Chapter 66

The captain of that team, when he said that he was going to the dark place, especially emphasized the word "black", and looked at Yulin and Murphy with a proud face.

Mo Fei narrowed his eyes, since they can't let them go, then be prepared to accept the consequences!
Quietly followed, Murphy's Suying gun had been confiscated.

Yulin looked at Murphy worriedly, and Murphy gave Yulin a firm look back.

For some reason, Yulin suddenly felt a sense of dependence on her younger sister. It seemed that after seeing Murphy's affirming eyes, her heart calmed down a lot.

Following all the way to that dark place, Murphy frowned: "It's better not to enter here."

The captain of that team didn't seem to care, and asked two people in their team who seemed to be power mutants to open the previous door.

With a burst of dust, the situation inside finally appeared in front of everyone.

"Hahahaha, a woman is a woman. There are not even half a zombie here, so I'm too afraid to enter." The team leader said proudly, as if all this was what he expected.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yulin looked at Mo Fei inquisitively. She didn't look in just now. It was Mo Fei who said that it was not allowed to enter.

But looking at the current situation, there is really nothing in it.

Murphy, who was the only one who had seen the situation inside just now, looked even more gloomy.

No, it was definitely not what it is now when I looked inside just now. If the things inside already know how to disguise themselves, then their situation is even more dangerous.

Murphy, who just wanted to remind him, suddenly stopped: No, this is a danger but it also happens to be an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei pretended to sigh: "Sister Yulin, I saw it was too dark inside just now, I didn't expect... I'm sorry, if we go in, maybe we won't..."

Murphy pretended to blame himself.

Yulin didn't know what was going on inside, so she believed what Mo Fei said, but she didn't blame Mo Fei at all.In her opinion, no matter how much Murphy practiced self-defense since she was a child, she was still just a little girl, and it was only natural for her to have such a situation.

But thinking that it was because of her face that these bad guys were attracted, Yulin felt even more sorry for Murphy.

"Go, tidy up the inside. There are threads inside. Pile up the threads to make a bed." At this time, the captain of the team showed a wretched expression and ordered his subordinates to do it.

The people under him hurriedly agreed, and each went to sort out the boxes in the factory building, and then began to pile up the surrounding threads on it.

While everyone was busy, Murphy and Yulin were a little careless.

Mo Fei moved closer to Yulin, and whispered, "Sister Yulin, don't worry, we will be fine."

It's just that Yulin is not so optimistic: "Feifei, you can escape by yourself, I know you can escape by yourself." Yulin just saw that there are no speed-type mutants in this team, so with Murphy's speed, you can definitely escape. escape.

"Sister Yulin, stop thinking about it, we can escape for sure." Murphy was sure, but it was not the time yet, she could leave no matter what she wanted, but she had to take Yulin into consideration.

Yulin nodded, but she only thought that Murphy was comforting herself, and didn't believe it completely.

"Okay, don't think so much, I will find a chance." After Mo Fei comforted Yu Lin, his eyes were fixed on the movements of the team.

While those people were busy, the previous door suddenly darkened.

Since there seemed to be no other light entrances in the room, the workshop was instantly pitch black.

"What's going on? Light up the fire." The captain's voice sounded.

Mo Fei really wanted to take Yulin away now, but within a few seconds, the factory building was lit up.It was a fire-type power user in this team who ignited the flame.

After the fire illuminated the surroundings, all the members of the team showed shocked expressions on their faces, followed by panic and noisy voices.

"Quick, get out of this ghost place, go!"

"Where can this go, the door is blocked by something."

After a while of panic, the team leader finally recovered his thoughts.

At this time, Murphy had secretly pulled Yulin to hide behind a pile of wires in the corner.

"Sister Yulin, when they start fighting, we will rush out once the door is clear." Murphy whispered in Yulin's ear.

"Got it. By the way, Feifei, did you know there was something in it just now?" Yulin was only thinking about it at this time, and Mo Fei said it was because of fear and the later calm expression did not match at all.

It's just that this happened suddenly just now, and Yulin didn't think much about it. Murphy believed it because he said it was because of fear.

"Yes, I knew there was something in it from the beginning. I saw it clearly before, but I found it wasn't there. So I guess this thing should have a certain amount of wisdom to hide and wait. I think this is our chance." Murphy replied softly.

So Murphy has been waiting for the opportunity since just now. After all, he only has two people. Since that thing has wisdom, it will definitely choose more groups.Besides, Murphy still had a hole card, and he could take Yulin out if there was no other way, but Murphy didn't want to reveal this hole card to anyone yet.

While Yulin nodded, she couldn't help admiring this girl who was two years younger than herself.

"Shh, that thing has moved." When Yulin was about to say something more, Murphy made a silent gesture to Yulin, and then looked out from the edge of the pile of threads.

Seeing this, Yulin stuffed the two bundles of wrapped thread into her backpack.

Just when the thing started to move, Murphy realized that it was actually a huge snake.

This huge snake was strangely long, and there was actually a bulging bag under its head. Its huge body moved away from the door, and coiled down along the criss-crossing lines of the roof.

When the huge snake left the door, Murphy was overjoyed for a moment when he saw the light, but immediately there was an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

The gate of the factory was actually covered by a web that looked like spider silk but was denser than it. It was impossible for Murphy to rush out.

Yulin also had a troubled expression on her face: "Feifei, what should I do?"

Murphy didn't answer, and now she understood what she saw before. It wasn't the thread here at all, but this kind of web like spider silk.

Similarly, the people in that team also discovered this. Among them, the person with the fire ability controlled two balls of fire and burned them towards the spider silk blocking the door, trying to burn the spider silk and rush outside.Because there is no such concentration outside, the chances of survival will be greater.

Seeing that the huge net that blocked the door was burned with two holes, but immediately the net was refilled.

For the first time, everyone knew where this huge, spider-like web came from.

It turned out that the silk-spinning thing was actually that huge snake.

The sac under the snake's head is filled with a translucent liquid juice. When the liquid is sprayed out, it becomes silky when it encounters the air, and it is almost impossible to press down on the silk screen from the huge snake's body. Judging from the undamaged condition, this kind of silk is probably hundreds of times stronger than spider webs.

Mo Fei took a look at the current situation. He was afraid that the only way to escape from here would be to blow the net.

And now Mo Fei has only two choices, one is to help the group of people get rid of the giant snake and then go out, and the other is to wait for the silk-spinning snake to eat up the group of people, she uses the igniter in the backpack to light the A hole was burned at the edge of the net, and she and Yulin got out together.

Murphy quickly denied the first one. After all, after helping those people, they were likely to repay their kindness with revenge.But if you don't help, if the giant snake is not full, it will be very difficult for those people to attack her and Yulin after eating.

When she was in a dilemma, Yulin suddenly reached out and pulled Murphy's clothes.

"Murphy, look over there!" Yulin said softly.

Mo Fei followed Yulin's finger to look there, and was pleasantly surprised to find that, on the edge of the corner where they were hiding, a corner of the wall had collapsed for some unknown reason.

However, this piece is not enough to get out alone, but it is also the hope at this time.

"Sister Yulin, you observe the situation here, I'll try to make the hole bigger." Mo Fei motioned Yulin to keep an eye on the people and the big snake outside first, and then try it by herself.

Yulin nodded, telling Mo Fei to be careful, and then looked outside.

The strength of the team outside is not bad. The battle has already begun at this time, and they should often go out on missions, so they cooperate fairly tacitly.

While watching the battle outside, Yulin silently prayed in her heart, hoping that Murphy could open that passage sooner.

Besides, Murphy, after groping to the entrance of the hole, first moved away the miscellaneous rocks on the edge, and then saw the hole revealed, looked around, Murphy turned around again, and ran back with a stoop.

"Feifei, how's the situation?" Seeing that Murphy came back so soon, Yulin asked quickly.

"The hole is quite big, but it's not enough for one person to go in and out. I need tools. I'll go over there and get my tasseled gun back." Murphy looked out, and his tasseled gun was standing on the side of the group. the wall behind.

"It's easy to be exposed when you go out like this!" Yulin couldn't help worrying.

Mo Fei rolled his eyes, then whispered a few words into Yulin's ear...

"I understand Feifei, you go, but be careful." Yulin nodded and told Murphy.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful and try not to ask for your help." After finishing speaking, Murphy also bent over and ran out with a big ball of rope wrapped around his body.

The attack on the other side was because the fire-type supernatural powers didn't light up all the time, so it was a bit flickering, and Murphy took advantage of the darkness to run for a while.

As they got closer and closer to the group, not only Mo Fei held his breath nervously, but even Yu Lin, who was watching from behind, was too nervous to blink, for fear of missing the right timing that Murphy told him.

In the darkness again, Murphy touched his plain gun.

(End of this chapter)

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