Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 53 Super Acceleration

Chapter 53 Super Acceleration

"Didn't I say not to ask about my affairs?"

"Yes, it is estimated to be two days late."

"Okay, that's it, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Murphy was outside listening to a few intermittent words inside and recognized the voice as Xiao Minyu's, but who was he talking to, Murphy had always heard Xiao Minyu speak in a gentle manner.

As the phone call ended, the sound of water became louder and louder.

Murphy bypassed the bathroom and walked up the stairs for another section.

There was a door here. Murphy turned the handle, but the door was not locked.

Turn open the door and look out, which is a passage connecting the roof garden.

Judging from the shallow footprints on the ground, someone should have been here, so there was no one else except them. Murphy estimated that those people should have been here yesterday.

Mo Fei stepped up to the roof. Although there was nothing planted on the roof, the sunlight shone in through the transparent isolation cover, which added a lot of warmth to his body in winter.Murphy seemed to smell the sun.

After basking in the sun for a while, the people below probably got up by this time, so Murphy slowly went downstairs.

There was already a scent of rice downstairs. Seeing Mo Fei coming down from the top floor, the burly and burly man Meng Zhibo grinned at Mo Fei foolishly, and at the same time pointed to the big bowl in his hand.

Mo Fei saw that it contained white rice porridge, which was steaming, and there was a little chili sauce in the small plate next to it.

"When did you get up, Feifei?" Mo Fei just walked to the door of the room where he was resting last night. Xiao Minyu was wiping his slightly wet hair with a clean sky blue towel, and asked when he saw Mo Fei coming over.

"I got up for a while, thinking that villas usually have a terrace, I went up to get some air. I didn't expect the sun to be sunny today, so I just basked in the sun for a while."

Hearing Xiao Minyu's gentle voice, Mo Fei recalled what he had just heard, but it was his private matter, and Mo Fei didn't ask any further questions.

"Go down and have breakfast! We will be driving a long way today, so try to eat as much as possible, and you can stop a few times on the way."

"Yeah." Murphy nodded, and then walked downstairs.

After eating breakfast, everyone packed up their things, and then they left the villa and got into the car to continue on their way.

Xiao Minyu is still in the same car as Murphy. Since this section of the road is not a highway, the setting needs to be done section by section. Xiao Minyu came to set the route.

After the route is set, there is not so much to do, just wait for the car to drive according to the planned route.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Xiao Minyu asked after setting the route, looking at Murphy who was still staring at the road map in the driving seat.

"Well, I slept pretty well." Murphy replied absent-mindedly.

"That's good. There are still about three or four days' journey to the star base. Let's get there as soon as possible." Xiao Minyu seemed to say a lot less today. After saying this, he turned his head away and looked out the window with a pair of charming eyes Looking around, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Murphy didn't talk much at first, seeing that Xiao Minyu didn't speak or ask anything else, he leaned on the driver's seat and looked at the scenery outside boredly.

If it wasn't for Xiao Minyu's presence, she could still use the talisman to study it, but with outsiders around, Mo Fei would not casually browse through the talisman. Who knows if it will cause others to covet it.

In the end, there was nothing to do, so Murphy turned around and rummaged in the back seat, and after a while, she found the light-energy tablet notebook she used in class.

Connect the external connector of the solar power supply, put it on the platform behind the windshield of the car to receive solar charging, and hold it in your hand.

There are some class records in it, which used to look so boring, but now they have not read or studied for a long time, and now they are taken out, which makes Murphy read with great interest.

While flipping through the biology extracurricular pictures, Murphy suddenly opened his eyes wide.

On the picture is the black and yellow spider with red spots that climbed onto her back yesterday.

From the above, Mo Fei learned that this kind of spider was called the New Wife Spider. Although it was larger than ordinary spiders and had a brighter color, this kind of spider was actually not poisonous.

Seeing this, Mo Fei heaved a sigh of relief and thought to himself: I must read more about these field knowledge in the future, so as not to scare myself half to death when I encounter them in the future.

I looked through other little knowledge, but didn't find anything useful for the time being. After looking at it for a while, Mo Fei felt his eyes a little sore, put down the tablet notebook, and glanced out of the car window again.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Mo Fei suddenly found that there seemed to be something running towards this side at a high speed in the distance, bringing up the surrounding dust, and blocking the vision of the originally clear road.

"Xiao Minyu, look over there." Seeing the strange situation next to him, Murphy quickly called out to Xiao Minyu who was in the same car.

But Xiao Minyu didn't answer, Mo Fei turned his head to look again, Xiao Minyu's head was hanging to the side at this time, shaking slightly with the vibration of the car, he seemed to be fast asleep.

There was no way, and Murphy didn't have the contact information of the person in front of him, so he reached out to shake Xiao Minyu.

But when Mo Fei's hand reached Xiao Minyu's shoulder before it could shake, Xiao Minyu's hand suddenly rested on Mo Fei's hand, and then Mo Fei felt a pain in his hand.

"Xiao Minyu, what are you doing?" Mo Fei cried out in pain.

Only then did Xiao Minyu seem to wake up: "Feifei, I'm sorry, I'm used to the action, so you're not injured?"

"It's nothing serious to me. The big trouble is outside. Look!" Although Murphy's hand still hurts, this is not the time to look at his hand, so he quickly pointed out the car window.

Xiao Minyu looked in the direction of Mo Fei's finger, his face darkened, and then he pulled out something that Mo Fei had never seen before from the sleeve of his clothes.

This is very similar to the watch connector they usually use, but it is different, it seems to be thinner, and it is attached to the skin, and it is still the same color. If Xiao Minyu hadn't turned it up directly, he would not have found it.

Xiao Minyu quickly pressed a slightly silver button on it, and then the car in front slowed down.

Xiao Minyu asked Mo Fei to drive to catch up, and opened the window on his side to talk to the car in front. The driver in front was Geng Yunwei, the black brother, so he was not allowed to be on duty last night: "Boss, there is trouble over there, it seems that this time The real reason for the bridge bombing, I am afraid we have to speed up."

Brother Hei nodded: "I have no problem, but this car..."

Upon hearing that, Murphy quickly said, "It's okay, my car has been modified before use, so don't worry about the speed."

Hearing what Mo Fei said, Brother Hei said a few more words to Xiao Minyu, and then he sped up and drove forward quickly.

Xiao Minyu closed the glass, and Murphy shouted: "Xiao Minyu, sit still!"

Xiao Minyu hurriedly buckled his seat belt and waited for the car to sprint, but instead of speeding up, Murphy's car slowed down.

"Feifei, are you sure there is no problem? Our current situation is very dangerous." Xiao Minyu looked at the unhurried Murphy with some uncertainty.

"No problem, it's just that it consumes not only air energy but also fuel, so I never use it." Mo Fei turned back to Xiao Minyu, still unhurriedly pressing the button that just popped up from the retracted steering wheel. button.

Seeing that cloud of dust was about to rush over, Xiao Minyu became a little anxious, and wanted to press open the glass to attack with flames, but the glass couldn't be opened at all.

"Feifei, open the glass, I'll use the flame to drag it for a while." Xiao Minyu was helpless, he couldn't destroy Mo Fei's car, so he had to turn his head to look at Mo Fei.

"Oh, everyone said don't worry, we'll set off right away, and I promise you won't waste time, but what are those things? I heard you and that black brother Geng Yunwei talk about the real reason for the bombing of the bridge before. What's going on? thing?"

Not only was Murphy not in a hurry, he even started gossiping to Xiao Minyu.

"It's actually like this. Those are actually a special kind of zombie between C1 and C2. They are defined as C2-S type, and they are called speedrunners. As the name suggests, they are fast zombies. Originally, this kind of zombies did not What's so powerful, but I don't know why there is a group of people gathered here." Xiao Minyu watched the dust cloud getting closer, but Mo Fei still couldn't move, even though he was in a hurry, he couldn't help it, so he had to tell Mo Fei about the special characteristics of this zombie. place.

"This C2-S speedrunner zombie is fast, but its attack power is not high, but after gathering a large number of them, due to their speed and siege method, they are more difficult to deal with than ordinary giant C2 zombies, which is why Even the bridge was blown up before, because the official evacuation also encountered this group of C2-S speedrunners, and they couldn't get rid of it, so they had to blow up the bridge."

Mo Fei nodded when he heard this, then raised his head, blinked his big black eyes and smiled strangely at Xiao Minyu: "Xiao Minyu, are you ready?"

When Xiao Minyu was still feeling baffled, when he heard Mo Fei's question, he nodded subconsciously, and then heard a "buzz" in his ear, as if he was being ejected from a launcher, and the car flew out instantly.

When Xiao Minyu came to his senses again, the car had already jumped [-] meters, roaring and chasing forward.

Not only Xiao Minyu was surprised, but the C2-S speedrunner zombie who had no brains and only knew to run after food was also very puzzled: there was a target prey that was close at hand just now, why it suddenly disappeared, but the target has been lost, The group of C2-S speedrunner zombies had no choice but to run in another direction.

"Hey, I got rid of it all, it's so cool! I've been wanting to try it since I installed it, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance, this time it's very enjoyable." Murphy turned his head and looked at C2-S, which had long since disappeared. The speedrunner smiled happily.

"Feifei, what are you pretending to be?" Xiao Minyu asked Murphy with an expression of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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