Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 61 Murphy Bidding

Chapter 61 Murphy Bidding
Originally, Murphy was about to fall asleep. Although the new exhibits were put on display, they seemed to be very small, and nothing could be seen from above, so Murphy didn't pay attention at all.

However, when the auctioneer called out the name of the item, Mo Fei sat up straight and looked towards the auction platform.

"This is a set of seeds. There are seven species in total, including Podocarpus seeds, red maple seeds, cherry tree seeds, apple tree seeds, acacia tree seeds, oak tree seeds and camphor tree seeds. Seeds, one bag of each type, there is no reserve price for the auction." The auctioneer introduced the types of this set of seeds one by one.

A set of seeds is probably very precious before the end of the world. Because of the weather, the survival rate of ordinary plants is not high, or they mutate themselves due to environmental reasons and become very strange species.

But now, everyone is having difficulty getting enough food and clothing, and a set of seeds may not be able to fetch a high price.

Therefore, when the auctioneer reported the items, everyone in the audience lost interest, and even the audience lost the curiosity they had just now.

However, what people didn't expect was that a large number suddenly appeared on the screen behind the auctioneer, and the price of the first bidder was displayed.

"500 Merit Points, the first bidder paid 500 Merit Points!" The auctioneer's excited voice swept across the entire auction venue, and the price quoted by the first one was actually higher than the gold knife that was sold at a sky-high price before.

People around were also talking about it, and some people even searched around, wanting to find out who is the person who paid a high price for a set of seeds?
"600 merit, the current bidding price for this set of seeds is 600 merit." While others were discussing, the auctioneer on the stage quoted another price.

There was another whisper in the audience. No one expected that after the 500 merit points were reported, there would be bids.

"I didn't expect such an astonishing price when things arrived at the auction venue." Yulin couldn't help but whispered to Murphy.

Murphy's expression was a little serious at this time, she slowly raised her hand, and pressed the number 700 on the front screen.

"Oh, someone has bid again, and the current price is 700 merit points." When a big 700 appeared on the screen on the stage, the auctioneer reported the number.

Yulin also noticed the movements of Murphy sitting beside her.

Even Yulin was surprised at such a price, and turned to look at Murphy.

Although I took the same impulsive photo of the golden knife just now, but after all, the golden knife is a precious metal, and it is beautifully made and sharp at the same time, so it is not impossible to use it for self-defense.

But for this set of seeds, Yulin really couldn't think of their use. The only thing that might have some value was the apple tree seeds.But even if there are seeds, they have no place to plant them now.

"Murphy, this is a set of tree species. We don't even have any land. Why did you buy this?" Yulin asked puzzled.

Murphy smiled softly: "There is a very important reason."

Just as Murphy was talking to Yulin, the price of this set of tree species rose again.

"800 merit value, now this set of tree species has reached 800 merit value. Is there anyone else to bid?" The auctioneer on the stage asked excitedly. This price has exceeded their expectations by far, so even if the hammer falls now no regrets.

But I don't know if some people were motivated by the fierce competition, and there were actually a few people bidding. At this time, this set of tree species has already risen to 1000 merit points.

Murphy stopped bidding. There are too many people bidding for this set of tree species. Every time she bids, she undoubtedly raises what she wants to a higher level.She had to wait until some people suddenly and rationally realized that this set of tree species was actually not of much value and gave up before she made a move.

After some small increases, some people gradually regained their sanity and decisively gave up the fight. It is really not worthwhile to buy a set of tree species at this price.

Murphy quietly observed the movement in the field, and also looked at the price of the tree species.

Finally, the price stopped at the "1450" merit value and did not move.

"1450 merit points, is there any more bids?" The auctioneer's hammer was raised high, as if the dust would settle if it fell down again.

The person who bid suddenly felt some regret at this moment, why did he have to buy such a set of useless tree seeds?But it seemed that there were no other bidders.

Murphy looked around, then moved his hands.

"1500, 1500 merit points, now the bidding price is 1500 merit points." The auctioneer on the stage shouted loudly.

There was a commotion among the people around, and those who pressed 1450 for the last time just breathed a sigh of relief, finally there was a higher bid than themselves.

"1500 merit points, is there any more?" After waiting for a minute, the auctioneer dropped the hammer: "1 merit points once, 1500 merit points twice..."

Originally, Murphy was waiting for the final hammer to fall, but who knew, a large number of words suddenly scrolled on the screen again.

"1600 merit points." Murphy frowned slightly. After a long time, she thought she could finally rest assured, but who knew that someone raised the price again.

Murphy gritted her teeth and reported another number, which was already her limit, because there were only so many merit points left in her identity card.

"1800 merit points, is there any bidder higher than 1800?" The auctioneer on the stage was a little bit from ear to ear. Although the value of the tree species was not as high as that of the golden knife this time, the excess itself was worth more than that. A golden knife is more than twice as high.

Murphy was very worried. Once someone raised the price again, she would no longer be able to offer a higher price.

After a period of complete silence, the hammer in the hands of the auctioneer finally fell.

"This set of tree species was finally sold for 1800 meritorious service points. Afterwards, please bring your ID card and tickets to the background transaction."

When the auctioneer was finally confirmed, Mo Fei finally let go of his heart, and at the same time shook his head with a wry smile. He even threw in the money for food this time, but when he thought of that, Mo Fei let out a sigh of relief.

The auction was coming to an end, and a lot of energy weapons came out later, and the venue was full of excitement.Everyone has long forgotten the gold knife and tree species that were auctioned at an astonishing price.

Murphy and Yulin didn't think much about the later lots. One was that neither of them could be used. Yulin was an ice-type supernatural user. Although some energy-type guns could improve the ability user's attack, most of them Some of them are mostly fire and water, and Murphy is not even a supernatural person at all.The most important point is that the merit points of both of them are running out.

"Yulin, it's over soon. Let's go get our things first, and then go back, or there will be a lot of people when the show ends." Murphy suggested to Yulin when he saw that there was nothing to see.

"Alright, then let's go!" Yulin nodded and stood up.

As soon as he got out of his row, he suddenly stopped Yulin and Murphy alone.

"Miss Yulin, the auction is not over yet, so don't stay any longer? What does Miss Yulin like, I can..." A man said to Yulin with a smile on his face.

Those flattering people are always around Yulin, and every time she sees them, Yulin's head grows bigger.Without saying anything, let alone looking at this person, Yulin took Murphy's hand and walked down.

After finally getting rid of the courteous person, the two entered the backstage and handed their ID cards and seat tickets to the staff to swipe. Then they each held the things they had photographed, and followed the guidance of the staff to leave the auction venue through a door at the back.

"It's quite thoughtful here. We were worried that we wouldn't be able to squeeze out for a while. It turns out that there is a separate passage." Murphy smiled at Yulin.

"Yeah, I haven't participated in this kind of auction before. I didn't expect there to be an exit here."

After leaving the meeting place, both Yulin and Murphy felt that the air outside was better than inside. Murphy hated the place where people gathered the most, while Yulin didn't need to see those flattering expressions.

The two took a big breath of air at the same time, and then smiled at each other's actions.

Due to time constraints, the two of them did not go around the Xingxin circle any more, and returned to the Xingmin circle with their things.

Back in the small building in Hailan District, Yulin walked towards the door of her room with the box containing the golden knife in her hand, and Mo Fei also walked to the door of her room with the bag containing the tree seeds.

After saying goodbye, the two went into the house separately to enjoy their special happiness.

After Yulin entered, she locked the door, sat down at her desk, and opened the box in her hand.

Inside the box, the golden knife was quietly lying in the center of the box, shining a soft golden light under the light from the window.

Yulin wiped her already clean hands on the wet towel beside her, and carefully took the golden knife out of the box as if she was taking a tribute.

Pulling the blade out of the exquisite scabbard, a small indented character appeared in Yulin's eyes on the inner side of the handle close to the scabbard.

A word "Yu" is not obtrusively engraved on the bottom.

Yulin stretched out her slender fingers to gently caress the indented lettering.

"Yu, it's the first time you're so close to me." Yulin said, sticking the back of the knife to her heart, reveling in the happiness that others don't understand for a long time.

On the other side, Murphy also locked the door of his room after entering.

Although the law and order in this star base is said to be very good, but out of his own sense of security, Murphy still locks the door every time he comes back.

He also walked to the table in his own house, because he had just moved in yesterday and hadn't cleaned it up yet, and there were two bags on the table.

Murphy moved the bag away and put the bag containing the tree seeds on the table.He opened the pocket and took out the tree seeds one by one.

According to the name tags above, Mo Fei looked over one by one, and finally set his sights on one of the bags of tree species.

Unpacking the bag of tree seeds, Mo Fei gently squeezed a few seeds from the inside and put them in his hand, as if looking at some peerless treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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