Chapter 60

Originally, Murphy was standing behind Yulin.

Suddenly realizing that the man sitting on the seat made a move, Mo Fei quickly reached out and pulled out the plain gun behind his back.

Seeing the man's hand pinching Yulin's neck at this moment, Mo Fei's face turned cold instantly.

The tip of the Suying spear in his hand stopped straight in front of the man: "Let go of your dirty hands."

"Hmph, dare to ruin my interest." The man felt that a little girl like Mo Fei didn't dare to make a real move, and the force on Yulin's neck became stronger.

The ice in Yulin's hands gradually melted, and Yulin's face turned more and more purple due to lack of oxygen.

"I told you to let go, do you hear me?" Murphy's voice was even colder than when Yulin formed the icicle just now.

The man dismissed this and didn't stop what he was doing.

Although Mo Fei had killed zombies before, he had never attacked the same kind. Seeing that Yu Lin's aura was getting weaker and weaker, Mo Fei didn't care so much, so he raised the tip of Su Ying's spear and stabbed the person who was strangling Yu Lin's neck.

That man was originally a speed mutant. When Murphy's plain spear stabbed at him, he turned around and dodged the tip of the spear.

However, the hand that was holding Yulin's neck loosened slowly.

Seeing this, Mo Fei quickly smashed the man's jaw with the butt end of the Suying gun, and the man felt pain all of a sudden, and finally let go of his hand.

Seeing that Yulin was let go, Mo Fei quickly pulled Yulin over.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Yulin, who was pinched for a long time, coughed again and again, breathing in the air, and there were two obvious handprints on her throat.

Seeing Yulin escape, the man became even angrier all of a sudden, and directed all his grievances on Murphy.

The man let out a strange cry, and quickly rushed towards Murphy.

Originally, he was a speed-type power user, but because of his anger, he accelerated his speed and attacked Murphy.

At first, Mo Fei didn't react, and was hit by a speed-type power user, but he was a speed-type power user after all, and he didn't even feel any pain when he hit Murphy's body that had sealed the defensive talisman.

After Murphy slowly adapted to the rhythm of the speed abilities, Murphy gradually began to fight back.

The speed-type power user was taken aback. The speed he was so proud of seemed to have no room for display.

"I admit defeat, I'll make room for you." The man stopped suddenly and said to Murphy.

Immediately, the man took his things and left the seat.

Mo Fei glanced at Yulin: "This is...?"

Yulin had recovered by now, and quickly pointed to the front.

It turned out that due to the fight here, the management of the venue had called in order maintenance personnel. Once the person who caused the trouble first was found, a large amount of merit points would be deducted, and he might even be kicked out of the star base, so that person left here quickly.

Mo Fei stuck out his tongue, carried the Suying gun behind his back, and then sat with Yulin in the seats corresponding to their seat numbers.

The people around testified that it was the one who shot first, and Mo Fei and the others were forced to defend, and the person who maintained order left.

Only then did the two sit down and watch today's auction.

It's not been a day or two for Murphy to stay in the apocalypse, but this is the first time he has seen an auction. It seems that Cangji has held one before, but because there are too few items to be considered precious, there is no auction. Follow-up to continue.

But the Star Base is the capital of the Dragon Kingdom after all, and it has a very rich variety of things. There are many things that Mo Fei has never seen even before the end of the world.

"Murphy, check if there is anything you need on it, just press the bidder in front of the chair." Yulin sat beside Murphy and pointed down.

Mo Fei nodded slightly, waiting for the auctioneer to bring out the next item, although they might have missed something before.

At this time, an exquisite golden knife appeared on the auction booth. In the early days of the end of the world, gold was a valuable item that could be exchanged, but now everyone uses merit points, so the usable value of gold is much less.

But this golden knife is really delicate, and the gold is very fine.

However, Mo Fei was not interested in this golden knife at all. For her, gold was just a material, and there was no need to spend a lot of merit points for such a little gold.

Since Mo Fei was not interested, she didn't listen to a word of the auctioneer's introduction to the golden knife.

"Next, please bid. The starting price is 300 merit points." The auctioneer standing on the stage opened his mouth and told the starting price of this golden knife.

Upon hearing the merit value, Murphy couldn't help grinning. This kind of tasteless thing can actually be as expensive as his one-week rent in the Star People Circle. Murphy thinks that no one will buy this kind of thing.

However, what Mo Fei didn't expect was that someone would bid for this golden knife.

Before Murphy recovered, the price of this golden knife had soared to a thousand merit points, which were already close to the remaining merit points in Murphy's identity card.

Looking at the price of the golden knife which continued to rise, Mo Fei realized that he was really from the village, and that such a golden knife could be sold for such a price.Murphy was even a little hesitant, whether to try to auction off her fine gold bricks.

At this time, Yulin looked at the golden knife on the stage with a little excitement in her eyes, and fell into memories.

Yes, it was him, he used that golden knife once.Although I don't know why it was used for bidding, Yulin couldn't help but want to own this thing.

Maybe he has a situation and urgently needs merit points!Thinking of this, Yulin pressed the button in front of the seat.

"Two thousand merit points, now someone is offering 2000 merit points!" The auctioneer on the stage was also a little excited. He didn't expect this golden knife to be higher than the previous bids for several items.

"Yulin, Yulin, look, I don't know who paid such a high price for this broken knife." Mo Fei poked Yulin and muttered softly.

However, when Murphy turned his head and saw the big "2000" on the operating screen in front of Yulin's eyes, Murphy couldn't turn the corner for a while.

Mo Fei looked at Yulin with a puzzled look on his face: "Yulin, what's wrong with you? This golden knife is nothing special, it's not worth the price at all."

"You don't understand." Speaking of Yulin's happy face, that kind of smile made Mo Fei even more puzzled. Do you like this golden knife?It doesn't have to be crazy like this!
Upstairs at this time, in the exquisite single room, a girl about eighteen or nine years old, with red lips pouting at the moment, shook a fat man in a high-gauge uniform with both hands: "No, I will If you want that golden knife, I'll take my fancy first."

"Jiaojiao, the golden knife over there is not worth the price, will Daddy find you a more beautiful one next time?" The fat man in a high-gauge uniform comforted him.

"I don't care, it's obviously the one I fell in love with first, so I want it!" The girl snatched the auction device and pressed a number on it.

"Oh, there is another bid now. The current bidding price for this golden knife is 2500 merit points." The auctioneer became excited instantly, and immediately raised a full 500 merit points.

This price surprised Yulin as well, she didn't expect that someone would raise the price for such a high price.She also understood that this golden knife was not worth such a high price at all.


Yulin hesitated, but thinking that this might be her only chance to get in touch with him, Yulin gritted her teeth and raised the price by another 100 merit points.

"2600, the current bidding price for the golden knife is 2600 merit points." The auctioneer yelled loudly, sparing no effort.

"Jiaojiao, it's almost done. This price has already exceeded the value of this golden knife." The fat man in the high-gauge uniform in the box spoke again.

"Daddy, I'm not convinced!" While the girl continued to act coquettishly, she pressed another number in her hand.

"2800 merit points, now the bidding for this golden knife has reached 2800 merit points." As soon as the auctioneer's voice came out, the people below were a little excited.Because anyone can see that this price has far exceeded the actual price of the golden knife here.

At this time, Murphy stared at Yulin fiercely. She didn't want Yulin to continue, because the golden knife that was photographed in this way was not worth it.

Yulin was also very conflicted in her heart. For a while, the venue was completely silent, and everyone was waiting for the final price.

The auctioneer paused for a while, then glanced at his watch, and picked up the auction hammer.

"It seems that the price is set here. The first transaction. The second transaction..." Just as the hammer was about to fall for the third time, a red light flashed behind the auctioneer, and a large number "3000" appeared on the screen. .

Murphy looked at Yulin in disbelief. She didn't expect Yulin to press the string of numbers when the last hammer fell.

In the box upstairs, the girl has been ordered out by her father, and she is not allowed to continue to increase the fare.

And Yulin also silently prayed in her heart that no one would raise the price again, because she didn't have more meritorious points in her card to bid for.

The price seemed to hold, and after a period of ebullition, the auctioneer finally struck the hammer.

"If there are no more bidders, this excellent golden knife will go to the bidder who bid 3000 merit points. After the auction, please bring your ticket and ID card to collect your lot later." Auction The teacher shouted excitedly at the people below, because he knew that the atmosphere of the scene was aroused this time, and the prices of the items in the future would definitely exceed the original expectations.

At this time, Yulin was both happy and complaining, complaining that she had thrown away all the merit points on impulse. She was happy that she finally had his first thing.

Seeing the mixed joy and sorrow on Yulin's face, Mo Fei smiled. She didn't expect that Yulin, who looked cold, had such a fanatical side.

The things that came to the stage one after another after that were all things that Murphy was not interested in, and Yulin didn't continue to pay attention to the above situation.

Just when the two of them were a little bored, a new auction was placed on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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