Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 67 No bones left

Chapter 67 No bones left
In the flickering light and darkness, Murphy finally touched her plain gun.

Gently picked up the Suying gun, and tied it to his back with a piece of rope, it was not time to use it yet.

Go back along the same road, rush forward when it is dark, and crawl under the rope when it is bright.

Because the battle over there was more exciting, the people in that team didn't notice Murphy either.

But just when Murphy was about to come back.

Suddenly, a group of flaming snake silk fell down, just behind Murphy.

One of them was worried that the fire would spread, and not only the silk-spinning giant snake would be burned to death, but they would also be burned to death, so they ran towards Murphy's back.

At this time, Murphy couldn't be seen from a distance because of the light problem, but he could definitely be noticed when he got close.

Just when that person was about to arrive, Yulin stood up suddenly, a icy flower bloomed on the flame, and the fire went out instantly.

Worried that that person would still watch, Yulin hurriedly shouted: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and attack! I don't want to die here either."

Seeing that the fire was extinguished and hearing Yulin's words again, the man did not suspect him, nodded, and continued to attack the giant snake at his attacking position.

Murphy also let out a sigh of relief at this time, and took advantage of another period of darkness to crawl back quickly.

Seeing that Murphy was back, Yulin quickly squatted down and patted her chest: "I was scared to death, I was scared to death, I thought you were going to expose your position, but luckily you thought of this before."

Before, Murphy thought about what to do if his actions were suspected, so he asked Yulin to attack at a critical moment, so that the eyes of the team were all focused on it, but he didn't expect it to really come in handy.

"Sister Yulin, since you have already made a move, hit it from time to time, don't let them see the problem, I'm going to get the hole now."

Yulin nodded, and then she was behind the thread ball, throwing ice flowers on the giant snake from time to time.

The group also knew the situation at the gate of the factory building, not to mention, as Yulin said just now, no one can escape without defeating the snake, so they didn't doubt it deeply, seeing that Yulin occasionally threw a ball of ice flowers Take care.

Taking advantage of this time, Murphy quickly crawled over, and dug hard to enlarge the opening of the original hole.

At this time, Mo Fei was suddenly very glad that he had sealed the defensive talisman. He smashed the gap with the Suying spear with one hand, and broke it down with all his strength with the other hand.If it weren't for the protection of the defensive talisman, the finger would have been bleeding a long time ago, but it is still intact now, except that the fingertip is a little painful.

Mo Fei could still bear the pain, and looked up at the battle situation over there.

The team's firepower seemed to be much weaker. At this time, someone had already killed the giant snake's mouth. After taking a look, Mo Fei continued to dig down hard.

Finally, the hole was dug a hole big enough for one person to get out.

"Sister Yulin." Murphy turned to greet Yulin.

Yulin had been paying attention to the situation here. Seeing that Mo Fei had succeeded, she quickly threw a ball of ice flowers and crawled towards Mo Fei.

"Quick, get out." Mo Fei said quickly when he saw Yulin coming.

Yulin drilled out along the edge, but at the same time, because the wall was dug relatively large, some bricks and soil fell from the outer wall.


"It's okay, sister Yulin, help me clean up the outside." While Mo Fei comforted Yulin, she also looked up to the other side.

The sound just now seemed to have attracted the attention of the small team over there, and at this moment Zheng sent people to investigate.

Murphy held the Suying gun, she didn't intend to take out this group of scum who just wanted to hurt them.

The person who was investigating came over first, and wanted to run to Yulin's position to look at it. Mo Fei hid below, and the moment the person bent down, the Suying spear pierced the throat.The man struggled for a moment, then stopped moving.

After the man fell to the ground, Murphy took a look. The man seemed to be a supernatural person. Murphy didn't make up for the shot in the head, and then he still waited there, because the hole on Yulin's side wasn't well dug. smoothly.

Yulin didn't have the defensive talisman protection that Mo Fei had, so she couldn't clean up the periphery as fast as Mo Fei. Mo Fei had to wait patiently.

The team over there felt that something was wrong, not only did not see Yulin release the ice flower for a long time, even the people who went to investigate did not come back, the team leader sent two more people to come together.

This time, Murphy successfully dealt with one of them, but the other immediately yelled.

Although Murphy eliminated that person immediately, it was still a bit late, and the people over there had already discovered the situation here.

"Murphy, come quickly!" At this time, Yulin's voice descended like a heavenly voice, indicating that the hole over there was cleaned up.

Murphy ran over in a few steps, not worried about being discovered right now, and quickly got out.

It was only after Mo Fei got out that Yulin's fingers were covered with scars, and the edge of the hole was glistening with ice slag.

It turned out that while Yulin was cleaning up, the top kept falling down. Yulin had to fix the opening of the cave with ice, and then broke off the excess stones attached to the ice with her hands.

Seeing Mo Fei coming out, Yulin was about to drag Mo Fei to run, but was grabbed by Mo Fei.

"Sister Yulin, hurry up, fill this hole with the bricks you just cleared out and your ice."

Yulin instantly understood what Murphy meant, and quickly brought ice and bricks to fill up the hole.

And the people from that team had also arrived here at the moment, and in the darkness, they found the lighted exit at a glance.

"Two stinky girls. They are actually planning to sneak away by themselves."

Some of the people who rushed over quickly bypassed the pile of threads and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

"No, they want to seal the entrance of the cave." One of them noticed that the entrance of the cave was gradually shrinking, and shouted quickly.

"Go and destroy it quickly, and don't let them succeed."

And Murphy and Yulin outside the wall were also very anxious. Once that group of people ran out, they would definitely not end well.

Just as Yulin was filling another brick, suddenly, a hand stretched out from the gap and grabbed Yulin's hand.

Seeing this, Mo Fei quickly stabbed the man's hand with a plain tassel gun, but the man seemed to know that if he let go, he might lose his life, so he held onto Yulin tightly.

Seeing that the man refused to let go, Mo Fei took out the dagger from his boot, pulled the dagger out of the holster, and then cut towards the man's hand.

Blood splattered everywhere, but the man finally withdrew his hand back.

Yulin filled the brick at a very fast speed, seeing that there were only two gaps, but there were no bricks at hand.

After Murphy told Yulin to add another layer of ice to the outside, he stabbed the people close to the ice wall with his plain tassel gun, and at the same time, he prayed that the one he arranged just now would show up earlier.

It seemed that the prayer had taken effect. The group of people who had been dispersed no longer cared about the battle situation when they saw that they could go out. The people who were still fighting before gradually became unable to do what they wanted. In an instant, two people lost their lives.

The huge snake swam along the line on the roof of the factory building.

And at the same time, the three people that Murphy eliminated before, because Murphy knew that the three people were all supernatural beings, and they were not injured by him in the head, so these supernatural beings soon "stand up" again. "Get up.

There was a strange sound in his throat, but it was drowned out by the screams of the group of people.

Only when a shrill scream echoed in the factory building did the team realize the disaster behind them.

Of course, the three zombies were not a threat to them, so the three newly reborn zombies were wiped out by their teammates.

It's just that they've completely forgotten who they're stuck with here.

The huge silk-spinning snake had already swam up to the roof of the factory where the group of people were standing, spitting out a long letter, shrinking back slightly, looking ready to go.

"Feifei, go, I didn't find the brick but attracted a group of zombies, run!" Mo Fei was disturbing the people inside and smashing the wall, while Yulin ran panting, and it was not hard to see a long team of zombies trailing behind her.

"Okay, let's go!"

After Yulin arrived, Murphy pulled out her Suying gun, and then dragged Yulin to the edge of the factory area.

Running all the way out the door, Murphy saw that their car was blocked by that team's car.

Murphy quickly jumped into the team's car, and then used a plain gun to pick apart the circuit board inside, and connected the two wires.

It's a pity that Murphy is not a professional after all. The structure of this car is not the same as her car. She did a lot of research on transforming her car before, but it was still a lot worse without professional training, so she didn't order it just because of this. with.

Instead, it was Yulin who got out of the car and asked Mo Fei to drive their car.

Yulin quickly pulled out some threads in the car, then twisted them together, and pulled the control lever at the same time, and the car finally started.

Murphy pointed his finger at Yulin in Yulin's car, and then started the car.

The two drove out in two cars, and when they reached a secluded place, they stopped.

Murphy went to the car, which seemed to be only for carrying people, and the previous cargo was not there at all.

"I guess that group of people left with the goods first, and I hope that the group of people who went back first will not suspect us." Yulin said with some concern.

"As long as those people can't escape there, it's fine." Murphy replied calmly, as if he had a plan in mind.

Because when she left, she clearly saw the part of the glass above the factory building that was covered by wires and silk screens, revealing a little bit of the truth due to the huge stirring force.The huge snake was right above the group, so there was absolutely no way for the group to escape.

Even if a few escaped, the zombies dragged by Yulin just now were enough to make them all dead.

After the two left the group's car, they drove into Yulin's car to the destination of the last mission.

(End of this chapter)

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