Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 73 Entering Military Jurisdiction

Chapter 73 Entering Military Jurisdiction

After studying the talisman for a day, Mo Fei has some ideas about how to draw the next talisman, but nothing else is important now. The main problem is to raise his Qi first.

In the evening, the base sent out a message that the land vehicle did not find another C3 zombie this time, so the super-large mission continued.

After tidying up a little bit, Murphy prepared what he would bring with him when he continued to go out on missions tomorrow.

After eating, Murphy was going to go out for a walk.I studied the talisman at home for a day, but now I can't see it, so I am going to go out to get some air.

After going out, Murphy thought of Yulin's state yesterday, and couldn't help but look at Yulin's room door.

"I don't know how sister Yulin is?" Murphy muttered and knocked in front of Yulin's door.

However, there was no answer after knocking for a long time. It was estimated that Yulin had gone out, so Murphy turned around and went downstairs.

After leaving the door, Murphy suddenly felt that the surroundings were unexpectedly deserted. Thinking of the number of people lost in this super-large mission, Murphy felt a chill in his heart.

Wrapped up his clothes and walked forward slowly.

Lei Sen, who originally went to find that team, didn't expect to be in vain, saying that that team and several other teams were temporarily appointed, and tomorrow they will cooperate with the official marine vehicle to assist in the mission, because no matter what, the cultivated land must be overturned. from.

Just as he was about to return, a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

Lei Sen frowned habitually, this girl looked familiar.After searching carefully in my mind for a long time, I recalled that this was the girl I rescued together when I was trying to save Researcher Lin last time.

Thinking of this, Lei Sen suddenly thought that this girl is also from Cangji, so she should have heard about that team, so why not inquire about it first, maybe there will be some unexpected gains.After all, if you directly ask that team, if it is true, you will probably startle the snake.

It could be considered that he went to the doctor in a hurry, and Lei Sen walked towards Murphy without thinking much at this time.

While walking, Mo Fei was thinking about the next talisman that he could draw that he had studied just now, waving his hands in the air from time to time.

Lei Sen just walked up to Murphy and was about to speak, when Murphy raised his hand and hit Lei Sen on the tall nose.

Mo Fei has been practicing self-defense since he was a child, and now his physical fitness is even better after practicing Qi. What's more, Mo Fei has been using plain tassel spears since the end of the world, and his arm strength is amazing compared to ordinary men. hit on.

Lei Sen only felt a hot nose, and a stream of sticky liquid flowed down.

Murphy also felt that he had hit someone at this time, and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see it."

When he raised his head again, Murphy was surprised to find that it was the captain of the mecha team. He paused in his heart, and then found that Lei Sen's nose was dripping blood.

"Captain Lei, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." Murphy turned over on his body, took out a clean white handkerchief and wiped the blood carelessly.

Originally, the blood flow wasn't too much, but after being wiped by Mo Fei, it became more and more bloody.

Leisen had a headache, why did he come over so hotheaded.He reached out and took the handkerchief away to cover his nose, then asked in a muffled voice, "What's your name?"

Murphy thought badly, this must be revenge, the captain is too small-minded, he even said it was not intentional.

But there was nothing he could do when asked, Murphy replied in a low voice, "Murphy."

Because of the ambiguity of the sound novel, Lei Sen heard it as Mo Wei.

"Come with me, I have something to ask you after I stop the bleeding." Originally, Lei Sen wanted to ask here, but because his nosebleed couldn't stop, he had to call Murphy to go with him.

Murphy lowered his head and curled his lips, but whoever called him an official, Murphy had no choice but to follow behind.

Walking all the way to the Xingxin circle, it was almost the door, Mo Fei whispered to the back in front of him: "Captain Lei, it will be the Xingxin circle soon, I can't get in."

Lei Sen ignored Murphy and continued to stride forward.

Murphy secretly slandered in his heart: who the hell, didn't he just hit you, as for...

When they arrived at the gate of Xingxin Circle, the guard hurriedly saluted Lei Sen, and Lei Sen pointed to Murphy behind him: "Give her a temporary pass."

The guard hurried inside to apply for a temporary pass, and then handed it to Murphy with a respectful attitude.

Murphy took the temporary pass, and then followed Lei Sen into the star circle.

This is the second time for Murphy to come in. The last time when he and Yulin came to participate in the auction, he came in once. The difference is that this time Murphy followed Lei Sen and went straight to the restricted area of ​​the ordinary person— — Go to the military jurisdiction.

In the same way, after talking to the guards, Leisen locked Murphy's identity in the guard room, and Murphy followed Leisen into this place that Murphy was curious but dared not set foot in last time.

Lei Sen took Murphy all the way to his residence. Many people saw this scene, and were a little speechless in surprise.It was rumored that Captain Lei, the cold-faced captain of the Mech Squadron, didn't like women, because he had never seen a woman around him.

Even Yin Xihui, the only daughter of VIP Yin, who pursued him with such a name, did not shake Captain Lei's expression. Today, for the first time, he brought a girl to the jurisdiction.

Murphy didn't know what the people outside thought. He just followed Captain Lei who didn't know whether he wanted revenge or what to do. After all, this was a military jurisdiction, and Murphy felt that he should be considered safe.

After entering the house, Murphy looked around at the place where Captain Lei, whose face seemed to be frozen, lived.

Unexpectedly, a man's residence is quite clean and tidy, and the furnishings in the house are also very simple, which matches his face very well.

The first thing Leisen did after returning home was to wash and stop the bleeding. Only after the bleeding had completely stopped did he find that Murphy was still standing at the door.

"You sit on the sofa over there." Lei Sen pointed to Murphy and said.

After sitting down, Murphy said, "Captain Lei, I was really careless just now, I'm sorry." She felt that it would be better if she apologized first.

"That's not important, I have something else I want to ask you." Lei Sen still said in a cold tone.

It was only then that Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart: Really, why are you so cold and cold, thinking that you really want to take revenge.Murphy didn't dare to say it, but he thought about it in his heart.

Seeing that the cold Captain Lei stopped talking again, Murphy had no choice but to ask, "Captain Lei, what do you want to ask? I will know everything and say everything."

Only then did Lei Sen ask: "I remember you came from Cangji, right? When researcher Lin was rescued last time, you were taken out with her."

Murphy nodded: "Yes, I came from Cangji, and I would like to thank Captain Lei for saving his life."

"It's nothing, it's just a mission." Lei Sen replied indifferently and continued to ask: "Then do you know a famous team in Cangji, called the Spark Team?"

Speaking of Team Spark, Murphy was taken aback for a moment. She didn't understand why Captain Lei suddenly asked her about Team Spark.

"Captain Lei, of course I've heard of the Spark team, and it's one of the best teams in Cangji." Murphy quickly replied.

"Then can you tell me about the situation of this team?"

"Well, okay, but what happened to Team Spark?" Murphy asked curiously.

"You don't need to know, just answer my question." Lei Sen replied coldly.

Murphy stuck out his tongue, this person is a natural freezer!Then he introduced it to Lei Sen: "Squad Spark is a corpse-hunting team with all members of supernatural powers or mutants. There are only five members in the team. The captain, Sun Qiaofeng, is a fire-type superhuman, and the rest are all mutants. Wang Dali, Zhang Lekun with ice ability, Li Lin with speed mutation, and Qu Yingluo who is known as Queen of Electric Light and has rare electric ability."

Mo Fei didn't know about this before, and it was thanks to Zhu Zhu's admiration of Qu Yingluo, Queen of Lightning, that she always whispered in her ear, and Mo Fei remembered it.

Lei Sen nodded as he listened. The more he listened, the more he felt that Team Spark had the highest possibility of having mechas.Regardless of the number of people or the cooperation of different abilities, and the fact that this team can always do many tasks that others cannot complete, it is very consistent.

"What else?" Lei Sen asked suddenly when he heard Murphy stop.

"That's all I know..." Mo Fei spread his hands helplessly. Zhu Zhu may have told him many things, but unfortunately he only remembered these.

"Well, it's almost there." Lei Sen said and stood up.

Although it was nice to have a handsome guy by his side, Murphy didn't want to stay longer for this cold man, especially when he might have sent himself to the isolation room as an experiment before.

Just when Murphy heard Lei Sen's words and thought that he could finally leave here and was relieved, Lei Sen suddenly turned his head and asked inexplicably, "Did you also participate in the super-large land consolidation task yesterday? "

"Participated, what's the matter?" Murphy didn't understand what Captain Lei wanted to say, so he could only respond.

"Then... have you ever seen a red and black mecha with a strong sense of flow and a giant ax in its hand?" After saying this, Lei Sen also felt a little strange. I would suddenly mention this to a stranger, knowing that this matter is still very confidential.

Murphy never expected that Lei Sen would suddenly ask herself this question, and her first reaction was: Could it be that she was exposed?

But immediately retorted, if it was exposed, he wouldn't have the expression that surprised even himself after he finished talking to himself.

After pondering for a while, Murphy decided to take the risk and ask: "Captain Lei, do you mean that there are strange mechas here?"

Lei Sen didn't expect that Murphy would think of it immediately, but he had already asked the question, so he nodded: "Yes, I appeared at the mission site that day, but it wasn't from the Dragon Nation Mecha Team, nor was it from all the establishments in the Earth Alliance. Mecha. Have you seen this mecha?"

"I haven't seen it before." Murphy shook his head quickly, and then couldn't help asking: "Then, what is the base going to do with this strange mech?"

(End of this chapter)

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