Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 57 Main City Star Base

Chapter 57 Main City Star Base

"It's endless."

Seeing more and more zombies gathering, Xiao Minyu had no choice but to get out of the car and throw a few explosion flames at the zombies, and the stench of burning rotting flesh filled the sky immediately.

"Second, aim at the lotus leaf of the iron gate and let the gate fall down." Looking at the burning zombies, Xiao Minyu shouted at Cheng Bin, a man with glasses in another car.

According to Xiao Minyu's words, Man Chengbin accurately hit the lotus leaf at the gate. Although one blow could not be interrupted directly, but with more than ten shots in a row, one lotus leaf was broken, and after another dozen shots, the other lotus leaf was also broken. .

Because of the loud noise, the group of zombies that were already burning started to stir up and squeeze forward.

The gate, which had already broken two lotus leaves, was overwhelmed, and finally fell down with a "boom".

"Okay, let's go now." After Xiao Minyu finished speaking, he waved to the car next to him, and then asked Murphy to switch the speed.

Hei brother Geng Yunwei rushed the car towards the fire without any hesitation. The car passed by the fire, and the front of the car hit zombies for the first time. The sticky and smelly liquid and some pieces of meat were all over the place. The front end of the car was quickly dried by the fire. They didn't care much, they just accelerated and rushed forward.

Since Murphy was behind, although the burned zombies would not directly hit Murphy's car, the sprayed things after being hit kept sticking to Murphy's front windshield.

Because Murphy accelerated to the double gravity pressurization system, his speed was very fast, but the spray in front made Murphy lose his sight.

Murphy tried to wipe off the viscous liquid with the wiper, but it was always in vain.

"The front can no longer be seen, and I have no way of knowing the situation ahead." Mo Fei then controlled the car and slowed down a little.

However, this also gave the zombies behind a chance to keep up. A large number of burning and unburned zombies followed behind Murphy's car.

"Murphy, I'll help you look at the back, you just charge forward, I will contact the front." Xiao Minyu saw that the glass could not be removed for the time being, and saw that the zombies behind were all rushing over and hurriedly said to Murphy.

Mo Fei nodded, increased the power of the power plant, and rushed forward.

Xiao Minyu was not idle either. While watching the situation of the zombies tracking behind him, he pressed a signal similar to a code and frequency on their unique communicator.

Just like that, he rushed all the way out without hitting the car in front of him.

Seeing that the zombies behind got rid of them, and those zombies became aimless and idle again, Xiao Minyu asked Murphy to stop the car.

"I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Xiao Minyu smiled at Mo Fei.

Murphy, who was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, also breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and looked at the front of the car.

In the car in front, several people also came down one after another. They found a duster from nowhere, wet it with water, and wiped it carelessly in front of Murphy's car.

Murphy looked at their car again. Although the windshield was not covered with paste, the whole body of the car was in a mess.

Here, after Mo Fei's car was roughly washed, Mo Fei asked the black brother Geng Yunwei for a basin of water and wiped it slowly by himself, while the other car also roughly washed the car body.

After both cars were slightly clean, the car continued on the road.

The car was speeding on the wide road, and the zombies behind him had been thrown to nowhere, and the zombies could not be seen from the mirror behind them. Only then did Murphy reset the route plan, and then switch to automatic driving.

Afterwards, the star base was probably getting closer and closer, and the number of zombies around was obviously much less.

After all, apart from the passers-by, the teams that came out to do missions would usually eliminate the zombies near the base first.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Murphy and the others finally arrived at the star base.

Different from the Cang Base, the Cang Base is just a single base, which is divided into regions.

However, the star base is based on the Beijing Municipal Army, the capital of the original Dragon Kingdom.The facilities and surrounding infrastructure established within the jurisdiction of the military base are incomparable.

Therefore, the management of the star base is relatively complete.

There is only one big city gate here, and the rest are very small side gates, but both the main city gate and the side gates are very heavy.

The star base is divided into four floors. There is no doubt that the innermost city is the soul of the entire star base. All dignitaries, plans, arrangements, scientific research rooms, etc. are located in the inner city.That's why the inner city was also named the Star Soul Circle.

The outer layer is called Star Heart Circle, which is where the core team of Star City and people with special contributions live.

The next floor is where ordinary teams and people with the ability to exchange live. Because it is relatively ordinary, it is named the Star People's Circle.

The outermost area is different from the Cang base. The outermost area is also a residence, but in fact, there is a ring around the outermost area that is convenient for fighting against the wall. In this way, even the residents on the outermost layer are still relatively safe. .However, compared with other areas, this area is still the most dangerous, so it was named Xing'an Circle.

The entire star base is surrounded by laser cannons, and there is a moat between each circle area, and there is only one door that can lead to the inner layer.

Due to the special location of the star base, before the end of the world, there was a star track from the innermost city to the outer city in the underground here, but each star track only connects two adjacent cities. Change location.Although it cannot be used temporarily due to the fact that the zombies in the Star Rail Station have not been completely cleaned up, they all show the particularity of the Star Base.

Enter along the side door, this is a special passage that does not enter the city, and you can reach the monitoring room by walking along the passage.

Unlike Cangji, the monitoring room here is very clean, and each person has a very small and separate space.

All your belongings can be brought in after being scanned by the instrument.

Since the men and women directly separated from each other when they entered, Murphy went to the monitoring room alone without even saying hello.

And Xiao Minyu, who was walking towards the male monitoring side, suddenly stopped, turned around and took the other four people out of the side door, and drove towards the main door.

Murphy entered the monitoring room alone with a backpack. There were two meals here, and he didn't have to worry about being eaten suddenly while sleeping, so it was considered safe.

After 48 hours inside, Murphy was released and went in with her backpack and ID card in exchange for housing and parking.

The parking space here is just in front of each residence, divided into two areas: the ground and the underground, but the parking space also needs to pay a fee. If you don’t want to pay the parking fee, you can only park in the outermost circle, which is the star An open space in the security circle, but it will be far away, and you have to walk into it from the Xing'an circle.

Murphy looked at the merit points in the identity card. Although he had spent a lot of it because he hadn't gone out for a long time to refine the defensive talisman, the most basic ones were still enough.

After marking the merit points, Murphy directly asked for the third-class area, which is the residence of the star people circle and a parking space on the ground.

Ready, Mo Fei went to pick up the car she had parked in the jurisdiction area before, and drove towards the third-class area of ​​the star base, the star civilian circle.

There is also only one gate from the outermost Xing'an circle to the Xingmin circle, and the moat is very wide. In addition to entering the city, the outer section near the moat embankment, that is, outside the Xingmin circle, is very lively.

It was only after Mo Fei drove the car over that he realized that this place was actually a trading market.

Murphy was very interested in this, but since he had to find a place where he lived and park the car first, he didn't stop much.

After crossing the slow-moving bridge, the bridge is retractable. Once something happens, the bridge will automatically retract into the gate of the city, and the entire wide moat becomes a powerful barrier.

Soon at the gate, Murphy took his ID card to the reader and swiped it, and the conveyor belt sent Murphy's car into the inner city gate.

Taking out his ID card from the exit, Murphy drove into the star circle.

The Xingmin circle is much bigger than Murphy imagined, and the houses are not very high. You can see the designer's intentions. This place will definitely not collapse like Cang base, which will collapse after a random shock.

If it weren't for the heavy checks, if she wasn't still fighting among the zombies the day before yesterday, Mo Fei would have thought that he was just in a bustling town for vacation.

"No wonder everyone wants to come to the star base. It's really different here." Mo Fei sighed and didn't forget his purpose.

After looking at the intricate signs several times, Murphy finally stopped in a seemingly secluded residential area.

The houses in this area are all light blue, as if they are in the sea, comfortable and refreshing.

Murphy checked the sign and found that it was indeed here, so he looked around for his parking space.

On a stretchable grid, Murphy found his parking space number.

Swipe the door key on the cassette of the parking space, and the cassette automatically opens the barrier of the parking space, and then Murphy drove the car in.

After the car stopped, Murphy took out some things from the trunk first, then locked the car and took out the door key from the instrument next to it. The barrier was closed again, locking the car firmly inside.

Murphy carried his two big bags and climbed upstairs.

Looking around in the star base, except for the outermost Xing'an circle, which has high-rise buildings, the rest are townhouses with different floors.

It's just different from ordinary villas. Each building here generally has three to four floors, and each floor is divided into three rooms.

Because Murphy is alone, the second floor of Building 3 in the Hailan District only occupies room 201, which means that Murphy will share the second floor with others.

After going up to the second floor, Murphy looked up. Every room here has an outer protective door. After comparing it, his room 201 is on the right hand side of the stairs.

Just as he was about to go in, the door facing the stairs was suddenly opened from the inside with a "squeak".

(End of this chapter)

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