Chapter 54
Xiao Minyu did not expect Murphy's performance this time.

Not only because a girl as quiet as Murphy would actually install this kind of speed-up device, but more importantly, he had never heard of a kinetic car that could be modified like this and increase its speed to such an extent.

It's no wonder that Murphy has been taking it easy since just now. It turns out that this car has such an impact.

Just as he was thinking, Murphy's car had caught up with their powered off-road vehicle in front, so Murphy pressed the button again to switch the car back to the original aerodynamic vehicle.

Murphy asked Xiao Minyu to reset the route while opening the windows around and on the top.

"The only downside of this one is that after using it, the car smells very smelly like burnt, so you have to open the window to dissipate it."

Mo Fei explained to Xiao Minyu while opening the window.

After the car gradually stabilized, Xiao Minyu took up half of the question just now.

"Feifei, what exactly is installed in your car, how can it be modified to such a speed?"

Murphy smiled. The momentum just now made her a little excited, so she is in a very good mood now.

"Actually, it's nothing. This car is equipped with a triple gravity pressurization system. The car itself is an aerodynamic car, but I reinforced the wall thickness of the power room, and then set up a system conversion, adding an air compression system inside. .However, this air compression system not only compresses air, but also needs a little liquid kinetic energy. I know this is prohibited, but I was curious and tried to modify it. I didn’t expect it to be successful.”

The more Murphy talked, the happier he became, as if it was a very proud thing.

"Although I have tried it a little before, I usually turn on two levels. This is the first time that the triple gravity pressure is fully turned on. It's so exciting!"

" mean, you modified this car yourself?" Xiao Minyu looked at Murphy in disbelief.

Mo Fei nodded, and replied naturally: "Well, my grandfather liked these things before, and he has been familiar with them since he was a child, so he has some contact with them."

In fact, what Murphy said was not entirely correct. She had indeed been fascinated by it, and had a little contact with cold weapons and machinery.But what really motivated her to do this transformation was a mechanical transformation order left by her grandpa that her grandfather took out.

It described the general principle in detail, and Mo Fei's grandfather asked her to write it down carefully.

Little Murphy remembered that she had to be fined for memorizing this list, but when she wrote it down, grandpa burned the list.

Later, when Murphy bought this newest aerodynamic car, because of the first inspection, Murphy followed him to watch, and suddenly found that some of the patterns inside were very similar to the design on the list, so Murphy germinated the idea of ​​transforming himself. The intention of an aerodynamic vehicle.

After the transformation, Murphy only tried it twice when walking on the spacious night road, but each time he only dared to open the second layer.

As for the list, Murphy boldly guessed that it might have something to do with his grandfather's manufacturing of mechas, but this special speed-up project was not announced to the public due to various reasons.

Since grandpa burned all the lists, Murphy didn't intend to explain all the principles to Xiao Minyu.

The two chatted a little more along the way, Xiao Minyu was entangled in this matter all the time, and Murphy got a little bored after looking back, and finally simply said that he didn't remember.

Xiao Minyu was very dissatisfied with Murphy's perfunctory answer, but he couldn't proceed further by asking him further, because he could understand the principle, but Xiao Minyu was very curious about how to realize it, because he had made such an idea before , but all failed, and now I see a finished product, why is Xiao Minyu not excited.

"It's getting dark, you should find a place to live, why are they still driving!" Murphy finally changed the subject, and quickly asked Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu looked up at the sky, and it was indeed late. He pressed the communicator on his wrist again, and the car in front gradually drove parallel to Murphy.

"Why are you still driving forward? It's time, and it would be dangerous to continue the meeting." Xiao Minyu yelled at Geng Yunwei, the black brother who was driving.

The window on the side was opened, and Man Cheng Bin, a man with glasses, poked his head out from inside: "I know there is a better location ahead, so I want to rush there to settle down."

Xiao Minyu nodded: "Okay, hurry up, the road here starts to enter the mountainous area, we'd better get there before it gets completely dark, after all, there may be more mutant beasts in the mountain."

After exchanging information twice, the power off-road vehicle in front accelerated forward, and Murphy quickly changed to manual operation and followed.

Just when the sun had set, but the sky was not yet completely dark, Murphy and his group finally arrived at the lodging location mentioned by the man with glasses Man Chengbin.

It's really nice here, it's located halfway up a hillside, and there are two roads, front and back.The road in front leads directly to the road, while the road behind is a waterway with large ships that can carry heavy vehicles.

After they came up, they locked the front door, and the back door was only slightly plugged in, because most of the zombies couldn't swim because of their rotting bodies.

There should have been people living here before the end of the world. Apart from the scattered zombies on the road, there are also many dried dark brown blood stains on the ground here.

"Go ahead and have a look, pick a building that's fairly clean to live in." Xiao Minyu looked around and signaled the burly man Meng Zhibo to go in and check.

Finally, after eliminating more than a dozen zombies, everyone chose a relatively small building with only two floors high.

This small building is not beautiful, after entering it looks more like a storage place.

But the place is very clean, there are no zombies, and there is no smell of blood, so everyone made up their minds and lived in this smaller building.

Since there are only two floors here, and there are no doors except the gate, there are only layers of cement partitions, but they are all connected.

Mo Fei had no choice, so he chose one at random, and then Xiao Minyu asked the burly man Meng Zhibo to hang the cloth used yesterday for Mo Fei as a door curtain.

After getting ready, Xiao Minyu took the ugly old Sifang Xingping out to find some edible things in the mountains, while Mo Fei took out the leftover rice from yesterday's meal to cook.

The rice was cooked for a long time, but neither Xiao Minyu nor Fang Xingping came back, so Mo Fei couldn't help feeling a little worried.

After all, it was already dark now, and if they encountered any vicious zombies or mutant beasts, it would be difficult for the two of them to escape.

It's just that the rest of them didn't show any worried expressions, and didn't propose to look for the two of them, so Murphy could only suppress the cooking fire to the weakest level, and could barely see a little flame burning there.

After waiting for another half an hour, Murphy heard a loud noise from the iron gate outside, and hurried to the window.

Borrowing the bright moonlight outside, Xiao Minyu's clothes were stained with blood, while the ugly man behind him was hunched over, and he didn't know what was carrying a big bag.

After the two entered the room, Mo Fei greeted them: "Xiao Minyu, are you injured?"

A smile appeared on Xiao Minyu's bewitching face: "It's still Feifei who treats me well. You can see that they know how to pick up things, and no one comes to ask me."

While everyone was speechless, they thought to themselves: If you are injured, you will not look like this, and the blood all over is not for bluffing.

Mo Fei naturally didn't understand, and still looked at Xiao Minyu: "Then do you want to bandage it? I have a hemostatic bandage in the car."

"It's okay, I'm not injured, but this time we caught a big prey, and we'll have a good night."

Before Xiao Minyu finished speaking, the burly man Meng Zhibo had already dragged the thing out of the bag, and it turned out to be an ordinary deer.

The reason why it is difficult to eat meat now is that beasts have either become zombie beasts or mutated into mutant beasts.

The current research has not been able to analyze whether the mutant beast can be eaten, so this ordinary beast is really too difficult to see, which makes it difficult to eat meat.

Murphy was also very excited to see a whole deer. How long has it been since she ate meat?Even if you spend 50 meritorious points for meals in Area C, you may not be able to eat much meat, and Mo Fei often has to stay at home to practice Qi, so he usually eats very frugally.

I remember that the last time I ate meat was just a few days before the end of the world, the meat in the refrigerator and the meat I found in the supermarket when I escaped, but now it has been several months since the end of the world.

"Great, I have seasoning in the car, let's make braised venison tonight." Mo Fei shouted with a smile on his face, eyes shining.

"Then I'll go and deal with the meat first." Meng Zhibo, a burly man, was equally happy. Before the end of the world, he was a carnivore, and now he sees meat..., and after finishing speaking, Meng Zhibo picked up a deer's leg and dragged it to the kitchen go.

Xiao Minyu silently followed Mo Fei out of the room to get the condiments, leaning against the door, watching Murphy standing in front of him opening the trunk and tumbling, Xiao Minyu suddenly felt warm.

"Xiao Minyu, look, I have all the seasonings here!" Sensing the figure behind him, Mo Fei picked up some bottles and jars and shook them towards Xiao Minyu, then muttered: "These things have been placed for a long time, Too bad there's nothing to do."

Xiao Minyu helped Mo Fei take in a lot of bottles and cans, and then went to take a shower and changed into clean clothes.

When Mo Fei entered the kitchen, the whole deer had already been chopped into several large pieces. The ugly man Fang Xingping and the burly man Meng Zhibo were peeling off the deer's skin.

The meat of the whole deer is very fresh, and Mo Fei hurriedly helped to process the venison, and then Mo Fei put oil in the iron pan. Since there was no onion and ginger to fry the pan, Mo Fei put a little pepper and dried Chili, then ordered soy sauce and cooking wine, and finally sprinkled salt into it and boiled it for a while, then poured the venison into it and simmered slowly.

After a while, the unique aroma of meat permeated the entire building.

While everyone was moving their index fingers, there was something else that was also attracted by the scent just outside the hut.

(End of this chapter)

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