Doomsday Golden Armor

74 Sudden Attack

74 Sudden Attack
Hearing Murphy's question, Lei Sen looked at the girl in front of him.

Worried that the girl in front of him knew too much, Lei Sen replied indifferently: "This is not what you should know. The new mechs naturally have regulations to manage it. In addition, if the second person finds out about today's words, you will lose money." personal freedom."

Only then did Murphy shut his mouth and nodded to Lei Sen: "I know Captain Lei, I won't tell anyone."

"You can leave now, just go out and take your ID card." Lei Sen said with his back to Murphy, then turned and walked towards the window.

"Okay, Captain Lei, I'm taking my leave." Mo Fei wanted to fly away from here at once, but he didn't expect that Captain Lei was actually investigating the matter of his mecha.

Lei Sen didn't reply, and Murphy quickly left the room.

Going down, Murphy was thinking about Lei Sen's expression just now. He probably didn't reveal it, but it was just a coincidence that he actually asked himself.

After calming down, Murphy left and walked towards the gatekeeper in the jurisdiction.

After changing his ID card, Murphy trotted all the way out of the Xingxin Circle.

After leaving the star circle and returning to the star people circle, Mo Fei felt that he had escaped from the tiger's mouth.

When he got home, he wanted to greet sister Yulin, but because he was too nervous now, Mo Fei didn't knock on Yulin's door, and went back to his home directly.

After calming down for a while, Murphy sat down on the bed.

Hearing what the cold Captain Lei just said, he seemed to want to catch himself and then his mecha would be disposed of according to the regulations. It seems that he must be more careful in the future.

After seeing that it was getting late, Mo Fei washed up and lay down to rest, because he had to take part in the tidying task early tomorrow morning.

Early in the morning, after Murphy woke up, he tied his black hair into a neat ponytail, and then went out the door.

At Yulin's door, Murphy knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Yulin's voice came from inside.

Hearing Yulin's answer, Mo Fei felt relieved, and shouted inside: "Sister Yulin, I still have tasks today, I'll go there first!"

"It's Feifei, wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

As Yulin came out while talking, the original smile on Murphy's face gradually disappeared.

I saw that Yulin's originally watery eyes were now red and swollen.

"Sister Yulin, how long have you been crying? What about your eyes..." Mo Fei couldn't continue.

"Feifei, I saw him again yesterday, but his car didn't stop, and he didn't even want to look at me again." Yulin said, her voice choked up again.

"Sister Yulin, it's not like we can't live without him. Now is the end of the world. The most important thing is for us to live well. How can you be in this state? Don't go today. I'll come back tonight and get merit points , let's go buy some food." Mo Fei said, looking at the cold and beautiful woman in front of him.

"Feifei..." Yulin was very moved in her heart, but survival was not easy in the first place, and she also knew how she could add burden to those who cared about her.

Wiping her tears, Yulin calmed down: "Feifei, I understand, it's okay, I'll go as soon as I wash my face, you go first! Don't worry about me, we'll have dinner together tonight."

"Well, Sister Yulin, I'll go there first." Mo Fei nodded and patted Yulin on the shoulder, then walked out with his plain gun.

After the assembly, the number of people this time was more than the number of people who came back.

Because there are land tanks to investigate, and there are several top teams to protect this time, the most important thing is that the rewards have increased a lot this time, so although it is still dangerous this time, it will be much better than last time, So some people came to sign up.

After all, it is the end of the world, so how could there be no danger at all, so with these major prerequisites, many people signed up very enthusiastically, completely forgetting the tragedy before.

Murphy found the sign marked the 12th team. The personnel who participated in the mission last time had no change in the assigned group.

Several people came around one after another, and Murphy recognized one of them, the man among the first couple who came last time.

It seems that the woman might... Murphy thought to himself.

Suddenly, the man's expression changed, and he smiled and waved towards the distance.

Murphy looked in the direction of the man waving, and a woman ran over quickly.

When the woman ran close, the man smiled and took the woman into his arms.

It seems that the woman is still alive. Seeing this scene, Murphy smiled. He thought too much, and even guessed that she was killed by zombies... Murphy smiled and was about to turn his head, but suddenly saw the woman look up. Murphy was surprised to find that Well, this woman is not at all the woman who went on a mission together the day before yesterday.

It was only a day ago that another one was changed!Murphy shook his head, silently mourning for the poor woman who may have lost her life.

"Assemble, I will count the number of people."

Hearing the voice, Murphy looked forward, and the captain of their 12th team was still the same as before. Although this captain was no different from others, Murphy still felt a little kind.

Just like last time, the people who were called took their ID cards to sign in. When it was Murphy's turn, the official team leader shouted at Murphy: "Murphy, I'm very impressed with you. Your melee skills are very good, but one person's strength is limited, this time everyone should not separate and do it alone, you should stand behind me and discuss cooperation with a few people who are intercepting in melee for a while."

Murphy didn't expect that the captain would have an impression of him, but since he said so, Murphy nodded, took the ID card and stood behind the captain of the 12th team.

There were already a few people standing behind, all of them were strong and strong men. For the sudden appearance of a little girl, the men looked at Murphy with some disdain.

Murphy didn't explain, or she didn't bother to explain at all, she just stood there quietly, waiting for the captain's arrangement for a while.

After that, a few men came over one after another, and after everyone in the 12th team had signed in, the captain came over.

"The power mutants among you stand on the left, and the ordinary and strong ones stand on the right." After the captain ordered, the men divided into two sides and stood alone. Only Murphy stood alone in the middle. She is not a power mutant. It can't be counted in physical strength, can it?
The captain of the 12th team was surprised to see that Murphy was still standing there. From the last battle, she always thought that Murphy should be a power mutant, and her marksmanship was very sharp, so she was singled out. Didn't expect her to be an ordinary person.

"Captain, how should I divide?" Murphy felt awkward seeing everyone's eyes staring at him, and asked his little captain.

"It's okay, I will arrange it later, you can stand next to me first." The captain suppressed the surprise in his heart at this time, and motioned for Murphy to come over.

Murphy stood behind the squad leader, and only then did he feel that the visual pressure was lessened.

After allocating the men, the squad leader turned around and told Murphy, and arranged a few long-range attacking abilities behind him.

Probably considering that Murphy is a girl and not a person with supernatural powers, she was placed on the edge, so that her actions would be a little more flexible, and it would also be convenient for other people with supernatural abilities to take care of her.

After all the arrangements were made, they boarded the vehicle in the assigned formation, and everyone drove towards the reclaimed land again.

This time on the road, because of the advance of the land tanks yesterday, the voices of zombies were hardly heard, and they reached the reclamation area smoothly.

It was still the place that hadn't been reclaimed last time. Each team divided their positions and started attacking the surrounding zombies according to the plan arranged by the previous team leader.

Since Murphy's main goal this time was to block rather than kill, he used less force, and occasionally made up for the zombies that swayed past because the special ability missed the point.

This time, due to the reasonable arrangement, Murphy's No. 12 team pushed through the area with only two losses.

After the zombies are eliminated, there is the cleanup work. In addition to cleaning out the corpses of the zombies, there is also the need to dig the soil.

After resting for a while and eating something again, the team leader asked someone to drive over a transport truck, turned over the back of the truck, and distributed the tools inside to everyone.

Mo Fei also received the farm tools, and then put his plain tassel gun on his back, and used the farm tools to flip over the ground.

Soon, the 12th team completed today's task. Since there were not enough farm tools, there were still many teams waiting to use the farm tools after cleaning up the zombies. The team that completed the task handed in the farm tools, and then left here by car.

After a day's work, Murphy felt a little tired and slowly fell asleep in the shaking car.

The other team members were also sleepy, dozing off one by one leaning on the back of the chair behind them.

Suddenly, the car in front slammed on the brakes, the car behind turned quickly, and the car rolled over to the ground.

Murphy and his car were a little far away, so they stopped in a hurry, but the people sitting behind were also rushed forward by inertia, and Murphy knocked against the railing all of a sudden.

He rubbed his forehead, but fortunately he had a defensive talisman, although it was painful, but compared to the many other people in the team who had their heads broken and bleeding, he was considered unscathed.

Rubbing his forehead, Murphy looked out the window, only to discover the reason for the sudden stop.

"Quick, go out and attack, it's a group of zombies."

Some people were still looking at their wounds, cursing the driver in front of them, and suddenly heard Murphy yelling, and then looked out the window nervously. After all, compared with being killed by zombies, this small wound is not important.

"Attack, attack, a large group of C2-S speedrunners, and several C2 zombies." Someone in front had already begun to shout vigorously.

"Drive, go forward." Some people slapped the front of the car and shouted when they saw that the zombie in front had pulled people out of the overturned car.

"The road ahead is blocked. Either wait to be eaten or attack." The driver in front roared back, but the shouting attracted the attention of the nearby zombies, and a giant C2 zombie pierced through the car door. The driver was dragged out and thrown into his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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