Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 75 Alternative Weapons

Chapter 75 Alternative Weapons

Hearing the movement in the cab, the person who had previously tapped on the window became even more desperate.

"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..." The man wailed and hugged his head, nestling beside the car seat.

"Shut up, do you want to attract more zombies?" Mo Fei couldn't stand this man, and shouted at him coldly.

The man closed his mouth tightly, but still nestled in the corner.

"Follow me if you don't want to die. Maybe there is hope. Staying here will definitely kill you." A power-type supernatural being who was in the front seat just now walked to the door of the car and shouted at the people in the car. road.

Mo Fei pulled the Suying gun from his back, held it tightly in his hand, and followed.

The other several supernatural beings belonged to a small team, they looked at each other, and then followed.

Following the power-type mutant to get out of the car, several people moved forward slowly using the car as cover.

"Do you see the left side? Most of the zombies are concentrated on the left side where the car just overturned. We went around from the right side. Although there is a C2 on the right side, there is a C2 and a group of speedrunners. The hope here is bigger. "The team that followed seemed to be an intelligent person in the team, and said to everyone after looking at the general situation.

Everyone nodded, that person's analysis made sense, and whoever survived in the future would probably depend on their own abilities.

"I have a light here. After a while, I will turn it on and throw it to the left. We will run out from the right side quickly. I remember that there is a village in front that has been cleaned up before. Maybe there is hope to escape." A person next to him came from the bag. He took out a high-power lighting lamp and said.

"Great, so our hope is even greater." The man who analyzed the situation before hastily took over the lamp, and then handed it to the power man who brought everyone down first: "You are a power type, you can throw it far away Some, please."

The powerful man nodded, and then everyone got ready. The powerful man twisted the lamp, and then threw it towards the far left.

The C2 zombie was suddenly dazzled by the light, its huge head turned towards the light source flying to one side, and then ran towards it with heavy steps.

"It's now, run!" With a soft sound, everyone started to run desperately, because this race cannot afford to lose, and the only outcome for those who lose is death.

Murphy followed and ran, his heart beating violently, because at this moment, the huge C2 was keenly aware of their movements and was chasing after them at a fast pace.

He almost ran forward with his eyes closed, but the violent vibration and the sound of approaching footsteps made Murphy unable to calm down.

Seeing that there was a village in front of them, several men strode forward. It seemed that someone in that team was a speed mutant, and they dragged their team all the way.

Just when Murphy was about to enter a courtyard, he was slammed by a man at the gate. The man entered the house and closed the gate tightly.

Taking advantage of Murphy's fall, several other men also found places to stay.

Murphy was very angry at this group of people who not only refused to save them but also pushed him to the ground. However, this is not the time for revenge. Those people are hiding, and the most obvious target is himself.

Mo Fei got up and continued to run in. In the depths of the village, Mo Fei's thoughts fluctuated, and he summoned the mecha sealed inside his body.

When his body was in the center of the mecha, Murphy was not in a hurry to fight, but took the lead in bumping into the C2 zombie head-on.

The C2 zombie staggered and fell down, and then Mo Fei ignored the C2 zombie and strode away.

After "Dididi" ran for a certain distance, the mecha warned that the energy was not enough, and Mo Fei quickly took out the black crystal and gold from the carrying compartment of the mecha, and repaired it with gold while replenishing energy.

The black and red fuselage of the mecha was glowing with golden light during repairs. When the energy was fully replenished, Mo Fei suddenly found a word on the mecha.

"There are alternative weapons in the inner seal conversion area."

When Mo Fei looked at this prompt and was wondering, the figure of Suying Gun appeared on the screen.

The previous doubts were finally resolved, and it was only then that Murphy realized that the things he had brought with him before were all stored in this inner seal conversion area.

"Wait, can it be replaced?" Murphy suddenly thought of the next few words and couldn't help shouting.

Can it be replaced, does it mean that the Suying Spear can replace the damaged double sabers?so……

Murphy couldn't help but feel happy.

If his plain spear can be absorbed by the mecha, can other cold weapons also be absorbed?Thinking of this, Murphy had an idea in his heart.

Press the button to cancel first, she can't let the mecha absorb it now, otherwise she will lose the Suying gun, and then what will she rely on to fight?
After finding a secluded place to kill some zombies and putting away the merit points, Murphy found a car and drove towards the star base.

Because the car that Murphy found was too broken, but there was nothing to do. There were only a few cars around, and the rest had no keys. It was already evening when we arrived at the base.

After going to the task reception area to report the previous distress, and then receiving the reward, Murphy returned home.

After drinking a little water, Mo Fei knocked on Yulin's door.

"Sister Yulin, it's good that you come back safely."

"Why did you come back, Feifei? Didn't your team leave early in the morning? Where did you go?" Seeing that it was Murphy, Yulin hurriedly asked a series of questions.

When Yulin was digging the ground before, she saw Mo Fei get into the car and leave, but she just came back and knocked on the door for a long time, but she didn't see Mo Fei. Later, I went to find Murphy again, but there was still no one.

Only then did Murphy tell the story again.

"Oh my God, it's no wonder that when we went back, we found a lot of land tanks on the road. It seems that the zombies should have been wiped out by the land tanks. Feifei, it's great that you're fine." Yulin exclaimed after hearing this.

"Yes, I feel lucky too, thanks to running fast!"

"Then Feifei, have you eaten yet? We agreed to have dinner together, so I haven't cooked it yet, but I've bought all the dishes." Yulin just remembered and asked quickly.

Murphy shook his head: "Hey, not yet, I just came back."

"That's right, I'm hungry too, let's cook and eat!"

After the two of them had dinner, Mo Fei said again: "Sister Yulin, I want to go out recently, so I'll give you these two pieces of first-class red ink crystals to exchange for merit points, and I'll hand them over to the house in the next two weeks." fee."

As Mo Fei said, he took out two first-class red ink crystals produced by C1 zombies from his pocket. These ink crystals are still in short supply, so it is no problem to exchange merit points.

"Feifei, don't rent the house for now. Since you have to leave for so long, why pay the rent for nothing? Just put the odds and ends in my house. But, it's so dangerous outside, where are you going for so long?" Yulin didn't pick up Mo Fei's Mo Jing, but asked instead.

"It's a good feeling, but after I come back, can I still live next door to Miss Yulin's house? It would be a pity if I can't rent next door to your house." Mo Fei asked, looking at Yulin.

Yulin smiled, guessing that Murphy didn't quite understand some of the services provided here, so she explained patiently.

"Don't worry, the star base has a registered exemption, because the housing in the star base is still relatively rich, so you can pay a small amount of merit points to provide temporary residence, but you can reserve the room service, you just need to give the key Hand it in, and I will keep it for you for half a year."

It was only then that Mo Fei realized: "Oh, don't tell me I don't know, that's fine, then I'll bring my things here when I leave tomorrow morning, thank you sister Yulin!"

"Feifei, you haven't said where you're going? The last time you went on a mission was because of the C3 zombies. Such terrifying zombies have come out. It's too unsafe for you to go out for so long." Yulin asked worriedly.

"I suddenly thought of something very important, so I want to go home." Murphy didn't hide anything, and told Yulin directly.

"Go home? Feifei, I remember you came from Cangji, so your home is also there, it's very far away!" Yulin felt that it was too dangerous for Mo Fei to walk so far alone, and shook her head in disapproval. head.

"Don't worry, sister Yulin, I will definitely come back."

Seeing that she couldn't persuade Mo Fei, Yulin had to remind her to be more careful. The two chatted for a long time, and then they went home.

After returning, Murphy packed up some odds and ends, and then took all the things he wanted to take downstairs and put them in the car.

After tidying up, Mo Fei took a shower and practiced Qi on the bed.

The mind slowly sank down, and the qi circulated along the meridians of the body in circles. After practicing qi, the body felt particularly stretched.Murphy slowly exhaled the turbid air before lying down, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, before Murphy got up, Yulin thoughtfully delivered breakfast.

After having breakfast with Mo Fei, Mo Fei packed the quilt and some odds and ends and put them at Yulin's house, and then went to go through the formalities.

It is indeed much cheaper to have the house you live in registered as exempt from occupancy, and pay a small amount of merit points, than to pay rent if it is empty.Afterwards, Mo Fei said a few more words to Yulin, telling Mo Fei to be careful.

Murphy responded one by one, and then said goodbye to Yulin.

After getting in the car, Murphy set the approximate location. Because the distance was too far, it was impossible for Murphy to drive to the community where she lived, so she first selected a location and set it up, and then drove her aerodynamic The car drove towards the periphery of the base.

Just when Murphy left the star base, a man had just returned from a mission and hurried to his residence in the star base because there was something he was thinking about.

"Have you found out about Murphy?" the man asked as soon as he entered the door, throwing his things away.

(End of this chapter)

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