Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 52 The Gorgeous Mutant Spider

Chapter 52 The Gorgeous Mutant Spider

When Mo Fei came out of the shower, he originally wanted to call Meng Zhibo, a burly man, to help pour water.

But when I came out, I found that there was no one in the two rooms, and the surroundings were empty.

Murphy felt strange, and was about to go downstairs to check with the Suying gun.

But just as Murphy was going downstairs, a black shadow hung down from the roof and landed on Murphy.

It's just that the black shadow fell silently, and Mo Fei didn't feel it when he was wearing thick clothes.

Going all the way down like this, the more you go, the more weird you feel.

"Is anyone there? Xiao Minyu, are you there?" Mo Fei called tentatively, while holding the Suying gun tightly in his hand.

Outside at this time, the sun had already set, but the moonlight was still very bright.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Murphy walked to the window and looked out. It was also quiet outside, which made Murphy feel creepy.

It is impossible for people to disappear out of thin air, so is there anything else?The more Murphy thought about it, the more frightened he felt. After making sure that the doors and windows were intact, Murphy quickly ran upstairs with a plain gun in his hand.

After pushing open the door, Murphy was taken aback. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand and almost screamed out.

There were many mutated spiders crawling in Murphy's room. Even after coming out for a short while, a lot of spider webs had formed inside, which made Murphy's room look like it hadn't been cleaned for hundreds of years.

Swallowing the terrified voice, Murphy frowned. What's going on?It was the same last time. Could it be that there are zombie rats here?

Looking around, Murphy didn't see anything else.

Rolling the cobwebs inside the house with a tassel gun, Mo Fei walked in little by little. After all, there were still her backpack and other things in the house.

Just when Mo Fei was rolling the spider web with his hands, he suddenly felt that his hair seemed to be stuck by something. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and something crawled along Mo Fei's arm.

The face of a huge mutated spider was facing Mo Fei. It was an unusually beautiful spider. Due to its huge mutated body, Mo Fei could clearly see the appearance of this spider.

This spider is longer than the other mutated spiders, and has a dark brown carapace with thick gray down.The head is slightly raised, with a brown "V"-shaped spot in the middle, and the neck groove is slightly sunken.

The top part of the spider's feet is brown-black, the middle part is yellow and covered with small black spines, and the end is completely black.The chest plate is covered with brown-black dense and fine long hair, with a wide yellow-white stripe in the center.

The entire abdomen of the spider is cylindrical, with a yellow bottom on the back of the abdomen, alternated with turquoise horizontal stripes, yellow and black diagonal stripes on the side of the abdomen, the end of the abdomen is very dark, with yellow round spots, and there are There is a large bright red stripe, which is very gorgeous.

Murphy didn't dare to act rashly. According to the general laws of nature, the more beautiful the animal, the more poisonous it might be. So Murphy was afraid that this mutant spider was a poisonous spider.

She gently lowered her arms slowly, trying to let the gorgeous spider climb down by itself, but the further she went down, the spider crawled behind Murphy again.

Mo Fei didn't dare to breathe, what should he do?
While worrying, suddenly, Mo Fei heard voices outside, it seemed to be Xiao Minyu and the others.

Murphy seemed to see a savior: "Xiao Minyu, come here quickly, hurry up!" Murphy shouted eagerly, but he didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear of startling the spider on his body and biting her at that time.

Hearing Mo Fei's shout, Xiao Minyu ran over quickly: "Feifei, what's the matter? My God! Where did this come from?"

Xiao Minyu hurried over and exclaimed: "Quick, help clean these up."

"Xiao Minyu, Xiao Minyu." Murphy yelled twice as he sent them straight to the house.

"Feifei, don't be afraid, we will clean up this room in a while and I will live in it, and you will live in the next one in a while." Xiao Minyu comforted Mo Fei gently.

"No, it's my back. There's a big mutant spider on my back." Murphy was dying of anxiety. What kind of eyes do these people have? Can such a big spider not be seen?
"Spider? How can there be?" Xiao Minyu turned behind Mo Fei, and immediately spread his hands: "Feifei, you must be hallucinating from fright, right? Where did the mutant spider come from?"

"No? I clearly saw it just now." Mo Fei jumped, and touched his back with his hand again, and he was relieved that there was nothing there.

"Look, I'll just say nothing! It's okay, let's change rooms later." Xiao Minyu pointed to the next room generously.

"Thank you very much, but there was really a huge mutated spider just now, and the color was very bright. I suspect it is a poisonous spider. You should be more careful at night." After Mo Fei finished speaking, he rinsed his hands in the water in the wooden barrel , and then walked into the house.

At this moment, those spider webs had been cleaned up, and Mo Fei went straight in, took his backpack and bedding, and went to the next room.

Just after pushing open the door next door, Murphy came back again.

"You can't live in this villa. Your side is full of spider webs. It seems that there are a lot of mutated spiders in this villa." these spiders.

"Well, let's live in one room tonight, and ask the third child to carry all the beds and put them together. It will be better if we have someone on duty here, and the others can sleep peacefully." Xiao Minyu looked at their original room He looked at Murphy again, and finally decided helplessly.

Murphy thought for a long time, but finally had to compromise. After all, life safety is the most important thing.

Nodding to Xiao Minyu, everyone cleaned up the room again, and then Meng Zhibo, the third eldest, moved the beds on both sides and put them together.

All the cabinets and tables in the house were moved out, several large beds were put together, and a small bed was left alone.

"Feifei, sleep here, I'll use a curtain to separate you." Xiao Minyu got a piece of cloth from nowhere, nailed it to the wall with the hammer of a burly man Meng Zhibo, and hung it up for Mo Fei as a curtain.

"Thank you for being so thoughtful. Go to bed first. I want to wash my hair a little bit. The spider made my head sticky just now." Mo Fei touched the hair and body that had just been crawled over, wishing to wash it right away Lose.

"Then ask the boss to turn on the water for you. You can wash it next door. We will be outside the door. Call us if you need something." Xiao Minyu said still considerately.

Brother Hei Geng Yunwei helped Mo Fei refill the water, and Mo Fei took another shower next door, while Xiao Minyu showed a charming and proud smile on his face.

"The fourth one did a good job this time, where did you get that spider? Is it poisonous?" Xiao Minyu asked the ugly man with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect to be able to catch this spider either. This kind of spider is called the Cinnamon Cicada. It is not poisonous, but because the color is too bright, most people will think it is poisonous. The effect seems to be good." The fourth-ranked ugly man Fang Xingping grinned, and his buck teeth stood out instantly.

"Okay, don't mention this for a while, everyone hurry up and rest, the goal is achieved." Xiao Minyu waved his hand, and then several people began to make the bed.

When Mo Fei came out of the shower, he saw Meng Zhibo, a burly man, standing at the door, so he asked him to pour the water out, and then entered the room.

In the room, several people were ready to rest. The outermost one against the wall was the ugly man, the old Sifang Xingping, and then there was a space left, which should be the third, the burly man Meng Zhibo.

Further inside are Geng Yunwei, the big black brother, and Cheng Bin, the man with glasses, and Xiao Minyu is on the far side.

Next to Xiao Minyu, behind a small gap and a curtain, is Murphy's small bed.

Murphy tied up his clothes and wrapped a blanket before he got under the quilt.

"Go to bed early, we'll be on our way tomorrow morning." Across the other side of a curtain, Xiao Minyu said softly.

"Yeah." Mo Fei responded, and then seemed to remember something and asked, "By the way, Xiao Minyu, where were you just now? I just looked around but couldn't find you."

Mo Fei suddenly remembered that he would not have gone out if it wasn't because he couldn't find anyone, and then suddenly there were so many mutated spiders in the room for no reason.

"We went to take a shower. Didn't I tell you just now that we found a bathroom and went together for a quick fix. The bathroom is upstairs. Maybe there was the sound of water when you called us, so I didn't hear it." Xiao Minyu hurriedly replied road.

"Oh, I wonder why no one is missing."

"I thought that girls took a long time to take a bath, so I didn't leave anyone below. This was my negligence, and I will pay attention next time. I will definitely not let Feifei suffer in the future..." Xiao Minyu quickly responded humbly.

"It's nothing, it's not your fault, okay, go to sleep, I'm sleepy, good night." Murphy hurriedly stopped Xiao Minyu from continuing.

"Well, good night, sweet dream!" Xiao Minyu said, then closed his eyes, recalling the expression on Mo Fei's face just now, the corners of his mouth slightly ticked up.

After a solid night's sleep, nothing happened that night, and there was no more mutant spider.

Mo Fei, who got up early in the morning, stretched, stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, and poked his head outside to have a look.

On the bed outside, those people were still sleeping, except Xiao Minyu next to him was not there.

Mo Fei opened the curtain and looked for his shoes. He put on his shoes and was about to go out when he heard the fourth child on the far side, that ugly man Fang Xingping whisper, "Are you up? Take a shower last night and the boss filled the water bottle. Right next to the outer pool."

Mo Fei turned his head to look, and saw that the eyes of Fang Xingping, an ugly man, were bloodshot, and he couldn't even look at his ugly face.

Only then did Murphy know that Fang Xingping should be on the night shift last night.

Nodding to Fang Xingping, Mo Fei gently opened the door and walked out.

Although there is sunshine in the winter morning, it is still a little cool.

After taking a shower, Mo Fei was curious about the bathroom upstairs. She yelled for so long yesterday but no one responded. How soundproof is the bathroom?

Murphy walked up the stairs, and when he reached the third floor, he heard the sound of water splashing and a man talking.

(End of this chapter)

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