Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 79 Retreat Improvement

Chapter 79 Retreat Improvement
The man surnamed Gao was going to go out today, but he just tested Mo Fei and found that he didn't seem to be too surprised by the fact that he crossed the crowd of zombies.

Therefore, the man surnamed Gao felt that if such a young girl could be so calm, the result would probably be the same as what he had guessed.

In fact, because he saw so many strange things in the last days, Mo Fei didn't think about other aspects at all just now.

It was only now that Mo Fei was a little surprised, that's why he accidentally bumped into the flowerpot.


The man surnamed Gao looked up and saw Murphy standing up from under the table, revealing half of his body.

Seeing that it was Murphy, the man surnamed Gao turned cold: "What are you doing there?"

Murphy didn't answer, but stared at the man surnamed Gao and asked, "Mr. Gao, can you walk freely among the zombies without being discovered by the zombies?"

Hearing Murphy's question, the man surnamed Gao's face became even more gloomy.

He guessed wrong, this little girl is not his own kind, she must also feel that she is a strange person.

The man surnamed Gao thought about it, and suddenly had the urge to silence Murphy.

Yes, kill her, who made them and these human beings despise me, I am more suitable to live in this end of the world.

The man surnamed Gao replied while thinking: "Yes, I don't know why."

Murphy lowered his head, then jumped back into the yard from where he was standing.

A sternness flashed in the eyes of the man surnamed Gao: Hmph, I'm still scared!

However, just as the man surnamed Gao was thinking, suddenly, the door of Murphy's house was opened, and a small head poked out from inside to wave to the man surnamed Gao.

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao, come here quickly!"

The man surnamed Gao was stunned for a moment, and then he walked through the zombies.

At this moment, Mo Fei didn't know what the man surnamed Gao thought. She was very happy after hearing the news, so could she ask this man to help?
The man surnamed Gao ran over with a gloomy face, but found that Mo Fei was looking at him with a smile, and there was no such look of contempt in his eyes, so he suddenly paused.

Seeing the man surnamed Gao enter the courtyard, Murphy closed the courtyard door again.

"Mr. Gao, can you pass all the zombies without being noticed?" Before the man surnamed Gao could speak, Murphy asked excitedly.

The man surnamed Gao nodded, he was a little confused about what the little girl in front of him wanted to do.

"Great!" Murphy jumped up and said, "Mr. Gao, can you do me a favor?"

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't mean to despise him, the man surnamed Gao asked, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"That's right. I want to use the boat I rented over there, but there are too many zombies along the road. Mr. Gao, can you please help me get the boat over?" Murphy clasped his hands in front of him, He asked the man surnamed Gao sincerely.

The man surnamed Gao stared into Mo Fei's eyes for a while, there was no trace of mockery or contempt in his clear eyes... Then he nodded.

"Thank you very much. In fact, your skills are very powerful. Why don't you go to the big base? It will definitely be reused. You can still look around for the food problem now, but it will be difficult in the future. Zombies are not so powerful now. , You can earn a lot of merit points with your skills." While thanking, Mo Fei gave advice to the man surnamed Gao.

The man surnamed Gao asked cautiously and tentatively: "Don't you think I'm scary like this? I can walk back and forth among the zombies."

"It's not scary! It's so handsome. If I can have this kind of skill, I will definitely live a better life than I am now." Murphy smiled, but then he suddenly understood the reason why the man surnamed Gao lived here alone.

Murphy didn't continue to persuade him. If the man figured it out, he would naturally leave, and she could leave without any injuries. She didn't need to worry too much. If he didn't want to leave, that was his own business.

After that, Mr. Gao passed through the zombies to the boat rental room, and then helped Mo Fei push the boat cart back.

Murphy thanked the man surnamed Gao repeatedly, and then reinforced the boat.

The man surnamed Gao also returned to his villa with his thoughts on his mind. He was indeed a little moved by Murphy's proposal.

After all, he is still a human being. He lived alone before just to comfort himself. What he was actually afraid of was that others would not accept him, and he was very afraid that others would regard him as a monster.

When the man surnamed Gao went home and thought about his future, Murphy had already pushed the boat onto the lake next to the backyard, which was the place where he climbed over the wall and shot the zombie cat to death last time.

There are still a few traces left here, but the body has long since disappeared.

Mo Fei pushed the boat into the water, and carefully supported the edge of the land with the plain gun and walked towards the boat.

The boat was pedal-style, and Murphy sat on the seat, stepping forward alternately with both feet, and the boat slowly left the shore.

On the other side, Murphy dragged the boat halfway ashore, tied the rope to the tree trunk by the lake, and then walked into the depths of the woods by himself.

After finding a clearing among the trees, Murphy spread the weapons he brought over on the ground.

Mo Fei calmed down and summoned his mecha.

After standing firmly in the mecha, Murphy checked that the energy of the mecha was correct, and then pulled out the weapon panel.

The weapon panel was brought up, and Murphy was pleasantly surprised to find that there was indeed a reminder that a new weapon could be added.

After confirming the prompt for adding a new weapon, a line of words was displayed: found an inhalable weapon, the energy of the body is sufficient for inhalation, and the materials required for inhalation are lacking.

It was only then that Mo Fei discovered that the materials were locked on those few pieces of gold, but the quantity seemed insufficient. The font in the column of materials was different from other places. The other places were green, and only the item of materials was a red reminder.

After understanding this, Murphy dug out some gold from the carrying compartment and put them down one by one. After putting in three more gold nuggets, the display screen indicated that the inhalation conditions were met.

After Murphy chose the inhalation weapon, he chose the meteor hammer among the weapons on the ground.

This is the most convenient way to open mountains and add strength, so Murphy, who already had an ax and a long knife, chose the meteor hammer.

After inhaling the meteor hammer, Mo Fei looked at the three types of weapons currently lit up in the weapon selection column with satisfaction, then put away the rest of the gold, and added a handful of white zero-grade black crystals.

After absorbing it just now, Mo Fei looked at it. It seems that one upgrade can absorb two kinds of weapons, but he doesn't have much gold and black crystals, and he needs to use it for combat repairs, so he should not inhale it for now. No special circumstances will be encountered for the time being. The weapon will definitely not be damaged too much.

Murphy replaced the previously replaced weapon with the newly inhaled weapon, and felt that it was easy, so he put away the mecha and walked out of the woods again.

Going back by boat, Murphy cooked something for himself. Today's harvest is very great. Now he finally knows how to absorb weapons. Since he can absorb them after upgrading, Murphy feels that maybe these weapons of his own will not be used in the future. I can absorb it, but then I think about it, why do I absorb so much, I must pick a few that are convenient.

Although the main task this time was completed, Murphy was not in a hurry to leave.

She came back this time for another purpose, which is to research the second talisman that can be drawn immediately, and then start endless tasks after returning. Many times, she doesn't care about the talismans at all, and she still has a lot of food for the time being, so Murphy is ready to return to base when he is ready at home.

After eating, Mo Fei sat on the bed and meditated to rest, his breath fluctuating steadily in his body.

As the aura became more and more pure, Murphy faintly felt that he was about to break through the second floor of the foundation.

Not daring to be greedy, Mo Fei calmed down and opened the talisman.

In fact, she was quite curious about the second talisman.

Because there is no introduction to this talisman at all, it just roughly means that after drawing it, inputting one's breath will form a bond. Of course, that's not what the original words said. Murphy followed his own understanding.

After getting up and checking the doors and windows, Murphy went back to his room and lay down.

After a peaceful night's sleep, Murphy woke up early in the morning and heard noises outside, then stood in front of the window, and saw a man surnamed Gao knocking on the door.

Mo Fei went downstairs to open the door. The man surnamed Gao didn't seem to sleep well last night, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, and he fell silent for a long time before opening his mouth: "Miss Mo, which base did you go to? I want to go try."

"I'm at the star base, but I'll leave in a few days, and I still have things to deal with. You should clean up in the next few days, and then we will go together." Murphy immediately replied after hearing what the man surnamed Gao said.

"Okay, then I'll pack it up. Tell me in advance when you are about to leave. By the way, I also know that there is a place that has a lot of food. I will load it into the car." The man surnamed Gao saw Murphy without any hesitation. I agreed, and my heart seemed to be much brighter.

"Is there food? That's great, let's go together, I happen to have not much food left in the car!"

"However, there are a lot of zombies there. Zombies never bite me. It will be more dangerous if you go." Murphy was right after thinking about it, and then he smiled and said, "Well, then, Mr. Gao, you can take the things back and take them back." Pile it in the yard, and I will clean it up for you later.”

"My name is Gao Qing, if you don't mind calling me Uncle Gao."

"Okay, Uncle Gao, my name is Murphy." Murphy smiled.

In the next few days, Mo Fei practiced Qi and learned talismans at home during the day, and helped to load the car at night.Try to arrange everything as much as possible and pack up the available space.

In the past few days, Mo Fei finally broke through the second level of basic Qi training, and practiced drawing for half a day to adjust his body condition. When his Qi broke through to the third basic level, Murphy chose to refine a new Yuanfu.

Since there is no detailed introduction to this meta-tale, Mo Fei can only practice repeatedly based on the graphic of the meta-symbol. Completely drawn out.

 Today's Chinese Valentine's Day, I wish single and double have a happy life
(End of this chapter)

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