Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 56 Siege

Chapter 56 Siege
After Xiao Minyu entered the cubicle, the rest of the people looked at Xiao Minyu puzzled.

Xiao Minyu has a lot to ask about why he gave away his hard-earned meat to others.

"Fifth, although I don't know what your thoughts are, we should just let them go. Why did we give them the meat?" asked Meng Zhibo, a burly man who couldn't hold back his words.

"I have my own plan, I will ask after I have something to say, sleep first, and..." Xiao Minyu pointed to the next cubicle.

The others looked at each other and did not speak again, and each lay down.

At the same time, Murphy in the other compartment also lay down, and the scenes just now were filtering through Murphy's mind.

When I was just going out, I was suddenly pulled behind by Xiao Minyu. I have to say that I felt very safe. In the end, Xiao Minyu shared part of the meat with those three people, and later persuaded them to go to the survivor base. Mo Fei thinks Xiao Minyu is very kind.

Through this period of contact, although Xiao Minyu sometimes makes himself a bit confused, but I feel that Xiao Minyu is actually a very good person.

Murphy slowly fell asleep amidst his contradictory thoughts.

The night passed smoothly again, as promised by the three people, after the three had eaten, they stayed at the door until everyone got up in the morning.

But Xiao Minyu didn't relax his vigilance that night.

Mo Fei, who got up early in the morning, didn't hang around this time. He first mixed the porridge with yesterday's mushroom soup to cook salty rice, and then poured the remaining meat and the soup that had solidified into jelly into a bag for today's soup. lunch.

The car started again, and the three people waved at them. This time, because of everyone's cleaning up, there were no zombies around, and they could also close the door again with peace of mind.

Xiao Minyu was still in the same car as Mo Fei, and the car started not long after, Xiao Minyu stared at the mounter in his hand, as if he was thinking about something.

The car drove for nearly an hour, but Xiao Minyu didn't say a word.

Murphy didn't feel deserted, and continued to take out her light-energy tablet notebook and flip through the contents.

I don't know if it's because no one has been walking here, but there are a lot of zombies on the road after leaving the mountain.

Murphy also had to stop reading and keep an eye on the situation outside. Once in danger, he had to switch to manual to change to acceleration mode.

Xiao Minyu pressed down the window of the co-pilot, leaned out, and knocked out all the zombies that were close to the car to facilitate driving.

It's just that the sky is getting darker and darker. At this time, they have not found a place to stay, and there are more and more zombies on the road.

"What should we do? We can't go down right now. There are too many zombies here, and we will have to fight for a long time after we go down." Mo Fei asked Xiao Minyu looking at more zombies that gradually gathered due to the lights turning on.

Xiao Minyu pondered for a while, and pressed the communicator on his wrist again.It's just different from before. After pressing this time, the car in front has undergone some changes.

"This is..." Mo Fei looked at Xiao Minyu in surprise after seeing the changes in the car in front of him.

"This is a battle mode car, but the disadvantage is that it moves slowly and consumes a lot of energy. I'm letting it use the backup power supply now. Otherwise, once the energy is exhausted, I can only stop there and wait to die." Xiao Minyu replied in a serious tone. .

"Now we are leaving the road, right?" After listening to Xiao Minyu's explanation of this move, Murphy asked.

Xiao Minyu nodded: "Yes, while the car over there is blocking the intersection, you can rush down, I will help you clear the way, and then turn the car into driving mode, so that we can at least break out."

"Okay, I understand." Murphy suddenly turned on the car to the dual mode instead of the extreme speed triple mode.

Because the speed can't be too fast, all the zombies can be thrown away too fast, and those zombies will surround Xiao Minyu's kinetic car, so Murphy only changed the car to the double gravity pressurized mode.

"I'm ready." After changing the car, Murphy looked up at Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu pressed the button on his wrist again, and their car slowly drove towards the intersection they had missed before.Because it is in combat mode, the entire body is equipped with weapons, and several of the natural energy guns really helped a lot.

With the natural energy gun clearing the way, Murphy followed closely, only waiting to rush out after reaching the intersection.

It didn't work out as expected, just when Murphy was approaching the intersection, the headlights illuminated the curve and found that there were a large number of zombies running towards this side below the downlink section.

"It's broken, it's a C2-S speedrunner." Murphy was the first to see the fast zombie rushing to the front.

"Fortunately, there are only three of them. Don't be afraid. The three speedrunners are handed over to me. You rush out according to the original plan." Xiao Minyu carefully looked at the situation outside, and asked Mo Fei to continue to follow the original plan. Plan to act.

"Okay, fasten your seat belt first, and sit still."

Mo Fei saw Xiao Minyu fasten the safety belt, and then pressed down on the button at hand.

The car accelerated forward, but it didn't flash by like last time. Because the windows were not forced to close this time, the wind from Xiao Minyu's side was blowing into the car, and Xiao Minyu's hair fluttered with the wind. with.

"Murphy, slow down here." After Xiao Minyu finished speaking, the car had gradually slowed down, and then Xiao Minyu made a move, and several flames shone dazzlingly in the dark night, dragging a bright trajectory like shooting stars towards the front three. Only the C2-S speedrunner smashed past.

Just when Murphy paused for a while, Xiao Minyu and his car behind him also completed the change at this time.

While the zombies were slowly approaching the brighter spot on Murphy's side, another car suddenly accelerated and rushed out of the encirclement.

Seeing another car following, Xiao Minyu only dealt with the first three C2-S speedrunner zombies, and then motioned for Murphy to rush over from the side.

After the two cars rushed out of the encirclement, they had no scruples and drove forward quickly. They drove all the way and finally stopped in front of a three-row building that looked a bit dilapidated.

"There is no other place to live around. It's too late now, so let's just make do with it!" Inside the car in front, the window was pushed down, and the gentlemanly man with glasses inside was looking at Murphy's car. Xiao Minyu said.

"Anyway, if you stick to it for another day, you should be able to go to the star base tomorrow, let's make do with it!"

After Xiao Minyu finished speaking, he got out of the car, and went to the building together with the burly man who got off from another car.

The two got down quickly, asked Murphy and Brother Hei Geng Yunwei to park the car, and then went upstairs together.

"There are still zombies in some units here, but because the zombies can't unlock themselves, they are trapped inside. We just need to find a unit with no zombies in the lower part to live in. It's not a big problem to be vigilant at night."

A few people finally decided to stay on the second floor. After testing the three houses on the second floor, there was no sound, which meant that there might be no zombies inside.

After finally prying open the house and confirming that there were no zombies inside, everyone prepared to spend the night in this house.

There are still some rice in the trunk of Mo Fei, but they are all whole bags. Only noodles are left because they didn't eat much after opening them last time.

And there was no more canned fish. After thinking about it, Mo Fei finally decided to make noodle soup.

To reconcile the noodles, pour the clumps of the previously solidified broth into a small pot to dissolve, then boil the noodles and pour the broth on top.

Although it is simple, people probably seldom eat noodles after the end of the world. Most of them are rice. Even if they eat noodles, they usually eat steamed buns.

So he actually ate half of the noodles in the bag, and Mo Fei steamed the rest of the noodles into steamed buns and saved them for tomorrow.

After putting away everything, everyone allocated two rooms, a storage room and a living room, and then they were ready to go to bed.

Mo Fei lived in a room by herself. Originally, she wanted to live in the storage room, but after Xiao Minyu repeatedly insisted, she chose a smaller room.

It was a peaceful night, but they didn't know that the battle would start the next day.

"Are you full? Hurry up and get in the car. Let's go. If you hurry up today, you will be able to reach the star base." Xiao Minyu had already packed up his things and was about to go downstairs. Three, the burly man Meng Zhibo urged.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, give it back." Meng Zhibo stuffed the last bite of steamed buns into his mouth. He had never eaten such delicious steamed buns after the end of the world.

At this moment, a person ran up downstairs in a hurry.

It was Geng Yunwei, the black brother who just went down to start the car.

"It's not good, everyone hurry up and get in the car, there are all zombies outside." Hei brother Geng Yunwei's face became darker because of his anxiety at this time.

"Hurry up, hurry up, second child, did you unload some of the natural energy guns yesterday?" Because they were in Cang Base before, in order to prevent their newly modified natural energy guns from being turned in, they were put directly into the car before. The clapboard can only appear when switching to combat mode.

"It's already been taken out." Man Cheng Bin, the second child with glasses, replied.

"Well, you guys have arranged it yourself, we are going to rush out." Xiao Minyu said to Man Chengbin and went downstairs first.

A group of people went downstairs. Fortunately, the burly man Meng Zhibo, who was mutated by strength yesterday, moved the rusted iron door and locked it, otherwise they would not even be able to go downstairs if the zombies flooded in.

Everyone got into the car, they got into the car, but the zombies outside blocked the door.Xiao Minyu yelled a few words to the people in the other car. Except for the driver, the windows of the other car were opened a gap, and the muzzle of the natural energy gun was aimed at the gate.

But after a burst of bombardment, although many zombies fell down, other zombies immediately filled the original vacancy. The zombies outside seemed to smell the smell of fresh meat, and instead of decreasing, there were more and more zombies.

Facing the endless zombies, everyone became anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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