Chapter 78

A loud noise alarmed a person diagonally opposite the Murphy's villa.

This person has lived alone in the last days for a long time, and he feels that he is special.

Because whenever humans appeared in the sight of zombies, those zombies would rush towards them as if they were attracted by something.

But myself, every time he appeared, those zombies turned a blind eye to him, as if he was one of their kind.

The man is very happy, he feels that now is his world.

However, the man gradually discovered that his thinking was too naive.

He tried to blend in with others, but when those people found that the zombies would not attack him at all, the way those people looked at him changed, as if he was one of those monsters too.

It's no big deal, I have a better chance than others to survive in such a world.

So, he no longer needed others, and lived here alone for several months.

He goes out every day, he doesn't have to dodge like others, he just needs to go where he wants to go, and the only thing he has to avoid is people.

There was no one here for a long time, everyone who could run ran away, and those who couldn't run turned into zombies or became the lunch of zombies.

Since this villa area is relatively remote, there will not be any passing survivors.

He felt that he had merged with the zombies around him.

The originally ordinary life was disrupted by a sudden loud noise today.

The man walked to the window, and he was surprised to find that there seemed to be something vaguely in the villa diagonally opposite.

But from this angle, it's not very real, only a super huge figure is seen shaking.

The man's heart, which had been silent for a long time, finally aroused a trace of curiosity. He put on his coat and looked at the villa here.

Because the summoning in the house could not be activated, Murphy summoned the mecha from his body when he went to the backyard.

The energy has not been consumed since the last replenishment, so the energy at this time is full.

Could it be that just when he stood firmly in the mech, he saw the prompt in front of him.

"A replaceable weapon has been detected, whether to replace it." Murphy selected the long knife from the three weapon graphics that appeared on the screen, and then pressed "Yes".

The long knife on the ground appeared in the list of selected weapons, and there were two more handles on the ground, which were the handles of the double knives that were damaged when fighting the C3 zombies last time. Because the blade had been broken, it was time to Only the handle of the knife is left in A's hand.

After absorbing it, Murphy replenished his energy and wanted to continue absorbing it, but the response he got was: "The empty slot of the weapon is full. Please upgrade the next replacement weapon to absorb it."

How can this be added to the weapon?Murphy was confused and didn't know what to do.

He took out several third-level blue black crystals that he had collected from the second-level zombie beast, absorbed one, and then the energy was displayed as 1000/500.

This is already the saturation state of the energy storage of the current level of the mecha.

After filling up the energy, Murphy immediately took out some gold. This was prepared just now when he didn't know what to use when absorbing the weapon.

After all the preparations, Murphy took a deep breath, and then called up the upgrade panel in the mech.

As the upgrade was pressed, 500 points of energy disappeared at once, and the gold piled up in front was pinched one by one by Mo Fei and disappeared into the palm of the mechanical arm.

A burst of light shot out, shining the surrounding golden light.

There was a man standing at the door, and the surrounding zombies swung away from him as if they didn't see him.

At this time, the man was trying to move things over to raise the perimeter so that he could climb into the wall.

He remembered very clearly that the door of this house was open before, but now not only was the door locked, but there was also a strange light inside, so the man really wanted to find out.

Soon, the man set up sundries on the outside of the wall, turned in along the top of the wall, and ran straight to the shining place in the backyard.

Murphy had already absorbed enough gold nuggets at this time, and then added a third-grade blue smoky crystal.

The replenished energy was displayed as 1500/1000 points, which also let Murphy know that her current ability storage capacity had reached 1000 points.

Just as he was about to call up the weapon item, the detector behind him suddenly detected an object moving in his direction.

Mo Fei quickly put away the mecha, and then held the Suying gun in his hand.

Just when Murphy was ready, a man gently pressed against the wall.

Just as the man was about to poke his head and look this way, Murphy's tasseled spear had already pierced over and slashed past the tip of the man's nose.

Startled by this sudden shock, he took a few steps back, and the man fell to the ground.

It was only now that Mo Fei saw that it was a man, a man in his 40s, with a few strands of white hair mixed in his hair, which was particularly conspicuous in the sun.

Murphy hurriedly said, "Are you okay? Why did you come to my house? I thought it was zombies." But after all, Murphy did not step forward, but vigilantly leaned the Suying spear on his body In front, I'm afraid that the man will do something else.

Only now did the man see the girl in front of him clearly, she looked familiar, after thinking about it carefully, isn't this girl the head of the household.

Although I haven't spoken to him before, I still have a little impression of the person who lives diagonally opposite.

The same is true for Murphy. When he settled down to take a closer look, he realized that this man was his neighbor.

"Is it Mr. Gao?"

"You are the girl in this family who is still in school, why are you back?"

"I..." Mo Fei didn't know how to reply, and the man surnamed Gao also saw the remaining weapons and gold nuggets on the ground.

"Is this a cold weapon? What happened to the golden light just now? I seemed to see a tall shadow and golden light just now, so I came over to have a look."

Murphy laughed a few times in embarrassment. How could she have thought that there would still be people living here.

"It's like this. I'm doing an experiment. It may be the change of gold and weapons when the sun shines just now."

Although the man surnamed Gao was very skeptical about this, apart from these things, there really wasn't anything tall here.

However, the man surnamed Gao suddenly had a strange idea.

Could it be that this little girl is a special group just like me, and I will not be noticed by zombies. Could this little girl be a mutated zombie?

The man felt that what he thought was very possible, otherwise, how could such a girl go out for so long and come back by herself.

Even though he thought so, the man surnamed Gao didn't feel scared, instead he felt a little excited, because he seemed to have found the same kind of feeling.

Seeing that the former neighbor was beside him, Murphy didn't know what he was thinking, worried that he would continue to ask, and quickly asked, "Mr. Gao, why didn't you leave here?"

"It's quite quiet here, and everyone who could escape has escaped. I like quietness, so I think it's okay. I knew there was no one here before, but I didn't expect to see a light today, so I came here to see what happened." Surnamed Gao The man replied.

"By the way, I will only stay here for a few days before leaving to go to the survivor base. Do you want to go together?"

"This... I'll think about it again." The man surnamed Gao replied after a little thought.

"That's good!" Murphy said and started to collect things.

"Since I'm fine, I'll go back." The man surnamed Gao looked up and looked around, but didn't notice anything special, except that the girl in front of him was a little confused, so he planned to go back first, and then find a chance to test it out.

"I'll open the door for you." Murphy said and ran to the front yard.

Originally, the man surnamed Gao wanted to stop Murphy, but then he thought, didn't he just take the opportunity to test whether this girl was the same as him?
So he followed Murphy to the front yard.

Murphy came to the front yard and quickly threw a piece of iron, which was a part of the damaged double knife that had just been replaced.

Then the door opened.

"Mr. Gao, be careful!" Murphy stood at the door and greeted the man surnamed Gao.

The man didn't see Murphy throwing the iron piece, he only saw those zombies swaying towards the distance after Murphy passed by, which made him feel even more that this little girl might be her kind, and the figure just now might be this The appearance of the little girl after transformation.

The man surnamed Gao smiled slightly, then waved to Murphy and ran out quickly.

Originally, Murphy was worried that the man would be caught by the zombies, but when he saw the man walking through the crowd of zombies, the zombies around him had no intention of biting the man at all.

Soon, the man reached the opposite side, and he couldn't help but wonder: have all the zombies in the villa area started to be vegetarian?
However, the absorption just now was not completed, and Mo Fei couldn't continue at the moment, so he had to collect his things and return to the villa.

After locking the door, Murphy went back upstairs. In fact, he was itching to continue trying to see if the weapon could be absorbed.

Just as he was thinking, Murphy wandered aimlessly around the house.Suddenly, a meadow in the distance caught Murphy's attention.

She had been there before, and there were usually no people there, and there were no buildings, only a row of trees. If she could get there, she wouldn't have to worry about being seen when she summoned the mech again.

Because this matter was always on his mind, Murphy began to think about how to get over it.

Looking around, it was only when Mo Fei saw the river that he realized that there was a place in the community that rented cruise ships, and occasionally people would row boats on the lake in front of them.

But there were guards there before, because there was a blockade in front of the river bank to restrict outsiders, only that block can be opened, so there will be guards.

It seems that we only need to deal with the guards there, open the door and row across with a boat.

Thinking about it, Murphy changed into neater clothes, then picked up his plain tassel gun and went downstairs.

Standing in my yard and looking out for a long time, although there are not too many zombies, but after killing them one by one and rushing over, the physical exertion is too great.

Just as Murphy was standing on the edge looking at the rented position, he suddenly found that in the villa diagonally opposite, the man was opening the door and looking out.

Murphy squatted down subconsciously.

The man looked around to see if there was no one there, and then he came out of the house.

To Murphy's surprise, none of the zombies around the man jumped on them, they all swayed around, and the man passed the zombies like air.

Only then did Murphy understand the reason why the man was able to live here alone for so long.

Just as he was about to go down, the Suying gun touched the flower pot next to it, and the flower pot fell to the ground, and the man looked over in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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