Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 69 Unexpected situation

Chapter 69 Unexpected situation
Among these zombies, Murphy also saw a few C1 zombies. Murphy didn't want to face them directly, it would be miserable to be surrounded by zombies.

Aiming at the C zombie in front of him, Murphy's tasseled gun stabbed straight at it. The current C zombie is basically one shot for Murphy.

Although Murphy was alone, the speed of looting was not slow at all. The team leader of the 12th team next to him couldn't help but look at Murphy a few more times and recorded it on the recorder.

Finally killed the C1 zombie, but for Murphy who had practiced Qi for so long and had a defensive talisman sealed on his body, C1 was not only more forceful than when killing the C zombie, but it was still relatively easy.

"Boss, stop the car, is that Murphy in the middle of the field over there?"

Just as Mo Fei was concentrating on killing the zombies in front of him, a car drove up by the side of the road, and the people in the car were Xiao Minyu and the others.

There is a special task in the task of reclamation here this time, and the base is entrusted to the special operations team.

In fact, these five people were not called by the names that Murphy had heard before, but arranged according to groups.

The boss, the very dark one, Geng Yunwei, a man with night vision and water abilities, is actually the captain of the first team of the special operations team.

The second child, wearing glasses, is a gentle and fair-looking man, that is, Man Chengbin, who has metal abilities and is intelligent and cautious. He is the captain of the second team of the special operations team.

Meng Zhibo, the third-ranked burly man, is a third-level mutant with enhanced strength, and is also the captain of the third team of the special operations team.

The fourth child, that ugly man, is Fang Xingping, the captain of the fourth team of the Special Operations Team who possesses the ability to promote the mutation of insects.

However, the only difference is Xiao Minyu, the fifth child, because the special operations team only has four teams, and his identity is very special, that is, the commander-in-chief of the special operations team.

It's just that most people think they are an ordinary team of supernatural beings, and higher-ranking officials know that they are the five captains of the special operations team, but they don't know that there are actually only four teams in the special operations team.

Just when Xiao Minyu found Murphy's figure, suddenly, on the other side of the mountain where they were located, there was a huge explosion sound, which attracted all the zombies around him. .

"Old Five, something happened over there, the higher-ups told us to get there quickly." Man Cheng Bin, the man with glasses who was receiving the order, shouted towards Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu turned his head again, and found that the people and zombies here were all moving because of the sound. Murphy's figure had been submerged in the crowd, so he could only wave his hands.The car quickly drove towards the place where the accident happened.

At this moment, Murphy felt a little helpless. Originally, he had just dragged the zombie into a favorable angle for his attack, but who knew that such a loud noise would disrupt his plan.

Seeing the zombies swarming towards the loud noise, Mo Fei had no choice but to follow behind and stab the slow-moving zombies.

However, the only advantage is that while others are in chaos, Mo Fei uses the hunting recorder to pick up the merit points of the surrounding zombies, but those black crystals don't have time to dig.

Gradually, Murphy quickly fell behind because of hunting while chasing.

Holding the Suying gun, he walked to a sloped place in front of him. Murphy climbed up to observe the opposite side, but unfortunately there was still a mountain across the opposite side, so he still couldn't see what happened when he climbed up to look.

At this time, there were no zombies around Murphy. Seeing everyone running over to watch, Murphy became more courageous and decided to walk a little ahead to see what happened in front of him.

When he got to the place, Murphy was a little dumbfounded. There was so much smoke billowing here that he couldn't see what it was. He could only hear screams coming from inside.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and in addition to the two distorted open-road artillery vehicles sent by the government, a large number of C1s appeared in everyone's field of vision.There were also four or five C2s mixed in, which caused the people who were originally watching to scatter in all directions.

Only now did Murphy understand what was going on just now. The officials must have discovered C2 just now and sent sports cars to attack, but he did not expect that there would be such a large number, so the cannon cars were destroyed by the angry C2 and the cannon cars after the attack. Lost.

By the time Murphy came back to his senses, he had already been pushed away by the crowd.Murphy could only hear someone shouting: "Call the headquarters, ask the mecha team for support..." Before he could finish speaking, he was slapped to the ground by the zombie's palm.

Just when the crowd was already panicking, an extremely strong and agile huge zombie rushed towards the crowd.

This made the supernatural beings who were attacking zombies at a distance uneasy.

The size of this zombie is no different from C2, but its movement speed and physical strength are obviously stronger than C2.

Is it a variant of C2?While Murphy was thinking, several supernatural beings had already been killed at the tail of this huge zombie.It was only then that Murphy realized that this zombie was different from C2, with a big thick tail dragging behind it.

If the original C2 zombie looks like an upright lizard without a tail, then this zombie is an upright lizard that has completed the tail evolution.

An idea suddenly came to Murphy's mind: Could this be a C3 zombie?
It could only be that the zombies in C3 didn't have time for everyone to think about it. They had already wiped out the supernatural beings who attacked at the front, and the supernatural beings behind all turned around and ran away when they saw this, but they couldn't escape this zombie at the speed of human beings. Chased by huge zombies.

Suddenly, the huge zombie that was originally below raised its huge head, roared in this direction, and at the same time chased after the scattered abilities.

Seeing the moving zombies, everyone who thought they were lucky to be far away from the center of the war began to run and escape in all directions.

Unfortunately, it could only be the giant zombie from C3, and the direction in which it was chasing was exactly where Murphy was.Seeing the zombies getting closer, Murphy joined the fleeing team. The giant zombies walked very fast, so some of those who fell behind had been trampled or torn by the zombies, and disappeared forever in this world.

The huge zombie was getting closer and closer to Murphy at this moment. There was no other way. Murphy carried his plain tassel gun behind his back, holding something in his hand, it was always a bit of a hindrance to run, and facing such a powerful zombie, he must not be a prime The tassel gun can solve it.

The distance was still shrinking, and Murphy had no time to think. There was only one word in his mind: run!

Feeling the palm of the huge zombie falling, Mo Fei somehow pulled out the Suying spear again, and stabbed at the huge zombie.Originally, Murphy wanted to stop the giant zombie's progress, but this giant zombie suspected of being C3 was completely fine. Murphy's tasseled gun didn't even penetrate the zombie's skin.

It was too late to take back the Suying gun, the giant zombie shot towards the Suying gun that was piercing towards him, and Murphy was so shocked that he fell to the side with the gun.

At this time, the giant zombie seemed to have identified Murphy, and it didn't care about the people around it. It strode towards Murphy, and Murphy who fell on the ground felt that the ground was shaking.

Mo Fei saw that something was wrong, so he rolled up and ran forward desperately holding the plain gun.

I don't know if his potential exploded in the face of adversity. Murphy ran much faster than before, but even so, he still couldn't get rid of the zombies behind him.

It wasn't until Mo Fei felt that the surroundings were getting quieter that he suddenly realized that the direction of his escape was different from that of everyone else.

Blame myself for not seeing it clearly in a panic, it's better now, I'm getting farther and farther away from the crowd, and it's even more impossible for someone to help distract this monster.

While running, Murphy suddenly slipped. Somebody threw a tile on the road. After stepping on it, Murphy lost the strength of his back pedaling, and fell to the ground.

He hurriedly got up and wanted to run away again, but it was too late, and the zombie's powerful arms waved towards Murphy.

Murphy knew that he couldn't escape, seeing that there was no one here, Murphy summoned his mech with a single thought.

With a "bang", the zombie's two arms collided with the huge mechanical arm of the mecha. Although it hit the mecha, Murphy in Jiajia still clearly felt the huge strength of this suspected C3 zombie.

Murphy hurriedly chose a weapon, but before pressing Select, the giant zombie hit again, causing Murphy to choose a knife instead of an axe.

Two knives appeared in the hands of the mechanical arm, and Murphy had no choice but to control the mech to fight with two knives.

After taking the next blow, before Murphy could catch his breath in the mecha, the zombie's huge tail drew towards Murphy's mecha.

Murphy jumped back in a hurry, trying to escape the zombie's attack range, but at this time, this giant zombie that surpassed the C2 zombie showed its extraordinary speed, and rushed forward with its thick tail as if it was turning as a springboard.

Seeing that there was no way to dodge, Murphy could only take the zombie's blow with two knives.

Murphy only paid attention to resisting the attack, but he didn't see the gaps gradually appearing on the two knives in the hands of the mecha.

The zombie was very powerful, with its thick tail clinging to the ground, pushing its huge body downwards, suppressing Murphy's mecha.With all his strength, Murphy was able to shake off the arms of the two zombies that were pressing on the top of the mecha.

The zombies would not give Mo Fei any time to breathe, and rushed over before he could stand still.

Looking at the giant zombie rushing towards Murphy gave him a headache, but now he was in a dilemma, Murphy could only take the attack.

"Bang" was another loud noise, and the zombie collided with Murphy's mecha again. With this loud noise, the sword in Murphy's mecha also broke, leaving only one knife in Murphy's hand and a handle, but the gap on the remaining knife was almost at the edge.

Before Mo Fei felt sorry for his shattered knife, the huge zombie attacked again and shattered both of Murphy's knives.

(End of this chapter)

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