rest of the zombie rats stopped rushing out, the zombie rats at the window stopped jumping this way, and the zombie rats scratching the door also stopped moving, and the surroundings fell into silence again.

"No, I'll go down and have a look at the situation." The boss Hei who had been reticent all this time said to several people in the room.

"But the fifth child told us to control this side, if we act rashly..." The ugly man who was the fourth child seemed to be hesitant.

The gentle man wearing glasses looked outside and nodded towards Big Brother Hei: "Boss, go and have a look! If something happens, I can help you."

While speaking, there was another sound at the door, but this time it was not the kind of signal-like impact, but a sound like an explosion.

"It's Old Five's Explosion Flame. It seems quite tricky. However, it seems that those zombie rats have lost the control of the C2-A type, and now they seem to be very quiet." The gentle man wearing glasses seemed to have found something, All of a sudden excited.

(End of this chapter)

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