Chapter 76
Hearing the person's question, the people inside turned around and looked over.

"I've found it. You've been talking about it for so long, and you specifically asked me to come back half a day early just to let me check Murphy's address. I've found it, and I've sent it to your recorder."

A man wearing glasses pointed to the hand of the visitor and replied.

"Great, I'll go check it out now." The visitor came back, turned around and was about to go out.

"Wait, I think you should go take a shower and rest before going. You look a little scary now." The man with glasses called to stop the person coming, then looked at it from top to bottom and said slowly.

Only then did the visitor take a look at the hood mirror at the door, his body was covered in mud, mixed with traces of blood and unknown stains, and then he turned and walked to the bathroom.

"Someone will send me a set of clean clothes in a while." While talking, the visitor walked into the bathroom.

The man with glasses shook his head, he had never seen him so caring before, this time I'm afraid it's not the purpose he said.

The person who got a little excited after receiving the news was naturally Xiao Minyu.

After seeing Murphy last time, he was sent to do a special mission, but he failed to meet him. This time he finally came back, and Xiao Minyu asked his second child, the man with glasses, Man Cheng Bin, to come back first to check Murphy's address.

After returning early this morning, Xiao Minyu went all the way back to his residence. When he learned that Murphy had been found, he was ready to go there immediately.

After taking a shower, Xiao Minyu changed into clean clothes, and then, ignoring the exhaustion from returning from the mission, he drove towards Hailan District with the address.

At this time, Murphy was driving smoothly on the road that had just been cleaned up. Because of the large-scale cleanup these days, the zombies near the base were almost invisible, but there were still some corpses on the ground because they hadn't been cleaned up. .

Murphy sped up the car a little, and the white car drove forward glistening in the sun.

In the star base, Xiao Minyu drove from the jurisdiction of the Xingxin Circle to the Xingmin Circle. When the car stopped at the gate of the Hailan District of the Xingmin Circle, Xiao Minyu got out of the car.

This unusually good-looking man immediately attracted everyone to stop, but Xiao Minyu didn't care about it, and walked towards the blue No. 3 building with a faint smile on his face.

He was looking forward to what kind of expression Murphy would show when he saw him.

Although Xiao Minyu has been to the star base since before the end of the world, but has been in the star soul circle and star heart circle, this star people circle has really never been here.

Fortunately, the division of areas here is clear, and you can see various areas at a glance. Entering here, Xiao Minyu found Building 3 in Hailan District according to the address given by his second child, Man Chengbin.

After going up to the second floor, Xiao Minyu looked around. Although this place is called Xingmin Circle, the environment seems to be okay.

With the knock on the door, Xiao Minyu felt a little nervous for some reason.

But after knocking for a long time, no one came to answer, Xiao Minyu unconsciously increased the force of knocking on the door, and the knocking sound of "dong dong dong" echoed on the whole floor.

Could it be an accident?Xiao Minyu couldn't help thinking, even using all the strength of his arms, he knocked on the door vigorously.

Yulin was packing up the things that Mo Fei had put in the room, and then she heard a "dong dong" knock on the door outside. She listened carefully and heard that it wasn't knocking on her own door, so she ignored it.But when the knock on the door turned into a knock on the door, Yulin frowned.

I don't know who it is for, why knock on the door so rudely.

But after thinking about it, if he came to find Mo Fei, he should go out and tell them to come back later.

Because Yulin once heard from Mo Fei that a group of her classmates left the Cang base, but they don't know whether they are in the star base or the other two bases. What if they really are in this base?

But when Yulin opened the door and saw the familiar figure standing in front of Murphy's house, Yulin's eyes were foggy.

"Yu, is that you? Are you finally willing to see me?" Yulin's originally clear voice was trembling with excitement.

Hearing the voice, Xiao Minyu was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the woman who had been pestering him lived next door to Murphy.

However, he had no choice but to turn around, and the expression on his face instantly collected.

Seeing Xiao Minyu turn around, Yulin stepped forward excitedly and took Xiao Minyu's arm: "Yu, I can't believe my eyes, you finally came to me, I'm so happy, really happy."

Xiao Minyu pulled his arm out without a trace.

Looking at the empty hands, Yulin's expression darkened, and there was a trace of embarrassment on her face.

But then I felt that Xiao Minyu's arrival was already an improvement, and then he said with a smile on his face: "Look at you, I went wrong when I came here. Fortunately, my neighbor is away from home, otherwise she will definitely be disturbed so early in the morning." rest."

"Yu, come and have a seat with me, although it's a little rough." Yulin pushed the door wide open, then stood at the door and made a "please" gesture.

Xiao Minyu was originally standing in front of the door, but his thoughts were no longer here. He was wondering where Murphy had gone. Did this woman just say that Murphy had traveled far away?
"Yu?" Seeing that Xiao Minyu was just standing, even though he didn't go in, Yulin didn't leave, so she tentatively called him again.

"I have something else to do." After Xiao Minyu replied, he went downstairs without looking back.

"Yu..." Yulin followed to the stairs and shouted at Xiao Minyu's figure, but Xiao Minyu still left the small blue building with big strides.

After going downstairs, Xiao Minyu returned to the car, then started the car and drove quickly towards the star circle.

The first thing he did when he got back to his residence was to call out to Man Cheng Bin, the man with glasses: "Second brother, Murphy left the star base and is said to be on a long journey. Check the situation for me."

As soon as Xiao Minyu finished speaking, Man Chengbin said immediately: "Okay, but I heard something after you went out just now."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Minyu replied a little absent-mindedly.

"I heard that Lei Sen brought a girl to his residence the day before yesterday. Judging from the description, that girl seems to be Murphy."

"What?" Xiao Minyu didn't pay much attention at first, but when he heard this, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Man Chengbin with a pair of charming eyes.

"Don't get excited, although everyone knows that Lei Sen is not close to women, and bringing girls back is big news, so people will speculate, but it doesn't mean they have anything." Man Chengbin is now completely convinced that they His boss has sunk, although it was because of Lei Sen's relationship that he first noticed the girl Murphy, but now, I'm afraid it won't be anymore.

"I called Mo Fei away the day before yesterday. I did a task yesterday, but she left today. He must have something to do with Mo Fei's departure." Xiao Minyu said confidently.

"Don't worry, I'll check for you right away to see if I can find out anything else." Man Chengbin patted Xiao Minyu on the shoulder, and then walked towards the reference room.

Soon, Man Chengbin transferred Murphy's out-of-city record. Looking at the time, it happened to be the time when Xiao Minyu had just returned and was about to go find her.

"Where's Lei Sen? What's his itinerary today?" Xiao Minyu looked at Murphy's out of town record and asked Man Chengbin without looking up.

"Lei Sen has no activities scheduled today, but he went out early in the morning." Man Chengbin sighed, no wonder Xiao Minyu was thinking wildly, there was indeed a problem.

Xiao Minyu didn't say a word, just looked down at the documents in his hand, and then he realized that Murphy didn't seem to do anything special after coming to the base, and it seemed that he only saw Lei Sen the day before yesterday.

Seeing that Xiao Minyu was silent, Man Chengbin continued to ask: "By the way, how do you know that Murphy is traveling?"

Xiao Minyu raised his head, and then told about meeting Yulin, Yulin and Murphy being neighbors, and Yulin accidentally mentioning that Murphy had traveled far away.

"No way? Miss Yulin and Murphy are neighbors? There is such a coincidence in the world." Man Chengbin also showed an expression of disbelief.

"Okay, go and take care of the guard, and let us know once Mo Fei comes back." Xiao Minyu has no other choice now, and he has no way to detect Mo Fei's whereabouts when Mo Fei leaves the base.

"Don't worry, fifth, I've already explained it, but our mission hasn't been completed this time, so I'm wondering, there is no one in that place, why are there so many zombies around?" Thinking of their mission this time , Man Chengbin really couldn't understand.

"Anyway, this mission is very urgent. I'm going to take a rest. We will continue to go there tomorrow. Let the third child take the next smoky crystal today. He doesn't have to go there tomorrow. The flight team will send a transport plane to take him there the day after tomorrow." After Xiao Minyu confessed, he rubbed his eyebrows, and then walked towards his bedroom.

At this time, Murphy had already driven out of the Beijing area where the star base was located. Seeing that the surrounding area was quiet, Murphy leisurely took out the food that Yulin had prepared for him in the morning.

Suddenly, Mo Fei saw a silver light flashing in the sky, it was Silver Wing.

It is true that Lei Sen has no mission today, but he has always been worried about that peculiar mecha, so he has no mission today, but thinking of the direction the mecha escaped from last time, Lei Sen plans to search again.

"This cold-faced king is quite busy, and he has another mission so early!" Murphy muttered as he bit the rice ball in his hand.

It was a very easy day. I only encountered a few scattered zombies on the road. Murphy didn't even bother to fight them, so he just went around and drove away.

At night, before nightfall, due to the smooth journey, Murphy arrived at a location farther than the place she had set before.

Murphy found a small village not too far away, and chose a clean-looking private house to live in.

The surrounding area should have been cleaned up, not to mention the active zombies, even the corpses of the zombies were not found, but Murphy went around the village and found no one, so he probably fled to the base.

But it wasn't until night, when Mo Fei was sleeping soundly, that he heard the siren of the car and got up quickly, and successfully caught a few villagers who were stealing things.

(End of this chapter)

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