Chapter 64

Yulin carefully put away the third-level Mo Jing, she decided to kill more zombies today, and give Mo Fei both the merit points of the zombies and Mo Jing.

Although compared with the third-level smoky crystal, this is nothing at all.

For this girl who is two years younger than herself, Yulin really agrees with her from the bottom of her heart.

Mo Fei didn't know what was going on in Yulin's heart, otherwise he would have blushed for trying to test her before.

But this is also necessary, in this last days, it is a good relationship not to use you as zombie bait.

However, Murphy and Yulin were both young, and they hadn't fully come into contact with the dye vat-like society before the end of the world, so they were both kind-hearted.It's been so long in the last days, and I have seen too much darkness, and I feel very lucky to suddenly meet a neighbor who can treat each other with sincerity.

The two chatted about some things along the way and drove to the next destination. Because they were chatting while driving, the road would not be boring at all. Compared with when they just came out, they had nothing to say because they were stiff, and the two of them suddenly shortened the distance. .

On the way, we talked about what happened to the two of them when they went to missions separately, and Mo Fei couldn't help sighing, this beauty is treated well no matter what time it is!

But envy is envy, and Murphy also sympathizes with Yulin who is often harassed by some "flies".

"Feifei, we've arrived at our destination. Our missions are different this time, but for safety's sake, let's act together!" Yulin jumped out of the car at the second destination and shouted at Murphy.

"Sister Yulin, I'll take the lead in a while, and you will help me keep an eye on the surrounding situation and make up for the omissions." Mo Fei nodded and agreed. Judging from the situation just now, it's not that small tasks are completely safe.

The two of them groped inside one after the other, walking all the way, the paths on both sides were very quiet.

"It's strange, why is there not a single zombie here?" After walking for a while, Yulin couldn't help asking.

"It's hard to say, it may be that the person who came to do the task before cleaned it up, or it may be..." Murphy didn't say it, because it would be bad if it was the second possibility.

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't say Yulin didn't ask, but he was sure it wouldn't be a good thing.

Going on all the way, the two were relieved when they arrived at the designated place. Not only were there no zombies here, but even the mission items were taken away.

"It seems that someone has cleared this place, so we can only postpone this task for a while." Mo Fei spread his hands and said to Yulin.

"That can't be helped. There are only a few locations provided. It's not surprising that all of them have been taken here. But when we go back, we will report that there are no supplies at this location. I remember that we can still get 10 information meritorious points. "

"I guess the team that was empty before will report it. Okay, let's not talk so much, let's go to another location."

There was nothing here, and Murphy didn't plan to stay here any longer, so the two of them ran to another place not far from here.

When the two people arrived here, although the supplies here had not been completely taken away, those people were already cleaning up the last zombies.

"Hey, there's no play here again, let's go, Feifei, we can only find another place." Yulin sighed, and pulled Mo Fei to leave.

"Two ladies, wait a moment." A voice suddenly came from not far away.

Murphy and Yulin turned around following the voice, and saw a man of medium height, with a thin face, and small eyes with a pair of dimples running towards them.

"What's the matter?" Yulin subconsciously pulled Mo Fei behind her.

Ever since the two became more and more acquainted, Yulin regarded Murphy as her younger sister in her heart.And Mo Fei didn't have supernatural powers, so Yulin consciously protected Mo Fei.

Seeing the beauty looking at him vigilantly, the man showed a friendly smile: "Don't be nervous, ladies, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to ask, have you also accepted the task of finding supplies?"

Yulin nodded: "Yes, but you are about to wipe out the zombies, we are late."

"It's not too late. Actually, we mainly want to earn the merit points of zombies. We can't take all the supplies. The other side has been filled just now, so we can't take them at all. If you can help us get the last three The car is full, and the rest will be yours." After the man finished speaking, he stared at Yulin and asked with his eyes.

"Okay, but can the supplies on the other side even out a little for us?" Yulin asked after thinking that Murphy's mission was to supply the supplies on the other side.

"No problem." The man readily agreed, and then asked: "Why did the two ladies come to do the task alone, didn't they join the team? Our team is very good, you..."

"Sorry, we're temporarily..." Mo Fei knew at a glance that this man must have taken a fancy to Yulin's beauty again, so he was ready to come out and refuse.

But Yulin stopped Mo Fei, and replied to the man: "We have a small team, but the team members are temporarily going to do a dangerous task, so we sisters are a little bored, so we come to do some small tasks."

The man nodded knowingly and didn't say anything else, then smiled at Yulin again: "Well, there are still some zombies ahead, after we eliminate them, we can move supplies."

"Then thank you for your help." After thanking Yulin politely, she pulled Mo Fei forward.

When Murphy and Yulin walked to the front, Murphy realized that the opponent's team was all men, so when Yulin walked over, many people stopped attacking in amazement.

As if Yulin didn't see the group of people, icicles formed in her hands, and she smashed towards the zombies.

A ball of beautiful ice flakes hit the head of the zombie, and it froze on the head. When a ball of ice flakes hit it, the zombie shook its body slightly, and stopped as if it was also frozen.It wasn't until Yulin's third ice ball hit the zombie's head that the zombie fell to the ground.

It seems that Yulin's attack power is not strong!It takes three hits to hit a C zombie.Murphy thought silently.

However, regardless of whether Yulin's attack is strong or not, it is very pleasing to watch Yulin's beautiful battle.

Just when everyone's eyes were on Yulin, Yulin turned her head and saw Mo Fei staring at her in a daze, she couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Feifei, come and help me!"

"Ah? Oh!" Murphy just came back to his senses, and ran over with his head down in embarrassment.

After Murphy made a move, the people around gradually averted their gazes that had just stopped on Yulin.

This delicate little girl did not expect to use a cold weapon, and her shots were clean and neat. She almost killed C zombies with a single shot. She definitely did not practice overnight.

This place has become a show place for Murphy and Yulin. Originally, it was the captain of the team who wanted to make friends with Yulin, a beautiful woman. Only now did he realize that the two of them could indeed complete the task without their help. I underestimated it. two girls.

Thinking of this, the captain of the team thought of helping, but at this time the work of eliminating the zombies had already begun to finish.

Yulin asked Mo Fei to use the hunting recorder to collect the few zombies they killed just now, because the two of them didn't kill many, so those people didn't have any objections.

After everything was put away, Murphy and Yulin wanted to help move things. The people in that team were just looking for an excuse, so they didn't let Murphy and Yulin do it at all. They moved the supplies one by one, and gave them to Murphy and Yulin packed the car.

"Thank you so much, if the two of us really don't know how to put this up." Yulin said to the captain with a smile on her pretty face.

Although the captain didn't win over the beauties, he was very satisfied to win a smile from the beauties, not to mention that their team was not short of such a little supplies.

Mo Fei followed Yulin into the car, and after getting in the car, Mo Fei asked curiously: "Sister Yulin, you said you have a team and they won't continue to harass you. I can understand this, but I don't understand one thing. Why do they believe you when you say you have a team?"

Yulin smiled slightly: "Because in the eyes of their group of men, women can only rely on men to survive in the last days, so when I said that there is a small team, they believed it."

After Yulin mentioned this, Murphy understood.

Women are inherently weak, and in the eyes of men in the last days, women have even become accessories.

Especially a beauty like Yulin must be the target of many teams, so Yulin said that she has a team, but they don't suspect him.

"Let's leave Feifei, let's go to the next place." Seeing that Murphy was still thinking, Yulin said.

"Well, Sister Yulin, let's continue, haha, but going on a mission with you, the speed of completion is really too fast." Mo Fei said to Yulin with a smile, sure enough, it is easy to do things with a beautiful woman by her side.

"Okay, don't be poor, I'm starting, you sit down!"

Just after Yulin and Murphy left, the captain saw Yulin's car disappearing from sight, and then winked at several people in the team: "You guys go back with the goods first, and the others follow me." Walk."

And when Yulin and Murphy were talking and laughing all the way forward, they didn't expect that there was a group of people following their car.

"Here's Feifei, here's the mission we took together." Yulin patted Murphy, and the two jumped out of the car.

"Sister Yulin, this place seems quite big!" Mo Fei looked around.

"Well, be careful, if part of this kind of big factory hasn't been cleared, there must be a lot of zombies."

The two discussed and parked the car forward for a while, and just after the two of them parked the car and entered the side door, another car followed to the gate of the factory area.

"Boss, they have entered the factory area." Seeing the car parked outside, one of them reported.

"It's really a good opportunity, let's go, let's go in too."

With that said, the following car parked the car and followed into the factory area.

(End of this chapter)

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