Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 51 Changing the Route

Chapter 51 Changing the Route
Driving steadily all the time, Murphy, who was already tired and exhausted, soon fell asleep.

However, after more than an hour of driving, the car stopped suddenly.

He stopped abruptly, causing Murphy's body to lean forward, and hit the steering wheel all of a sudden.

"What happened?" Murphy quickly opened his eyes.

"The road ahead is blocked. I don't know why." Seeing that Mo Fei woke up, Xiao Minyu, the co-driver beside him, replied.

Murphy looked forward, the car in front blocked her view, but it was not difficult to see part of the front from the side.

There is a bridge in front, but at this time the bridge is already a broken bridge. Judging from the traces of the break, it should not have broken naturally due to disrepair.

Murphy grabbed his plain gun, opened the car door and walked out.Xiao Minyu also opened the door and came down.

In the car in front, apart from Geng Yunwei who was driving the car, several other people jumped off one after another.

"This ditch is too wide, otherwise we would have been able to fly across it with the rear thrust of the car." Meng Zhibo, the third oldest man, looked at the broken bridge in front of him.

The second oldest man with glasses, Man Chengbin, walked to the edge of the break, knelt down, reached out and touched the dust on the edge, put it under his nose and smelled it: "This place was blown up, strange, why did it blow up here?"

"Could it be that the people who fled to the star base didn't want more people to arrive at the star base, so they took this measure?" The fourth child, the ugly man Fang Xingping deduced.

"It's unlikely. If it's an official action, it will definitely leave some marks." Xiao Minyu, who got off the back car with Murphy at this time, replied affirmatively.

"Indeed, there are no signs here." Man Cheng Bin, the man with glasses who stood up, nodded in agreement.

"Then this should be a main road leading to the star base in the eastern region. What would be the reason why this place was cut off?" After listening to the words of several people, Murphy asked while thinking.

"Get in the car, no matter what the reason is, let's go around here. I know there is another way, but it's a bit far away. We estimate that we will arrive at the star base two days later than this way." Geng Yunwei, the black brother in the car He signaled everyone to get on the bus.

"Anyway, we can't get through here. Let's take a detour. Besides, it will be dark after we drive for a while. We still need to find a place to live."

Xiao Minyu waved to everyone, and then several people got into the car separately.

When Mo Fei returned to the car, Xiao Minyu had already sat down, started the car, and drove past with the car in front.

After driving along the edge of the river for a while, we found a resort near the river.

Since the end of the world is coming in winter, there are not many zombies here, and the zombies with scattered spirituality are almost useless, and the car directly hits them.

Murphy drove behind, always alert to the surrounding situation.

After all, is my car an ordinary scooter? It's just that the interior has been remodeled before, and the equipment is very complete. This is one of the reasons why Murphy has not changed the car since then.

Everyone chose a small vacation villa near the lake, facing the water on both sides and with a yard in front.

In this case, even if there is a situation, there is a way out.

This time, the few people learned how to behave. After going upstairs to allocate the room, they parked the car under the window of the room. In short, everything that could be imagined was arranged.

And thoroughly checked every corner of every room.

After a thorough inspection, Xiao Minyu then arranged a specific place for everyone to live in: "This time there should be no major problems. I have carefully checked everything here. Although I can't guarantee everything is safe, at least I should be able to sleep well tonight."

Xiao Minyu didn't specifically request to live in the same room with Mo Fei this time, but divided everyone into three rooms, and Mo Fei lived in one room alone, and lived in the middle of the three connected rooms.

On the left and right sides are: on the left, Xiao Minyu with his big black brother Geng Yunwei and the second child Man Cheng Bin with glasses; on the right, the third child is a burly man Meng Zhibo and the fourth child is Fang Xingping.

Everyone didn't eat anything all day, so Xiao Minyu took out some energy supplement capsules and distributed them to everyone.

"Wait a minute, why don't you eat this all the time! Wait..." Mo Fei put away the stamina supplement capsule Xiao Minyu gave, and then went downstairs.

"I'll go and see her." Xiao Minyu didn't know what Mo Fei was going down for, but if something happened to him alone, it was hard to say, so he ran down too.

Mo Fei came to the front of the car, opened the trunk, and took out the half bag of rice left over from the previous meal, and then picked out three boxes of canned fish, because fish can be exchanged for merit points, and meat is basically I couldn't see it, so Mo Fei couldn't bear to take out the few boxes of canned meat left.

After choosing, he took another pot for cooking, and then Mo Fei closed the trunk door, and saw Xiao Minyu walking from the side.

"Feifei, it's dangerous to go out by yourself at night, what do you want?"

"Here, there are canned fish and rice. Let's cook a pot of rice later, but there are not many canned fish, so we can only make do with it." Mo Fei raised the pot in his hand, which contained half a bag of rice and three boxes of canned fish.

"There is rice, that's great. When we left the base, we didn't think about bringing something to eat. We were used to going out in plain clothes, so we didn't notice this at all." Seeing the half bag of rice in the pot, Xiao Minyu expressed Had an unexpected surprise.

"Get it for me." Xiao Minyu reached out to take the pot from Mo Fei's hand.

It was only at this time that Mo Fei noticed that, unlike his bewitching face, Xiao Minyu's hands were not that weak and slender, but slender and powerful, which could be seen from the clearly protruding bones.

"Go up, although it's quiet down here, you still have to be careful." Seeing that Murphy didn't move, Xiao Minyu turned his head and shouted.

"Well, here we come." Murphy locked the car and hurriedly followed.

After entering the house, everyone was cleaning the dust in the room. When they heard the sound of the door, they knew that it was Mo Fei and Xiao Minyu who had come back. Looking upstairs, they saw the pot in their hands, the rice and cans in the pot.

"Looks like we have something to eat tonight! Everyone hurry up and clean up." Meng Zhibo, a burly man, shouted first.

"Girls are still careful. When we came out, no one thought about bringing something to eat." Man Cheng Bin, a man with glasses who is known for his wisdom, also responded with a smile.

"Boss, come down and help me." Xiao Minyu shouted at Geng Yunwei, the big black brother who was cleaning.

Geng Yunwei responded, then filled a basin with water and walked down.

Murphy smiled back at the people upstairs, and then entered the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Geng Yunwei was washing the pot and wiping the stove, while Mo Fei used the fresh water to wash the rice little by little.Xiao Minyu, a fire-type supernatural being, is naturally in charge of lighting the fire.

After the rice was stewed, Mo Fei opened the can of fish, made a few cuts in it with a fruit knife, and asked Xiao Minyu to take it.

"Xiao Minyu, take this up, you have nothing to do here." Mo Fei handed the can to Xiao Minyu and ordered.

Brother Hei at the side saw Xiao Minyu take it obediently, turned his back and grinned secretly.

Naturally, Xiao Minyu didn't let go of Geng Yunwei's expression, he gave him a hard look, and then left the kitchen with the can.

Although there is nothing to eat, just the fragrant rice with white flowers is enough for these few people who haven't eaten for two days to have a good meal.

During the period, in addition to canned fish, Meng Zhibo, a burly man, also contributed a pack of pickles, and Brother Hei also made a pot of coffee for everyone.

This meal can be regarded as Cang Ji's first official meal since he escaped from the earthquake.

Half a bag of rice was almost half cooked, and there was not a single grain left.

Mo Fei smiled and asked Geng Yunwei, the black brother, to soak the pot with water, and then everyone went back to their rooms.

Murphy's room had been cleaned. She opened the backpack she had thrown on the floor before, took out the bedding from inside and spread it out, then took off the outermost layer of clothes and was about to lie down.

"Feifei, the water dispenser is here!" It was still Xiao Minyu's voice.

Mo Fei got up and took a look at the room. There was no bathroom here. He opened the door, and besides Xiao Minyu and the black brother Geng Yunwei, there was also a burly man Meng Zhibo standing outside.

Meng Zhibo carried a wooden tub in his hand.

Xiao Minyu signaled Meng Zhibo to bring in the tub, and said to Mo Fei: "We have used the bathroom outside. I found this tub from the storage room. You can wash it in your room. Call me when you're done. Ask the third child to take out the bucket and empty it."

For Xiao Minyu's carefulness, Mo Fei nodded gratefully: "Thank you, then I will not be polite, please help me put the bucket inside a little longer."

The burly man Meng Zhibo moved the bathtub again, and Geng Yunwei filled it with water.

Mo Fei wanted to clean the inside and reach out, but Xiao Minyu stopped Mo Fei: "The bucket has been brushed before, if it is not afraid that it will be too heavy after adding water, I just filled it with water and brought it over."

"Oh." Murphy nodded understandingly, and let Geng Yunwei continue to fill the tub with water.

After the water was filled, the three of them left Murphy's room, and Murphy began to wash his body.

Although he had washed before going to bed last night, he had sweated a lot from the fierce battle this day. Now that his body was washed by water and his feet were soaked, Murphy felt much more comfortable.

After taking a shower, Murphy brushed the soles of his shoes again, changed into dry clothes, and opened the door.

It was quiet outside the door, and Murphy poked his head out and called to the door next to him: "Is anyone there?"

But the doors on both sides did not move.

Feeling strange, Murphy retreated into the room, picked up the tasseled gun standing by the wall, then put on his boots and walked out.

Murphy first went to the room on the left and knocked on the door, but no one answered, then walked along the aisle to the room on the right of his own room, and Murphy knocked on the door again, but it was also quiet inside.

"Strange, where did everyone go?" Murphy muttered to himself while looking downstairs.

The door of the villa downstairs was closed, and Murphy also called down twice, but there was still no answer.

Just as Murphy was walking downstairs with a plain gun in his hand, a black figure silently hung down from the roof.

(End of this chapter)

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