Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 65 Inside the Dark Factory

Chapter 65 Inside the Dark Factory

"Sister Yulin, this place is so big, which factory should the special line we're looking for be? We can't find them one by one." Mo Fei looked at the huge factory and asked in embarrassment.

"Indeed, why is it so big! I thought it was a simple task. That's great. I don't know where to find it when I come in. Fortunately, although there are many zombies here, they are quite scattered."

At this time, Yulin and Mo Fei were already sweating slightly on their foreheads because they were walking all the way in a hurry.

"Sister Yulin, I think we should find the main entrance first. There must be a map of the factory area over there. We don't know how to get in from the side entrance. Walking around like this will only waste our energy." Murphy stopped and took a breath. .

"Take a rest first. I have water here, and there are no zombies here. Let's drink some water and eat something." Yulin patted Murphy, and the two sat down along the wall.

"Sister Yulin, I only have three steamed buns. I steamed them myself. I'll give you a taste." Mo Fei took out the steamed buns from the fresh-keeping bag.

"Not bad, there are steamed buns to eat. I have been eating rice, and I haven't eaten steamed buns for a long time." After Yulin smiled and took a white and fat steamed bun, she took out two packs of vacuum-packed small fish from her bag. Give Murphy a pack.

"Ha, little spicy fish, this tastes good. I used to use it as a snack when I was in school." Murphy replied, taking a pack of little fish from Yulin.

The two ate the small fish, and each ate half a steamed bun and drank some water before repacking and standing up again.

"Come on, let's take a look inside."

The two of them tried to stick to the wall as much as possible, because the zombies who used to be workers usually wandered in the middle of the factory area, and rarely gathered by the wall.

Killing all the way, the two gradually reached the main entrance.

"Sister Yulin, there is a sign in front of it, which should be the distribution map of the factory area." Mo Fei whispered to Yulin.

"Okay, you wait for me here, I'll go and have a look." Yulin nodded, motioning for Murphy to stay.

"Let me go. I learned self-defense since elementary school, and I can run faster." Mo Fei had no way to explain to Yulin that he had learned foundation building in the talisman, and his physical fitness had greatly improved after practicing Qi. He could only say that he had learned self-defense since childhood. result of surgery.

Yulin hesitated for a moment and nodded. After all, she was attacking from a distance. Even if something happened to Mo Fei, she could immediately support her: "Well, be careful when you go there."

"Understood." Murphy responded, clenched the Suying gun, and quickly ran towards the target.

Just when Murphy was about to arrive, a zombie jumped out from behind the sign and grabbed Murphy.

Yulin's heart was in her throat, and she almost didn't yell out, but she didn't dare to yell, otherwise it would be bad to attract more zombies.

Just when Yulin was about to follow up and shoot, the handle of Murphy's gun had already distanced herself from the zombie, and the point of the gun turned around and pierced towards the zombie's eyebrow.

The zombie fell to the ground with this downward thrust.

Murphy turned around and made a "no problem" gesture to Yulin, and then stood in front of the warning sign.

After roughly noting the location, Murphy ran back quickly.

"It's okay, Feifei, that zombie grabbed you just now and scared me to death." Seeing that Mo Fei came back, Yulin quickly checked Mo Fei's body carefully, and was relieved when she saw that there was nothing wrong.

"It's okay, Sister Yulin, I've checked the factory area. The one we're looking for is still a bit troublesome. It's in the middle. We have to be careful when we go there." Mo Fei looked around for a while, then pointed to a road and said.

"Well, it's nothing, just be careful for a while and you'll be fine."

The two of them moved to the middle area little by little, followed a small road, and soon arrived near the factory area.

"Sister Yulin, this is the factory building. Let's find out where the door is?" Mo Fei changed the Suying gun to the other hand, then leaned his body sideways and poked his head out to look out.

After a while, Mo Fei probably noticed the location of the gate, and pulled Yulin to the left.

The two swayed to the door, and the few scattered zombies at the door have been dealt with smoothly.

Mo Fei looked inside: "Sister Yulin, it's so dark in here, isn't there even a window in such a big factory building?"

"I have a light here, I'll take it out." Yulin unloaded the backpack, and then pulled out a light tube from inside.

Opened the light tube and stretched it in. It didn't matter if Mo Fei didn't look at it, he quickly retracted it.

"What's the matter, Feifei, are there a lot of zombies inside?" Yulin couldn't help asking when she saw Murphy's strange expression.

"Sister Yulin, there are no zombies inside."

"It's not bad if it's not a zombie, let's go in!" Yulin said and walked in.

Mo Fei hurriedly grabbed Yulin: "Sister Yulin, you can't enter inside."

Yulin stopped and stopped when she saw Murphy's serious expression: "Feifei, what's inside?"

"I don't know. Dust is criss-crossed, and there seems to be a big net inside, and I just glanced at it and vaguely saw some fragmented limbs hanging on those nets."

"Really? Could there be something more terrifying than zombies?" Yulin's face couldn't help but change color.

"Sister Yulin, let's go quickly! This place is too weird." Murphy didn't know what was inside, but at this moment she really didn't want to die because of such a small task.

"Let's go, let's go." Yulin urged Mo Fei, and the two turned and went out.

"You two beautiful ladies, where are you going?" A voice came from behind Murphy and Yulin.

When Murphy and Yulin turned their heads, they saw the group of people they met at the previous mission site standing behind them.

"Get out of here, something is not right here." Seeing that it was the team just now, Yulin thought they were here to do a task, and hurriedly shouted.

"Oh? Miss, don't be afraid, we'll just protect you." While the man was speaking, his eyes kept glancing back and forth at Yulin.

Mo Fei watched clearly from behind, and calmly stretched out his hand to tug Yulin.

Yulin looked at Mo Fei suspiciously, and Mo Fei moved her lips lightly, then Yu Lin stopped talking vigilantly and looked at the gap to leave.

"Beautiful lady, is this where your mission is? Don't worry, with our protection, you don't have to be afraid." The captain of the team winked around, and the team began to move Murphy and Yulin little by little. surrounded.

Yulin regretted missing the opportunity now, she shouldn't have answered just now, she should have rushed out earlier, but the chances for the two of them are very slim now.

Mo Fei reached out and squeezed Yulin's hand to reassure Yulin, then looked up at the little captain: "Captain, right?"

Seeing that the other party finally reacted, the captain of that team was full of confidence and felt that he would be able to win this time, so he replied with a smile: "Pretty sister, what's the matter?"

"There is a mission here, but the inside is very strange and dark, we dare not go in." Mo Fei blinked his big eyes and said to the captain of the team.

"Oh, that's it! Don't be afraid, it's very dark inside? Shall we go in with you?"

Hearing Mo Fei say that the two of them dared not go in because they were afraid of the dark, the captain was even more proud: Sure enough, women are women, so what if they can kill zombies?
Mo Fei turned around and raised an eyebrow at Yulin, and then Yulin said knowingly: "Then there is Captain Lao, we wanted to give up this mission, but we didn't expect to meet you again."

"Hahahaha, it's easy to say, we are destined, how about the two ladies joining our team in the future? No matter what mission you do, we will definitely protect you." The captain of the team took a few steps forward.

Yulin didn't speak, and smiled slightly at the captain.Human beings are inherently beautiful, even the cold expression on their face is already suffocating, not to mention the sudden smile, the captain looked a little dumbfounded.

Seeing that the people around him were also attracted by Yulin's smile, Mo Fei grabbed Yulin and ran outside.

"MD, you dare to shake us and chase after me." The team leader suddenly came to his senses at this moment, and ordered his men to chase after Murphy and Yulin.

If Murphy ran by herself, she would definitely be able to escape, but there was no way to go faster with Yulin.

"Fei, Feifei, run by yourself. After they catch up with me, they won't chase you anymore. If they drag me like this, neither of us can escape." Yulin already felt it. Not a mutant, but her physical fitness is very good, but she is dragging her down.

"Sister Yulin, what are you talking about, go away." Mo Fei naturally knew that the group was mainly targeting Yulin, but once Yulin fell into the hands of the group, she was also very clear about the final outcome.

Just as the two were arguing, the group had already caught up.

"Smelly, mother. How dare you run away." One of the rude people grabbed Yulin's shoulder.

The tip of Mo Fei's plain tassel spear pierced the man's hand. When the man dodged, Mo Fei turned around. The tip of the gun did not hit Yulin, but followed the man's hand and stabbed out.

Yulin's shoulders were let go, ice flowers bloomed in her hands, and a ball of ice slapped the person behind her.

"Huh..." With the whistling wind knife, Yulin's icicle was deflected, and the wind knife blew past Yulin's face.

At this time, it was the captain of that team who also followed.

At this time, Murphy had already knocked out the big man in front with the handle of the gun, but more abilities and light energy guns greeted Murphy.

The team leader suppressed Yulin's ice ability with supernatural powers, and then the team leader finally grabbed Yulin, put his hands on Yulin's vital parts, and shouted at Mo Fei: "Little sister, don't stop! , really want me to hurt your beautiful sister, I really can't bear it!"

Murphy had no choice but to grit his teeth and stop attacking.

Then the squad leader waved at the team members: "Take them two to the dark place just now."

(End of this chapter)

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