Chapter 68

"Sister Yulin, why are you so good, you can even start the car." Murphy sat back in the co-pilot and asked with a smile.

After hearing this question, Yulin suddenly had a look of unnaturalness on her face: "I was taught by one person."

Mo Fei asked jokingly, "Haha, you can't be sister Yulin's sweetheart?"

Unexpectedly, with just one word, a suspicious blush appeared on Yulin's face.

"Sister Yulin, you won't be guessed by me?" Murphy looked curious.

You know, Yulin is the most beautiful girl she has ever seen so far, even many pre-apocalyptic stars are not as beautiful as Yulin.It is estimated that the men who chase Yulin will not stop from the front row of the end of the world to the end of the end of the world, but Murphy is really curious about the man who can make Yulin's heart flutter.

Seeing that Yulin was silent, Mo Fei hurriedly asked, "Sister Yulin, when will you meet me?"

Hearing Mo Fei's question again, a bit of bitterness appeared on the blushing pretty face: "Actually, I'm just unrequited love, and he doesn't like me."

"No way! Sister Yulin doesn't like such a beautiful woman, this person must have bad eyesight." Mo Fei couldn't help being unfair.

"Hehe, Feifei, you don't understand. He is a perfect person. I am somewhat unworthy of him, but I will not give up!" Yulin smiled, her eyes revealed firmness as she looked towards the road ahead.

"Well, Sister Yulin, I will cheer for you!"

The two talked and laughed all the way to the next mission destination.

The mission this time is also in the same place, and this time I got the mission item very smoothly.

Because the distribution of zombies in this area is relatively loose, and there is no one else to do the task, the two of them killed the zombies for a while, earned some merit points and Mo Jing, and then left to return to the base.

Nothing special happened on the way back to the base. The two drove the car back to hand in the mission, and then returned home in Hailan District with the reward.

"Sister Yulin, wash your fingers and I'll bandage them for you." Mo Fei said, looking at Yulin's injured fingers trying to save herself.

"How can you be so delicate! Alright, let's go back and rest! There is still a mission tomorrow, but it's a pity that we didn't sign up together earlier. The two of us are assigned to different teams, otherwise we can do the mission together tomorrow."

"Hey, I'm not familiar with you before. Well, sister Yulin, you should go to bed earlier."

After saying goodbye to each other, the two went back to their rooms.

After Murphy came back, he took a shower, and then sat cross-legged on the bed to practice Qi.After adjusting the breath evenly, Mo Fei took out the talisman. She carefully studied the defensive talisman of the talisman, wondering if it could be used by others.

It's a pity that after researching for a long time, it didn't say whether it can be used by others.

But Murphy didn't have time to feel emotional, after all, he had to draw another defensive talisman today as a backup.

After stabilizing his emotions again, Murphy drew the shape of the defensive talisman in the void, familiarized himself with it for a while, and then poured his breath into it, drawing the surrounding breath into the Yuan talisman.

It took 10 minutes before the defensive talisman was poured.

Murphy sandwiched the defensive talisman on the first page of the talisman, and then put it close to his body. Once the defensive talisman sealed on his body broke, he could replace it with another one.

Standing up, Murphy shook twice. The infusion time was a bit long this time, and the Qi in his body seemed to be insufficient. Murphy sat down again, adjusting his body between steady breaths and breaths.

An hour later, Murphy was already humming and cooking today's dinner.

Although today's tasks are not considered major tasks, the rewards are some ingredients, which is why Murphy took this task.

Of course, Murphy estimated that Yulin must have accepted these tasks for this reason.

After finishing the simple dinner, Mo Fei swallowed the food in a big gulp, and then wiped his plain gun well before lying down to sleep.

Early the next morning, Mo Fei got up and finished washing, cooked the little rice left over from last night into porridge and drank it, and then went out of the room.

According to the prompt, she didn't drive, but walked to the square in Xing'an circle to gather.

Looking at the numbered teams ahead, Murphy found the location marked with the words Team 12.

I came quite early, and there were only two people standing there, a man and a woman, waiting.

Murphy walked behind the number and stood quietly. The two people seemed to have not seen Murphy and whispered something.

After a while, people came and stood behind the sign one after another, and Mo Fei realized that basically there were more than two people coming, and he was the only one who came alone.Mo Fei looked around, there were too many people, and Yulin was not found.

At this time, five other people were driving to the square.

"A land reclamation, you actually want us to go?" A burly man muttered in the car.

"This is related to next year's plan, not to mention you don't have to eat?" A man wearing glasses replied.

"Old Five, what is going on with this mission?" The man wearing glasses finally fixed his eyes on a bewitching man.

The man has a pair of captivating eyes and neat broken hair, and he is sitting lazily behind the car.

"That's right, boss, at least tell us the inside story of this mission!" The burly man hurriedly shouted seeing that the charming and beautiful man was silent.

The bewitching handsome man glanced sideways at the burly man, and the burly man realized he had made a mistake, and hurriedly said, "Old man, at least let us know what the above means!"

"Reclamation is right. After all, the population of the base is doubling now, and food will indeed be a problem in the future. But there is still an important area to be found. As for what to do, I don't know about it, but it is said that it is related to the end of the world." Yao Mei The beautiful man finally spoke back, and after finishing speaking, he emphasized to the burly man: "Third brother, you will never remember that I really can't take you out next time."

Although the bewitching and handsome man only looked at the burly man with his eyes, the back of the burly man was already getting chills, and he nodded in response.

If Murphy was here, she would definitely be able to recognize these five people as Xiao Minyu and the others who came with her from Cangji.

Looking back, Xiao Minyu looked out of the car window, and couldn't help thinking of a figure, how is she doing recently?After returning to the star base, she took on a mission and has been busy until now. I really don't know how she will be when she arrives at the star base?

Thinking of this, Xiao Minyu turned his head and shouted at Cheng Bin, the man with glasses: "Second brother, after this mission is over, go and check Murphy's residence."

Cheng Bin, the man with glasses, heard Xiao Minyu's words and replied, "Got it." Then the car continued to drive towards the square.

It was almost 7:[-] o'clock, and the people on the square seemed to be almost here, and the last one who walked over was a man in official clothes.

The man held a record card in his hand: "I am the captain of the 12th team. The person who called me will come over to confirm my identity."

Afterwards, the man called the names one by one. After everyone swiped their ID cards, the man asked to be divided into four groups, and each group got on a car.

They were divided into groups and sat down with Murphy who got into the car one after another.

At the same time, Xiao Minyu's car also drove to the square, and several officials around quickly rushed over.

"It's a great honor for us to be able to dispatch the special operations team." Afterwards, he took the five people who stayed away to wait for the next thing.

After sitting in the car for a while, Murphy felt that the car had finally started, and the car was driving towards the location they were going to reclaim.

Murphy sat in the back, looking out the window.

Driving on the road, there are still very few zombies here, and they have been cleaned up several times, so there is no need to slow down when driving, and drive straight towards the destination.

When they reached the location that needed to be reclaimed, Murphy got out of the car.

It is very flat here, and judging from the color of the surrounding soil, it should be a very suitable place for farming, but the large number of zombies wandering in front of you really makes people feel scalp numb.

"This area is where our 12 teams are divided. You four teams will advance by encircling them. I will help you as much as possible. In addition, you don't want to pick up merit points or ink crystals. There will be special people in charge of our team." They will be picked up, and they will be distributed uniformly when they go back." The official leading the team shouted at Mo Fei and the others with a serious face.

"Do you understand everything?" Finally, the official asked emphatically.

"Understood." Everyone responded in unison.

"Okay, go and stand in your position. Once I find out that you are lazy, the reward will be deducted."

Everyone stood up quickly, and then attacked forward with their own abilities.

Because Murphy was alone, he was assigned to a corner.

Looking at the zombies in the distance, Murphy knew that now was not the time to act.I have only one person, and the sound I make is likely to attract all the zombies in the area I have divided, and I am afraid that no one will come to help me by then.

While thinking about how to deal with the zombies in front, suddenly a zombie appeared behind Murphy. This zombie moved very slowly and was the most common C zombie.

It's just that the C zombie attacked from behind, and once caught by it, it would be fatal.

Fortunately, Murphy's vigilance is very good, which is also due to her regular Qi training, which makes her feel stronger than ordinary people.So he felt something coming from behind him, and when Murphy turned around, the plain spear in his hand had already stabbed out.

However, it is always a reflexive stab.With this shot, what Mo Fei stabbed was not in the head, but in the chest of the zombie. The zombie continued to sway forward as if nothing happened.Mo Fei hastily retracted the plain gun in his hand and stabbed the zombie's head again.

All of a sudden, the zombie fell to the ground.

I have to say that the zombies' hearing is still very good. Even the slight sound of fighting was heard by the zombies, and they walked towards Murphy staggeringly.

Murphy backed up little by little, allowing the zombies to sway towards him, but it also made these zombies with different speeds form a triangle formation.

(End of this chapter)

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