Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 58 Beautiful neighbor

Chapter 58 Beautiful neighbor
Hearing the sound of the door, Murphy subconsciously moved a little to the side, and walked inside against the edge of the stairs.

But suddenly a person ran up downstairs. The person ran in a hurry and bumped into Murphy.

Mo Fei was carrying two big bags, and he didn't fall down, but the backpack in his left hand fell to the ground.

That person was also unlucky, the bag that happened to fall was a backpack full of gold, and that bag fell straight to that person's feet.

The person who bumped into Mo Fei let out a scream and quickly lowered his head. Seeing that a big bag had hit his foot, he couldn't help but look up and glared at Mo Fei.

"You fucking don't have eyes?"

Originally, Murphy was about to quickly pick up the bag, but when he heard the scolding, Murphy looked at the man slowly instead.

"That's right, I don't know which one without eyes bumped into someone else and got retribution."

"Grass..." The man understood that Murphy cursed himself around the corner, and after cursing, two shiny metal pieces suddenly appeared in his hand.

Murphy looked carefully, the two metal pieces appeared out of thin air, that is to say, this man could either perform magic tricks, or he was a metal-type supernatural being.

However, Murphy felt that the possibility of the former was unlikely. Whoever had enough to eat would show his opponent magic tricks first.

Since the other party was a supernatural being, Murphy was naturally vigilant.

However, the man had a fierce look on his face, but suddenly turned around 360 degrees, and smirked at Murphy with a smile all over his face.

While being laughed at inexplicably, Murphy couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body, wondering if he had encountered a psychosis.

The man walked up the stairs suddenly, and Murphy put his hands behind his back vigilantly, his fingers had already touched the plain gun behind him.

However, the man went straight past Mo Fei and walked behind Mo Fei.

Murphy turned around and looked back, only to see a very beautiful girl coming out of the middle door behind him.

This girl has a height of at least 174 by visual inspection, with a curvy figure, and a pair of slender and well-proportioned legs, even if she casually wears a pair of jeans that don't fit, she can't hide it completely.

The girl looked to be in her early twenties, with long and smooth hair, which was simply fixed with a rubber band, a pair of big eyes that seemed to be able to speak, a small nose, and ruddy slightly pouty lips.

"Miss Yulin, what a coincidence, I'm looking for you on something." As he said that, the man eagerly pressed himself in front of the beauty, with a flattering expression on his face, which made people feel very disgusted.

Mo Fei glanced at the face of the beautiful girl named Yulin, but the girl didn't even look at the man, and replied coldly: "If you have anything to say, I'm going out."

The beautiful girl Yulin's voice is also like her own, the voice is very pleasant, as clear as Ganquan and steals the soul.

The man with metal attributes showed a look of intoxication on his face, and he quickly replied: "Miss Yulin, I heard that there will be a bidding in Xingxin Circle. There will be many rare things auctioned at that time. I got two An entry ticket to enter the star circle, look..."

The beautiful girl Yulin hesitated for a moment, and Mo Fei could tell from the side that the temptation was obviously great, but at the same time, she could also see that this beautiful girl hated the man in front of her very much.

While thinking, the pretty girl glanced at Murphy who was still standing at the stairs with two bags.

Seeing the pretty girl looking at him, Murphy squeezed out a smile in embarrassment: "I just moved here today, and I live next door to you."

Hearing Mo Fei's voice, the man with the supernatural ability also turned his head and stared at Mo Fei angrily, thinking why the woman who got in the way didn't leave?
The beautiful girl Yulin watched Mo Fei greet her in a friendly manner, and nodded to Mo Fei as a response.

It was also embarrassing for Murphy to stay here, so Murphy planned to pull the bag on the ground up to the steps, thinking about getting the heavy bag into the house first.

Seeing that the eyes-obscuring person was about to leave, the man with supernatural powers quickly turned his eyes to the beautiful girl Yulin.

"Miss Yulin, it's a pity not to go with this ticket. Don't tell me you wasted a good opportunity. It would be nice if you could enter the star circle in advance to have a look!" The man said something that could stir the beauty's heart.

"You won't waste it if you go." Yulin still replied lightly, but her tone was full of uncertainty.

Seeing that there is a door, the man hurriedly continued to show his courtesy.

"Miss Yulin, I reserved this ticket for you! If you don't accept it, I won't leave." The man said hastily to express his sincerity.

Hearing this, the beautiful girl Yulin's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she asked the man with supernatural powers, "You said you have two tickets?"

The man with supernatural powers didn't expect the beauty to respond to him suddenly, so he nodded excitedly: "Yes, yes, I managed to get these two tickets by all means."

"Then you want to give me these two tickets?" the beautiful girl Yulin continued to ask, showing a smile at the same time.

Fascinated by the beauty's smile, the supernatural man forgot everything, nodded repeatedly, and took out the ticket from his pocket.

"I'll pick you up when the time comes, we..." The man with the supernatural ability was almost drooling, he didn't expect that he played the right banner this time.

After getting the ticket, Yulin ignored the supernatural man and walked towards Murphy.

"My name is Yulin. Since I am a new neighbor, we will get along well in the future. It happens to be two tickets. Let's go to participate in this auction!"

Before Murphy could get over his confusion, the man with the ability over there had already winked at him.

Murphy could clearly see that the man with the ability was threatening him not to pick it up, but since he was bumped just now, that man wanted to oppress him because he was a person with the ability.

So Mo Fei hesitated for a moment and smiled back at the beautiful girl Yulin, "Don't you have any other companions?"

Yulin also smiled and said to Mo Fei: "No, you see, I suddenly gave me two tickets, and I can't think of who to go with. Since we are newly moved today, we met, which means we are destined. If you don't mind, let's go together! "

Murphy made a thoughtful look and then nodded: "Okay, it happens that you are not familiar with the base when you first come to the base, so let's go and have a look together!"

Mo Fei and Yulin sang and cooperated very well, and the masculine mouth of the man who was left aside was almost crooked.

After exchanging names and discussing the time, the two said goodbye to Mo Fei because Yulin had to go out.

Mo Fei looked at the disgusting man in front of him, smiled lightly at Yulin, then picked up his bag, bypassed the disgusting man and walked straight forward.

Gently putting down the bag, Murphy opened the door of room 201, and then carried his things in.

Seeing Murphy enter the room, Yulin turned around and was about to leave.

"Miss Yulin, let's find out when it's convenient for you." Seeing that the man couldn't go to the auction with the beauty, he had to invite Yulin again.

"Thank you for your ticket, don't send it again in the future, otherwise I will have to trouble others to go with me, which troubles me, please go back if there is nothing to do!"

After Yulin finished speaking, she walked downstairs neatly, leaving only the man with a resentful expression standing there: "Yulin, you will be mine sooner or later."

After Mo Fei entered the room, he looked around. Although the location of the star circle and the area C of Cang base were similar, the inside was very different.

The layout here is very reasonable, and the equipment inside is also readily available.

The bed, wardrobe and table are not as perfunctory as in Cangji. Although they don't look exquisite, they are of good quality.

Murphy walked around the room, nodded in satisfaction, then opened the backpack and took out the bedding first.

After making the bed, Mo Fei emptied the backpack containing the quilt and some daily necessities, then went downstairs with the empty bag, and filled another bag of rice and noodles.

After carrying the things upstairs, Mo Fei cooked some food for himself, including a meal with canned meat.

After eating, because today was the first day he officially entered the base, and it was already afternoon when he came out of the monitoring room, and he was delayed at the door after going through the formalities, so Murphy didn't plan to go out again.

On the way from Cang Base to Star Base, Murphy hardly practiced Qi, so after dinner today, Murphy tidied up in the room and began to train Qi.

After pumping the Qi for a few basic cycles, Murphy thought about refining a defensive talisman again.

Last time, thanks to the defensive talisman, he was not bitten. Although he could only resist the damage that could be counted in one hand, it was much more cost-effective to abolish a defensive talisman than to injure himself once.

After training his breath well, he began to recall the drawing method of the defensive talisman when his breath was the most even.

After finally drawing the defensive talisman successfully, Murphy quickly sealed the defensive talisman into his body.I still have to hurry up and train my qi, after all, it is the most basic defense talisman now, once encountering a strong attack, this defense is not enough at all.

With the defensive talisman, Murphy became more confident. After struggling for a few days, although he was the only one in the monitoring room, he still couldn't sleep well under surveillance.

After taking a shower, Murphy got into the quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Mo Fei got up and changed his clothes. After breakfast, he tidied up a little and went out.

Today I made an appointment with Yulin to participate in the auction. Although the auction will only start in the afternoon, they can enter the Star Heart Circle with a ticket, so the two of them are going to go early in the morning, and take a good look in the Star Heart Circle by the way.

After finishing packing, Murphy was about to go out when there was a loud knock on the door, but it wasn't knocking on her door.

Mo Fei listened carefully, only to hear Yulin's voice from outside: "Really? When did he come back? Why didn't you say it earlier..."

Following Yulin's silver bell-like voice, there was a rush of footsteps going downstairs.

Mo Fei felt that Yulin should have gone out, so he quickly found a messenger bag, put water, rice balls and some black crystals in it, and then went out of the room and went downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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