Chapter 50

After eliminating the strange zombie, due to excessive force, the door leading to the underground storage room was also knocked down.

Although it was difficult to deal with a strange zombie, Murphy and the burly man couldn't laugh at all.

Outside is a dense mass of zombie rats, as if this is the base camp of zombie rats.

"Heh..." With a stern voice, there was a little tremor in his voice, and there was still a little struggle. Murphy yelled and stabbed his plain gun, and another zombie mouse fell to the ground.

Murphy and the burly man haven't had any time to rest since they opened the gate, not even to stop to wipe off their sweat.

The two of them were exhausted, but they had to deal with the zombie rats in front of them.

Mo Fei really wanted to call out the mecha and just rush out, but because the zombie rats outside kept blocking the way, Mo Fei couldn't rush to a wide place to call.

The two were gradually forced back under the pit, but they heard shouts from above.

"Third, Murphy, are you down here?"

The voice was like dawn, and the burly man quickly responded: "Yes, we are in trouble, quickly pull us up."

Hearing the voice below, several people above hurriedly found a rope to let it down.

"Put two, we must go up at the same time, otherwise the other one will surely die." Seeing the lowered rope, the burly man did not leave immediately, but continued to shout upwards.

Murphy showed a grateful smile towards the burly man. In fact, it is understandable for him to leave now. After all, Murphy and them are just strangers who have known each other for a day.

The people above didn't say much after listening, and quickly prepared another rope.

The two ropes hung down quietly, and Murphy and the burly man quickly tied the ropes to their bodies, attacking continuously with their hands.

"Pull us up." The burly man shouted loudly when he saw that the rope was tied.

While dealing with the zombie rats below, the two were dragged up, and they were about to go up, but due to the weight of the burly man, the soil on the edge could not bear it and collapsed a little.

Seeing this, Murphy stabbed the edge with a plain tassel gun, signaling the burly man to step up, but then Murphy became the person below.

The burly man wanted to say something, but Murphy quickly stopped him: "Don't talk so much, it's important to go up first, I'm short, and the zombie rats below can't reach me."

Hearing what Murphy said, the burly man stepped on Murphy's plain tasseled gun and borrowed some strength to get up to the ground.

Mo Fei drew out the plain gun, and his body continued to be pulled up, but at this moment, a mutant zombie mouse suddenly rushed out from under his feet.

This mutated zombie rat was much taller than ordinary zombie rats. Its claws hooked Mo Fei's feet at once, and its fangs bit the shoes and kept climbing up.

Murphy was so frightened that he threw it down vigorously, but due to the shaking, the top also slipped down.

"Murphy, don't move around, we'll pull you up immediately." The people above also saw this situation, and quickly pulled up more quickly.

And the mutated zombie mouse was also dragged into the air, desperately crawling towards Murphy.

Mo Fei reached out and pushed down with the Su Ying gun, and the mutated zombie mouse bit the tip of the Su Ying gun, and its sharp claws kept grabbing Mo Fei.

At this moment, Mo Fei secretly screamed that it was not good. When he dealt with that strange zombie just now, because the tip of the strange zombie's tongue pierced his body, the defensive talisman was close to breaking. If there was another blow at this time, the defense Fu will definitely be completely reimbursed.

While Murphy was anxious, Murphy was also dragged up because of the help of the most powerful burly man.

The moment Mo Fei fell to the ground, the mutated zombie rat attacked Mo Fei.

"Lie down." A voice yelled.

Murphy quickly lay down, and a ball of flames hit the zombie rat on Murphy's body with scorching heat.At the same time, the zombie rat that was hit was sent flying by a hammer.

The burly man seemed to be puzzled, and the hammer fell continuously, smashing the mutated zombie rat to pieces before stopping.

"Okay, third, everyone is fine, get in the car quickly, let's get out of here." The gentleman in glasses said, preventing the burly man from continuing to attack the rotten zombie rat's corpse.

They each got into the car, and Murphy also got into his own aerodynamic car.

The car with her is still Xiao Minyu.

It's just that Xiao Minyu just got into the car, and then jumped off again.

"Wait for me." After saying this, Xiao Minyu rushed to the villa.

The people in the other car didn't know what Xiao Minyu wanted to do. The few people who got up just now, except Brother Hei who was driving instead, got out of the car and followed.

I saw the fire in Xiao Minyu's hand was shining brightly, and he waved the fire ball to the whole villa.Immediately, the edge of the house started to catch fire, and several other people were not idle when they saw this, and they all took grass to ignite the fire and threw it elsewhere.

After the surroundings were lit, Xiao Minyu threw a round box into the hall.

There was only a sound of "boom", and the hall was full of flames, while the others ran back quickly.

"Old Five, this fire is really powerful. This time, these annoying zombie rats should be burned to death. Your fire can compare to the hammer I swing for a day. If you came earlier, wouldn't we all die?" It's all right." The burly man joked.

"Third brother, do you think that if the fire caught us while we were inside, would we still be alive?" Xiao Minyu shook his head with a smile, and then patted the burly man on the shoulder.

"Haha, that's right!" The burly man responded with a hearty smile, without the embarrassment of saying the wrong thing at all.

"Okay, get in the car, let's go."

After getting back into the car, Xiao Minyu was still sitting in Murphy's co-pilot.After this incident, Murphy didn't hate this person so much anymore.

After setting the position, Murphy leaned on the seat and remained motionless. He has been exhausting his energy since getting up this morning, and he hasn't had a drop of water yet. He really doesn't have any energy left.

"Feifei, drink some water. Here is a stamina supplement capsule. Eat this." Xiao Minyu found a stamina supplement capsule from nowhere, and handed Mo Fei a bottle of water.

"Thank you." Murphy didn't refuse. What he needed most at this time was to replenish his energy.

I reached out to pick it up, but found that my hands were very dirty, and basically I couldn't see the original color.

Xiao Minyu took out a cloth from his pocket, poured a little water from the bottle, soaked it and handed it to Mo Fei: "Wipe your hands first."

Mo Fei took the wet cloth and wiped his hands, then picked up the stamina supplement capsule and swallowed it with water.

After drinking all the water, Mo Fei asked, "What was that at the door just now? How did you solve it?"

Xiao Minyu smiled, and then briefly explained what happened just now.

Before Xiao Minyu went down alone, he found something special when he reached the gate of the villa.There was indeed a C2-A type at the door, but it was actually a zombie.

This zombie's ability is very weak, but it can make the surrounding zombies and zombie rats obey, so when Xiao Minyu went to look at it just now, there was an unusual-looking zombie standing among a group of zombies.

And this zombie was knocking on the door with a sound that seemed to have a frequency.

Originally, according to Xiao Minyu's knowledge, most of the control-type C2-A zombies generally have weak attack power and average defense.

But I didn't expect this kind of zombie to be very smart and know how to let other zombies or zombie beasts around protect him, so Xiao Minyu also had some troubles for a while.

Fortunately, due to the continuous attacks from the crowd, he found a breakthrough. For some unknown reason, some zombie rats suddenly evacuated from around the zombie and ran into the villa area, while the remaining zombies were not many.

Xiao Minyu climbed up to a corner of the roof, and then attacked the zombie with a blast of flames.

It's just that the control-type zombies were not for display, and a few C1 zombies were summoned from nowhere.

"Then why did you deal with so many zombies by yourself?" Murphy couldn't help asking when he heard the key.

"I have developed a flame ability called Burst Flame, where the flame can explode, but this consumes a lot of power, so I generally don't use it lightly." Xiao Minyu explained.

In fact, this is one of his secret skills, but for some reason, when Murphy asked, he explained it to her so naturally.

Mo Fei didn't think much about it, and kept nodding while listening: "Oh, it was the loud noise we heard from above, and the man with glasses said it when he finally heard this."

"The man with glasses? You mean the second child? Hahaha, he doesn't like this title the most." Xiao Minyu's beautiful face was rippling with joy.

"I don't know what their names are. Up to now, you are the only one who told me that your name is Xiao Minyu." Murphy curled her lips, and didn't tell her what her name was. Maybe she could figure it out. If it was like this, she would not be It's so embarrassing now.

"I'm the fifth child, don't you know?" Xiao Minyu followed what Murphy said.

"Well, I know your order. The dark one is the eldest, the man with glasses is the second, the tall and strong one is the third, and the man who looks a bit sorry is the fourth." Murphy told them before The order of shouting came out.

"Feifei is really smart, the order is right." Xiao Minyu smiled and reached out to pat Mo Fei on the head, but Mo Fei cleverly dodged it.

The hand outstretched in mid-air was retracted in embarrassment, and Xiao Minyu took advantage of the situation to stroke the hair that was still loose after the battle.

"The dark-skinned eldest is Geng Yunwei, the second child with glasses is Man Chengbin, the brawny third is Meng Zhibo, and the apologetic fourth you mentioned is Fang Xingping, but I don't think your description of the fourth is appropriate enough. , should be regarded as ugly, right?" Xiao Minyu did not forget to tease Mo Fei while introducing the team members one by one.

Afterwards, the atmosphere became much more pleasant, and the car quickly continued to drive in the direction of the star base.

The road is very calm. Even if there are zombies occasionally, the car in front will try to eliminate the danger as much as possible. Even if there are sporadic misses, Xiao Minyu behind will take action quickly.

Murphy didn't have anything to do. He was tired after working all day. Murphy, who was leaning on the backrest, soon fell asleep. When Murphy was soundly asleep, the car stopped suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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