Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 77 Homecoming

Chapter 77 Homecoming
Mo Fei interrogated these people with a sullen face, and the villagers confessed honestly.

It turned out that there were fewer people left behind in their village, and many people went to work in the metropolis. Compared with those who mutated into zombies, slightly more people survived, so they worked together to clean up the zombies.

Because the villagers usually have private plots, they were not hungry during this time.

But after all, tons of grain are getting less and less, and it's not the season for planting, so I thought of stealing.

They usually hide in their own cellars, so many people think that this is an empty village with no people or zombies when they come, and then when they rest at night, they will come out and steal things from passing cars. Even when they move into the house, they also have a tunnel leading to the house, so they can move out.

But now in the last days, many people will choose other people's cars for the sake of sturdiness, so they will not open the second anti-theft alarm lock. Even if there is, they usually run away from the tunnel when there are many people on the other side, and they don't need to steal it even if there are few people. I was worried, but I didn't expect that Murphy, a girl, would not back down at all when facing them.

Although Murphy didn't intend to investigate further, who knew how many of them there were? They bundled them up and pushed them into a room and tied them up in a corner before continuing to rest.

It is said that they are considered to be the strongest among the people who are still alive, so Murphy tied them up, and then changed to another room to sleep.

Those who stayed at home were all waiting for their relatives to return at this time, but after waiting and waiting, no one came back, so they couldn't help feeling anxious.

But if none of these people can succeed, they can only wait for a special opportunity.

Although Murphy slept, he slept very lightly. Traveling alone was really hard.

Fortunately, these villagers didn't seem too courageous. Mo Fei woke up early in the morning and saw no one in action.

Pushing open the door, Murphy let go of the bound people.

"You go!"

Several people looked at each other. They thought they had been killed this time. They had already prepared for the worst all night. They didn't expect that Murphy would let them go without doing anything after waking up in the morning.

No matter what the reason was, several people quickly thanked them, and then ran out of the house in a hurry.

Mo Fei stretched his waist, got into his car and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, a dozen people, old and young, suddenly came out of the village.

Mo Fei squinted his eyes, clenched the Suying Spear, and was ready to fight.

However, the villagers didn't move. It was a little boy about 5 years old who ran towards Murphy.

The little boy's face was quite clean, but his clothes were full of stains.

He ran over with a basket in his arms, put the basket down, and looked at Murphy with some fear in his eyes.

A gust of wind blew, and the cloth covering it was blown up by a corner.Murphy's originally tense nerves relaxed, and he smiled at the little boy.

There are some vegetables in the basket that seem to have just been dug up. Although there are not many varieties, they are very fresh.

Mo Fei fumbled in her pocket for a long time, and handed a piece of candy to the little boy. It was because she was worried that she would not have enough energy during the battle, so she put a piece of candy in her pocket.

The little boy looked at Murphy, and then at the adults behind him. He didn't take it until one of the women nodded.

"Thank you sister." Then he turned around quickly and ran back.

A man who was tied up last night shouted at Mo Fei: "Little girl, I didn't expect there to be good people in this last world. Our people were arrested before, but they didn't come back. remnants, or be beaten..."

The man's voice was a little choked, probably thinking of his friends in the same village, and then he paused and continued to shout: "These vegetables are grown by myself at home. My wife said she would like to thank you for not letting our family be separated. Please accept it!"

This group of people is still very simple and kind, Murphy thought in his heart, but felt a little embarrassed. He obviously had several bags of food in the car, but he didn't take them out.

But at least these people still have land and food to live on, and they want to live, so just be selfish!After thinking for a while, Murphy loaded the vegetables into the car, and then drove away from the village.

In the next few days, Murphy was very boring.

Because she met a small team on the way, according to this group, after the Cang base was disbanded, many people who did not leave Nancheng scattered and established many small strongholds. Walk together.

There were not many people in this team, and half of them were girls, so Murphy agreed to go together.

But the good thing is that I can sleep well at night, and I hardly need to do it myself on the road.

So, Mo Fei sat in the car during the day and read through her light-energy e-book, and helped with cooking at night.

There were several adventures along the way, but it was considered safe to get through. Just like this, Murphy followed the team to Nancheng.

"Murphy, just come back to the stronghold with us. We've gotten to know each other along the way, so we'll have someone to take care of us in the future!" A girl held Murphy's hand a little reluctantly, but it wasn't anything else. He doesn't like to provoke disputes. Along the way, he rushed to finish a lot of work and didn't complain too much, so everyone in the team liked this girl, Mo Fei.

However, the reason why Murphy did this was an equivalent exchange in his heart. He allowed him to live in the team, which at least ensured his sleep quality and reduced a lot of unnecessary troubles on the road. That's why Murphy felt that he should do more. Some are considered compensation for the team.

"No, I really have other things to do, otherwise I wouldn't have come all the way back alone."

"Well, if you have the opportunity to come to the base in the future, we welcome you." The girl holding Mo Fei's hand finally had no choice but to say goodbye to Mo Fei.

"Well, it will." Murphy waved at the team, and then drove down the south city.

It only takes 4 or 5 hours to get to my former home from here. The current Murphy is not as weak as when he fled from the villa area back then, so Murphy did not hesitate and drove directly towards the villa area. .

I am back!
The distance from home was getting closer and closer. Looking at the familiar scenery around him and the lakeside villa that was about to arrive soon, Murphy's heart was extremely excited.

There are not as many zombies around the villa anymore, maybe it has been cleaned up, or it may be because there have been no living creatures here for a long time, so these zombies have slowly moved.

Murphy drove the car directly into the gate of the villa area. Looking at the gate that he left in a hurry without closing it last time, and the corresponding empty garage, Murphy drove the car directly in.

After getting out of the car, while Mo Fei held the Suying gun in his hand, Mo Fei pressed the house key that had been kept for a long time.

I left home in November, and now it is March of the next year. I haven't come back for so long, and the door that has been open is a little slow.

With the sound of "Kara Kala" from the gate, several zombies in their villa shook out.

Mo Fei had already spotted the traces of these zombies just now, so Mo Fei vigilantly held the Suying gun first, and left the garage at the same time.

There are 3 zombies in total, two C zombies, and one C1 zombie.

Mo Fei took a deep breath, then exerted force on her feet, and quickly jumped forward. Soon, the Suying spear stabbed at the C zombie closest to her.

After stabbing the C zombie down as neatly as chopping melons and vegetables, Murphy turned around and ran towards the C1.

After quickly killing the three zombies and obtaining the Merit Points and Mo Jing neatly, Mo Fei turned around and entered the garage, and locked the garage with a button.

Come to the garage elevator, because the energy and electricity in the home has been continuously storing electricity, so the elevator can still be used normally.

Mo Fei opened the elevator and went upstairs. When the elevator door stopped at the living room and opened, Mo Fei's eyes couldn't help but feel a little wet.

Looking at the things in the villa that hadn't changed since she left, except for a lot of dust, Mo Fei only had a sense of reality that I really came back at this moment.

After a short rest, Murphy turned on the TV.

There is still nothing else in it except the notification.

Mo Fei had already memorized these information very well, and she even participated in the first discovery of C2 zombies and the first discovery of C3 zombies.

It was already past 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and Murphy was going to eat his lunch before going to the secret warehouse.

After washing the vegetables given by the villagers two days ago, and cooking another pot of rice, Mo Fei sat down and ate her lunch at the table she had carefully selected before.

After eating, Murphy went downstairs along the elevator, walked in from the road in front of the garage, and opened the door leading to the training sun room, which was the small warehouse.

Dust was still flying in the sun, like a naughty elf who couldn't stay still. Murphy walked through the entire training room and walked quietly to the hidden door at the innermost part.

Open the small door next to the sun roof, and there is still a combination lock with a string of codes on it.

Murphy reached out and pressed the combination lock on the inner layer.

After pressing a long series of numbers, an iris lock appeared, and Murphy deftly moved his eyes to confirm it.

After confirming, the hidden door behind opened.

The things inside, except for the Suying Spear, Yanyue Knife and the dagger over there that he had taken away, were lined up quietly as always.

Looking at the weapons on the weapon rack inside, Mo Fei was overjoyed.

After choosing a few of these weapons that would feel more solid, Mo Fei took the weapons to the outside, the practice room of the small warehouse full of sunlight.

After laying out several weapons on the ground, Murphy finally settled on three weapons, because she couldn't handle too many weapons.

The selected weapons were left on the ground, and Mo Fei put the rest back.

After locking the door again, Murphy walked towards the garage with the three weapons in his arms.

After entering the garage, Murphy opened the door leading to the yard from the garage, and then walked to the backyard of his house near the water.

"Shouldn't there be anyone here in such a desolate place?" Murphy looked around, and then summoned the mecha.

(End of this chapter)

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