Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 63 Friendship

Chapter 63 Friendship
After returning home yesterday, Yulin carefully put away the golden knife and went out.

Although I finally got one of his things as I wished, but the price is not small, and I still have to live.

Although there are a lot of men waiting to pay for her, Yulin is not indifferent.

She has the guts, but she still has to live, so she thought about going with Mo Fei, so Yulin tidied up and went out to the task reception area.

Originally, Mo Fei and Mo Fei went out together, but Mo Fei was squeezed in when he was queuing up special tasks, while Yu Lin was on the sidelines to take on other tasks, so the two of them did not meet.

So, early this morning, when Mo Fei opened the door to go out to do those small tasks, it happened that Yu Lin was also going out, and the two of them understood each other's meaning and laughed after meeting each other.

"Morning, Yulin, are you going out to do the mission too?" Mo Fei greeted first after laughing.

"Yes, you too? What mission did you take?"

Murphy narrated several of his small tasks, but unexpectedly, two of them were the same, and the others were not far from each other.

"Since we are so destined, let's do the task together today." After hearing this, Yulin invited Murphy.

Murphy thought for a while. Anyway, his tasks were all small tasks, and he didn't necessarily have to use mechas to fight, so he nodded.

The two discussed the route for a while and went downstairs.

"Let's drive my car! The two of us don't need to both drive." After going downstairs, Yulin said after taking a look at Murphy's car.

Murphy hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

It's better not to drive her car, but to save a lot of things behind the car from moving.

As Yulin walked all the way to her car, Mo Fei realized why Yulin only took one look at her car and then definitely invited him to sit in her car.

Yulin drove an energy-powered off-road vehicle similar to the five people she met when she came here.

This kind of car did look more powerful than his own car when going out. Of course, people didn't know that Murphy's car was actually remodeled.

But today was just a small task, and Murphy didn't explain much, and got into the co-pilot neatly.

After the car started, the two of them drove all the way to the destination of the previously studied route.

After arriving at the first location, the two people took on different tasks, so they planned to split up and return to the car to gather. In order to avoid accidents, in case a large number of zombies followed, they parked the car in the Set up a wall so that you can use the wall to throw off the zombies.

After making arrangements, the two got out of the car and moved towards the target.

It's not dangerous here, because this kind of small task is received very frequently, so before they had gone far, the two of them met other individuals or teams to do the task here.

Murphy found what he wanted to collect after barely hitting a few zombies. After putting away the things, he found someone running outside, yelling and dragging a dozen zombies behind him.

In terms of speed, although these zombies are faster than ordinary zombies, they have not yet reached the speed of CA-S speedrunners.

While the man dragged a dozen zombies to run, a few scattered zombies also spotted Murphy and quickly ran towards Murphy.

Murphy quickly picked up the collected things, and then clenched Suying's gun tightly.

Several relatively agile zombies had rushed forward.Mo Fei shot quickly, stabbed the front zombie first, and poked it hard to the door, so that it could resist the rushing zombies behind.

But the speed of these zombies was very fast, so they had a lot of momentum. If Mo Fei didn't pay attention, he couldn't hold on. Two more fast zombies rushed in from the gap next to them.

Murphy had no choice but to pull the Suying gun out of the head of the first zombie that had been impaled to death, and then met the other one.

Just as Murphy was dealing with these fast zombies, a thin and short figure jumped up from the corner and bit Murphy's wrist fiercely.

Feeling a pain in Mo Fei's hand, he flicked it fiercely, and the thing fell from Mo Fei's wrist to the ground lightly.

He hurriedly raised his hand to see that the defensive talisman had been sealed before. Although there was pain on his wrist, there was no wound, but a deep ring of sharp tooth marks was imprinted on Murphy's wrist.

Mo Fei hurriedly looked up at the culprit, and then saw a very small zombie cat standing on the ground.

This cat was very small, and Murphy estimated that it should be a kitten that hadn't been weaned before it became a zombie beast.

But the sharp teeth just now are not like what a kitten should have. This zombie kitten should have advanced.

Not caring about rubbing his wrists, Murphy quickly took a few steps back from his current position.Recalling that when the end of the world just came, I was scratched by a zombie cat when I went out to look for food. I can't be injured twice by the zombie cat.

Seeing Murphy step back, the zombie kitten bared its fangs that shouldn't have appeared in its mouth.

The Suying spear in his hand swayed forward, and then turned around and stabbed another zombie.

Because just as Murphy was looking at the zombie kitten, those zombies also squeezed in.Fortunately, there are not many zombies, so they can be dealt with.

Those zombies with slightly faster speed seem to have only increased their speed, and their defense level and others are no different from ordinary C zombies. Murphy himself has been practicing since he was a child, and his body has been greatly improved after Qi training and foundation building. As a result, Murphy wiped out a few speed zombies like chopping melons and vegetables.

While killing the last few zombies, Murphy aimed his eyes at the zombie kittens who were about to move.

At this time, the zombie kitten had already circled around to Murphy's side, as if preparing to attack from a dead corner.This further confirmed Murphy's guess that this zombie kitten must be an evolved zombie beast.

While Murphy was still dealing with the zombie kitten, a car broke through the thin door and crushed the zombie kitten to death under the car.

"Murphy, let me tell you why you haven't come here for so long, so you've met so many zombies!" Yulin opened the car window and shouted at Murphy with a smile on her beautiful face.Yulin was lucky just now. There were no zombies in the place she went to, and there was a small team that not only helped Yulin eliminate the zombies, but also gave Yulin the merit points.This made Murphy feel extremely envious!The preferential treatment for beauties is so wow!

Seeing that the zombie kitten was crushed to death, Mo Fei also raised his head, and shouted at Yulin jokingly: "I just said that some hero came to save me, it turned out to be the beauty Yulin!"

"This girl is still entertaining me, it's all right, hurry up and accept your meritorious service, we are going to the next place." After Yulin finished speaking, she backed the car out.

Mo Fei quickly tied the hunting recorder on the corpse of the zombie, and picked out the head of the zombie by the way, and picked out all the black crystals inside.

Murphy found that these slightly faster zombies had the same zero-level white ink crystals as the C zombies in their heads.But unlike ordinary C zombies, where only a few, or even dozens of them produce a black crystal, these fast zombies have black crystals on their heads.

When Murphy peeled off the crushed head of the zombie kitten, it turned out to be a blue third-grade ink crystal inside.

"It turned out to have evolved twice. No wonder such a small kitten turned into a zombie so powerfully. It turned out to have evolved twice." Mo Fei nodded, stuck the hunting recorder in, and then picked up the black crystal. Get up and put it in the bag.

After picking them up, Mo Fei went out and got into the car, and handed the blue third-grade ink crystal to Yulin.

Yulin was stunned when she saw the blue third-level ink crystal. The third-level ink crystal is very, very rare, and she only saw it once when she was doing a mission with someone else's team last time.

"Murphy, where did this third-level black crystal come from?"

"It was on the zombie beast you crushed to death when I was confronting you just now. At first I thought it was a first-level mutated zombie kitten, but I didn't expect it to be a second-mutated one." After finishing speaking, Murphy continued to stretch out his hand. with.

"What are you doing?" Yulin was puzzled.

"Here you are! You have the greatest credit for killing this zombie cat, and this black crystal is naturally yours." Murphy said with certainty.

"If you hadn't killed so many zombies by yourself, and stood there holding down the zombie cat, do you think I would have this opportunity to help? I can't ask for this, and Mo Fei, you don't know the value of this third-level black crystal. Is it worth it?"

If you say that when Yulin first met Mo Fei the day before yesterday, she just thought that Mo Fei was a girl who seemed easy to get along with, so she used Mo Fei to help drive that man away.So at this time, Yulin felt that she and Murphy could really become good friends.

"Oh, don't talk so much, let's do this! You are a supernatural being, you should really need high-level smoky crystals to absorb, then this will be absorbed by you, and you can replace the zero-level smoky crystals with me in the future." Murphy said. With an indifferent look, he stuffed the third-grade black crystal like sapphire into Yulin's hand.

Yulin thought for a while, if her ability improved a lot, she would definitely be able to help Mo Fei more in the future, so she no longer refused, and accepted the third-level Mo Jing: "Okay, then I will accept it, and I will make meritorious deeds in a while." It's worth getting more, because this kind of third-level smoky crystal is really hard to buy even if you want to spend money. You are not a supernatural person, and you don't know its true value. This is really very rare. "

After listening to Yulin's words, Mo Fei felt very happy. Although she didn't fully understand the value of these third-level black crystals to supernatural beings, Mo Fei still understood that such third-level black crystals were rare.

The reason why I want to give it to Yulin is because I really feel that Yulin helped me crush the zombie cat to death just now, and she didn't want to grab my things at all, but retreated directly.

It was precisely because of this that Mo Fei wanted to try Yulin again.After seeing Yulin's reaction, Mo Fei was very happy, because Yulin did not take away the rare third-level black crystal in ecstasy because she was given it to her, but told herself the true value of this black crystal.

Regarding Yulin's magnanimity, Mo Fei naturally would not be stingy. With such a good neighbor, Mo Fei felt that this time he really made a profit.

Mo Fei smiled and pointed forward: "Go, let's go to the next place!"

(End of this chapter)

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