Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 72 Finding Clues

Chapter 72 Finding Clues
After coaxing Yulin, Mo Fei took Yulin to the vegetable shop next to the official cafeteria.

The dishes here are still fresh, but the price is definitely not cheap. There are quite a lot of varieties here, and they are all produced in the vegetable planting shed of the star base.

The two picked out a few vegetables, and then returned to Yulin's house with a basket.

Mo Fei went to his home to bring some condiments and some rice, and the two of them cooked while talking, and finished it in a short while.

Mo Fei went downstairs and brought up a bottle of red wine from his car. After opening the red wine, the two of them had a delicious meal.

This was also the first good meal Murphy had after coming to the star base.

In the evening, Yulin drank a little too much.

Murphy knew that although she looked fine on the outside, she was still a little bored in her heart, so she didn't want to stop her from drinking some wine and getting a good night's sleep. After all, there was only one bottle of red wine, and nothing more.

After eating, Yulin was already slightly drunk, and Mo Fei went home after helping her to bed.

Back in his room, Mo Fei took a shower before lying on the bed, stretched a little and touched his stomach, he was too full from the meal just now.

After taking a short break, Murphy sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice Qi.

After adjusting his breath, Murphy began to worry. His mech was seriously damaged this time, especially since there was only one of the two weapons left, and there would be no replacement for anything in the future. But from the perspective of weapon selection, there should be other options, but why are they not displayed?

Murphy, who was confused, thought for a long time but couldn't come up with a reason. Seeing that it was getting late, he closed his eyes and fell asleep drowsily.

"It's so comfortable to sleep." Mo Fei, who got up early, sighed on the bed, and then got up to wash.

I made a little breakfast and filled a few mouthfuls. It is said that most of them are not allowed to go out of the city today, because today is the day when the government sends land tanks to the place where the accident happened yesterday to investigate the situation, and it is also to avoid more casualties.

But it wasn't bad for Murphy. Anyway, she often studied talismans at home after earning enough merit points.

After eating and tidying up, Mo Fei turned out the talisman.

She wanted to find out if there was a way to restore it in the talisman, but after looking around, there was only a way to restore the human body, but there was no way to restore the object. There was a similar one that only temporarily restored an object, but there was time. limited.

"Forget it, it's still Qi training. It's true if you can improve and learn the next talisman one day earlier." Murphy couldn't find anything that could be used temporarily, so he had to recirculate the breath in his body.

Lei Sen, who got up early in the morning, hurriedly tidied up and went out.

Last night I kept thinking about that peculiar mecha, and after much deliberation, Lei Sen decided to check it out today.

Walking from the residence to the area outside the military jurisdiction of the Xingxin circle, all the people I met kept saying hello to Lei Sen. Here, I am afraid that there is no one who does not know Captain Lei of the Mecha Squadron.

Go out and come to the task reception area, and walk towards a window.There is a female receptionist inside. Although Lei Sen is the captain of the Mecha Squadron, there is no one who does not know him in the military jurisdiction, but outside, he may only be recognized when he is wearing silver wings.

"Hello, what's the matter?" The female receptionist looked at the handsome guy who came to her window and asked, because Lei Sen didn't look like he was here to accept the task.

Lei Sen was not the kind of talkative person, and looked at the female receptionist who was asking questions with a slightly cold expression.

I have seen many people and female receptionists who came to pick up the tasks, but it is rare to see such people who are so cold on the surface.

Lei Sen showed his ID, and then the female receptionist understood Lei Sen's identity, and invited Lei Sen in respectfully.

After entering the task receiving area, the female receptionist took a peek at Lei Sen, and then went back to the window where she was on duty.

"Captain Lei, what brought you here? Is there any task to be handed over to us?" The person in charge at the receiving office heard that it was Captain Lei from the mecha team, and hurriedly greeted him enthusiastically, thinking it was a machine. What task does Team A release?

"That's it. I want to find someone who will take part in this mission. I want to adjust the data and go back to study it." Lei Sen didn't beat around the bush, and directly stated his reason for coming.

The person in charge of the receiving office let out an "oh", and then let Lei Sen go to his office.

"Captain Lei, you also know that level certification is required to retrieve information, so please hand me your ID card." The person in charge at the reception said to Lei Sen.

Leisen understands very well that the data must be of a high level before they can be viewed. In order to prevent people of their level from taking the opportunity to steal the data, two verifications are required for each use, one is the opening of the identity card, and the iris Scan approval.

Passing the ID card over, Lei Sen put his eyes on the recognizer.

With two beeps, the instrument passed the certification, and the person in charge of the mission reception began to transfer the attendance sheet of this mission from the database, which recorded the number of people who went on the mission that day and some identity information.

Leisen took the recorder and quickly flipped through it, which recorded the information of every person who participated in this mission.

It's just that Lei Sen's head is getting a little big looking at the dense information on it.

This is the information of 1 people who signed up, and I don't know when I will see it.

"Here is everyone's information. I only need the information of the survivors." Lei Sen took a rough look and then looked up at the person in charge of the reception.

"In this case, Captain Lei, I'm afraid it will take a few days before you can get it, because the casualties are too heavy this time, and it has not been fully and accurately verified yet, so..." The person in charge of the receiving office said with some embarrassment.

Lei Sen was right when he thought about it, the damage was indeed too serious this time, it took less than a day, and it really couldn't be sorted out all at once.But it was also because of the serious loss this time that he was more eager to find that mecha. If that person agreed to teach the technology to Longguo, then the mecha team would be more powerful to protect others in the future.

That being the case, there is no good way now, but to check one by one.

"The records here can be transferred to my team's network disk for me, and you can directly tell the above that I transferred them."

"Okay Captain Lei, I have a part of the selection here, I will pass this to you first." The person in charge hurriedly replied,

Lei Sen nodded, took away his ID card, turned around and walked out of the task acceptance area.

Walking on the road, Lei Sen thought about the strange mecha that appeared.This kind of large mecha requires huge energy, even an energy mecha will inevitably need to replenish energy, but why can't such a big mecha be found?

Back in his residence in the military jurisdiction of Star Circle, Lei Sen looked through his team's exclusive network disk, and clicked on the record on it.

While watching, there was a knock on the door.

Lei Sen got up to open the door, and there was a sunny-looking man in his early 20s standing outside.

"Captain Lei, what are you busy with today? Go out early in the morning." The man asked with a smile after seeing Lei Sen open the door.

"Go get some information, by the way, didn't you see that strange mecha yesterday?" Lei Sen asked the visitor.

"Captain Lei, you have already asked me several times. We really didn't see any other mechas. When we arrived, we saw you flying away in a strange distance, and then flew back." The visitor rolled his eyes. Well, their Captain Lei has never been such a mother-in-law, but this time, for some reason, they are entangled in this problem.

Looking down at the desktop, Leisen's network disk is still open.

"Captain Lei, what is this?" Seeing the dense pile of materials, the visitor felt a little headache.

"It's the list of people who are on this mission." Lei Sen replied flatly.

"A list of missions? You mean a list of super missions? That's more than 1 people. Team Lei, I don't know you more and more. Why are you looking at this?"

"Look for the operator of that mech. It's just right. I'll leave this to you. Go and help me sift out the dead ones, then separate the genders, and then give it to me." After finishing speaking, Lei Sen picked up the recorder on the table. , and then handed over to the visitor.

"Ah?" The visitor had a painful expression on his face. If he had known why he came here so early, he was really asking for trouble.

But his captain confessed and couldn't refuse.

When he was about to leave with his hands, Lei Sen added another sentence: "Those people have nothing to do these two days, so let's tidy up together!"

"Okay!" The originally grim-faced person became excited instantly. He knew that the two top players in their team were dizzy, so it wouldn't be too painful for him to drag them into the water.

Afterwards, the person came out with something.

Although he handed over the task to his subordinates, Lei Sen was still thinking.

Recalling the scene at that time, Lei Sen thought that since this special mech could disappear suddenly, there must be a hidden place, should he take advantage of this to go around and look for clues?

After all, the mecha is a super-large piece of equipment, even if it is concealed and stored, there should be a lock to find it. Leisen even thinks that maybe this mecha is not owned by an individual, but probably owned by a team. This can also explain why it suddenly disappeared.

Someone must have cooperated to hide the mecha.

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable Lei Sen felt, so he thought of several well-known teams in the base.

After taking out a computer from the cabinet and connecting it, and inserting his ID card, Lei Sen searched for several well-known teams in the star base.

Most of the teams came to the Star Base in the early days of the end of the world, and then rose up. Only one very famous team came from the Cang Base later.

Lei Sen felt that he had never encountered it before, so he first set his sights on this team.

(End of this chapter)

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