Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 59 The Auction

Chapter 59 The Auction

Murphy took some belongings and went out.

He obviously followed Yulin down the stairs listening to the sound of footsteps, but Yulin's pace was quite fast. When Mo Fei arrived downstairs, there was no sign of Yulin.

Mo Fei looked around and did not find Yulin, so he couldn't help muttering strangely, "Where is she? Where are you going in such a hurry?"

It doesn't matter if Mo Fei didn't see Yulin. Anyway, they were scheduled to meet at the gate of Xingmin Circle leading to Xingxin Circle at 9 o'clock. Murphy raised his watch and took a look. There was still half an hour.

Now that he has come down, Murphy is not going to go up again, and walks deeper along the blue sea blue area.

At this time, Yulin was running in a hurry on the road.

Yulin looked very good when she ran, and many people who passed by couldn't help but stop and look at this beautiful woman running fast on the street.Watching her beautiful figure pass by her eyes, and then disappear at the corner of the street.

Yulin didn't look at the eyes of everyone, but just ran on her own. At this time, her heart was completely occupied by a figure.

He's back, he's finally back.Yulin kept running, wishing she could get there faster with a pair of wings.

"Yu." Yulin yelled loudly after locking on to a target suddenly, ran over more quickly, and lightly put her hand on that person's shoulder and patted it.

The person being photographed turned his head to look at the slightly panting beauty in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise.

"I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person." The voice was still so clear, but the disappointment in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

"It's okay, it's my honor to be recognized by a beautiful woman." The person being photographed replied quickly, and when she was thinking about how to get close, Yulin had already bypassed the man in front of her and continued to run forward.

While running, Yulin shook her head: She obviously heard that he appeared in the Orange District, but she actually mistook someone for him because of her anxiety.

Yulin shuttled through the crowd, ran all the way to the Orange District, and finally stopped in the middle of the road in the Orange District where there were not too many people, her eyes were constantly searching around.

But in the end, Yulin didn't see the familiar figure that made her worry about it.

Obviously Shanqing told him that he would come to him later, but he still didn't wait for him after all.

Gradually disappointed Yulin, her pretty face couldn't hide her disappointment, she walked aimlessly, and people around her passed by one by one, but there was no familiar figure, making Yulin seem not to see everything around her generally.

Yulin felt a little tired, and moved her heavy steps surprisingly slowly, completely forgetting one more thing.

Originally, Mo Fei came out early because he heard Yulin going downstairs. He first walked around the market outside the moat near the Xingxin circle in the Xingmin circle. It was obviously not as lively as yesterday.

After inquiring about it, Mo Fei learned that many vendors had already brought their favorite items to the auction market in Star Heart Circle.

After wandering around here, there was nothing to gain, so Murphy was waiting for Yulin by the bridge.

Yesterday we made an appointment to gather here today.

But now, after waiting for almost two hours, Yulin still didn't show up.

Thinking of hearing Yulin's eager voice in the morning, Mo Fei guessed that Yulin might be in a hurry, but the ticket was with Yulin.

Since he couldn't go to the star circle, Murphy was going to go to the mission receiving place near the orange area.

Just as he was thinking, Mo Fei suddenly saw a tall figure in front of him, and that figure was the beautiful girl Yulin.

Murphy ran over in a hurry.

"Yu Lin, why did you come here? I'm almost going back." Mo Fei asked with a smile.

But Yulin walked forward as if she didn't know her.

Mo Fei felt that something was wrong with Yulin, and quickly grabbed Yulin who was still walking: "Yulin, what's wrong with you?"

This pulling made Yulin finally come back to her senses, her eyes were no longer that dazed, although she was still a little bit lost, but she was no longer the same as before.

"Murphy, why are you here?"

"Didn't you forget? Yesterday we made an appointment to meet here, didn't we say we were going to participate in the auction? I heard you going downstairs in the morning, and I still wanted to walk with you. Who knew you ran so fast , You will disappear after I go down." Mo Fei said helplessly looking at Yulin who seemed to be still sleepwalking.

Yulin lowered her head with a bit of embarrassment on her face. "I'm sorry Mo Fei, I have something to do in the morning, so I left in a hurry." Yulin raised her wrist to check the time.

"Oh, it's almost noon. If you don't go in, you won't have enough time to look at the Xingxin circle. I'm really sorry, Mo Fei. I've been taking so long." Yulin kept apologizing to Mo Fei.

Hearing Yulin's continuous apology, Mo Fei laughed: "It's nothing, I happened to take a look at the edge of the moat just now, I came to the base yesterday for the first day, and I haven't seen many of them, so it's good to know about it first." Let’s not talk about that, let’s take advantage of this moment to go in and take a look.”

"Yeah." Yulin stopped being entangled, smiled and took Mo Fei's hand and walked towards the gate of the star circle.

The two came to the door of the star circle one after the other.

Originally, Murphy wandered around the periphery and went to the market by the moat without anyone caring, but when he arrived at the gate of Xingxin Circle, the on-duty staff stopped the two people.

"Please show your passport."

Yulin took out two tickets for the auction venue from her small bag and handed them to the guards.

The guard took the ticket and swiped it on the machine. When the green light came on, the guard handed the ticket back to Yulin, and then opened the side door.

"Let's go, Murphy."

Yulin and Mo Fei walked towards the city of Star Heart Circle arm in arm.

In the star circle, Murphy's eyes are not enough.

This star circle really deserves to be the core residential circle, it is even more prosperous than the ordinary cities before the end of the world.

There are not only residential areas, but also pedestrian conveyor belts between each residential area, and all kinds of facilities are complete. It's no wonder that Murphy saw the sky-high monthly rent before.

"Yulin, have you been here before? It's really great!" Mo Fei whispered to Yulin with a little excitement.

"Well, I've been here a few times before." Speaking of this, Yulin's expression became slightly unnatural.Recalling the time when she knew him, Yulin sighed softly.

Although Mo Fei didn't know what happened, but seeing Yulin's expression, he knew it was not a good thing, so he kept silent and stopped asking, and turned to look elsewhere.

"Yulin, it looks very powerful over there, let's go and have a look!" Mo Fei raised his head and saw a very magnificent building, and couldn't help being curious.

"Hey...Murphy." Yulin was still immersed in her memories, but when she heard what Murphy said, she looked up again, and Murphy had already dragged her forward.

"Wait a minute, Mo Fei." Yulin quickly grabbed Mo Fei, but found that she, a supernatural being, was not as strong and fast as Mo Fei, so she stopped her.

"what happened?"

Mo Fei looked back at Yulin with inexplicable confusion on his face.

Seeing that Murphy stopped, Yulin hurriedly pulled Murphy back, and at the same time whispered in Murphy's ear, "Ordinary people are strictly forbidden to enter there, and that's where the core squad of the official army is stationed."

"Oh, no wonder!" It was only then that Murphy suddenly realized why the aura over there looked different from the surrounding ones.

Since there was no place to turn, Murphy didn't have to go to find out, and the two walked in other directions.

The two of them walked around the few places they could go in the star circle, and raised their hands to check the time. It was almost the time to start.

"Murphy, let's go to the auction venue, the time is almost up."

"Okay." Mo Fei responded with a smile, and walked with Yulin to the auction venue in Xinmeng District.

The two trotted all the way, standing on the walking conveyor belt to rest from time to time while moving forward at a constant speed according to the walking conveyor belt.

"My God, why are there so many people?" When the two of them ran to the auction venue, they regretted that they should have come earlier.

Probably there are more people who have the same idea as the two of them. Many non-Star Heart Circle residents who bought tickets for the auction first visit the periphery of the Star Heart Circle, and then come here when the time is almost up.

As a result, the entrance is extremely crowded.

But now there are so many people that they can't squeeze in, so Murphy and Yulin have to wait in line at the back of the long queue.

Judging from the sound of the auction inside and the number of reports, the auction inside has already started, but there is still a long queue outside.Finally, after nearly half an hour, Murphy and Yulin finally stood at the gate of the auction.

Fortunately, there were still some sideshows in the beginning, and the two of them didn't miss too much. Yulin pulled Murphy and was about to go inside.

Two people at the door reached out to stop Yulin and Murphy.

"Both of you, please show your tickets to the auction."

Yulin then took out the ticket and handed it to the ticket inspector at the door, and waited for them to swipe it on the machine in front to confirm that it was correct before letting Yulin and Murphy in.

The inside is very big, and from the long line outside, it can be seen that this auction is already full.

Yulin dragged Murphy to find the seat corresponding to her ticket, but there were many items piled up in the seat that should have been vacant.

"Could you put away your things, please? The place here is ours." Yulin said to the people next to her.

It's just that the man acted as if he didn't hear it, and continued to stare at the things that were being auctioned in front of him.

Yulin raised her voice and shouted at that person: "Please move the thing, this place is ours."

The man raised his eyelids, but still didn't move.

Ice formed in Yulin's angry hands, and the surrounding temperature dropped by 10 degrees instantly.It was only then that Mo Fei knew that Yulin was an ice-type power user.

"Looking for death..." The man's figure moved violently, and pinched a pair of rough hands on Yulin's graceful neck very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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