Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 71 Amazing Contrast

Chapter 71 Amazing Contrast

After running back along the route, Murphy realized that the ground was full of corpses of zombies.

Thinking of the mechas that ran over just now, Murphy guessed that it should be people from the country's mecha team to help eliminate these zombies.

Seeing that there was still a part ahead, Murphy quickly joined the battle.

At this time, Xiao Minyu was struggling to fight another batch of zombies, and returned to the previous plowing field after finding out the situation here.

Fortunately, I saw Murphy's figure in the crowd, but I didn't expect that Murphy didn't catch up, and I was chased by another person instead. When I searched again, I lost Murphy's trace again.

Xiao Minyu had no choice but to get away from the person who pestered him, and let his boss Geng Yunwei drive towards his mission destination.

"Second, you must check on Mo Fei when you go back to see if she is safe. I just caught up with him just one step away. It's all because of that person..."

"Fifth, you've told me many times. I'll remember it. I'll check it when I get back." Man Cheng Bin, the second man with glasses, replied hastily. He has said this sentence no less than five times.

"Quickly wipe out this area, tomorrow you will draw a few reliable people from the team." Xiao Minyu said to several other people after killing another zombie.

"Understood." Several people responded in unison, and then stopped talking, for fear that Commander Xiao would recall the story about Murphy again.

Lei Sen controlled Silver Wing, took the zombie's head into the star base, and put the head in a research institute specialized in zombie research.After that, Lei Sen was thinking about the strange mech just now.

He must have never seen this mecha before. Could it be that it is a new result of the research institute of the War Department, which is in the experimental stage so it has not been made public?

Thinking of this, Lei Sen strode towards the direction of the Institute of War Department.

However, after arriving at the Research Institute of the Ministry of War, Lei Sen received the answer that it is absolutely impossible for mechas to appear with mechanical weapons. After all, it is more difficult to control mechas with cold weapons than with hot weapons. Many, the current technology simply cannot be designed to be flexible and controllable.

Even if it can be done in theory, the complexity of the intermediate operations is absolutely unimaginable.

After hearing the answer from the War Department Research Institute, Lei Sen frowned even more tightly.

Whose is this special mecha?
There was no useful answer here, so Leisen had to return to the Zombie Research Institute.

When I returned to the research institute, the analysis report had already come out.

The previous speculation has been verified. This zombie is indeed a C3 zombie that has never appeared before. As for the factors that may promote the evolution of this C3 zombie, the research institute needs further research, but what is certain is that this C3 zombie Compared with the quality of C2 zombies, the quality has been doubled.

This doesn't just refer to a certain aspect, but doubles the overall improvement.

Hearing this news, Lei Sen was startled. Just now, because of the strange mecha, he hadn't been attacked, so he didn't understand it deeply. Now he was deeply shocked after reading the data.

Judging by the degree of damage C2 did to Silver Wing, if I was attacked by that giant C3 zombie before, I am afraid that Silver Wing will have to be completely overhauled if it is not scrapped now, but the mecha was only partially damaged.

Immediately thinking of the fact that he finally killed the zombie with a light source gun, he asked the researcher at the research institute who gave him a report: "By the way, if the head of that zombie just now was shot directly with a laser, would it be able to penetrate?"

The researcher replied directly without thinking: "Captain Lei, we at the Forestry Institute are also very curious about this matter. Just now we tried to use laser to cut samples with little success. We can only invade a little bit at a time, which can kill this zombie. It’s because its periphery was destroyed, and the laser shot directly into the wound, but no matter how we look at the wound, it looks like a sharp weapon wound, but who has such great strength and such a big weapon?”

Only Lei Sen knew that all this was due to that peculiar mecha, but where did this mysterious mecha come from?It seems that he can't fly, so the possibility of foreign countries flying over should be ruled out, so if the country...

The more Lei Sen thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't figure it out. It happened that Dean Lin of the Zombie Research Institute called him to go over to understand the situation of the previous attack, so Lei Sen followed into the dean's room.

After telling the general situation, Dean Lin was also very surprised. He didn't expect such a mecha to appear.

"Xiao Lei, what do you mean that you shot this C3 just now because you were surrounded by this kind of mecha?"

Lei Sen nodded and pondered for a while and replied: "That mecha is very strange. There is no serial number to indicate that it is not under the jurisdiction of the military. I thought it was an experimental mecha of the War Department Research Institute, but I just asked, and they said that it is based on our At the current level of technology, it is impossible to create a mecha that uses cold weapons. After all, it is only theoretical and cannot be completed in many technologies. Even if there is a similar one, I am afraid that it is impossible to control the strength of the weapon to break through the body of the C3 zombie. table level."

Dean Lin nodded while listening: "Indeed, just now we have verified that the C3's appearance is solid, and it is indeed impossible for ordinary guns to penetrate. I am afraid that if we encounter it, we can only use large penetrating bullets and the like. Weapons are coming."

"More than that, the reason why my silver wing was not injured is because that mecha attracted a lot of attention for me. That mecha was attacked, but my silver wing was not. But judging from the data just now, If my Silver Wing is attacked, I'm afraid it will be seriously repaired if it is not scrapped, so the defense capability of that mecha is also many times stronger than our current mecha defense."

Hearing Lei Sen's words, Dean Lin was also shocked.

"What kind of mecha is this? We have never seen this kind of mecha before in Dragon Kingdom, and it's unbelievable that even the official level of technology can't be achieved."

"Yes, I also find it difficult to understand, and all the data of the Earth Alliance are common, and no country has developed this kind of mecha, and, no matter how you look at it, it should belong to the dragon. China has a long history of culture." Lei Sen recalled that special mecha.

"However, at least from the situation of that mecha working hard to help, it should not be an enemy, maybe some fan hidden among the people invented this special mecha, but the previous laws of the Dragon Kingdom made him feel that he was illegally owned, so That’s why I dare not show my face.” According to Lei Sen’s words, Dean Lin analyzed it carefully.

"Linyuan, what you said is also reasonable. I hope to meet that mecha again next time." Lei Sen nodded while thinking.

"Yes! If you are really a caring person, you will definitely show up when there is a big crisis next time." Dean Lin patted Lei Sen on the shoulder, and then walked to the inner reference room with a piece of information just recorded. .

Lei Sen bid farewell to Dean Lin and re-leaved the research institute. He felt that the place where this incident happened was during a large-scale mission. The task, this time, if you want to verify your identity, you can only do it slowly.

Due to the loss of many people during the previous mission, some people were turned into zombies even if they were not dealt with, so the mission was even more difficult.

The official quickly sent some land combat vehicles to support.

The members of Murphy and the others who participated in the mission were gathered and followed the land vehicle, usually responsible for ordinary C zombies.

In the evening, after a day of hard work, there were still results, and two open spaces were finally cleared.

When the work was over, Murphy followed everyone back to the star base. Tomorrow, their ordinary taskers may not come out. After all, there appeared C3 zombies there, and ordinary hunters like Murphy and the others would not be able to get there. What's the use, so send some people to investigate first, make sure there are no more C3 zombies, and then let ordinary taskers complete the task.

The loss of personnel this time was really huge. For a large-scale mission of 1 people, only less than [-] people returned in the end.

However, not all of the more than 7000 people lost were killed by zombies. Many of them were killed by accidents due to panic, and some were trampled to death by their own people.In short, the loss of the star base this time is very large, although this also alleviates the problem of insufficient food.

Back at the star base, the surviving task receivers can go to the task receiving place to receive merit points. In addition, because some merit value recorders also died there, the above cannot count the merit points of hunting zombies outside, so they have to collect merit points every day. Individuals are allocated some merit points in normal proportions.

Although Murphy felt that he was at a loss, he finally had money to eat.

On the way back, Murphy ran into Yulin.Yulin walked silently with her head down, looking a little lost, much like the state she had when she made an appointment to go to the auction last time.

A few steps forward, Mo Fei patted Yulin on the shoulder: "Sister Yulin, what's wrong with you? Are you not injured?"

Hearing Murphy's voice, Yulin finally couldn't help turning around and crying with Murphy in her arms.

When Yulin cried, Mo Fei was a little at a loss. She was the last person to comfort others, so she patted Yulin on the back and said softly: "Sister Yulin, don't cry, what's wrong? Let's go back Let's talk at home."

Even though Mo Fei pulled her back to the residence, Yu Lin wiped her tears and told Mur Fei about the person she met before.

"He really hates me. He seemed very impatient when he saw me just now, and he looked at me with disgust. Feifei, I'm really sad."

"Don't cry, don't cry, Sister Yulin, that person has no vision, and I will definitely meet the person who loves you the most in the future, don't feel sad for that kind of person."

Yulin wiped away her tears: "You don't understand, Feifei, you will understand when you fall in love in the future. That feeling is irreplaceable."

"Yes, yes, I don't understand, Sister Yulin, but I understand that if I don't eat now, I will starve to death. Sister Yulin, I received merit points today. Let's go buy two vegetables and come back to eat together. I still have a bottle of red wine Well." Seeing that Yulin had finally stopped crying, Mo Fei said.

"Okay, today we're back from buying raw vegetables, and I want you to try my cooking." Yulin, who felt a little better after speaking out her thoughts, was also affected by Murphy's emotions, and said.

"Okay! Let's go shopping for vegetables..."

(End of this chapter)

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